/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

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Video Sharing 5 Anonymous 04/28/2024 (Sun) 22:45:40 No. 46629
Thread 4 is dead, long live thread 5! Old threads: https://8chan.moe/vore1/res/23995.html https://8chan.moe/vore1/res/15761.html https://8chan.moe/vore1/res/32389.html MOD NOTE ____ DO NOT BEG IN THIS THREAD YOU WILL BE WARNED ONCE THEN BANNED. DO. NOT. BEG. IN. THIS. THREAD
Edited last time by Joemama4621 on 05/01/2024 (Wed) 06:44:18.
>>46629 Hi, do you perhaps have the video of the image you used?
>>46651 Thank you
I am once again, humbly asking for any bbw vore vids
No begging. Sharing only.
Does anyone get this? https://thisvid.com/videos/900087/ Some Sashacurves videos 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
Do not beg in this thread
>>46651 Can't view or download any of these. Any alternate uploads?
Nope. Nope. Nope. I'm nipping this in the bud before it even begins. You stupid fucking niggers since you can't read I'll put in big red letters for you in all beg messages DO. NOT. BEG. IN THIS. THREAD. Either post megas, drives, or individual videos.BUT DO. NOT. BEG. THIS IS A SHARING THREAD YOU ILLITERATE NIGGERS. POST THINGS YOU ALREADY HAVE AND IF YOU DO NOT HAVE IT, FUCK OFF.
Edited last time by Joemama4621 on 05/01/2024 (Wed) 06:47:48.
(30.25 MB 1920x1080 Short Belly Clip.mp4)

>>46769 maybe if you were quicker to ban the people spoonfeeding the retards by posting decrypted base64 links and getting the uploads taken down within hours people would be sharing more
>>46791 Do you really think something that takes at most 3 copy and pastes is gonna stop someone from getting your link taken down? It won't.
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>>46797 from experience on bbwchan, yeah it does, fuckhead
>>46805 Sauce?
>>46869 Inkiighost probably
I want to share my stuff, but I hate mega, where can I share it?
use google drive like i do
>>46935 Bunkrr, pixeldrain, noodleimage, erome, Google drive,
ill upload more vids when anything food is downloadable from my other sites
Could someone kindly share some Astrodomina videos, please? I have some videos of different artists in a google drive link which I can share in return.
>>47168 Like which ones, most of them are findable online anyway
>>47171 Kinda, you have to be lucky as many of the free download sites end of removing them relatively quickly. Still, because of these sites I manage to get a big collection of vore videos from her and other models like Nicole Oring.
>thread immediately devolves into begging again Sort it out janny
Does anyone have or know where the SBG (i think thats her name idk what it stands for) video is of her dressed up as Mrs Claus is? I really wanna see that again, hell i’ll fuckin buy it myself if i have to i just wanna know where it is, all the folders with it in were taken down i believe
>>47288 Its on her onlyfans she sends it through inbox. Swollenbellygirl
I have got Codi Vore, Reiinapop, Katelyn Brooks and a few others. It's all in a google drive link. I think the link was shared on this site a very long time ago but it still works. I managed to save the link.
>>47171 I have got Codi Vore, Reiinapop, Katelyn Brooks and a few others. It's all in a google drive link. I think the link was shared on this site a very long time ago but it still works. I managed to save the link. So, let's trade.
im trying to find some videos that have not been shard yet it may take time
https://mab.to/t/EQLmVuqvw5k/us3 It is not that hard to share something new.
>>47168 kindly shut the fuck up. It's a video sharing thread, not a trading thread. Post your shit before you beg
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>>47410 Yes don't click the perfectly safe link with preview and streamable video, I have shared plenty in these threads and it has never once been a "bad link" So stop trying to cause drama where it is unneeded.
Resharing a huge one from thread 3, hope this helps to get the share train back on the road. WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsMFdsZGthRXh0TlRaTU1scDJZa2RTYkdOcE9ERk9NbEpJVShSRU1PVkUpVEJzTmloRVJVeEZWRVVwVmtOT00xcFdRbTFaVnprellqQk9lR1I2WTNSbFdHUnlVa2QwZWxvelJsST0= Does anybody have some vids from chloecreations with jenna?
>>47418 So you use other people's links that are not expired as your contribution when requesting?
>>47418 You idiot. Don’t reshare old links. Don’t draw attention to the few that survive.
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https://mega.nz/folder/gqAigT5J#hetmHbWmBfEJfPQ_bPfS4Q hetmHbWmBfEJfPQ_bPfS4Q Above is my stash and key. Looking for Alice Warmheart, if anyone has it. She is quickly becoming my favorite model, particularly her new video. https://www.manyvids.com/Video/5621980/giantess-with-big-belly-suddenly-swallows-u-up
>>47418 That is my Stash that I shared in one of the earlier threads. Honestly surprised it has survived this long.
>>47428 Dude, link doesn't ask for a key. You may wanna fix that.
>>46727 these links dead already?
>>47449 Used to have one but doesn't anymore. Not sure why. Either way, if it goes down, it goes down. Take it while you can.
>>47449 >>47577 The key is included in the link after the #
This is by far the most useless series of threads ive ever seen. Literally the same two links with nothing new ever added. Like damn does nobody here ever buy anything to share?
>>47639 >"Useless thread" >Responds to complain instead of contribute
aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvcGJNRFRBVEk= Same size Princess Diana vid, it was decent imo. Encryption key: 2rlIstsFDEtThCpKmgTpPLaaFCrk0zK-VoMAHyOy9JE Been looking for this video https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/60873/28761717/854x480p-big-belly-daphney-devours-doctor-secretary-over-weight-patients-vore-mp4 if anyone has it.
Someone still has a copy of "Tracy ate your girlfriend" from Tracy Jordan ?, it was in an old Anonfile here but it died.
here i bought this and i wish i didnt but you might like it. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fEKTjruARe1E2xEwwDTZ8U3B3Ah937aF/view?usp=drive_link
>>47675 Sign in? Nope
>>47675 Needs access you gotta change it
>>47290 Is she still active or are her videos sent automatically? There’s some of her clips i want but i’m not gonna waste my money if she wont send them, i found one of hers anyway i’ll upload it later tonight
fixed it you can all access it now
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Goddess Clue is doing a big vore sale until Friday offering different vore clips on big discounts, like $2 a clip. I'm probably going to buy one of the packs and was curious if people were interested in purchasing the others and we all spread it around? Link here: https://x.com/thegoddessclue/status/1788977298609463338
>>47726 Don't bother with the same size stuff, I've got all of the clips and can try to add them to a mega drive or two over the coming days. They're all older ones and most have been shared here before.
btw why noone is using bunkrr? Just wondering, never used it for uploading myself, but got like terabytes from it
>>47739 Links???!!!!
>>47764 Sorry for misleading you. I meant porn in general.
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Does anyone know who this is or have her vids? Pretty sure most of her stuff has been nuked off everything and can’t find any of her videos anymore
>>48046 I think she used to be Sally Cinnamon on YouTubs before the channel got deleted.
>>48063 Fuck off tradenigger
>>48400 Anotha one
I'm looking for any MaryRoseLove videos other than these: YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOXdSbXhTYUZSRVRDTXhjVVkyTkRWbk5tUndPVmhhZW5wRlkwZGhSbEpu Preferably with same size and no ridiculous belching.
Lets keep sharing, new clip from Jem’s Treasure https://gofile.io/d/4WWpkn hopefully this works
Anyone knows who she is or where can I find her? https://thisvid.com/videos/found-you-gulped-you-burped-you-and-your-friends/ Also if anyone can share this video it will be a bonus? This vid is not accepting new user signups and I am not able to view this without account :(
>>48618 She’s lostkitty on manyvids
>>48563 Do you still have the mom vore one? I accidentally deleted mine thinking i had put it on my mega
>>48629 I think so, i’ll probably get it on here when i can be bothered
>>48816 Thank you Anon :)
What do you do with theese codes
Giantess, gummy, bbw, and a FUCK TON of burps https://thisvid.com/videos/copy-copy-copy/
Can anyone help me with who this is? https://thisvid.com/videos/visitor-devours-kids/
>>48981 Albelt010. She has a curvage
>>49011 I knew i’d seen her before, i think it’s ‘alebelly’ but yeah
>>48972 64bit decode
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>>49210 Either post your shit or don't. GTFO with your thinly veiled tradefaggery.
>>49210 Or alternatively, maybe traffic will pick once you upload all those vids of yours
All the Mega.nz links I've uploaded have been terminated - even with Base64 encryption. I shall just upload individual files as it works a bit easier. If anyone has any same-size disposal/graphic digestion stuff it would be much appreciated. One of my all time favourites from Nixlynka. YUhSMGNITTZMeShSRU1PVkUpOW5iMlpwYkdVdShSRU1PVkUpYVc4dlpDOTNOamh6T1c0PShSRU1PVkUp
Just to add to my previous post, 'Coomer.su' is a great place to find free vore stuff for those who haven't found out about this source yet. Search by post name for optimal results.
>>49244 So how do I get and download what I'm searching for on this site? They just look like browsable images
>>49244 Their download speed sucks. Also never found anything valuable there tbh
>>49313 Since its mainly an OF catalogue, its mainly photos and you do need to do a lot of fishing, but there are some obscure gems on there. It was just a suggestion for anons who may not be familiar with this site as I've found some good stuff on there from Kitsuneforeplay, Aliceeats, Peachvore...etc You download by clicking the video and opening them in a new tab, then either use a 3rd party downloader or click the download button on the video player.
>>49240 Thank you so much. this model has one of the best bodies and i´ve quietly hoped someone would upload it. Can I ask what her name is so I can look her up?
>>49389 You are welcome anon. Her name is Nixlynka. I have two more videos from her, 'From Husband to Vore Test Subject' and 'Sorry I Ate your Boyfriend'. I shall upload them both soon if you want them.
>>49410 Different Anon here but I would love to see those, Nixlynka is great
>>49232 I'm not him, but that's a good point. Here y'all go. I just nabbed this: YUhSMGNITTZMeTluYjJacGJHVShSRU1PVkUpdWFXOHZaQzlwVDBKRmNYQT0=
>>49459 This folder was not found
>>49476 Works fine for me. I thought you were a pro at this. Check what it decodes to carefully...
>>49410 Yes please.
>>49459 Nice one, thanks for sharing with us
>>47738 any updates on that?
Apologies for the delay anons. The Nixlynka videos as requested. YUhSMGNITTZMeTluYjJacGJHKFJFTU9WRSlVdWFXOHZaQzlWVkdRMlQxWT0= YUhSMGNITTZMeTluYjJacGJHVShSRU1PVkUpdWFXOHZaQzloU0ZKVVUzYz0=
>>49545 >YUhSMGNITTZMeTluYjJacGJHKFJFTU9WRSlVdWFXOHZaQzlWVkdRMlQxWT0= > YUhSMGNITTZMeTluYjJacGJHVShSRU1PVkUpdWFXOHZaQzloU0ZKVVUzYz0= where do you use base 64 , and 1x or 2x ? thank you
>>49476 You have to delete the (REMOVE) part after you decode it the first time.
>>48976 Does anyone know who is she?
>>49240 this is the hottest shit ive ever watched holy fuck
>>49240 how do i decode this to find the link?
>>49612 Agreed, faerylovely is hot as fuck. This is all I have of her: YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOXhlbHB1YUZOblNpTXdVMUZqYTJ4MlZYTnNjVkphWjB0dUxXUnJXa3RS YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOXNjbXQ2YlVOSlRDTkZlazVPVlZodmFWcENNblpKVTBveGVFVkJjRlYz Someone else upload more
>>49622 google b64 dec
Just discovered Kay Dark for myself. Love the way she slowly lures the viewer into her "trap" in this clip. https://x-x-x.tube/videos/853127/kay-dark-anal-vore-congratulations/
>>50006 >Mid tier porn star You get what you pay for. Give that role to someone like Katelyn Brooks and it would've been phenom
problem with this is the vore happens with 2 minutes left in the film
Yo has anyone bought clips from curvage before? Is it a scam? I literally paid for a fucking clip and they didn’t even give it to me. Just took my money but then said there was a problem and i couldn’t have the clip wtf
i have sometime it bugs and they send an email with a link
Bravo and thank you to everyone who shares the vore, only we have to face the facts, "what is vore?" looked at the situation we find ourselves in, real videos are prohibited and are often of poor quality. Today sharing is all identical videos and no originality that doesn't even exist. What's the point of having 500GB of video of the same bitches who don't even know how to make a guy hard? Look at the bet there is here, you share crumbs of moldy bread, or pay for tricks that are a fucking scam. It's unfortunate to say that TikTok videos are more existing than paid whores. This forum is Dead; if the Moderators don't re-open a place for the good reasons that we knew at one time, then it's ruined, I'm 41 years old, I saw the long rise of vore on the net, has been since 2020 is the decline, as if the plague had eradicated our passion, or rather I would say the talent to keep vore alive. As proof, we all share the same videos every year for lack of anything new, and when there is one, you have to see how fast or tired you are, of the poor woman on fixed plan who drinks or eats..... I I don't often speak here, but it's really sad.
>>50263 You're sad about the lack of porn to jack to dude, if you want it so bad just buy it dawg
most of the paid tsuff doesnt have vore until the last 2 or 3 minutes nd it is quite lame trut me i have sepnt 500 bucks so far on these
Agreed, the thread seems to be dead
Fuck off and share more aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci93TkFtMEw0Yg== Decryption key:i767gNtFWPtdhYq8p2hk-w
>>50281 Thank you for your contribution! This is my first time doing this, hope this is right aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9kNWE0NjNmZS00NTAyLTQyOTUtYWM3Yy03MTc5M2ZmNjNiNDE=
>>50287 it says "This folder is not public"
>>50289 Sorry I'm too stupid to be good at this, I think it should be fine now
>>50290 still says it's not public. Maybe try reuploading?
>>50291 it's ok now
>>50290 >>50287 Thanks a lot guys
>"Vore video" >Look inside >Mid chick rubbing her stomach for 15 minutes Every fucking time
>>50361 Fr they're so shit. And that's not even talking about all the shit ton of "GTS" or "shrink" ones. There's barely quality irl content out there. And same size stuff? Almost nothing and most of them stuff clothes or put a big ass balloon or whatever under a large dress that doesn't move squirm or do anything.
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For those who were waiting for something different. I only know this proposal from comics. Video is the first time. I'm wrong? https://www.clips4sale.com/pt/studio/133879/29311355/growing-into-giantess-devouring-the-entire-city-alice-in-wonderland-special-edition
>>50393 Fake torso? Yikes.
>>50401 It's hot man, don't be a pussy with the details.
>>50287 The delivery driver one is the best thing I've seen in a good while, thanks for sharin'
>>50401 il going to buy this on the 5th
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I always thought @bunny.butt2000 would do great vore videos. Does anyone know if she does vore content? She has a great belly and personality.
>>50393 looks promising!
Anyone has this? https://thisvid.com/videos/sexy-stepmom-vore-cum-in-belly/ The thumbnail looks super awesome. If u have please share. Heres something from my side: YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlpwYkdVdmJHTk9RbWhEVVVzalZGbzRWek5WPGxvbD5iMDB3ZG5OVFpEaGFhRWhIWlZZdFRIUlNaMVpsY2tjM1R6Wk1UM2RETlhoSGVFSTRSUT09
https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/260861/29298225/cradle-of-darkness They do some weird shit, but also occasionally come out with these gems
>>50692 Requires an encryption key
delete the <lol> nd the = and you dont need key
https://www.clips4sale.com/it/studio/85559/20055847/the-appetite Does anyone happen to have this old clip? i lost it Hope this adds some heat to the thread aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvenBwUWlSQVEjU0Q3TERtQ2NENm8xbHUtbmZOUWw2djFKWnFaWTFwdmxjRm9ibmxKVzZJNA==
>>50692 >YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlpwYkdVdmJHTk9RbWhEVVVzalZGbzRWek5WPGxvbD5iMDB3ZG5OVFpEaGFhRWhIWlZZdFRIUlNaMVpsY2tjM1R6Wk1UM2RETlhoSGVFSTRSUT09 got any more maria alive??? that was amazing
the maria alivw video is an edit there is no talking just a belly gurgle
>>50757 yeah her best video IMO, most of other I've seen are just plaint GTS shit
how do you decode, do you enter the string in base64 then use that to go to mega? It's not working for me, it just brings me to mega and asks me to log in.
>>50839 check for "lol" and "delete"
I'm the anon who uploaded Nix's videos earlier. I have Maria Alives entire same-size library and will upload as soon as I can.
>>50933 It will be great, thanks. *other anon
Lets keep sharing, here’s something i found recently. Babysitter vore.

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