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King of Shitposting

Undertaker gives interview Boliever 10/10/2018 (Wed) 12:00:36 Id: 84befb No. 129096 [Reply]
You know?
You know?
>>129117 I know, You know?

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Chyna Boliever 04/30/2018 (Mon) 18:16:57 Id: 274fa6 No. 114169 [Reply]
What went wrong?
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>>114222 I wish this was in his prime
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8chanmania 28 Nomination Boliever 04/30/2018 (Mon) 02:55:48 Id: af2826 No. 114106 [Reply] [Last]
YOU HAVE BEEN NOMINATED, BROTHER /WOOO/ ==What is it?==. /v/ Nominates 32 fighters to fight for the Champion's Belt and a chance to fight in the 33rd Mania where their deepest wish will be granted. This week we're having a site wide event and we want YOU to nominate a fighter, so please pick who you think represents the board the most, and then come join us at https://cytu.be/r/8chanmania on Saturday May 6th at 2pm EST to watch your fighters win!
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8CHANMANIA IS BACK FOR SEASON 2 AND ONCE AGAIN /WOOO/ HAS BEEN NOMINATED 8Chanmania 1 - Season 2 will wake place October 21, 2018. Who will be the nomination /wooo/?
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Bo already made history with those 2 iron man matches, I say this time we send in the true ace of New Japan, Toru Yano

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FIGHTING SPIRIT UNLEASHED THREAD Boliever 09/25/2018 (Tue) 06:55:06 Id: 02de0b No. 128065 [Reply] [Last]
Show is ALREADY this SUNDAY, no idea how ticket sales are but I imagine just okay especially since it just looks like a regular show card wise, although the main event looks fucking killer. SEPTEMBER 30TH AT 5:00 PM PDT, 8:00 PM EDT Here are the matches: Tomohiro Ishii and Kazuchika Okada vs. Kota Ibushi and Kenny Omega Juice Robinson vs. Cody for the IWGP United States title The Young Bucks vs. Guerillas of Destiny for the IWGP tag team titles Will Ospreay vs. Marty Scurll in a IWGP Jr. Heavyweight title tournament semi-final Hiroshi Tanahashi and KUSHIDA vs. Jay White and Gedo Tetsuya Naito, EVIL and SANADA vs. Zack Sabre Jr. and Killer Elite Squad

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the state of jews robin

NL cuck out; begin removing past videos and re-editing streams Boliever 09/26/2018 (Wed) 19:24:31 Id: 7e2966 No. 128143 [Reply]
Welp, it was fun while it lasted. I'm guessing as a caveat of their rise in popularity this past year or so (particularly if they want to get in the WWE's good books), they've started unlisting videos that they now deem edgy, and have also started editing parts of their streams out. This includes their spelling bee video, which they have taken down from everywhere it was hosted on.
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>>128176 >Spelling Bee Video They made fun of a bunch of autistic White, Indian, and paraplegic kids in a Spelling Bee.
>>128174 >The fuck is NL Just a bunch of wrestling nerds that do wrestling video game nerd shit (AKA Stream). They were hot shit and bringing in a lot of people watching them because of 420wooo. Other than that, that's all they have.
>bing bing wahoos For fucks sake you faggots.

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RAW - 9/17/18 Boliever 09/18/2018 (Tue) 01:27:01 Id: aaaf2f No. 127762 [Reply] [Last]
Megathread? Edition The Deadman returns to Raw to address Triple H >A series of increasingly personal attacks have all but wiped out any pretense of mutual respect between The Undertaker and Triple H as they prepare to battle for the last time ever at WWE Super Show-Down in Melbourne, Australia. Last week seemed to ice it for Triple H, who responded to The Deadman’s insults of Shawn Michaels by promising to “put him down.” Now, The Last Outlaw rides back onto Team Red to offer his rebuttal. Will this remain a war of words for now, or will things escalate into physicality? How will Lesnar’s return impact the Universal Title picture? >Brock Lesnar was told he couldn’t have a Universal Title rematch at WWE Hell in a Cell, so he destroyed Hell in a Cell singlehandedly. The Conqueror kicked the Cell’s door off its hinges and decimated Universal Champion Roman Reigns and Braun Strowman, bringing their title bout to an unprecedented no-contest decision. While it’s hard to imagine Strowman won’t demand restitution, The Beast clearly isn’t about to let the championship race pass him by. Could the record-setting titleholder return to Raw to once again demand his rematch? And if he does, will Acting General Manager Baron Corbin have the guts to turn him down? Can anyone hang with Ronda Rousey? >Far more decisive was the ending to the Raw Women’s Championship Match, which saw Ronda Rousey emphatically retain against Alexa Bliss, despite an attack on the champion’s injured ribs that brought her dangerously close to an upset. While Rousey is firmly entrenched as champion, The Goddess arguably provided a blueprint for combatting Rousey, and the division is wide open. Will a new challenger emerge? Do Rollins & Ambrose have unfinished business with the Raw Tag Team Champions? >While Braun Strowman may have failed to capture the Universal Title, his cohorts Dolph Ziggler & Drew McIntyre retained the Raw Tag Team Titles in thoroughly impressive fashion, holding off an all-world effort from Dean Ambrose & Seth Rollins. Lingering animosity between Strowman’s “pack” and Rollins & Ambrose aside, will anybody step up to challenge Ziggler & McIntyre? Find out on a must-see Raw, tonight at 8/7 C on USA Network!
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>>128172 He does it to troll DSP in DSP's safespace after he clocks out from the troll infested waters of his stream chat. >>128173 It's the same guy. They were in the same city.
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>>128177 >>128178 Who cares at this point?
>>128253 Apparently Phil cares when someone makes fun of him online or offline. When this gets more attention than whatever shitty thing the WWE is doing like this WYMZ RVLCN bullshit, you know something is very wrong.

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DESTRUCTION 2018 thread Boliever 09/04/2018 (Tue) 08:13:58 Id: b3811c No. 126883 [Reply] [Last]
Alright brothers it's time for NJPW PRESENTS DESTRUCTION 2018 ISHII FINALLY GETS THE BIG ONE This tour has the return of motherfucking taichi, some juniors are finally back, firing squad matters, fuck suzuki vs naito again cause they need to get that match perfect before suzuki is retired. best friends are on the tour and so is KES, all the missing guys from g1 are back, good to get back on schedule. Will there be fallout from all in? how pissed are the tongans for not getting invited? Will joey ryan make his njpw debut against taguchi in an ass vs dick match? FIND OUT THIS SEPTEMBER Big shows are the 15th (IWGP title match) 17th (NEVER and Naito Vs Suzuki) and the 23rd (G1 briefcase match, opening round of the jr. title tourney) Plus the 30th for the next US show but that'll get its own thread. SCHEDULE 9/7 Friday Road to DESTRUCTION Tokyo Korakuen Hall 18:30 (JST) 2:30 (PDT) 5:30 (EDT) 9:30 (GMT) 9/8 Saturday

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>>127962 Don't worry, girls then gave him ultra sympathy points after the hospital visit.
NEW THREAD FOR US SHOW >>128065 >>128065 >>128065 >>128065
>>127959 Here's one more

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HELL IN A CELL 2018 /WOOO/ THREAD Boliever 09/16/2018 (Sun) 18:43:48 Id: 9bd17d No. 127397 [Reply] [Last]
>Universal Champion Roman Reigns vs. Braun Strowman (Hell in a Cell Match with Mick Foley as Special Guest Referee) >WWE Champion AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe >Raw Women’s Champion Ronda Rousey vs. Alexa Bliss >Jeff Hardy vs. Randy Orton (Hell in a Cell Match) >SmackDown Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair vs. Becky Lynch >Daniel Bryan & Brie Bella vs. The Miz & Maryse >Raw Tag Team Champions Dolph Ziggler & Drew McIntrye vs. Seth Rollins & Dean Ambrose >SmackDown Tag Team Champions The New Day vs. Rusev & Aiden English (Kickoff Match)
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https://www.prowrestling.com/hell-in-a-cell-its-time-to-flush/ Even soyboys thought this was a shit show.
>>127824 They'll keep watching anyway because of no conviction.
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Braun and Shoah Joe are great fucking heels, loved their work at this show. Dusty finish was in the main event was written by the gay community. AJ continues to be the best wrestler they have and the best eliminator of gays we as a species have. The rest is skippable. 5/10

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Matt Hardy has been "Shattered" Boliever 10/01/2017 (Sun) 02:26:33 Id: 579846 No. 79291 [Reply] [Last]
Are you ready for the Matt Hardy Halloween spectacular? >Been teasing something happening at halloween >TNA in the shitter >Being taken to court by WWE money over the BROKEN gimmick rights >Jeff AKA BROTHER NERO injured >Matt claims it has 'shattered him' >Posting images of himself around the Lake of Reincarnation >claiming he must "DELETE" the heretics in the ring /Wooo/ligans i hope you are ready for the second chapter of this magnum opus.
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>>127396 >Jeff's body BROKE at HIAC I can see him returning in a month or two under a new persona, perhaps Brother Nero or a WWE version.
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>the hardy compound got DELETED
>>127814 Revenge for putting him in the Lake of Reincarnation.

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my guy at Royal Rumble or I riot ! Boliever 09/11/2018 (Tue) 03:51:48 Id: 15754f No. 127162 [Reply]
At the next Royal Rumble I want Jimmy Wang Yang to make a surprise come back and win ! or I riottttttttt ! Who riottttttttts with me ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUkikVD-8Iw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l02q8scReUs Royal Rumble used to be my favorite prowrestling time of the year. It was fun, unpredictable, and every year there would be a few old guys coming and taking fans back to the past, it was amazing. Royal Rumble 2018 sucked… It was the most tasteless Royal Rumble I have ever watched… Well, at least Orton did not win like I was afraid of. (I hate Orton.) I've been watching prowrestling for 11 or 12 years now, and I am tired of boring and predictable shit, and always the big stars winning the big matches. I want surprises, I want fun ! Who's the person you demand to see at next Royal Rumble or you riottttttttt ? Like, HBK ? John Morison ? Shelton Benjamin's mom ?
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>>127388 Not really record BREAKing since Hogan did it first.
>>127389 Ah, I wasn't sure how much Hogan got, though I know that Roman's 4 in a row is only rivaled by Hogan so he's on his track
Roman Reigns losing to either Hulk Hogan or Jimmy Wang Yang or a female at the main event would be enjoyable though.

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ROME 9/10 Wymyn & Nostalgia Edition Boliever 09/10/2018 (Mon) 18:28:05 Id: 8f0ea4 No. 127099 [Reply] [Last]
WWE Raw preview, Sept. 10, 2018: Ronda Rousey & Natalya square off against Alexa Bliss & Alicia Fox In an action-packed edition of Monday Night Raw, emanating live from New Orleans, Raw Women’s Champion Ronda Rousey teams up with longtime friend Natalya to battle Alexa Bliss and her nefarious accomplice, Alicia Fox. Also on Raw, Triple H returns to respond to The Undertaker’s chilling message last Monday night, and WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley returns to commemorate the 20th anniversary of his historic (and infamous) Hell in a Cell Match. <New Orleans gets Rowdy once more In the same city that hosted her WWE in-ring debut at this year’s WrestleMania, Raw Women’s Champion Ronda Rousey stands alongside her friend and training partner Natalya to battle former titleholder Alexa Bliss and the wily Alicia Fox in tag team action. This past Monday night, Little Miss Bliss made The Queen of Harts submit to her own version of Rousey’s Armbar as The Rowdy One looked on from ringside. Can Rousey and Natalya score some retribution this coming Monday night, six nights before The Baddest Women on the Planet defends her title against The Goddess at the WWE Hell in a Cell pay-per-view event? >Is The Shield shattered? As if dealing with Braun Strowman and new Raw Tag Team Champions Dolph Ziggler & Drew McIntyre wasn’t enough, The Shield now have to combat a small army of menacing Superstars who have formed a united front against The Hounds of Justice. After Universal Champion Roman Reigns, Intercontinental Champion Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose were arrested this past Monday night and charged with inciting a riottttttttt, criminal damage and disorderly conduct, The Shield returned to bring the fight to The Monster Among Men and his new allies, but they were met with a massive ambush that included virtually half of the Team Red roster. Although clearly injured in the assault, The Hounds of Justice refused medical care at the end of the night. Will The [LOUD BOOING] be at 100 percent when he defends his title against Strowman inside Hell in a Cell next Sunday? And how will The Shield strike back now that their enemies have joined forces? >The Game responds to The Deadman After WWE Hall of Famer Shawn Michaels came to Raw and predicted a win for Triple H in The Game’s final battle against The Undertaker at WWE Super Show-Down in Melbourne, Australia, The Phenom made a shocking return to the red brand to state, in no uncertain terms, that he is going to put HBK’s “buddy, Triple H, down again,” referring, of course, to The Deadman’s back-to-back WrestleMania wins against The Game in 2011 and 2012. Triple H will address The Undertaker’s comments Monday in New Orleans in what will surely be a must-see appearance by The King of Kings. >Mick Foley relives Hell in a Cell history

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>>127279 So you're one of those people huh, I'll be sure to post Toni just to trigger you.
>>127283 >is a wa.ifufag >posts Varg Varg would call you a beta bitch boy too, nigger.
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>>127254 Get btfo autismfag.

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Falldown - 9/11/18 Boliever 09/11/2018 (Tue) 18:10:31 Id: cf755b No. 127197 [Reply] [Last]
Expect a 9/11 tribute Edition Brie Bella and Maryse to square off tonight on SmackDown LIVE >Just days before their huge Mixed Tag Team Match at the WWE Hell in a Cell pay-per-view, Brie Bella and Maryse will go one-on-one tonight on SmackDown LIVE. >Brie returned to Team Blue two nights after SummerSlam to help her husband, Daniel Bryan, even the odds against Maryse & The Miz and issued the Hell in a Cell pay-per-view challenge. >With the anticipated collision impending, SmackDown LIVE General Manager Paige announced over the weekend that Brie and Maryse will face off in tonight's main event. The match will be Maryse's first singles match in roughly seven years. https://twitter.com/RealPaigeWWE/status/1038937103663546368 >Who will leave SmackDown LIVE with momentum heading into WWE Hell in a Cell? Find out tonight at 8/7 C on USA Network! The Queen and Sonya Deville ready for showdown on SmackDown LIVE >As first reported by WWE’s official Twitter account, SmackDown Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair will face off against Sonya Deville on SmackDown LIVE tonight. >With Flair’s impending title defense against Becky Lynch at the WWE Hell in a Cell pay-per-view event looming, will The Queen be prepared to focus on the task at hand tonight? Or, will the tough-as-they-come Deville, who will surely have Mandy Rose watching her back, be able to capitalize on the champion’s weeks of turmoil with her former best friend and pick up the biggest victory of her career? Can Andrade “Cien” Almas handle R-Truth? >R-Truth’s main event win over The Miz on SmackDown LIVE last week caught the attention of many within the WWE Universe … including Andrade “Cien” Almas & Zelina Vega. >Truth took to social media, reflecting on how blessed he is to have not only main evented against The A-Lister last week, but to now be on a winning streak (of one match, but still — streak’s a streak). These musings caught the attention of Almas & Vega, who mocked Truth’s “streak” and said that Almas would be more than happy to be the one to bring it to an end. This back-and-forth caught the attention of SmackDown LIVE General Manager Paige, who officially made Truth vs. Almas for tonight with the “streak” on the line.

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>>127245 Me too, I don't even bother to check out highlights on youtube anymore. Best to just combine RAW and SD into a single thread every week based off this abysmal posting rate.
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Please tell me Asuka is going to turn heel soon. I feel like, similar to Nakamura, it's the only way to save her at this point.
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So megathread next week? Maybe we can shove NXT into it as well.

Category 4 Hurricane Florence (SURVIVAL GUIDE) Boliever 09/12/2018 (Wed) 07:00:08 Id: 2ebb13 No. 127242 [Reply]
Cat 4 Hurricane Florence is right behind the corner for the states of NC, SC, VA, and MD. There can be only one experienced weatherman and father of four talented enough to cover the news – Frankie MacDonald. He is informative and to the point in delivering accurate information verified by real scientists from UNC Wilmington. Hurricane Florence is a Category 4 storm with winds up to 130 miles per hour. Wilmington is already under evacuation; Myrtle Beach will be stranded upon landfall. Will the East Coast ever be the same after the big one? Only time will tell.
The supercell can't supercede human will.
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Any anons here live in that area? Stay safe out there
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>>127243 >check other videos >he makes roblox and brony videos

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ALL IN THREAD Boliever 08/30/2018 (Thu) 05:11:53 Id: 6b8b39 No. 126310 [Reply] [Last]
IT'S THE BIGGEST INDIE SHOW OF ALL TIME 'Emenating live from the sears centre on Sept. 1st" who's >going >watching >snoozing during cody matches >not giving these flippy cunts a minute of my time Here's the card so far Main Show 7pm edt / 6pm cdt FITE, Honor Club, PPV, /woo/tube NWA World Heavyweight Championship Nick Aldis (c) vs. Cody ROH World Championship Jay Lethal (c) vs. Battle Royal Winner

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>tfw you find out Cody Rhodes is married to a nigger
>>126968 >WWEfag is salty What a shock.
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>Meltzer gave Cody vs Aldis 4 stars

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RAW - 9/3/18 Boliever 09/03/2018 (Mon) 21:08:26 Id: b22a34 No. 126714 [Reply] [Last]
All Out Edition The Bella Twins return to clash with The riotttttttttt Squad >They’re baaaaaack. This coming Monday night on Raw, The Bella Twins return to the ring as a tandem to face The riotttttttttt Squad in tag team action. >Ruby riotttttttttt, Liv Morgan & Sarah Logan seem confident, gleefully (and maliciously) welcoming the twins to “Monday Night riotttttttttt,” but they would be unwise to underestimate the veteran Bellas. >Which two riotttttttttt Squad members will tangle with Nikki & Brie, and how might this battle change the complexion of WWE Evolution, where The Bella Twins join forces with Raw Women’s Champion Ronda Rousey to face the torment-loving trio in a Six-Woman Tag Team Match? Braun Strowman forges imposing alliance >Braun Strowman might have given up his Money in the Bank contract this past Monday night by announcing he is cashing in on Universal Champion Roman Reigns inside Hell in a Cell on Sept. 16, but he seemingly gained two new allies in Dolph Ziggler & Drew McIntyre, joining them in brutalizing all three Shield members. >The Monster Among Men, The Showoff and The Scottish Terminator will meet The Hounds of Justice at WWE Super Show-Down, but will we see these triumvirates collide this Monday night? Shawn Michaels weighs in on Triple H and The Undertaker’s WWE Super Show-Down match >“Stone Cold” Steve Austin, Christian, Ric Flair and other WWE Legends have already weighed in on the final battle between Triple H and The Undertaker at WWE Super Show-Down on Oct. 6, but we’ll soon hear from WWE Hall of Famer Shawn Michaels, who’s making his return to Team Red this Monday. >HBK has a long history of in-ring competition with both The Deadman and his longtime friend Triple H, and he even served as the Special Guest Referee of their End of an Era Hell in a Cell Match at WrestleMania XXVIII. Will The Showstopper take sides as The Cerebral Assassin and The Phenom prepare to collide one last time? The Revival challenge The B-Team for the Raw Tag Team Titles >The Revival have kept The B-Team on the defensive in recent weeks, defeating the Raw Tag Team Champions in both one-on-one and tag team combat, and this coming Monday night, Scott Dawson & Dash Wilder will finally have the chance to back up their “Top Guy” bluster should they capture the titles from Bo Dallas & Curtis Axel.

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>>126827 You do know that Haitch and Taker don't have to follow the script, right?
>>126843 >Jinder returns to RAW in 2016 with some om shanti jobber gimmick >Jinder moves to SD and becomes the WWE champion in 2017 for 6 months >Jinder returns to RAW in 2018 with some om shanti jobber gimmick
>>126890 alexa truly is for sexuals

Gahoole Boliever 05/06/2018 (Sun) 20:20:01 Id: 6f8ce4 No. 115249 [Reply] [Last]
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>>126967 Toni storm lost in the fucking UK women's tournament to some tall aussie chick she's gonna become the next Booley and never get booked for feuds
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>>126969 >UK tournament Doesnt really matter tbh. >Become the next booley She actually wins, I dont know if you've heard but she's in the finals of this years MYC, and guess what SHE'S WINNING
>>126970 She's gonna lose just like you will this october

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