/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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Baby 05/08/2023 (Mon) 15:49:46 No. 25080 [Reply]
For anyone with a single sex preference (stright,gay, lesbian) have you tried diaper porn of opposite sex and what ones did you enjoy despite not being into that sex
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>>36326 Not that girls aren't an option just would take a lot more work/time and I can find dudes willing to do diaper play instantly lol. Talked to a few on Reddit and could've definitely met up if I wanted to. I don't really care much for labels either, I'm just extremely sexually attracted to diapers lol. There is no scenario in which I would do something with another guy that didn't involve diapers and I would never want to penetrate or be penetrated. The diapers and getting changed is just that strong of an attraction. I get hard just thinking about the word diaper haha. So I suppose I'm just flexible but yeah doesn't matter for me. As for diaper play I don't think I'd mind being jerked or sucked off because I would be hard anyway. Might as well try it out. I'd totally be down for meeting people from here after chatting for a bit of course. Shoot me a message at diaperthrowaway23@gmail.com if you or anyone wants to talk.
Gay males who have female caretakers are living the best abdl life
>>36341 It's called being diapersexual

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Baby 03/11/2024 (Mon) 01:27:57 No. 35255 [Reply] [Last]
What do we do once ABDL stuff is made illegal? With the KOSA bill looming over america I been wondering what will happen to the ABDL community. the bill will require you to use your legal ID to post on the internet and if a government assigned censor doesn't like what you post they can sue you. Basically if you're an ABDL you have to dox yourself and then let the government put you in a sex offenders list because they think diaper fetishism is the same as pedophilia. Then what do we do? I was thinking that I will have to publish I zine but that seems futile, it wouldn't reach anyone.
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>>36056 The only way to stop a bad guy shitting himself is a good guy shitting himself
>>36053 Thought you were going to say she was secretly /abdl/
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Requesting BabyEvie comics Baby 04/15/2024 (Mon) 17:48:30 No. 36085 [Reply]
Hiiii!!! Today I just found out that BabyEvie erased his/her deviant account and I didnt find him/her in any other platform Could you please share his/her comics or tell me where I can find them? Thanks!
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>>36110 Found one more
There's very little material to begin with. This is like half of it, aside from that long story he/she did which was the last thing he/she ever posted. I like babyevie comics, they're very crappy and exaggerated but there's something about the art style that really hits the spot for me. It's like a guilty pleasure within the guilty pleasure that this fetish already is.
Unless you enjoy mental and physical abuse, who gets off to this crap?

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Spanish speaking ABDL community Baby 12/02/2021 (Thu) 05:30:06 No. 7311 [Reply] [Last]
Since 8kun is (technically) dying, I decided to open the same thread for Spanish speakers here. Soy de México, ¿de dónde vienen?
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>>36220 Muy bien (((Amamos a los migrantes)))
>>36221 afloja con /pol/ bobo que aca TODOS venimos a hacernos una paja en pañales y queremos tener una vida mejor cuando emigramos, no es el lugar para venir a jugarla de superioridad moral

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ABDL Wish List Baby 01/20/2024 (Sat) 02:42:45 No. 33552 [Reply]
What are some things you wish ABDL focused companies would do? I personally wish more companies would put designs out similar to TryAgains, but that’s just me.
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i want a diaper that is cut in such a way that you can be pointing down, get an erection, and be pointing up in a way that doesn't require getting your hands involved to reposition anything, while the diaper still remains snugly taped. i don't know if such a thing is possible, i just always have to make a decision if i am going to be pointing down and wetting myself, or pointing up and getting off.
>>36170 >he cant get off while pointed down Maybe its just cause I learned to masturbate in a weird way but I don't have any problem getting off by rubbing the front of the diaper while pointed down. Might be an uncircumcised thing though, I can't really explain the mechanics of how it works but it might help that my foreskin can sort of rub against the tip of my cock.
>>36132 >You can make some pretty complex shapes by folding epoxy-soaked fiberglass sheets over a wooden mold, without the need for specialized machinery. I'm convinced this is the best approach, although I'd be tempted to make the mold from several 3D-printed parts bolted together in order to achieve more complex geometry. You'd probably want to make it "inside out", with the mold forming the external surface, since that's the bit you can polish to a high gloss finish. Strength would be a concern, so you'd need to either build up a very thick layer of fiberglass or embed reinforcing struts made of a different material. Anyway, I think it's a very doable hobby DIY project.

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Diaper Stuffing Thread Baby 09/21/2021 (Tue) 14:33:04 No. 4718 [Reply] [Last]
ITT: Share pictures of people being stuffed/trapped inside another person's diaper. Anything goes, as diaper stuffing art is somewhat rare. Boys, girls, whatever. I know there was a thread over on 8kun, but since the images got scrubbed, we may as well start up the thread here.
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Undertale and its AUs diapered Baby 04/13/2024 (Sat) 22:29:25 No. 36043 [Reply]
Haven’t seen this idea done yet, so I figured I would add it. Any kind of Undertale diaper art, be it the original game or an AU.
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Believe it or not, PieceofSoap drew an Undertale AU character in one of their streams recently. Apparently it’s Aliza from Axetale. Not familiar with the AU.
I really haven't seen enough of Susie in pamps, but this breastfeeding pic makes up for that.

Childhood experiences Baby 12/03/2021 (Fri) 19:37:27 No. 7340 [Reply] [Last]
A while back there were a couple of threads (they may have been on the old 8chan) about diaper related memories we had as kids, and if/how that may relate to our present day interests. Not sure if this is too much of a slippery slope/sketchy/taboo topic since it involves kids, and if it is then mods/BO are of course free to remove this. Anyway, what sorts of diaper related memories do you have from when you were a kid? Do you remember actually being in diapers before potty training? Do you remember potty training at all? Just accidents post-potty training? Looking back on it, do you see any early indications of this fetish from back then? I'll start out with some stuff in a reply to this in a minute.
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>>19924 Thats really cute! Any other stories?
>>9183 kids are so unbelieveably spoiled these days with modern diapers I tell you what back in my day, it was more like size 5 was a current modern size 3! If it didn't fit, it was all plastic, so you ain't gonna stretch that fit! I should know, I tried to walk around with a diaper contained within my underwear in the mid 90's as a 4 or 5 year old - which was too easily caught by the supervising parents and grandparents, given a time or two. Apparently, when you can't get it to fit, if you just stuff it in your underwear, it will make you waddle. Or I was just a dumb kid who let himself waddle regardless.
Some of the weirder diaper habits I hadd as a child: raising my legs during diaper commercials and pretendding I was being changed sneaking off and stealing my brothers diapers if I heard the word diaper in a movie piling sand against my crotch at the playground and making baby noises

Bimbofication/Baby-Brained/Stupid Women Baby 05/22/2022 (Sun) 01:09:35 No. 12330 [Reply]
This is kind of a loose theme but I absolutely love stupid women. I kinda feel like most of the time I see it depicted in ABDL though it's kinda lame. Like baby-brained or mentally regressed women are great and maybe that's part of the reason I love this fetish so much. For one thing why isn't bimbofication more common in ABDL? It seems like having women with over-exaggerated sexual features, an innocent childlike mentality, and a desire to please sexually would dovetail perfectly with ABDL porn. Also, although I feel guilty saying this. I do just legitimately love stupid women. It turns me on when women are just idiots. If anyone was following that YouTube thread >>10298 when "TheDiaperGirl" got recommended I absolutely loved it. She doesn't wear diapers often in her videos but she does occasionally because people recommend it to her and she doesn't seem to understand why. But even more than that, I really can't get enough of how stupid she is. She doesn't seem to know how to do some basic things. Her video quality is terrible and she doesn't seem to understand why or even that it's happening, and the only thing she seems to know how to do is take care of children and talk about diapers, and she's not even that good at that. Anyway if anyone has any good examples of bimbofication or just stupid women in ABDL please post it.
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I want to write a story involving diapers, bimbos and bimbo-ization. I don't want to include any extreme physical transformation stuff. In my mind bimbos are just women with big butts, big tits, big lips, who are incredibly dumb, happy, horny, and eager to please. What would you want to see in an ABDL-Bimbo story like that?

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Baby 01/01/2024 (Mon) 16:09:43 No. 32945 [Reply] [Last]
Emily's Babying
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Thank me later 😉
>>35876 Thank you for this month old post on furaff
>>35921 And U r welcome pal. I don't like to compliment my own self . (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)

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Draw Thread Baby 05/27/2020 (Wed) 02:41:25 No. 107 [Reply] [Last]
For babies who want to practice their artwork! Best pieces go on the fridge.
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How long has the Oekaki thing been here or is it just for april fools?
>>35833 It was implemented on the last site update (March 31th). And I think Oekaki is a regular feature now.
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Dandelion Wishes / ItsDandelionWishes Fan Thread Baby 01/09/2024 (Tue) 23:22:44 No. 33254 [Reply]
It's time to revive this from the ashes of boards since gone. If you have higher res than what's here, go ahead and repost.
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Petitefool [Lainey] Archive Baby 02/19/2022 (Sat) 08:11:43 No. 9274 [Reply] [Last]
Seems Petitefool/Lainey is nuking her Patreon and Tumblr again so figured it'd be best to gather any images or videos in one place.
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>>35782 Really? Keep getting an SSL error with them
>>35779 >>35782 Never mind, got it working. Thank you bro
>>35800 Part 2- Little Orphan Annie prize

Free, unrestricted NSFW AI chatbot! Baby 01/25/2024 (Thu) 16:29:37 No. 33743 [Reply] [Last]
So I found a gem... https://charhub.ai/ It lets you make a fully nsfw/unfiltered chatbot (similar to many others) and it's free. As much talk as you want. An extremely cool feature here is that you can create a "world" and attach to your character, so you could make a DL-world and write information about this world, like "there is a diaper university to teach diaper changing [...]" and list brands of diapers etc. Whatever you want really. The character will then use this information when you chat, so it's consistent. I'm sharing it with you guys because ...well, I'm nice, and also I hope there are some good developers reading this and that different ways to set up a bot are shared, or even some public bots made. https://youtu.be/khM8KzXQ2GY?si=vBox2ov7i7rfy6L-
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>>35767 I dont think so. Try to use the links you passed with a different account, they dont work.
>>35767 Congratulations, your chars were so good they got shadowbanned.
Weird...The other two work fine. May have to remake those first two from scratch.

Do you think it would be possible to condition your gf to like diapers? Baby 02/03/2022 (Thu) 03:14:51 No. 8808 [Reply]
Say you have a gf who is willing to try diapers once you tell her about your fetish for them, but isn't really into it yourself. Could you somehow conditioner her to like it? For example, if you made her orgasm every time she wets or messes, would she eventually develop a fetish for it?
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how to convert vanilla gf into abdl
I'm still trying to get my girlfriend to actually LIKE the diapers. She's been wearing off and on to bed since childhood for bedwetting, and there was quite a bit of abusive trauma involved there. Thankfully for me there, actually engaging in diaper play physically isn't something I care too deeply about; she herself is simply more important. As much as I do love diapers, she's managed to be worth more. But she is okay with wearing them pretty much all the time now. And it does help with nerves, especially stress induced IBS. So that sort of makes me happy in a twisted sort of way, which she is absolutely aware of. And I fully hope the fact I love it gives her some sort of comfort, rather than simple necessity.
>>35611 Constant positive reinforcement got me to like them from my ex. When i was depressed they would put me in diapers and hold me chest to chest and tell me "it's okay, you're safe." Or when I was fussing about something they'd get me into diapers and kinda force me into littlespace and put cartoons on and stuff. I wasn't inherently into it, but the more care I got out of it and the more it was used as a safety/comfort thing the more i wanted it. I cant believe i wasnt even interested in it a few years ago haha

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How to convert my gf Baby 03/21/2024 (Thu) 22:36:25 No. 35558 [Reply]
My gf >loves stuffies, she has a collection >is 4"10 >has watched bluey before, but claims she only watched it because other adults watched it too >has referred to herself as a "big baby" before >wants to go to disney world (says she doesn't see anything wrong going as an adult) >likes the idea of me taking her to build-a-bear (I suggested it once) so she has little tendencies but as far as I know isn't abdl per se how do I get her into abdl and ddlg in the future I want her diapered up on our dates and trips
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>>35589 We've been together over ten years. She likes doing it every now and then. As we've gotten older and had kids it's just different than when we were in our early 20's. I know the aspects she likes of it so I play into that. It's all about compromise and communicating.
>>35589 First, we've been together for 8 years, time does help a lot. I told her about ABDL almost 2 days after we started dating, but on a "cute" side (need of cuddles, wears diaper to feel vulnerable etc.) After 2 years, i started wearing regularly, showing her it was nothing and just REALLY comfy underwear. No problem for her as long as it was not every day. Until last year she had trouble with her periods, but it got fixed. I suggested her the Tena panties "way better than period pad". And finally a few month ago, she asked to wear diapers (real ones, with tapes) during her periods. This was mostly motivated by the fact i told her we could have sex even during periods, without spilling blood everywhere if she wore one and i just had to pull it to the side. So well... comfort, really hard erection, a bit of bdsm and submission with the diaper, pacifier gag and handcuffs. I suppose the hardest part was to show diapers were both usefull and could match the submission fantasies she had (like a huge majority of people i guess) Funny thing is now, when she feels a bit sad or tired, she will wear one without telling me, like its reassuring. I won't hope for more, it's already great that way.
>>35558 After letting her know that you have an interest and gauging her reaction, maybe involve some sort of foreplay in diapering her and making her listen to hypnosis themed around regression and or wetting/messing (If she's consenting, of course). Say that she listens for an hour and give her ten minutes with a massager against her diaper. Leading others into compulsive regression is pretty carrot and stick, but you should absolutely account for whatever she's interested in as well. Also, women have a natural desire for submission, and you can play around with that too if she's not too much trouble.

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