/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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Generic Diapered Anime Girls Baby 09/15/2020 (Tue) 13:07:55 No. 1114 [Reply] [Last]
Pictures you want to post or dump, but don't fit into any of the threads
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Calling up from the depths Omocomic is pretty decent
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Sailor Moon in Diapers LuvsMan 06/18/2022 (Sat) 21:50:00 No. 13177 [Reply]
Gotta get a little senshi-love.
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Freshly padded Chibiusa.

Diapered figures and dolls Baby 12/27/2023 (Wed) 04:54:06 No. 32813 [Reply]
Has anyone tried making diapers for their dolls or figures? been trying to get into sewing to turn mine into cute babies
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Audio Book Thread (non-hypno) Baby 03/26/2023 (Sun) 04:53:36 No. 23957 [Reply]
Nicole Dosei's enchanted bedtime story is absolutely amazing, MY little absolutely LOVES listening to them as it get her into little-space super quick. If you haven't listened to the bedtime story check it here: YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpODJXalI1ZVZrM1VTTnRYMWRqY25OR2QzaFhaakpxYzI5a2FFeHViM0Yz Are there any second-person narration audio files out there -or- any audio books for that matter? (that aren't hypno?)
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>>33532 garbage.
Request: diaper expansion (hyper diaper) or diaper sex audios

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Xxxposed.fun Baby 01/04/2024 (Thu) 16:45:12 No. 33086 [Reply]
Unrelated, but what book is that image from?
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ABDL + Femdom Baby 01/04/2024 (Thu) 14:43:26 No. 33067 [Reply]
Feel free to post any ABDL image that involves a dominant woman.
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Diapered manga Baby 12/27/2023 (Wed) 13:19:38 No. 32818 [Reply]
Post your favorite manga art with Abdl or diaper themes
If you were curious on the manga https://t.co/nTCcnlRWQo
This manga has potential ngl
>>32818 The manga, Houkago Omutsu Daisuki Club, was posted on Sad Panda today, though it hasn't been translated yet. https://e-hentai.org/g/2790429/8c686586cb/ Goya in general is pretty good. My favorites are Himitsu no Gyaku Toilet Training and Douryou no Mama. https://e-hentai.org/?f_search=Himitsu+no+Gyaku+Toilet+Training+language%3Aenglish%24 https://e-hentai.org/?f_search=Douryou+no+Mama+language%3Aenglish%24

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JFF Image Unblur Extension Baby 01/04/2024 (Thu) 22:11:28 No. 33093 [Reply]
Happy new year fellow anons, I've got something special for you, after trying to contact jff multiple times for over a month I am willing to give you a Proof of Concept for unblurring Creator Photos on JFF. Currently only works for a small subset of creators that have iPhones, will work on improvements later. Installation instructions as addon: 1. Download content.txt and manifest.txt, feel free to check out the code 2. Create a new folder "jff-unblur" 3. Move content and manifest to this folder 4. Rename content.txt to content.js and manifest.txt to manifest.json 5. Go to Chrome Extensions, enable Developer Mode in the top right corner 6. Click "Load unpacked extension" and choose the jff-unblur folder 7. Go to justfor.fans and unblur as shown in the demo Added benefit: See comments without subscription Any questions will be answered in comments
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I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but it isn't working for me. Even the blurred images won't load when the extension is active, and if I try to press the "unlock" button, nothing happens. Tried plugging that other file into ViolentMonkey and that allowed the blurred images to load, but I wasn't getting an "unlock" button. I'm no programmer or coder by any means, but I followed OP's instructions, just not sure if its a mistake by me or if this has been fixed somehow.
>>33148 This, followed the steps didn't work.
looks like it might have been patched, worked yesterday but doesn't work now

Loli's in Charge Baby 11/17/2022 (Thu) 12:17:07 No. 19384 [Reply] [Last]
Pics, scenarios, stories etc about loli's having to deal with the diapers of those bigger than them. Preferably with bullying shibacha does a few pics along these lines but can't think me who else.
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Your best experience in AB/DL Baby 05/13/2023 (Sat) 17:16:32 No. 25217 [Reply] [Last]
So we have a cringe thread and a horror story thread, and a thread about how we got into diapers, but where is the happy feel good thread? Post your best AB/DL experiences.
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>>29804 Lol, sorry if it sounded that way, I was just trying to answer the question. Another Lolly story, we went to a concert together, she hooked me up with one of those purple molicare diapers and kept squeezing it throughout the show. I won't name the bands we saw, cuz apparently that's distracting. It was a free show, but the catch was it started at like 6am, and they only let a limited number of people in, so we had to be in line at like 4:30am. Anyway, by the time the show was over (just before noon) I was so drunk I didn't even realize I was diapered. We headed back to my place and while I was taking a nap, Lolly did some house keeping. Later in the afternoon, we went to her place, she changed me and slipped a suppository in. I got shackled and we watched the episode of "Arthur" where Sue-Ellen brings Goodnites along because she's a bedwetter. After a other change, I drove home. I've got one more story involving Adavan and a documentary which aired on the BBC if anyone's interested.
>>26622 Have you looked at what Wisconsin is? If you're even remotely within driving distance of the south to east, I have news for you...
>>27127 can confirm this, already went through and I'm about to go again tomorrow morning.. not looking forward to any of it, especially the side effects of the anesthesia. >>25217 My experience is so fucking tame in comparison, but whatever. Not even too long ago. My parents were away for a few days on vacation, but since work was stressful and I hate vacation in big cities, I decided to stay home. Didn't feel like traveling anywhere either, so I made the best of it, and ordered a pack of rearz dinosaur and crinklz beforehand, as well as an adult sleep overall "onesie" off amazon. Day 2 was the probably most relaxing day I could've imagined. I was diapered from morning to evening, playing games on my computer, watching TV, eating and drinking like its the most normal thing in the world. Even after I jacked off, I didn't purge and just changed into a new, clean diaper and continued. Didn't even hold anything in anymore, I was wetting at every tiny amount I had, eventually I didn't even really notice anymore. Most of the afternoon, I was sitting, or laying on the couch, watching an animated movie (I was raised to think animated=childrens movies), turned out to be really good, just peeing myself, and being relaxed. halfway through the film I almost thought my rearz diaper was about to leak, and I didn't even really remember using it at all. In the evening, I found a leftover bottle of liquor from a party a while back, so I sat down in front of my computer, got a bit drunk, and relaxed with my hand resting on my diaper, for the first time not caring if anyone found out.. that was great.

Another reason why Oprighan1 04/21/2022 (Thu) 05:34:52 No. 11335 [Reply]
I think firmly, the reason why we see more and more of this fetish openly on the net in our lives is because, ever since the advent of disposable diapers, the training age has gone up and up in first world countries. We are now seeing the data everywhere. Kids not out of diapers till 4 or even 5 years old! All because of super absorbent tech even in cloth diapers. 4 or 5 years old man, think about it, that's about when our long term memory starts to build memory. Thus, those memories start to emerge with the mere glance or thought of ab/dl imagery.
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>>32525 >In fact it's definitely not this family of kinks that followed the same path but probably kinks in general "In fact it's definitely not just this family of kinks that followed this path, but kinks in general" as I should have put it. Dumbass me didn't reread himself.
>>32525 "A downside to this as I see it is probably that it entraps people into their kinks more easily to the point that they can less easily adapt to other sexual attractions they might have." Holy crap I think you're correct. Every woman I've had real sex with and even an ex wife, who neither knew about my diaper fetish always said "I never last long in bed". This roots from sneaking diapering from teenage years and up, wanting to "hurry up and go" so I wont get caught in this diaper. Subconsciously, this has lead to early ejaculation problems in my life I suspect.
I don't think it's the training age as much as disposable diapers being super comfortable. Cloth diapers were made with softness in mind when dry, but once you pee in them, its just a soaked and stinky towel that leaks all that pee back out on your skin when you sit down or move. Compare that to disposable diapers that are not only very soft when dry, but keep the wetness off the skin. So not only does it not feel gross, it actually feels good because there's a warm, squishy, soft thing wrapped around the most sensitive parts of the human body. That being said, it's pretty easy to see how there's a greater potential for the wires to get crossed in that early development stage with disposable diapers. I suppose the extra year or two in those diapers for modern kids also raises that potential.

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Steamboat diaper Baby 01/02/2024 (Tue) 00:45:42 No. 32983 [Reply]
Steamboat willy (diaper edition) thread
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theres already 2 so far
>>32983 What the fuck was his problem?

Genderbending Baby 11/09/2020 (Mon) 22:12:22 No. 1819 [Reply] [Last]
Any boys turned into girls wearing diapers or girls turned into boys wearing diapers.
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>>33000 I haven't thought about this guy in ages. He was old school when I was just starting to look at this kind of thing. Surprisingly the anglefire site is still active. https://www.angelfire.com/anime2/omutsu/stories.html
they had made a deviantart account a few years ago and started posting some new art on it as well as reedited version of some of the stories form their angelfire page. However it appears they have deactivated their deviantart account at some point in the last few onths.
>>33006 They got deviantart purged.

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What is your ultimate fantasy? Baby 11/18/2022 (Fri) 02:47:01 No. 19402 [Reply] [Last]
Mine is still being in highschool and living with a gf who lives with her mom. My gf always wets the bed so wears diapers at night, and wears them during the day just for fun and because they sometimes turn her on. I wear diaper too so that she doesn't feel alone and because they turn me on too. We spend weekends just playing video games and watching movies together or fooling around. I use my diaper whenever I want because she thinks it's cute. We never have sex during the day so that I can save my cum for the night time but she teases me by rubbing my diaper now and again, and I do the same to her. Her mom changes us both throughout the day and doesn't mind because she just wants her little girl to be happy. I often stay over at night and we sleep in her big bed together. Her mom helps us get ready for bed by diapering us and tucks us in. Once the lights go out I tear her diaper off and cream inside her multiple times. Sometimes I will tie her to the bed. She loves getting a bit rough, but eventually gets too tired and sore to keep going. She doesn't mind if I want to cum a couple more times because I am so horny, so she starts falling asleep on her tummy while I creampie her from behind a couple more times. Eventually I'm so exhausted that I put my diaper back on and usually have to do a giant pee by this point, and then fall asleep spooning her. In the morning her mom changes us and helps us get ready for school. My gf wears a pullup underneath most of the time, and sometimes I will too. At school we sometimes make out behind the toilet block. Then when we get home we start the whole thing over again!
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>>32866 had kinda a similar idea, that I currently try to work into a written story. A pharmaceutical company starts human trials on a serum they created that is supposed to "revert adults back into a physically younger state.". Its meant for adults to take so they can go back to being a teen or young adult, and stay in that young, healthy body while keeping their memories and personality. the serum will "shrink" them over days, each day will equal like 5 years, until they hit the pre-defined age. But not for Jacob, one of the younger participants of the trials. Each day he wakes up a little bit more energetic and younger, until, 4 days later, he finds himself smaller than everyone else. The serum reacted differently in his body and starts shrinking him to the failsafe-age of 2 years, all while keeping his memories, personality and awareness. For the company, a huge deal as they found a fault in their serum they need to fix, but for Jacob its like a prison, as he has no control over most of his bodily functions, is stuck in diapers and dependent on caretakers for over a week, until the effect of the serum stops and he starts to rapidly age back to his old self again.. with some side effects. Story is supposed to end with Jacob, his old self again, but now diaper-dependent by his own will, already signing the contract for the next trial with the improved serum.
>>19402 Not ultimate per se, but it's something I keep coming back too. I'm a nerd so sci fi books are my inspiration for a lot of things. The Commonwealth Saga is about humanity surviving an Armageddon tier war with an insanely hostile alien race that we accidentally released from space jail. In this futuristic human society we are so wealthy and technologically advanced taht even the poorest in society can afford to periodically rejuvenate their bodies and genetically alter themselves during this process. Every new lifetime you can change how you look, how tall you are and even what your gender is. This isn't explored that much and this came out before trans politics were a thing in the public discourse so the implications here are kind of just background noise. Anyway, their is a chain of nightclub/resort that has locations across the human commonwealth that cater specifically to freshly rejuvenated people. These places you can put your new young body through its paces with all of the other horny people who are fresh from their treatments. So I figure that in a world with 400 billion people who all have excellent disposable income, there are way more than enough ABDLs to support at least one location fully dedicated to diapers lovers and ageplayers. Napkin math tells me that there is about 0.008% to 0.025% of ABDLs in the population. This is entirely a made up number based on my own reckoning. But that gives us potentially over 1Bilion ABDLs. Plus additional people who would try it in later lives after they get bored of other pastimes. So you would go to this place with whatever kind of rejuved body you want and just do whatever debaucherous roleplay you desire. I had this one story idea where two men get rejuved, one is restored to a hot 18 year old and the other is permantly in a early pubescent body. The sub would have his genitals altered to optimize his boy pussy for increased pleasure while reducing his testicles and cock to basically no more than a clit-like thing in front of his hole. They meet another couple there who are two women in a similar dynamic. One rejuved to be permanently pubescent and the other a hermaphrodite mommy domme with big titties and huge dick. They would hit it off and have play sessions together before becoming a kinky "family", at least until the next rejuv. Both "parents" free to fuck and use their littles during diaper changes, and the littles always horny but unable to satisfy each other without help from their caretakes. Sometimes they just let the littles desperately hump their diapers in a playpen together while the parents have loud hot sex on the bed. I think this particular setting is so awesome for me because really if given the option in that kind of world, I would just rejuv my body to be 12 forever but with a genetically enhanced hypersensitive prostate for when my bigs want to cum in me. It also alleviates any weirdness about fantasizing about being underage since everyone involved is actually many lifetimes old.
>>21622 I wouldn't really consider it a lie. If that fantasy could be reality, as a boy or girl, I would be mature beyond my years because of my memories, but in school and public, I would basically be a child, enjoying that aspect of a second childhood. As for moral challenges, you mean things like first kiss, dating and me being sexually active with my CG's, when I retain all my memories? Having those memories and desires would be an advantage to a pedophile and monster in a child's body. Would I want to have a positive first kiss? I would want that for my first childhood. A different first time having sex? Yeah, in my first life. A better experience with my first romance? Even a childhood romance? Again, first childhood, yes. Second time around, you cannot change the first time. A better question is what my relationship to other kids would be. Hint: Not sexual. If I could make the choice and be a girl that time around, I might do that. Not because of any gender dysphoria, but ease in the ABDL lifestyle, acceptance by being a baby girl. Plus more freedoms as a baby girl compared to a sissy baby. A more realistic fantasy? I meet a dommy mommy my own age who wants a life time relationship with ABDL and sissyfication on the table from the start. We date and quickly get married. She would nurse me every day. She would also find a daddy who helped turn me into a true sissy and kept mommy satisfied. We would have a house with a nursery and playroom, and mommy's friends would be over often, and see me as a sissy baby. I would be trained with plugs, strapons, and more. I would often be in bondage for fun sessions, and all three of us would goto clubs often. I would get to meet and play with other babies as babies.

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Babying Thread (POV) Baby 10/04/2020 (Sun) 00:20:44 No. 1427 [Reply]
I love this stuff
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I find funny that Shigure ui actually made one of this by herself for a stream miniature

/tv/ - Bab Version Baby 12/26/2023 (Tue) 21:18:37 No. 32804 [Reply]
What baby shows do you guys like to watch? I'm interested in recommendations both old and new. I personally like Blue's Clues and Dora the Explorer but am trying to get into more modern shows. Currently also working my way through Dragon Tales, Bear in the Big Blue House and Go, Dog. Go! Normies are getting shafted animation-wise while diaperKINGS are in a new golden age. It's good to be king. We've got: >Bluey >Elinor Wonders Why >Work it Out Wombats >Lupin's Tales >Go, Dog. Go! >Bugs Bunny Builders >Molang >Pikwik It's getting to the point where they're realizing that our lifestyle is superior. Bluey is wildly popular. We are so fucking back. inb4

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To add to this, I'm going to try and check out Billy the Cowboy Hamster when I get a chance. It looks EXTREMELY comfy. Thanks France. >>32851 What didn't you like about Barney? I've tried to watch it too because of it's legendary embarrassing babyish status but I just wish it didn't have all the child actors. Luckily, someone's uploaded the UK version of season 9 which doesn't have them. Ps. Do any of you guys like to time your diaper usage to specific things? I have specific "potty shows" that I like to fill my diaper to and I like to make sure that the characters are watching when I do it.
>>32852 >What didn't you like about Barney? There's barely anything to the episodes. The same actors stick around for a while, but they don't really play characters with individual personalities, they're just the kids to dance and sing the songs. And the songs are really what makes the show hard to watch. There's rarely any story happening in an episode, but when there is, it keeps getting interrupted by several unrelated song and dance numbers. I get bored even if I'm zoinked out of my gourd. I'm going to be that guy to overanalyze Barney, but I bet that's why little kids got to hating Barney by 2nd grade: it's the definition of mindless children's entertainment. Most kids have the attention span to follow 22-minute episodes of Blues Clues or Arthur by the time they're 4, so something like Barney that has no plot, no real characters, and tons of meaningless singing and dancing got old in a hurry. >Do any of you guys like to time your diaper usage to specific things? I haven't done it in a while, but I liked to take an enema, turn on a video like Elmo's Potty Time, and try to hold on for as long as I could. Bonus points if I messed my diaper at the part where it's showing all the kids successfully using the toilet.
so I honestly think Bluey is the most ABDL-coded show ever, as it can be comfortably watched by a huge age range. but there was a show I would watch as a kid that triggered the same physical/emotional excitement as diaper commercials and whatnot, which was PB&J Otter. other than that revisiting most kids shows is taxing because my adult brain autocompletes whatever plot is being slowly expounded, which Bluey also relieves to an extent with 7 minute episodes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XC4DFZbOChk

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