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King of Shitposting

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Smackdowns - 6/5/18 Boliever 06/05/2018 (Tue) 18:54:58 Id: e6857b No. 118404
Cute English girl takes on Japanese and Southern man Edition > What is sure to be a heated WWE Championship Match at WWE Money in the Bank will be made official tonight. >SmackDown Live General Manager Paige took to social media over the weekend to announce that she will be hosting a contract signing for the Last Man Standing Match between AJ Styles and Shinsuke Nakamura. >There is no telling what will happen when The Phenomenal One and The King of Strong Style are in the same room, as they brawled wildly the last time they shared the ring. What will happen between these bitter rivals as Paige presides over their contract signing? Charlotte Flair and Betchy Glynch to square off > Charlotte Flair and Becky Lynch will put their friendship to the test tonight, when they do battle on SmackDown LIVE. >The match was born out of some playful banter between the two pals, as each discussed why they would be the one to win the Women’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match. SmackDown General Manager Paige happened to be watching the exchange, and she declared it was “tea time” for the two Superstars before making the match official. >Who will earn a monumental victory heading into the career-changing Ladder Match? Naomi & Jimmy Uso to face Lana & Aiden English in Mixed Tag Team action > After their Dance-Off ended in a chaotic brawl, Naomi and Lana will be on opposite sides of a Mixed Tag Team Match tonight on SmackDown LIVE. Naomi will team with her husband, Jimmy Uso, while Lana will join forces with Aiden English. >A social media exchange between the two women, who are taking part in the Women’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match, led to the Dance-Off. After their initial routines, the two seemed to have respect for each other, taking part in a tandem dance. However, The Ravishing Russian took advantage of the situation by dropping Naomi with a neckBREAKer and slapping Uso in the face. That set off a huge melee that ended with Naomi and The Usos standing tall in the ring. >Which tandem will reign supreme in this Mixed Tag Team showdown? Carmella promises to "unmask" Asuka on SmackDown LIVE >SmackDown Women’s Champion Carmella caught the WWE Universe off-guard on Monday when she promised to expose her challenger at WWE Money in the Bank, Asuka. >What kind of dirt does The Princess of Staten Island have on her opponent? Could Carmella turn the tides of this rivalry before their huge title match in Chicago? Find out tonight on SmackDown LIVE at 8/7 C on USA Network! She's gonna show everyone her gravure videos
I don't even know where to find the 205 Live preview. Also this is in corpus christi which is notorious for being a shit crowd.
>>118405 It's right on the wwe website. Look under shows.
>>118405 >>118407 Here it is: Can The Lucha House Party rebound from defeat? >Last week on WWE 205 Live, Lince Dorado and Kalisto squared off against The Brian Kendrick and Gentleman Jack Gallagher in a grueling tag team match that highlighted the contrasting styles of the high-flying luchadores and the more aggressive technical abilities of Kendrick and Gallagher. Displaying their resilience and teamwork, Kalisto and The Golden Lynx built up a great deal of momentum late in the contest with victory in their sights until Drew Gulak – watching from the announce table – intervened. Knocking Dorado off the top rope, Gulak allowed The Brian Kendrick to apply his patented Captain’s Hook to secure the win. >With The Lucha House Party seeking retribution for their underhanded defeat, WWE 205 Live General Manager Drake Maverick has announced that Dorado and Kendrick will battle in singles competition. While The Golden Lynx will certainly have the support of his lucha brothers in his corner, after Drew Gulak’s actions last week and his apparent alliance with Kendrick and Gallagher, will The Philadelphia Stretcher make his presence felt once again in his quest for a better WWE 205 Live? Mustafa Ali and Buddy Murphy vie to return to title contention >WWE 205 Live General Manager Drake Maverick is determined to ensure that WWE Cruiserweight Champion Cedric Alexander has a challenger and has announced that Mustafa Ali and Buddy Murphy will square off in a blockbuster main event. While the match does not guarantee a title opportunity, it allows Murphy and Ali to make their case about why they should earn another chance to challenge for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship. >Not only are there huge implications for this contest, but the battle also serves as a rubber match between the Superstars. During the WWE Cruiserweight Championship Tournament, Ali vanquished Murphy in the quarterfinals before going on to face Alexander for the vacant title at WrestleMania. Last month, however, the Australian Superstar returned the favor and defeated The Heart of WWE 205 Live, convincing Maverick that he deserved a title opportunity. >Although Murphy couldn’t secure the championship and end The Age of Alexander last week, he certainly proved himself to be a formidable challenger and earned the respect of the titleholder after a hard-fought throwdown. >Which Superstar will show Drake Maverick and the WWE Universe that they deserve another chance to claim the coveted WWE Cruiserweight Championship? Don’t miss WWE 205 Live, tonight at 10/9 C on the award-winning WWE Network
Will Smarkdowny be the A show again?
>>118409 For 1 Billion dollars you think it would
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Here I am complaining about AOP being off the show while these poor saps haven't even made their official debut, not even trying with the vignettes anymore. The absolute state of WWE """"creative"""""
>>118411 Maybe after Money in the Bank? I initially thought that they were going to build toward Sanity versus the Bludgeon Brothers but that seems to have changed to Gallows and Anderson instead.
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What the fuck is up with Carmella's perma-duckface? Shitty botox or what?
(91.43 KB 1080x848 Princess Mella.jpg)

>>118416 >Thumbnail of her talking mid sentence There is no duckface
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>>118417 She literally cannot stop duckfacing
>>118418 She's just making a cute expression, not a duckface.
>>118413 Maybe if they'd do something with him that doesn't just happen to involve the number 10 over and over again.
Starting with the real draw of the show
>>118425 >Shower me with affection shower her with some valtrex instead
Oh boy I can already feel this is going to be a terrible segment.
>>118426 I'd shower her with my affection
>Caramel poster is in the crowd
Reminder that sonya is dating seff's nazi ex girlfriend.
this segment is going on way too long
>>118430 Reminder that you've seen seths dick
I'd give Mandy my consensual penis
with one hand swipe Asska did two things: make Carnella her bitch and buried any kind of thought about Carmella being a challenge in their title match. only way carmella is winning is fuckery
>>118434 t. Asuka Internet Defense Force
>ywn be Sonyas punching bag
>the match is still going
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>>118437 I don't mind
>>118438 your w@ifu a shit anon
(9.74 MB 540x304 natsuko spear.gif)

>Literally everyone has a better spear than reigns Even a dumpy japanese girl
>Hat full of big e's cum
>>118441 why was i thinking the same thing but refrained from posting it?
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check em brother
>>118444 fuck you nip bastard
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Reminder that luke was over and wwe took him off tv for no reason.
>>118451 Is it taima or is the broadcast actually fucked?
>>118452 The broadcast
(741.89 KB 480x360 Kevin Dunn.webm)

>>118453 Oh wow.
>>118454 best webm ever. hope wwe didn't get terrorismd
>>118455 Reminder that this is a billion dollar product
>Husband and wife duo So Aiden is married to Lana now? Poor Rusev can't catch a BREAK
>lanas gear has a vagina in the middle of it
one hour gone, 2 matches in and both are useless. it's like watching raw
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>volatile contract signing the table is still in tact and that was volatile. mcmahons dick in graves mouth.
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Charlotte a cute >>118466 t. Gahoole
>Those empty front row seats
Charlottes boots look great
>>118467 wtf is a gahoole? is that like a jabroni?
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>Beat Asuka >Lose to the Irish Lass Jobber Okay
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>>118472 She's still a jobber beckyfag
Next on Estrogen Down Live: tampax on a pole match special guest referee: Tranny Lashley sister #2
(78.26 KB 720x716 Smug Charlotte.jpg)

This theme sucks big ass
>dude i'm tall lmao
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Jesus christ make it stop
Absolute state of SD, even NJPW threads are more active than this
>>118487 this last match might be decent but that doesn't change the fact this show had mostly been hot streaming garbage
>>118487 NJPW threads aren't weekly
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>>118488 Wheres all the funposting then >>118489 They're also at the crack of dawn
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>>118502 my thoughts on tonight's smackdown
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The New Day will reveal a new member and he will be the one to enter the MiTB match. Pic related is him.
>>118508 >thot fuck off with your nigger incelspeak
I didn't know Paige was back in WWE until today, guess that's what I get for taking a couple years off. I figure they'd never let her back after the sex tape but I guess because they wouldn't fire Xavier it would look bad. Maybe that's why they finally accepted Chyna? I would like to know if anyone has Paige's sex tape in high-quality MP4s you could share here. Preferably split into smaller clips.
>>144699 Cringe and necrobump pilled.

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