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Anonymous 01/05/2024 (Fri) 06:10:55 No. 163
Feel free to express your hate in this thread.
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What if I want to express love?
>>164 expressing love is for weak people, if you do that go to ponychan that's where you belong.
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>>165 >Expressing love is for weak people How so, exactly? True, not everybody is the same, no knocking from me on that point. But I for one don't get how one is weak for not acting like a ragehead at least every other day? Yes, hate is not a vice in an of itself, but it can be destructive in very selfish ways, sometimes it can even lead to self destruction. Bye.
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>>165 >go to ponychan Uh oh; that hasn't worked out. Looks like I'm here to stay.
>>165 Hate and spite can be a powerful motivator but a very flawed one. When you get hyped by it, you become a simpleton being lead by whatever whim, or manipulation and group think.
>>168 cry on Twitter, not here
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I HATE aryannefaggots I HATE anti-aryannefaggots I HATE tr/jannies I HATE furfags I HATE unappreciating autists
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>>178 My hate dies with you.
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>>178 Hate fagots and Jews and other minorities, we must eliminate these scum from this shitty society
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Fuck the dirty nigger halfchan jannies >get ovened for "ban evading" even though I didn't >Try and appeal that I'm not a bot >Appeal is denied anyways >wait 14 more deals to appeal again I lurk most of the time anyways, but fuck the janny with an aids infected cactus for banning me for bullshit.
>>183 kek
>>171 I never said I was crying nor implied that I was. Nice try pulling Twitter aka Twatter into here, dipshit.
>>187 Last thing you said then, was >bye Now this. Hi! Welcome back, I guess?
>>187 Did it hurt? faggot
I want israel to nuke arabs. arabs are the worst race, below american wokes.
>>211 Its the opposite for me. Pakistan, Syria,and India, should assault if not outright Nuke Israel. Jews are despicable Reptillian humanoids with a penchant for subterfuge, rape, and manipulation. Arabs are different folks.Overall, Practically any Jew/Hebe is quite a ways worse than the average Gypsy/Romani. How are they worse than American, European, Canadian, New Zealander, and Brazilian wokes, though? What is going between you and the Arabians anyway?

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