/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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>>23481 >>23490 same anon
>>23549 Different anons
>>23490 I always wanted a diaper story where a adult baby or loli like character to start growing either sfw or nsfw growth like they start to rub their diaper bulge or start to hump the twin towers before filling diaper will spunk

/abdl/ Discord Server Baby 04/20/2023 (Thu) 02:07:09 No. 24583 [Reply]
It's a unofficial Discord server for all thing /abdl/ as no one exist yet it's an old repurposed server that my friends used to use. nsfw stuff is allowed (obviously) if you do post anything make sure that you post it with a "@everyone" so that way everyone will know that you posted and this make more engagement Servers *general - discussion forever you feel like *images - for sfw non-lewd pics *selfies - introductions for new users *announcements - admin only server for important news *horny-zone - for all the henti and lewd stuff *mkay - for shitposting https://discord.gg/a8EJFQZE
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>>24588 937307362514046986
>>24592 nothing, gotcha
I've never understood the appeal of discord. Teamspeak was perfectly fine. Discord - telegram - reddit - voat - etc... HONEYPOTS They harvest the activity of our lives for study. But who cares anymore... it's just porn... just porn...

Little Keeper Sleeper Baby 11/26/2022 (Sat) 11:28:22 No. 19829 [Reply] [Last]
Thread about LKS and other retard clothes that are adaptable for ABDL use. Do you have one? Know of alternatives? Post pics.
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>>23987 That link is dead but I'm still pretty sure the zipper you linked is wrong size. Lks uses #3 (Ykk 3Cz) zipper while the locking zippers tend to be size #5.
>>23990 Ah, yes, you are correct. I've only seen them in #5. It's such a common size that I presumed that the onesies used them. People could probably modify them to have a locking buckle or segufix if they have the sewing skills, but then you could turn a good number of clothes into locking ones.
Could someone who has this product do me a favor and take some measurements? Specifically, if you have one of the OLDER ones (which I've heard were overall slimmer) and size 16 or 18, could you measure: - the width at various torso positions such as between the armpits, at the belly and at the hips, - the width of the sleeves at biceps, elbows and wrists (not the cuffs themselves, the width right before the cuff), - and the width of the legs at the thigh, knee and ankles, as well as show how the feet are made? (if you have the footed model) (some companies make the footies look more or less shoe-like, while others make them almost like socks, hence why I wanna know) - I would also appreciate if you could measure how much can the fabric stretch, for example if you first measure the torso width and then again while stretched. Basically I wanna know how slim this product really is, and understand how much will it give in terms of stretch (which can impact how it feels). Thanks for any responses.

Messing with Bananas Baby 03/28/2023 (Tue) 16:41:47 No. 24003 [Reply]
I've bought myself some new diapers and really want to mess in them (usually I just wet myself) but I'm worried about the smell it'll make I was told that cutting up a Banana (or two) is good for it, and just shoving it up your ass is this a good idea? Aren't they too soft for that to work? How would I go about doing it? is it dangerous?
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>>24077 Yea, messing sucks totally wouldn't recommend
>>24077 >>24081 >>24273 >not taking Metamucil prior to messing >not enjoying larger messes that have minimal smell and clean up easier with no stickiness >not appreciating how taking it also helps to improve your bowel health and reduces your risk of colon cancer faggots
>>24302 >thinking about other guy's bowels >calls other people faggots

Hypno B0mb Sh3ll Baby 10/19/2022 (Wed) 21:26:30 No. 18208 [Reply]
Started getting into bedwetting stuff. Interested in some of her files from Patreon. If anyone has any other bed wetting files from other hypnotists that would be great too. Even better if they’re about raw bedwetting without a diaper.
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>559 There's a fucking hypnosis thread already
>>18209 That's not how you're supposed to reach incontinence. You have to train your brain to just go pee by doing it whenever you feel like it, and at first this will require of you to do it consciously, but after a while you will start to do it without thinking about it and the more you do it the more involuntary it will become until you are functionally incontinent. Trying to just let it happen will only harm your bladder, and might even fuck up your kidneys if you do it for a long time.
>>24187 Agreed. If you have already a weak bladder, maybe then holding it can work. For those with hard and/or shy bladder you just end up with pain and it must not be healthy. What works for me is to use diapers 24/7 for some time. Pee in them always you feel even the smallest urge to go. I have done this for max. one week which is rather short time and haven't had any accidents except minor dribbling but it feels very uncomfortable/unsecure to be without diaper after that week. And you constantly need to visit toilet. Key thing in any training is also try to keep your spincher relaxed after peeing. It will take some time since you are used to do it to get rid of the lasy dribbles in your weewee. But it gets easier and easier over time. If you manage to keep it relaxed and sit down on chair after peeing, those last dribbles will be in your pants or diaper :) Learning to wet the bed without also daytime wetting? I'm not sure is that possible though

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SELF PORTAIT TIME BABIES Baby 03/05/2023 (Sun) 19:12:56 No. 23290 [Reply]
draw a self portrait of urselves
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>>24185 Looks like you need a change.
>>24185 Phenomenal
>>24185 aw jeez you got the stink lines and everything

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/abdl/ Banner Thread Baby 01/28/2021 (Thu) 15:11:43 No. 2509 [Reply] [Last]
I am thinking of trying to make some banners later today or tomorrow, so I thought I would make a thread to maybe spur the interests of some other anons. Let's spruce up the board!
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>>20824 It was some weird gore image set on pixiv which I photoshopped a lot. Here's a link to original image: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/94009578
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>>24099 (checked) Added.

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ABDL IRL Horror Stories Baby 11/28/2022 (Mon) 06:26:06 No. 19928 [Reply] [Last]
The most embarrassing or fucked up thing you've ever experienced while indulging in this shit. I'll start. About a year ago I go to this sleepover for littles in my area set up on Fetlife. I don't go to things often, so it's still exciting. I know a few people, but most people I don't. So there's about 6 or 7 littles and probably 10 "caregivers" hanging out. Like 7 guys and 3 girls. One of which was actually surprisingly attractive. Like she wasn't model hot or anything, but to be at something like this event, seriously, not bad. So all the littles including me are watching 101 Dalmatians in the living room, and the caregivers are filtering in and out of that room, the kitchen, and another side room they were hanging out in. I feel the urge to poop coming on, but have the idea to bide my time to mess when the one pretty hot chick is in the room, and as few others as possible, to see if I could get her to change me. Like 20 minutes pass, and what I figure is going to be my best shot arises, it's just the pretty hot girl and two guys in the room for caregivers. So I drop a load in my diaper. The fun starts, it gets announced someone smells something, and the diaper checks start. Unfortunately for me the only one to jump to attention was one of the guys. Unluckily even more so, I was the 2nd one he checked. There goes my chances of being changed by the girl. Oh well, I figure. Babies don't choose who gets to change their diapers, so it's still pretty hot that I don't get a choice. I had never met this guy before, or seen him at the few events that I had gone to. But he was welcome at the event, so I figured he must have known someone. He takes me into a bedroom to change me. And I gotta tell you, this guy was great. Like the best diaper change I've ever had, female or male. Great baby talk, just the right amount of handsy, got me to count the tapes as he did them up. Awesome. And a good diapering too, really snug. It was great. The rest of that night went off without a hitch. Now for the bad part. Fast forward to the next weekend. Covid is just settling down where I live, and my grandparents had the genius idea to have a family reunion, which everyone for some reason agreed to. Seemed pretty dicey to me still, but I still had to make an appearance. So we show up, I hang around for a while, have a beer, and then my mom walks up with this guy to introduce us. It's the guy that changed my diaper. It's my cousin. My cousin I played with all the time but moved across the country when I was 6 or 7. He was in town for the reunion, and I guess he figured he'd catch a little's night while he was here. MFW Please tell me one of you fuckers has something worse than this. It doesn't seem possible but there has to be one of you. My gut still drops to the floor when I think about it. -
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Not my horror story but I was the direct cause of someone else's > delivering pizzas > get an address to ritzy neighborhood > knock on door and it opens to an overwhelming eyeful of pink > is a sissy dressed to the 9's. > the frilliest pink dress Ive ever seen and even the rhumba panties over the diaper. > paci gag strapped in and lockable mittens > he hand me a $50 on a $25 order > dude thanks > door opens up to a milf in a white blouse snd pinstripe skirt > blouse is nice and open revieling an amazing rack and a lacy bra > she asks me flat out if I would like to come back after Im done with work > fuck yeah I would > get done with shift and keep address of kinky couple in mind > arrived at house and knock > door opens to a different women than earlier

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>>19948 little late but that shit sounds like rape
>>24041 hilarious

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Super heroes / western comics Baby 02/13/2023 (Mon) 18:57:54 No. 22727 [Reply]
Let's get one of these rolling
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>>22939 Go on, I need more plots of superheroes in diapers.

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Bojay Premium Baby 03/21/2023 (Tue) 14:15:28 No. 23832 [Reply]
this is a long shot but looking for anyone who used to subscribe to the Bojay Premium service on AR archive that ran from 2006-2017 and saved the images. not looking for anything that was on AR Archive for free or part of the time warp CD. not looking for anything that is on dreamtales. looking for someone who had access to the premium service around 2007. have a ton Id be willing to trade for them including recent clips4sale stuff. not sure where else to ask. also looking for any stuff he did for adult baby source that is not part of time warp that you had to be a member to see

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Did KIK ban Diaper Groups? Baby 01/28/2023 (Sat) 22:47:30 No. 22220 [Reply]
I was in a dozen or so Kik groups but this morning they're all gone. Now when searching for anything with ABDL or diaper in the name, nothing comes up. Nappy still works though.
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>>22226 >don't make a thread for this shit mate use kik all the time but usually to hook up with other guys. its great for finding someone who wants to dump their load quick. used to be in the diaper groups but most were full of bots so left. think this is a legit question if kik did ban diaper and abdl groups that sucks and is worth confirming.
>>22226 Shit take. This is valuable information for some people.
>>22220 they updated their blacklists, maybe in a desperate attempt to save their dying app, the one group i cared about did move to discord before all that.

Hypno Thread Baby 07/16/2020 (Thu) 00:39:36 No. 559 [Reply] [Last]
Share Files, or discuss your experiences. Found any files that really brought you into little space? Any that went too far? Share you experience! :)
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>>26780 Wait, did the formatting wrong >>26509
Anyone have bambi daycare series?

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With all the crossdressers giving 'family friendly' shows, why can't we have a family friendly ABDL story time? Baby 10/19/2022 (Wed) 01:52:04 No. 18185 [Reply] [Last]
As an AB I don't want to continue to hide my personality. I want to get out and live and play and be with other humans. Why can't we have a family friendly storytime hosted by AB folks who just want to share our joyousness with others in the human race? The crossdressing events are often sexually explicit with twerking dancers and cabaret style performances, bordering on burlesque performances. I don't want any of that trash. But a story time, followed by playing with trains or dinosaurs, or drawing, could be fun. This could be a great movement!
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>>23610 >Checks out. Checks out.
>>23664 >>23663 If you can't resist the bait, tick sage por dios
i'm all for doing whatever you want in the bedroom, but i have never approved of subjecting unwilling members of the public to it. nobody wants to see that kind of thing. by all means, do whatever makes you happy in private, but keep it in private with other willing participants.

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Have you ever experienced a diaper girl IRL? Freddie Apple 10/24/2021 (Sun) 03:47:38 No. 5667 [Reply] [Last]
As most of you, there's nothing that turns me on more than the idea of a girl wearing diapers. I literally can't get off without thinking about some variation of girl + diaper. Have any of you ever experienced a girl in diapers in real life? Was it out of luck, or did you make it happen? How was it compared to your expectations? Really curious to hear anyone's stories, since I don't think I will ever be able to meet a girl who is into diapers.
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Then to add to this, a few days later she asked for a massage.. I walk in and she wearing a Goodnite that she's wet already. She said "I thought maybe I'd get a longer full body massage if you were enjoying it too". Well almost an hour later her massage was done and she pulls the GN to the side and makes me finish inside her. Once again I return the favor and she claims that she enjoys not having to get up immediately after to go peas and being able to let it go into the diaper. So almost 15 years after we started the relationship, I'm finally getting to live some of the fantasies that have been running through my head for years.
my fiance's fun with it. last weekend we were at a music festival, we both strapped in, she dosed us a little of the mdmazing stuff and we danced our feet sore to Griz. We spent the rest of the night getting each other off and carrying on all fluffed up. Hit the showers in the morning for a fresh start. On the way home we both strapped in again for the 6 hour car ride. When we got home she didnt even want to take it off. The new tykables are impressive and versatile! I never in my life thought I'd ever be able to share the secret with someone, let alone enjoy the act with someone. Keep your head up and your heart open, ya never know!
>>10991 Ditto - my wife knows I'm a DL, and she has offered to wear them once or twice, but until she goes and puts one on all by herself, I'm not going to ask her to do it. It's too forced. Like 9333, I'd like a girl who is as deranged about diapers as I am, and there are some out there I guess. Somewhere.

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ABDL Evangelion Baby 03/07/2023 (Tue) 04:33:58 No. 23357 [Reply]
We all need more evangelion mixed with abdl so feel free to post it here
Good shit. Keep it goin. Focus on Misato. Forget the bitch and the clone.

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