/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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I AM A SHADOW, THE TRUE SELF Baby 04/22/2022 (Fri) 19:22:06 No. 11382 [Reply] [Last]
Persona ABDL stuff goes here!
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Why is there so much more P4 stuff than P3 or P5?
>>18222 Because the persona 4 girls are super diaperable. Actual reason is that when I had more disposable income, I channeled my image board autism and commissioned a fuck ton of P4 diaper art, along with amassing a collection of all the P4 AB/DL art I could find and have been seeding image boards with them when ever I get the opportunity.
found some cute captions!

Pouty babies Baby 08/13/2023 (Sun) 23:05:11 No. 28782 [Reply]
Show me your most pouty like babies be they art or irl. Pout yourself and post it. I love pouty little babbies.

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Unpopular diaper fantasys Baby 05/07/2023 (Sun) 06:11:16 No. 25000 [Reply] [Last]
What are some unrealistic fantasy's you wish you could do irl? Me would be hyper or mega inflated diapers on a macro Or humping someone making their disper grow before cummys as onesie buttons pop open and reveal a truely giant diaper
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>>28711 Tbh diapers i found can be used with other fetish storys like inflation,fat and macro but are rarely used or websites delate the fics cause apparently diapers are a pedo thing (tell that to the grannys in diapers) And don't forget the baby furs who ruin the disper fun
>>28714 I have not one but two answers to your post: You have to think outside of the box and conventional narrative structure, and also a conflict doesn't have to be so on the nose. Maybe a third answer but stories involving humiliation tend to be more about the humiliation than the diapers. A story with no conflict or plot can still be good, especially if the purpose is mainly to arouse, but it's easy to think of many other things to drive a narrative than something overt like that, without distracting from the diapers. For example a simple back and forth between characters can be a great drive for a narrative, although it might not necessarily make for much of a plot.
>>25000 An unusual, and oddly specific mix of interests to make the most comical dutch ovens, padded rooms, and of the like.

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4chan users do an in-depth interview with ABDL Youtuber and it's fucking hilarious. Baby 08/05/2023 (Sat) 17:19:31 No. 28506 [Reply]
This is the funniest shit I've ever seen related to ABDL. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRcrX1mpj1A
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>>28580 I can imagine some anons getting invested into posting the porn just to upset the normies only to end up realizing they liked the thing all along. That's some classic anon behavior.
>>28580 Bronys existing thanks to 4channers (and as of recent now alt right kkk weirdos which before was just neo nazis) Now abdl was a 4chan theme at one point And yet youtuber just think 4chan is just a place for trolls yet forget they have done some good snd weird shit Like scripting a porno themed around bane Or v the musical being a yearly event Hell the the random devs make a dating sim that made 4chan actually fucking cry outside of some asshole killing dogs and cats
>>28745 Katawa Shoujo was pretty decent, though I'm such a weeaboo I -feel- the western sensibilities in story writing and it threw me off the whole time.

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Wallpapers Baby 03/30/2022 (Wed) 22:39:39 No. 10627 [Reply]
Post Images you've used as wallpapers. ABDL, of course
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>>28732 Thank you anon. You inspired me to completely embarrass me. I have taken your image and added my most humiliating IRL pictures as well as lots of "evil" and embarrassing quotes to it. I now have a wallpaper that will never allow me to deny being a baby, and I will see it all the time. . .

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Regressed By Your Mother Baby 03/23/2022 (Wed) 14:23:23 No. 10390 [Reply]
I know this is the most common cliche in ABDL smut fiction, but do any of you think that this might actually be more common than you would think? I could see a desperate single mother with mental problems being willing to baby her adult son if he asked. Obviously not full-time, but probably a good amount of ABDL play. I'm sure it must have happened once or twice in history.
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>>10476 What do you mean
>>10451 >I had a very normal healthy childhood, so if that's the case I'm an odd one out too. Same here. No parental issues/abuse and I still gravitate towards this sometimes
>>10407 Suspicion about my Mom being inappropriate with me when I was really really young. Parents divorced when I was 6. Dad disappeared when I was 8. When my dad left my Mom was really violent and emotionally neglectful. Since I cannot trust women enough to feel myself vulnerable around them and I am not attracted to men the ultimate fantasy is someone providing love, support and care trying to compensate what I did not have growing up, likely will settle for the occasional escort/dominatrix. Yup.

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diapered gems Baby 08/03/2022 (Wed) 22:27:50 No. 15148 [Reply]
steven universe abdl pics
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Diaper gifs Baby 08/07/2023 (Mon) 21:39:10 No. 28582 [Reply]
Post your diaper gifs

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ABDL Location/Meetup Thread Baby 02/16/2022 (Wed) 07:23:46 No. 9190 [Reply] [Last]
Hey dumb babs, I saw a thread like this on goatse and figured I'd bring it over here. This is for anyone who wants to find others nearby to meetup/just to know where you babs are at.
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>>28504 Ngl I am willing to travel the country to meet another ABDL lmao. I don't have anything particular in mind, just a friend to talk shit with, a caregiver, another little like me. Anything really ^^
>>28282 >>27333 We mainers should arrange a meet-up The Maine fetlife munch... Is not great... Unless you enjoy being seen with some dressed in full sissy gear in public
>>28533 sorry dude, its more than a 15 year difference for me to feel comfortable about our interaction even if not sexual, still though I am not in Auckland myself. I am sure I have seen quite a few active users around the area in Fetlife if you have the patience to sort through the creeps and dangerous people teeming with red flags, as a dude who also started super early into this and managed to not get into any sketchy situations I would recommend dont "travel the country to meet another ABDL" if its not an actual event organized with some sort of community visibility and assurances in regarding to vetting processes, things have become more shitty in the last years and there is a lot more predators around, partly I blame the massification/bombardment of social media/porn along with the alienation of the average human nowadays.

diapered giants 03/09/2022 (Wed) 23:50:34 No. 9956 [Reply]
the bigger they are, the harder they stink
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i've already posted this video into another thread: it's basically a diapered giantess roleplay, but i would love to know if someone here knows who she is and where can i find more of her WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsMFdsZGthRXh0TlRaTU1scHdZa2RWZGxGVVRuWlNSVXBOWVd0SmFsTnNTbnBUYkU1WlRtMVdNRm96VlhoVlJrcEZaRlJrU0ZKRWFGRlVhMVV5V2pKYVlXTXhSa1JOYTFaMVdrZHdSR014YkZaTk0zQlhXWGM5UFE9PQ==
bump. aaaa

Requests Baby 07/25/2020 (Sat) 22:17:12 No. 674 [Reply] [Last]
A thread for Requests. Anyone got these pics in Higher-res?
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Story Writing Baby 10/08/2022 (Sat) 09:57:07 No. 17817 [Reply] [Last]
I'm writing a story but am interested in trying to see what scenarios people would actually like to read. Not all that great at writing fantasy/magic or cruel/torture, but any suggestions are greatly appreciated. AB or DL stuff, smut or cutesy shit welcome.
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>>27295 ive read a lot of these stories (think daring diane and alec leamus etc) and while they can be formulaic and contrived, if you do it just right so everything falls in place they can be fun comedy of errors type stories
>>27306 I will read those stories, I am interested in trying this concept. If anyone has more ideas for scenarios I will read them.
>>27306 Hey guys, can you give any ore examples of mistaken identity stories?, I want to give a try to know how to write with this topic

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hope we can get the ball rolling again

Diaper Boy Damien Michael Turner Has Committed Suicide. Baby 07/24/2023 (Mon) 17:41:33 No. 27990 [Reply]
Someone on DD said he killed himself last Christmas. I wonder how someone who was so monumentally obsessed with diapers could suicide? Wonder why he didn't choose to continue to live to wear as many diapers as humanly possible throughout his life. Why do you think he killed himself? Too bad he had a big dick too. F https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/name/damien-turner-obituary?id=38537334
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Oh well...
>>27990 >Wonder why he didn't choose to continue to live to wear as many diapers as humanly possible throughout his life. >Why do you think he killed himself? This fetish is expensive as fuck and I hate having it. Stopped wearing several months ago because of the cost and it just makes me more depressed. Props to him for having bigger balls than me. Post nut clarity probably hit him hard.
>>28181 Maybe he ran out of money to buy diapers because nobody would hire him at searching his name and an heroed because no more diapers?

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Hypermessing Thread Baby 10/05/2021 (Tue) 13:56:42 No. 4986 [Reply]
Thread for anything hypermessing!
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>>9800 I've been able to go 24 hours messy a handful of times, no barrier cream of any kind. Things are slightly sore afterward but not painful. I'd say past the 24 hour mark and you start to run the risk of staph infection though, as the moisture, urine, and feces break down your skin over time, allowing bacteria in. Id also take note on what you eat, acidic and spicy foods are gonna end up giving you rashes quicker. Also consider simulating with bananas or oatmeal or whatever along side this as it will give less direct contact between your skin and feces. Also listen to your skin, if things start to get itchy, that means it's time to change.
>>9792 Can’t tell if you’re a boy or a girl but either way… your ass is fine.

>>27268 stripperella would have been awesoem if the would have added a kink/abdl/fetish themed episode, there is even one in angie tribecca with enough sillyness. it could have been an abdl insisting in brainwashing women into only finding men dressed like babies attractive, while removing IQ from men and creating maintstream stores to sell ABDL clothes ... lost potential there.
>>27828 replace the sexes and it would be perfect.
>>27547 @abdlTessa on twitter. Posts on here from time to time.

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