/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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Rules / Moderation / Meta Anonymous 05/24/2020 (Sun) 19:28:17 No. 2 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome to /abdl/ - Adult Baby / Diaper Lover Rules 1. Global rules apply 2. Requests should go in the request thread when you don't have enough content (~5 images) to start a good thread) 2a. This thread is not a general request thread 3. All scat content must be spoilered* 4. No advertising or shilling 5. Do not create threads for which there is already an existing thread able to be posted in *scat refers to clearly visible poop. So a picture of a messy diaper change would need to be spoiled, but a brown bulging diaper would not need to be Rules are liable to minor changes, so check back here occasionally. Anything major will likely be announced in a way that all users can see
Edited last time by abdl on 10/13/2023 (Fri) 12:04:42.
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>>37663 >Oh i didn't realize it worked like that Damn newfags... You neither confirmed that was the thread you wanted to make cyclical and even knew how cyclical threads worked. I'm removing that and if you want a new story thread, make it. >can we have endless threads on here? 8chan doesn't have that feature, ask for it to the developers of LynxChan (https://gitgud.io/LynxChan/LynxChan) if you want. 8chan is based on it. >would that be better? Now think how your web browser would handle a thread with 2000 replies with 5 pictures each post. I hope you have a lot of RAM to spare. If you want to talk about the site itself, go to >>>/site/ Dunno why people bring me this stuff... EDIT Added LynxChan address.
Edited last time by abdl on 06/06/2024 (Thu) 18:48:04.
>>37664 >Dunno why people bring me this stuff... You're the guy in charge; therefore you are automatically expected to have total control of and be be knowledgeable of fucking everything. It's just how it is. I didn't fill this pool, I just swim in it. lol

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peeing easily Baby 07/03/2024 (Wed) 00:51:11 No. 38253 [Reply]
So whenever I go to the bathroom to pee I have realized that either of two things happen. >I have to force the pee out of me >I relax, take a deep breath and wait for the pee to just come out The later one is the best option, and what I go for if I'm not on a hurry, it's really satisfying and relaxing to just feel the pee coming out of you while your body is kind of limp. This is precisely why it's so frustrating that whenever I try to do this very same thing on a diaper my body refuses to cooperate. I always come awfully close, like on the verge of happening, but at the last moment my dick gets blocked and nothing comes out, so I always have to force it which kinds of kills the moment because I just want to relax and let myself go. It's there a way to achieve this? I'm not asking to be incontinent, but to be able to release on command without having to push it. I've come to think that perhaps the reason why I can't release it it's because I start to get aroused when I try to do this in a diaper, but I'm not entirely sure.
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I got 20 years pee practice on ya. That's the answer, Practice.
>>38259 practice, repetition, routine, body conditioning, try to spend in diapers and wetting diapers as much times as you can.
>>38254 Does this work for peeing while laying down too? Unlike OP, I can pee just fine in my diaper but only while sitting up, standing, kneeling, etc.

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Wearing Pre-Used Diapers Baby 06/17/2023 (Sat) 13:45:11 No. 26696 [Reply] [Last]
Art, stories, pics and vids of people wearing pre-used diapers. Whether forced to wear your siblings used diaper to save money, or taking a messy one out of your pail because you can't go without the squish for 5 minutes, all used diapers are welcome here!
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>>37638 Yeah, I'm still looking, have this pic though
>>38251 Thanks!

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Hypno Thread #2 Baby 06/13/2023 (Tue) 05:34:36 No. 26509 [Reply] [Last]
Previous thread >>559 Here's a new file to get started: Bathroom Amnesia (Curse) A brainwashing session that removes the subject's ability to use the bathroom. https://mega.nz/file/M9ZFlZIR#bpn318uPIH0ZLcY_Al9eRyv1W7Y3sJ1vULc7dd14wyQ Posting a couple of things to keep things moving. Nothing new though. https://archive.org/details/ABDL-Hypnosis Assorted files: WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRrelpETmpkVnB0YkhOYVV6VndZbms1V2xwSGVHcE1NbEoyWkRJMWMySXlSbXRNTUhBelZERkdTRlZZVGxOTlJrWkdUWGM5UFE9PQ== n1c0l3/_/d0s31: WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsdFlWZDRiRXh0YkhaTU1FcFhZbnBrY21JeVkzZFRWMmhaWTFFOVBRPT0=

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Edited last time by abdl on 06/13/2023 (Tue) 12:21:14.
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I've been unable to regress much. I want someone to regress me so much for at least like 30 minutes or even 15. Idk. I just want someone to post something new in here for regressing or from new people. I posted two new files I acquired a little while ago and no one even commented. But not a lot of activity in this thread lately and there is a ton still not posted here that is available out there. I'll check back later and hope I'm surprised with something new hehe.
>>38204 you gotta keep in mind that different files will resonate different with different people. Bladder retraining or Baby train 2 did NOTHING FOR ME, the ones that I felt had the most effect were Bladder retraining reinforcer AND Baby Behaviours, keep that in mind, also. I did keep my routine going for months of going to bed padded, wetting, getting used to being wet and relaxing while lying down as well as enoying the feeliings of wetting and being wet while trying to slightly supress my arousal, its routine, repetition, dedication, money and risking a few leaks in bed. Dont give up!
>>38260 what I am trying to say is that, although I did not do the recommended process of Bladder Retraining -> Baby Acceptance -> Baby Behaviours - Baby life traininer/Baby Train 2 - Poopy Diapers I was sort of already invested enough to consider some grounds of "Bladder retraining" in the works (wearing, wetting more easily, being comfortable wearing), and also, going to bed with a paci, diaper cover and baby tshirt helped a bit of the cuteness/acceptance factor settle in as well (Baby acceptance) , so Baby Behaviours definitely did not feel that far away from reach. Still the best one for me was Bladder retraining reinforcer.

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Is there any point potty training women? Baby 02/23/2022 (Wed) 12:02:25 No. 9436 [Reply] [Last]
Throughout the life of a girl there's hundreds if not thousands of ways they can easily become incontinent. Mean if you go through the ages: -Early childhood >Bladder not really developed enough to be fully continent -Teenager >Start having periods that causes incontinence -Early to middle adult >Pregnancy causes incontinence -Late adult >Menopause, enough said -Old age >You get the idea About the only age group for females that would benefit from potty training are in their late childhood stage and chances are they are a bedwetter. Be far simpler and easier all round if they were never potty trained. I am aware that this would produce logistical problems as there would be too much waste to justify disposables. They would have to be restricted to the young and infirm while the rest of womankind would need to get used to the idea of being in reusable cloth.

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>>38215 Sounds like an anon that has posted in this discussion. On that note I kind of wonder how many women are closet abdl these days like closet spankos. Considering how childish women have become would not be surprised if it is a fast growing fetish with young women.
>>38218 It seems more common. I feel like I can think of a handful of young women I see pop up in the fetish, post some diaper content, and then disappear after just a few months.
>>38215 That post is completely wrong, diapers are a phallic symbol and external genitalia are way better than them. More men wear diapers than w*men as well. Way more people like cock in diapers than anything else and love it way more passionately. That says something.

ABDL shota Baby 02/19/2023 (Sun) 01:03:44 No. 22879 [Reply] [Last]
Post ABDL shota
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Cute diaper shos can (on occasion) be had on Baraag, if you're willing to look for 'em.
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Bumping thread

Lost media diapered wiki Baby 05/25/2023 (Thu) 13:02:56 No. 25835 [Reply] [Last]
This thread is for lost media from abdl magazines,pornos,art and fanfics from past to today For example this story which i loved but the diaperfag deleted it and no archive on wayback
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>>38225 If anyone has a folder with all of Da-Fuze's diaper stuff collected that would just be amazing. He never really liked diaper stuff and I'm pretty sure he's going to try to scrub most of it from the internet.
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Been looking for the rest of this comic for years. Would appreciate it if anyone has or knows where to find the rest.
Anyone has old fanfiction about felix argyle from deviantart? It had him bedwetting and sneaking into store to buy diapers.

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Diaper Scat Thread Baby 08/28/2023 (Mon) 19:16:31 No. 29215 [Reply]
A thread for those of us who love the contents of our diapers as much as the diapers themselves. Feel free to post and enjoy open diapers, smeared muck, and some nice chocolate meals. Should help to contain some of the more extreme content and chat so others don't have to see it. Please remember the spoiler rules for exposed scat.
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Have some more diapers overflowing with poop~
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Last couple for now

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Post your own and other Diaperstuck creations here! Homestuck ABDL/Diaper Artwork. 05/08/2022 (Sun) 05:35:18 No. 11918 [Reply] [Last]
Thought we needed a thread for this since ones kept popping up in the last board!
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ABDL Video #04 Baby 05/28/2024 (Tue) 13:47:11 No. 37359 [Reply] [Last]
Old thread isn't bumping anymore: >> 33125
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YUhSMGNITTZMeTkwYUdsemRtbGtMbU52YlM5MmFXUmxiM012WkdsaGNHVnlMV2RwY213dGQybDBhQzEyYVdKeVlYUnZjaTg9 one more for yall, hope someone else finds more of her, shes so cute

Femboy Diaper Art Thread Baby 11/16/2023 (Thu) 19:50:37 No. 31488 [Reply]
Femboys are hot. Diapers are hot. Post your collections anon.
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>>36966 lol how is it living in a fantasy make-believe land. nothing about "staying out of trouble" equates to rape. the enemy you imagine doesnt exist.
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>>36966 "Nobody reacted the cartoon way i i imagined they would in my head.I will not be reflecting on any Implications" It's likely an explicit callback to an earlier comic where a pre-transition Olivia has as illicit dry-humping session with the redhead girls big sister (?) at school. It ends prematurely because Olivia ends prematurely (adorable)
>>31488 >>36966 its set in a universe where people wear diapers and act babyish deep into their lifespans, chastity for transitioned girls isnt very far fetched? Not to mention its a fetish comic, people reading it are into that shit

Real Sissy babys/Diapered Femboys Baby 04/26/2023 (Wed) 20:17:57 No. 24691 [Reply] [Last]
Only good quality pics, no hairy old bastards or degenerates who dont put any effort into being feminine Art is welcome too bonus points for chastity
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>>24691 23m diaper sissy here. Always locked while padded. Album linked below for a load of my pics/vids if interested 🩷 https://www.erome.com/a/T1RSzhHl
>>24691 >>38098 awesome pics! very cute :)
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ABDL games #4 Baby 03/24/2024 (Sun) 08:36:23 No. 35612 [Reply] [Last]
ABDL Video Games Last thread >>26209 Popular games: The Pacifier Project https://abdlsparrow.itch.io/the-pacifier-project Unity, 3D, third person, role playing Littleington University Patreon is dead, search in the last thread for any link of the game Unity, 3D, third person, role playing Messy Academy https://www.patreon.com/MessyAcademy Visual Novel

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If someone has the new DD Escape that would be very cool ;)
Can someone share The Hard Reset from gigaQ?

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Maternal giantess Baby 12/17/2020 (Thu) 20:49:19 No. 2072 [Reply] [Last]
Shrunken women treated like babies.
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Its in a bojay collection on 8 mises. Not sure which one but i think here https://comics.8muses.com/comics/album/DreamTales-Comics/Shrunken-Women-Art-Collection
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Loli diaperfur Baby 03/28/2021 (Sun) 22:17:15 No. 3023 [Reply] [Last]
Padded furry lolis, anthro or otherwise.
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>>36987 Cute. Post more.
>>36987 what did you use to generate those?

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JFF public archiver Baby 07/02/2024 (Tue) 01:35:58 No. 38230 [Reply]
Hello fellow anons, before I waste too much free time of mine, I was wondering if there is anything like coomer for justforfans? If not, I would like to start a community project on building one. I already have the backend layed out, archived over 20k+ posts with 100k+ media files. I still need a frontend and am looking for fellow babys to collaborate on building one. Let me know your ideas on continuing - if so everything will be free of charge, fed by anonymous community subscription contributions.
So far there been to attempt same with when people move to subscribestar I know dp-vids uploads some now and then

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