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King of Shitposting

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Breaking News Boliever 05/06/2018 (Sun) 22:12:02 Id: 601e54 No. 115257 [Reply]
Two miners were found dead Sunday and three others remain missing some 900 meters (2,950 feet) in Dakota Kai's Nose Saturday morning. Four other miners remain missing deep in Dakota Kai's Nose. Two injured miners were rescued from Dakota Kai's Nose Saturday and are being treated in the hospital. The rescuers still need to locate and reach four other missing miners stuck 900 meters (2,950 feet) up Dakota Kai's Nose. So far there has been no contact with them.
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She's fuckin hot brother tbh id fuck that nose HH
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>>116090 Rather be bullied by Shayna tbh

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smarkdown 5/8 THE DICK SHOT COMMUNITY Boliever 05/08/2018 (Tue) 18:40:04 Id: 6c5728 No. 115926 [Reply] [Last]
SmackDown preview, May 8, 2018: Styles’ rivalry with Nakamura returns to SmackDown more dangerous than ever In the wake of a volatile WWE Backlash pay-per-view, WWE Champion AJ Styles and Shinsuke Nakamura remain embroiled in a bitter rivalry, and SmackDown LIVE braces for WWE Money in the Bank with three explosive Qualifying Matches. >How will Styles and Nakamura settle their heated rivalry? By doing the same shit they've been doing for over a month of course. The bad blood between AJ Styles and Shinsuke Nakamura reached new heights (or, more to the point, new lows) in their harrowing WWE Championship No Disqualification Match at WWE Backlash. When the two Superstars kicked each other below the belt in the heat of the moment, neither were able to answer the count, and their match was left without a winner. How will SmackDown General Manager Paige address the unfinished business between the two bitter rivals? Or will they take matters in their own hands? >Jeff Hardy takes on The Miz in a Money in the Bank Qualifying Match After failing to recapture the Intercontinental Championship from Seth Rollins at WWE Backlash, The Miz announced that he will compete in a Money in the Bank Qualifying Match tonight on SmackDown LIVE. His opponent will be none other than United States Champion Jeff Hardy, fresh off his exciting pay-per-view victory over Randy Orton. Will The A-Lister have what it takes to overcome The Charismatic Enigma and earn an opportunity at another Money in the Bank contract on June 17? <Charlotte Flair to battle Peyton Royce in a Money in the Bank Qualifying Match SmackDown Women’s Champion Carmella proved her mettle at WWE Backlash when she took advantage of Charlotte Flair tweaking her leg to pick up the win in dominant fashion.

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>>116068 Why has she dropped her accent?
>Assker was demoted to doing promos with all the other geeks >Text on screen >Still saying no one's ready for assker even though she flat out said char was ready for assker >Speaks japanese for two seconds and sounds 100x better Just. So at this point turning rusev face is like turning roman heel right? It makes all the sense in the world and yet the 5 year boys are still trying to find ways to go against the current. Rusev finally won a big match and it's against one of the only people that will make people boo him.
>Reminder that Kendrick did everything in his power to smooth things over between Paul London and WWE to get his buddy back in the good money >Reminder that Paul London is probably enjoying life on the indies more than Kendrick is enjoying being on 205! Live! ! ! ! I still wanna live in the ultimate timeline where they along with Danielson are just having fun in PWG/Lucha Underground/various indies together.

Gahoole vs soyMark dumbass 05/08/2018 (Tue) 16:15:07 Id: 51e381 No. 115922 [Reply]
FIGHT BETWEEN /tv/ and /v/ mod Check the catalog you dumb nigger. >>115249
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>>116075 BASED
>>116069 What if it's two virgins larping?

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Backlash 2018 autistic booking/bookering/show thread Boliever 05/02/2018 (Wed) 06:21:36 Id: d7183c No. 114616 [Reply] [Last]
>Roman Reigns vs. Samoa Joe >WWE Champion AJ Styles vs. Shinsuke Nakamura (No Disqualification Match) >Intercontinental Champion Seth Rollins vs. The Miz >Raw Women’s Champion Nia Jax vs. Alexa Bliss >SmackDown Women’s Champion Carmella vs. Charlotte Flair >Daniel Bryan vs. Big Cass >Braun Strowman & Bobby Lashley vs. Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn >United States Champion Jeff Hardy vs. Randy Orton What an unexciting card of rematches unexciting new matches.
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>>115679 How many people has this fatass injured so far? Muh fat shaming is more important than that I guess.
backlash was ok but like always roman failed as a main event why do they keep pushing this fucking cuck? he is straight up garbagio. hopefully we are done with the pee pee lol saga and get A.J. vs Joe
>>115442 Unironically? Roode Boys would be kinda clutch, keep it 100.

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Demon To Become Mayor Of Tennessee Boliever 05/06/2018 (Sun) 23:54:27 Id: 07676a No. 115263 [Reply]
http://archive.is/8raBi >WWE wrestler Kane, real name Glenn Jacobs, won a Republican primary race Tuesday in Tennessee, becoming the GOP nominee for the next mayor of Knox County. HE'S TAKIN' OVER, MAGGLE!
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>>115683 you're a blisscuck and probably a redditor. opinion discarded.
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>>115691 meh II

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So...this Women's Revolution Boliever 01/13/2018 (Sat) 08:14:19 Id: e95275 No. 92785 [Reply] [Last]
After 1-2 two years of WYMUYNZ REVLUCION hype, let's see what happened: >They're still piss BREAKs. >Most of them are still bad at wrestling and promos >God-awful booking and terrible storylines >Little or no screen time >Crowd shows little or no interest in the matches >Titles passed around like a hot potato in undeserving runs and feuds no one wanted (Botcha and Charlotte) >Most of the top wrestlers are still sleeping with or marrying other male wrestlers and WWE employees to keep their jobs like Maryse, Rosa, Michelle, & the Bellas (e.g. Naomi) <Or use their family or famous relatives to go somewhere (Nia, Charlotte, Botcha) >Good and even mediocre ones get buried hard by the infamous shovel >They tried the "sex sells" shit with Emmalina, and it failed hard >Feuds are a joke Some revolution alright. How much longer is it gonna take for people to realize it's a joke? How do you actually improve it?
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I asked this in the Backlash thread, but I guess I'm the only one who is starting to see Charlotte as the female Cena, huh? Lately her matches had her get her ass beat by the heel, and all of a sudden she comes back to beat them with 3-5 moves of doom.
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>>114893 Peyton has more forehead than sasha
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https://www.bloodyelbow.com/2018/4/18/17249904/wwe-legend-billy-graham-ronda-lousy-is-a-ufc-failure-that-got-her-flat-ass-kicked-twice-mma-news >From her end, Rousey has already begun moving past her two UFC defeats against Nunes and Holly Holm, stating she is “happy” she lost those fights. I'd be happy too if I got a job that made me do little or nothing for shit loads of money, and lets my douche bag husband act like a creepy douche bag at events while I bury my coworkers' careers. Good to know old vets still hate Lousy Rousey, and remember how she sucks in the ring. >Are you gonna split up <No you Lousy Rhonda Rousey <Implied she is just as bad or worse than Lousy Rousey I laughed even if it was intentional.

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NJPW WRESTLING DONTAKU THREAD Boliever 04/13/2018 (Fri) 07:53:40 Id: 0ca9e9 No. 111510 [Reply] [Last]
We got a shitton of shows from now unitll may and a LOT of the house shows have title matches on them. On April 23rd we got a IWGP Jr tag belt match with hiromu and BUSHI vs Desperado and Kanemaru. I expect Hiromu and bushi to win so they have the belts going into BOTSJ. April 24th is the IWGP US title match between Finlay and Huwite. If they're last singles match is anything to go by this match is gonna be sick. April 27th is our last big house show with the NEVER title on the line between Goto and JEWS. No idea what's gonna happen in this match but it isn't main eventing which is super lame First big show is WRESTLING HI NO KUNI on April 29th which has Evil and Sanada VS KES for the tag titles and Suzuki vs naito as the main event for the IC belt Next is WRESTLING DONTAKU on May 3rd and 4th. They're really pushing for dontaku to be a huge show with 2 days and a tanahashi okada match on the books for night 2 as well as ospreay kushida that same night. Night 1 is headlined by the bullet club civil war which should be cool too. All in all a fun month ahead which should lead into an exciting Best Of the Super Juniors.
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>Kitamura nowhere to be found Guess he really is kill huh
New thread to preempt bump limit >>114662
>>114663 Show starts in TWO HOURS and again new thread here >>114662

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Smackdowns thread - 5/1/18 Boliever 05/01/2018 (Tue) 23:50:06 Id: e58c8b No. 114426 [Reply] [Last]
5 autismS AND A POTATO EDITION >Shinsuke Nakamura demands a public apology from AJ Styles The WWE Championship Match at the Greatest Royal Rumble event ended in shocking fashion when both competitors were counted out by the official while brawling around the ringside area. That didn’t stop The Phenomenal One from unleashing his rage on The Artist, pummeling him with a steel chair and a Phenomenal Forearm on the arena floor. Though they’re facing off again for the title this Sunday at WWE Backlash, Nakamura is demanding a public apology from the champion for his actions in Saudi Arabia. Will The Artist get his wish? Find out tonight on SmackDown LIVE at 8/7 C on USA Network! <Jeff Hardy to appear on “Miz TV” United States Champion Jeff Hardy left Saudi Arabia still the United States Champion after a successful defense of his title against Raw’s Jinder Mahal, despite the meddling of Sunil Singh. The Charismatic Enigma can now turn his focus to Team Blue and the Superstars ready to try and take his star-spangled title. But before Hardy gets back in the ring, he’ll have to face the hard-hitting questions of WWE’s A-Lister on “Miz TV.” How will The Miz try and throw Jeff Hardy off his game? Will the United States Champion be ready for whatever The Awesome One has planned? >Charlotte Flair and Carmella lead trios in Six-Woman Tag Team action The intensity in the SmackDown Women’s division is heating up as Charlotte Flair prepares to challenge SmackDown Women’s Champion Carmella this Sunday at WWE Backlash. However, the two rivals aren’t waiting until Sunday to get into the ring. Both The Queen and The Princess of Staten Island will take part in a Six-Woman Tag Team Match tonight on SmackDown LIVE. Will Flair, Asuka & Becky Lynch reign supreme, or will the trio of Carmella & The IIconics show them what the future of Team Blue looks like? >Will Big Ass revel in ruining Daniel Bryan’s Greatest Royal Rumble moment?

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>Not even a mention of Sanity this week
>>114581 >bought a pack of smokes several months ago to see if they'd help my lethargy >just made me feel a bit light headed and dizzy >still have the pack with only like 3 cigs gone from it To each their own, but I don't find tobacco does much for me. Unless I'm drinking, for some reason.
>>114643 >help lethargy lmao wat? just stop eating cheetos.

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RAM 4/30 BRAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUN edition Boliever 04/30/2018 (Mon) 23:16:11 Id: 4a79f3 No. 114187 [Reply] [Last]
WWE Raw preview, April 30, 2018: What's next for Braun Strowman after monumental Greatest Royal Rumble Match win? The Monster Among Men overcame 49 other combatants to win the first-ever 50-Man Royal Rumble Match last night at the Greatest Royal Rumble event in Saudi Arabia. Who will be next to face the wrath of The Monster Among Men following that historic win? We’ll find out on Raw! >Monster Among 49 Men makes history Braun Strowman stood tall in the aftermath of the first-ever 50-Man Greatest Royal Rumble Match in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, winning the historic bout in front of a sold-out crowd at the King Abdullah Sports City Stadium. After conquering 49 other Superstars and WWE Legends, The Monster Among Men brings his Greatest Royal Rumble Championship and trophy to Raw. Who or what will Strowman destroy next after this monumental victory? >Brock Lesnar bests Roman Reigns in controversial Steel Cage Match Jeddah, Saudi Arabia became Suplex City at the Greatest Royal Rumble event, but despite The Beast Incarnate’s dominant showing against The [LOUD BOOING], his victory in the night’s Steel Cage Match came with no small amount of controversy. When Reigns Speared Lesnar through the Steel Cage wall, it was The Beast who technically hit the ground — and therefore escaped the structure — first. As such, Lesnar was declared the winner and Reigns was, once again, turned back by The Conqueror. However, that’s all in the past for Reigns, who needs to look ahead to his impending one-on-one battle with Samoa Joe next Sunday at WWE Backlash. How will he bounce back from his painful defeat and prepare for The Samoan Submission Machine? >The Era of Wokenness begins Friday night at the Greatest Royal Rumble event, “Woken” Matt Hardy & Bray Wyatt completed their “Expedition of Gold” by defeating Cesaro & Sheamus to procure the Raw Tag Team Championship. Now, they bring their titles to Raw, live in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. What “delights” might the duo known collectively as The DELETEr of Worlds have in store? <Who will dare step to Ronda Rousey?

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>>114614 Can he wrestle and be a mayor? At the very least he was booked strong enough in his recent run, even competed for the Universal Championship in that triple threat with Braun and Lesnar.
>>114628 >Can he wrestle and be a mayor? Why not?
>>114625 truly a man of the people

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GRUMBLE THREAD Boliever 04/26/2018 (Thu) 21:08:30 Id: 031812 No. 113138 [Reply] [Last]
FUCK THE WYMYNS EDITION The full Greatest Royal Rumble event match card is as follows: The First-Ever 50-Man Greatest Royal Rumble Match ALL FOR A SHITTY SWORD TROPHY >Universal Championship Steel Cage Match <Brock Lesnar (c) vs. Roman Reigns Vince is smart, coronating Ramen in Saudi where they'll actually cheer him. >John Cena vs. Triple H <Casket Match >The Undertaker vs. Rusev RUSEVLOSESLOL <WWE Championship Match

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>>114079 Vince needed that sandnigger money.
>>114153 I hate that the fact that they made the WWE format so sterile in order to appeal to these sandniggers and streetshitters.

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ITT: awesome feuds Boliever 04/29/2018 (Sun) 10:27:12 Id: 2578b2 No. 114035 [Reply]
Why can't we have an AJ vs Rusev feud for the title? Nakamura is a boring cunt.
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feuds i want in 2018 >strowman vs elias >strowman vs lashley >lashely vs elias >nick aldas vs cody rhodes >>114129 also this

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why Boliever 04/27/2018 (Fri) 16:31:51 Id: fbb984 No. 113322 [Reply]
why is he getting buried, figuratively and now literally? is Vince really that salty he asked to be released?
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>>113901 At this point I don't think there is any real meaning in the word anymore
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Get fucked nerds Boliever 04/26/2018 (Thu) 05:19:46 Id: 61d281 No. 113119 [Reply]
Your precious indies are going bye bye.
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>NXT India
>>113133 > 3333 < These guys are actually doing much better than the "real" wrastlers…
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>>113911 It's just spotfests with no in ring psychology, so it is better than average indy matches.

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Smackdown 4/24 please watch edition Boliever 04/25/2018 (Wed) 00:53:03 Id: e0a784 No. 112914 [Reply] [Last]
SmackDown LIVE preview, April 24, 2018: Daniel Bryan meets The A-Lister on “Miz TV” During last week’s Superstar Shake-up, it was revealed that The Miz was being acquired by SmackDown LIVE at the request of Daniel Bryan. There is no love lost between the two Superstars, who have a tense history going back to Season 1 of NXT in 2010. The rivals will come face-to-face on SmackDown LIVE, as The A-Lister makes his Team Blue premiere by hosting the leader of The “Yes!” Movement on “Miz TV.” What will happen when these longtime rivals meet? Find out tonight on SmackDown LIVE at 8/7 C on USA Network! >Daniel Bryan to appear on “Miz TV” Last week, The Miz received the news that he would be heading to SmackDown LIVE in the 2018 Superstar Shake-up. Under normal circumstances, that probably would have been good news. Unfortunately for The Awesome One, his return to Team Blue was requested by Daniel Bryan. There is a long history between the two, dating back to Season 1 of NXT in 2010, but the bad blood in recent years can be traced back to The A-Lister’s first turn on SmackDown LIVE. Then the brand’s General Manager, Bryan was very critical of The Miz’s in-ring style and minced no words when expressing those views to Miz’s face on WWE Talking Smack. Bryan’s criticism sent The Awesome One flying off the handle in a rant about Bryan and his retirement that left Bryan so furious that he walked off the show. The Miz took things even further, mocking Bryan during his matches by using The Beard’s trademark kicks. A lot has transpired since then, the biggest change being that Bryan is back in the ring as a full-time Superstar, and he’s apparently had enough of The Miz’s mockery. What will happen when these rivals come face to face? >Jimmy Uso takes on Rowan of The Bludgeon Brothers Last week, the rivalry between The Usos and SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Bludgeon Brothers became extremely personal when Naomi rushed to ringside to plead with Harper & Rowan not to destroy her husband, Jimmy, and brother-in-law, Jey. The Bludgeon Brothers, perhaps showing a small amount of compassion, ended the carnage. The Usos are not going to back down from the massive mallet-wielders in the face of their title match at this Friday’s Greatest Royal Rumble event, as Jimmy Uso is stepping up to take on Rowan in one-on-one competition. How will he handle the monstrous Superstar? Will Naomi heed her family’s advice and stay out of The Bludgeon Brothers’ path of destruction? >Charlotte Flair and Carmella sign the contract for their SmackDown Women’s Title rematch at WWE Backlash The WWE Universe is still reeling from Carmella’s shocking Money in the Bank contract cash-in that saw her take the SmackDown Women’s Championship from Charlotte Flair. The Queen isn’t waiting very long to invoke her rematch clause against The Princess of Staten Island. Tonight on SmackDown LIVE, the two will sign the paperwork to make their SmackDown Women’s Championship rematch official for WWE Backlash on Sunday, May 6. What will happen when these two rivals meet in the squared circle? >Asuka to make SmackDown LIVE in-ring debut tonight in tag bout with Becky Lynch against The IIconics

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>>113106 I meant the drop vs the RAM and SAM threads
>Te long awaited match between Bryan vs The Miz happens at a house show Fantastic

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Boleave in King Nicholas!! Boliever 04/10/2018 (Tue) 05:14:28 Id: 4925f0 No. 110874 [Reply]
Nicholas Discussion What are the next steps for THE GREATEST TAG TEAM CHAMPION OF ALL TIME? How many times backstage and by whom was Nicholas diddled by, and do you think there's enough real gold on that belt to consider his bought silence on such matters worthwhile? Also, general discussion on why Nicholas is the most exciting thing to happen to WWE in a decade
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>>111637 Nicholas has better titantron and theme music then half the roster. >Feels burred man
What do you call Nicholas's black scottish sister? Nigger Lass
Don't let Nicholas get buried on pg 2 goys!

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RAM 4/23 Brock stops being lazy edition Boliever 04/23/2018 (Mon) 19:35:24 Id: c4f6d5 No. 112651 [Reply] [Last]
WWE Raw preview, April 23, 2018: The Beast returns before the Greatest Royal Rumble event Four nights before defending his Universal Championship against Roman Reigns in a Steel Cage Match at the Greatest Royal Rumble event, Brock Lesnar makes his way to Monday Night Raw. What havoc will The Beast Incarnate unleash during his first live WWE appearance since mauling The [LOUD BOOING] at WrestleMania? >The Conqueror cometh Universal Champion Brock Lesnar utterly dismantled Roman Reigns at WrestleMania, but despite suffering a painful defeat on The Grandest Stage of Them All, The [LOUD BOOING] remains determined to defeat The Beast Incarnate in their rematch inside a Steel Cage at the Greatest Royal Rumble event in Saudi Arabia next Friday, streaming live on WWE Network. Lesnar makes his first live appearance since The Show of Shows on Raw, and his advocate Paul Heyman will no doubt have much to say about the impending return bout inside the unforgiving steel. Will Heyman’s undoubtedly acidic words incite a full-on brawl between these powerful rivals? >Superstar Shake-up aftermath This past Monday night, the landscape of Monday Night Raw shifted dramatically with the arrival of such Superstars as Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Jinder Mahal, Natalya, The riotttttttttt Squad, Bobby Roode, Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn and others looking to make a name for themselves in their new surroundings. What new alliances and rivalries will emerge now that these new competitors have made Team Red their home? >Will Stephanie McMahon continue to overrule Kurt Angle’s decisions? If you thought the issues between Raw Commissioner Stephanie McMahon and General Manager Kurt Angle ended at WrestleMania, you’ve got another thing coming. This past Monday night, Angle determined that neither Kevin Owens nor Sami Zayn would be joining Raw following their WrestleMania defeat to Daniel Bryan & Shane McMahon and after the two fought each other to a No Contest the week prior on Team Red when a roster spot was on the line, but Stephanie decreed that The Olympic Hero had made his decision based on emotion, awarding Raw contracts to the leaders of The “Yep!” Movement.

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