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King of Shitposting

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WRESTLE KINGDOM 12 THREAD Boliever 12/28/2017 (Thu) 06:30:14 Id: 4ab990 No. 90773 [Reply] [Last]
It's only a week away bitches GET FUCKING HYPED UP! But it ain't just wrestle kingdom, oh no, we got a show before and a show after too! I'll run it all down in some posts below BIG TAKEAWAY: WRESTLE KINGDOM 12 STARTS AT 11 PM PT (day before obviously)/ 1 AM CT/ 2 AM ET THE CARD IS HERE https://www.njpw1972.com/tornament/14309?showCards=1
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New years dash thread here so this thread doesn't hit bump limit >>91951
I loved this show, even the ic match a bit. I'm just scared Tanahashi might go the way of Angle with his body.
>>91945 >This was really the right time for Naito. Rule of three anon. He'll get it next time around, maybe next year.

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RAM 1/1/18 IT'S A NEW YEAR YES IT IS edition Boliever 01/01/2018 (Mon) 21:27:58 Id: 49216c No. 90916 [Reply] [Last]
WWE Raw preview, Jan. 1, 2018: Lesnar returns for New Year's Day edition of Raw Universal Champion Brock Lesnar will ring in the New Year by returning to Raw, four weeks before he defends his title against both Braun Strowman and Kane in a Triple Threat Match at the Royal Rumble event. How will The Beast Incarnate address his monstrous opponents? Also on Raw, Cedric Alexander challenges Enzo Amore for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship! >The Beast is back for 2018’s first Raw Raw is starting out 2018 in a major way as Universal Champion Brock Lesnar emerges once again, live in Miami’s AmericanAirlines Arena. It was in this very building that Lesnar returned to WWE back in 2012, obliterating John Cena with an F-5 that set the dominant tone for the rest of his career to date. As The Beast prepares to defend his title against Braun Strowman and Kane at the Royal Rumble event on Sunday, Jan. 28, will another Superstar face his fury in this building on Raw? >Brock actually wrestles outside of a PPV >Cedric Alexander challenges Enzo Amore for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship Cedric Alexander finally gets the opportunity he worked so hard to earn by winning one or two matches after Poor Goose got booked when he aims to separate Enzo Amore from his “booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo,” the WWE Cruiserweight Championship, on a special New Year’s edition of Raw. Alexander has been on a roll recently, winning back-to-back tag team matches on Raw and WWE Network’s 205 Live en route to his biggest bout to date. Will Alexander celebrate the New Year with his first championship victory in WWE? >Can Seth Rollins & Jason Jordan coexist as tag team partners? Few could have predicted that Seth Rollins & Jason Jordan would be able to work as a unit, but on Christmas night, they were celebrating with the Raw Tag Team Titles after defeating the nigh-unbeatable Sheamus & Cesaro.

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>>91944 I don't care >>91947 Don't fucking shit talk here anymore.
>>91955 Reminder that booley is OFFICIAL GEEK OF THE YEAR
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Big guys in wrestling Boliever 01/04/2018 (Thu) 09:59:19 Id: 325bfe No. 91605 [Reply]
What ever happened to big muscly lads in wrestling? Or is that just my rose-tinted shades?
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>>91941 >Dat Palumboism on Cage
>>91941 >Big guys >4 Fatsos Come on, that's like calling the Nasty Boys big muscly guys.

merry christmas Boliever 12/24/2017 (Sun) 14:45:11 Id: ab6c4d No. 90329 [Reply] [Last]
merry christmas mega nz #F!gPpnQbBJ!5uqkErRi8bmVi9abj0pM1A
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>>90838 >booley can't even botch a spot properly What a green bitch
It's dead

Tale of Hideo Itami Boliever 12/27/2017 (Wed) 11:11:51 Id: bf0d31 No. 90730 [Reply]
"Hideo, be another indy darling on nxt!" >Hideo is another indy darling on nxt >softened up wwe style which makes him look like Nakamura in wwe aka dogshit >Hideo's nxt time is 95% injured, 5% wrestling "God dang Hideo, come to flippyshit'o'5- I MEAN MAIN ROSTER, yeah main roster!" >Hideo goes to main roster https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWiRuIoH42Q happens, "God dang Hideo you can't use that finisher of yours that's your only trademark point, here have this instead!" https://streamable.com/pd8mt >some fucking wacky ass submission The results: >Hideo whines about HIS gts on twitter >injures Kendrick >no gts >he's now discount Neville replacement >mfw

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>>90870 When is Nakamura and Asuka getting injured then
>>90872 >Asska I can't say for certain since I stopped watching NXT around the time Bray went to the main roster, but didn't she have to relinquish her title due to injury, or was that just a work? I don't follow wymin's shit.
>>90873 It wasn't a work.

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RAM 12/25 Christmas Miracle Edition Boliever 12/25/2017 (Mon) 09:34:29 Id: 40cb20 No. 90371 [Reply] [Last]
WWE Raw preview, Dec. 25, 2017: John Cena returns to deck the halls on a special Christmas Raw Free agent John Cena returns to WWE for the first time since Survivor Series on a LIVE Christmas Raw. How will The Cenation Leader deal with Team Red’s most notorious Grinches? Don’t miss any of the holiday action as Raw airs commercial-free for the first hour, beginning at 8/7 C on USA Network! >John Cena returns Cena Claus is coming to town! Indeed, after fighting for SmackDown LIVE at Survivor Series, John Cena returns to Team Red for a special Christmas celebration in Chicago, the city in which he made his WWE debut against Kurt Angle back in 2002. Given his history in the Windy City, the 16-time World Champion will no doubt make this a Christmas to remember. What holiday cheer does the “Ferdinand” star have in store? >inb4 jobbing to roman again <The Women’s division prepares to make history Who fucking cares? >Who will gain momentum en route to a battle with The Beast? After Raw General Manager Kurt Angle announced last Monday that Universal Champion Brock Lesnar will defend his title against both Braun Strowman and Kane in a Triple Threat Match at the Royal Rumble event before running away, The Beast Incarnate laid out both challengers — but neither stayed down for long. Both formidable challengers will be looking for a strong close to 2017 as they prepare to take on The Conqueror. Who will face the wrath of The Monster Among Men and The Big Red Machine on Raw?

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>>90758 I just told you I don't watch him, you illiterate son of a bitch. DSP is about as smart as you so why would I watch him?
>>90583 I can't tell if I want to fap to her, or cringe from the lipstick and makeup
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Smarkdown 12/26 Ziggler goes to NJPW Edition Boliever 12/26/2017 (Tue) 07:57:10 Id: af478c No. 90586 [Reply] [Last]
SmackDown LIVE preview, Dec. 26, 2017: Will anyone step up to challenge AJ Styles? As 2017 concludes, WWE Champion AJ Styles is looking toward the future and awaiting the next challenger to his coveted title. As Team Blue gets closer to the start of The Road to WrestleMania, who will step up to The Phenomenal One? Find out tonight on SmackDown LIVE at 8/7 C on USA Network! >Will anyone step up to challenge AJ Styles? AJ Styles’ 2017 has been nothing short of phenomenal. He capped it off by regaining the WWE Championship in England, putting in a stellar performance against Universal Champion Brock Lesnar and turning back the challenge of previous titleholder Jinder Mahal. But as the new year approaches, The Phenomenal One is waiting for someone to step up and challenge him. Will a contender emerge on SmackDown LIVE? >Are Shane McMahon & Daniel Bryan on the same page? Between Shane McMahon & Daniel Bryan’s dispute while refereeing at WWE Clash of Champions and the spat that led to Shane leaving SmackDown LIVE last Tuesday, there’s plenty of reason for the WWE Universe to bolieve that Team Blue’s General Manager and Commissioner are at odds. '''' With Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn’s “Yep!” Movement gaining steam by the week, can the two figureheads of Team Blue present a united front and keep the unruly Superstars in check? >What will happen to the United States Championship? Dolph Ziggler left the WWE Universe baffled last week during his United States Championship Celebration. Just two days after winning the title, The Showoff ditched the star-spangled championship in the ring and walked out of the arena, leaving many to wonder exactly what that meant for the future of Ziggler and the title. '''' Will Smackdown LIVE’s brass (or Ziggler) shed any light on what the future holds for the United States Championship?

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>>90709 >Everyone's ring name is the same as their real name except that one poo.
>>90726 >David kaPOOr

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