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King of Shitposting

NWA Boliever 02/16/2018 (Fri) 13:00:08 Id: 1fabd9 No. 98610
James Ellsworth vs. Nick Aldis (AKA Magnus) - NWA Worlds Heavyweight Championship wew
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>>98610 >memesworth >doing anything I hope he SHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTS on how bad the booking he was given was.
>>98676 He recently appeared on Talk is Jericho. He was nothing but grateful for his WWE run, the only thing he's upset about is how he got fired out of nowhere, no reason given.
>>98679 Ellsworth was a true heel. Very underrated by the reddit crowds.
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>>98680 Agree. I saw that and respected him for that, he was arguably the top heel in the company ironically, people hated him wherever they went and even triggered the so called enlightened smarks, heck even triggered some people here.
>>98681 And now caramel is back to [quiet booing] without him.
>>98679 For some reason Vince has a habit of firing those that he doesn't want representing the company regardless of their standing. Look back to the Invasion period and see what they did with all the "Hulkamania"/New Generation era superstars: >Bulldog got buried in shit by The Rock and sent to the D-Show (Jakked/Metal) before being buried for real >Boss Man, despite his shape and youthful visage became a midcard jobber >Haku, the most fearsome man in wrestling and having left WCW the reigning Hardcore Champion made to job out to anybody and everybody on the C/D-Shows until his departure >Scott Hall and Mr. Perfect got conveniently swept away following the Plane Ride from Hell, yet Lesnar who was the initial instigator survived >X-Pac couldn't take the Heat and got out of the oven >Tried to make Hulkamania die by forcing a gimmick change that never could've worked because Hulk himself pretty much IS Mr. America IRL >Nash tore his quads one too many times and was vacated despite staying loyal long after all his Kliq friends had been driven out
>>98681 There are heels that you want to see get their shit kicked in, and "heels" that you just don't want to ever see again because they lower your enjoyment of the product significantly. Three guesses which type memesworth was.
>>98685 Now she's back to being good, memesworth was only dragging her down
>>98690 Former, because he was a good weasel type character.
>>98681 >>98680 I'll never forget when Ellsworth nailed that Superkick on AJ, partially because I was in the arena. When used right Ellsworth was gold.
>>98690 >getting this worked by a heel What a mark. >>98692 >back to being good <never does anything, fails a cash in but uses the pussy pass to have it not play out all the way like what happened to Corbin because there was no female John Cena to screech about her "not being ready" to hold a titles
>>98695 >like what happened to Corbin because there was no female John Cena to screech about her "not being ready" to hold a titles And people think Cena doesn't politic. I hate these wannabe smarks who don't know shit.
>>98692 >Back to being good >Has done literally nothing since then
>NWA thread turns into an Ellsworth thread after the first reply >Ellsworth is more relvant than the NWA The absolute state of the NWA.
>>99157 >turns into <Ellsworth is mentioned in the OP
>>99158 I mean it purely became about Ellsworth, over a dozen replies and only one was about NWA, that to just laughing about them.
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>>98686 They were set to bury everyone from the invasion btw. Fuck, half the roster they sent to some developmental that nobody gave a shit about. You had people with actual talent like Raven and Mike Sanders over there doing nothing.
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match was based. you cucks just want to see nia jax fart and kenny omega sticking flag poles up peoples asses. this generation was a mistake.
>Gillberg vs Ellsworth March 17 Dream Match confirmed bois
>>100448 At least someone else here saw the match, thanks Steiner. Also, I find it funny that like Steiner, Ellsworth of all people managed trigger thousands of fans with his heel work. On another note, just saw this video posted by NWA. >Austin Idol’s 1975 Plane Crash and how he survived Big story.
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>>100453 >saw it I casted it to my living room, on the LARGEST TV IN THE WORLD
>>100451 im finna freak out tbh fam
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>>100448 >kenny omega sticking flag poles up peoples asses
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>>100484 OC for context. rip in peace tagucci's hole

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