/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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Macro diapers Baby 11/05/2023 (Sun) 09:39:18 No. 31050 [Reply]
Thread for the biggest babys
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I'm not into furries or lolis. Can this be a diapered giantess thread too?
>>32354 Is why i just said giant baby Aka any macro/giantess
There's an artist on pixiv doing macro stuff. Their technique still needs some practice, but the concepts are pretty good. They go by "Hii" (First pic here is by TacoChild)

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Baby 09/02/2022 (Fri) 20:30:59 No. 16493 [Reply] [Last]
Diaper twitter - a lot of cringelords, political sperging, and general autism - but also a near endless source of free amateur porn. Here's some accounts I find hot, post more. Ignore the autistic posts about ACAB or BLM or whatever, these people might be annoying but they're good at shitting themselves and that's what matters Female - https://twitter.com/dlCamiWonder https://twitter.com/princess_cereal https://twitter.com/lilcgfetishist https://twitter.com/LittleTheo727 https://twitter.com/Tulippa72341 https://twitter.com/diapered_skylar https://twitter.com/misspandapants mtf trans/gender spergs/unsure - https://twitter.com/SoEviePeasy https://twitter.com/HookedAesthetic https://twitter.com/ScentsNSmellver https://twitter.com/Babzathoth https://twitter.com/MishkaStinks https://twitter.com/lambpers https://twitter.com/PaddedFoxButt

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>>28837 kys trooner
Is there anyway to improve twitter 'for you'? I have an account that I only created for diaper porn; its literally all i search for, follow, look at etc. but even still after marking im not interested in tones of stuff i still get all this random crap showing up I even went and followed a lot of diaper ethots im not interested in just in the hopes that it would improve my recommendations
>>28618 Because its all they have. Nobody else has it. The user interface so user friendly its built for complete morons. And the fact it archives your posts and art is also handy. Uploading short videos to your WIP is so stupid easy. Its the Fisher Price of blogging. Elon however should have just kept the logo and name. Its already an established brand. Why change that to his obsession with the letter "X"? Tesla X, Space X, his own goddamn son, now just... X...

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ABDL Video #02 Baby 12/19/2022 (Mon) 19:09:49 No. 20872 [Reply] [Last]
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>>33124 thank you a ton
I used to have this video, but unfortunately it's been lost and it is such a great video.. If anybody in this group has it please share it!!
how do you watch there videos? I tried using /# in mega

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Baby sized pee pees & bee bees thread number 1. Baby 10/21/2021 (Thu) 04:11:51 No. 5567 [Reply]
This is a thread that i thought would be a good idea import from 8kun's abdl board onto here. This thread is a roleplaying related thread.
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>be me fresh out of high school >big cock, 4 inches soft, nearly seven hard, can fuck my gf for hours >be tranny but at least I'll never be one of those cringe diaper trannies >fast forward.... >smol pp one inch soft and barely over 3 and a half hard >erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation so I rarely get fully hard and usually cum first, been pussy free for over a decade >can't remember the last time I could keep my panties dry >even accidentally mess like weekly >gf is now my mommy >never been happier Thank you for reading my cringey blogpost
>>23623 Looks like you ended up where you belong
Divorced single mother of 2. Got her son when she was 18. Got her daughter when she was 30. Son turns 20 & the P.I.D bill is passed. He has to take a P.I.D. He became a Nubaby. Was burtaly bullied by his little sister. 12 yeas later. Daughter turns 20 & the gender equality bill is passed. She has to take a B.I.D. She became a Nubaby aswell. Now it is my son's turn to get revenge on her.

Unsubstatiated Diaper Faggotry Baby 11/13/2022 (Sun) 13:10:30 No. 19251 [Reply] [Last]
Thought I'd make a list of diaper stories that came up over the years that were bullshit but people believed it to be true. A fake diaper news as it were. Bridal Diapers Probably most infamous of this list >Over a decade ago some fag with a diaper fetish pretended to be a newlywed mentioning wearing diapers due to their wedding dress preventing them making it easily to the bathroom >This obvious fapwank somehow gained traction through the internet where places like cafemom thought it to be true and started discussing the pros and cons of wearing diapers on their wedding day >Story even made it into the media where journalists thought there was an emerging market for bridal diapers >Still keeps occasionally being brought up to this day Communion Diapers Probably the more controversial one >Appeared roughly after the bridal diaper shitpost went mainstream >Likely done by same fag that who meme'd bridal diapers into existence >Story that girls during their first communion as a symbol of purity should wear diapers as well as other "babyish" style clothing >Had a brief discussion throughout parenting and christian forums before dying down >Most saw it as bullshit however a few seemed gullible enough to take it as legit

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>>20670 >>20672 If you want to trust a therapist to understand the difference between AB stuff and pedophilia, you can feel free to do that. Advising other people to do that, however, is so irresponsible I have a hard time believing it could be done in good faith (especially on a board that has multiple loli threads--you're really going to tell me you don't understand that normalfags can misunderstand things they see as pedophilia-adjacent?)
>>20675 >>20676 Not really sure why you replied to >>20669 explaining how involuntary commitment and doctor-patient and priest-penitent privilege actually works, but still agreeing with others that bringing up weird fetishes to a therapist is still probably a bad idea. Also that PDF you posted is about reporting of child abuse and neglect in general and doesn't have to involve indication or evidence sexual abuse specifically. It even goes over repeatedly standards for different states and territories. There has to actually be evidence or reasonable cause to believe child abuse or neglect is going in the US (and a lot of countries for that matter). Seriously there are a lot of abused and neglected children that the government never gets involved with. There's even been major court rulings that government agencies and police have no obligation and are not liable for failing to prevent child abuse or even enforce restraining orders that would could have prevented the murder of children such as Town of Castle Rock v Gonzales and DeShaney v Winnebago County. Honestly the pamphlet just comes off as something created to reassure people that the government is doing something, cares enough, and has the resources to prevent most instances of child abuse when that is very much not the case. Again, it's probably not a great idea to bring up a niche fetish to a therapist and I'm one of the anons here that agrees in not bringing weird sexual things up with a psychiatrist. At the same time though they're not going to send someone to jail or have someone investigated simply over mentioning ABDL or some other weird fetish to a therapist. There has to be evidence or reasonable cause to believe harm is being done or will be done or that a law is actually being broken. Even BDSM people aren't this paranoid and that's explicitly illegal in some jurisdictions (even parts of the US) under the reasoning people can't consent to assault and there actually being court cases and police involved over severe injuries resulting when someone went overboard with it. Anyway... can we back on topic?
Bridal Diapers. I see this one to be fairly possible in today's countries, as a practical thing, or as a kink thing. But i think that it would be extremly rare. (Excluding all who are incontinent and DOES need them). Communion Diapers. I for one hope that this is not a thing for anyone that isn't incontinent for real. As this comes off as extremly cultish and creepy. Diapered Actors. I am sure that at least some actors are diaper dependent and wears diapers at work, but that it is very rare.

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Forced Into Diapers At (Female Only) Boarding Schools Thread. Baby 01/30/2022 (Sun) 14:56:35 No. 8660 [Reply] [Last]
There are now new boarding schools poping up everyhwere for females of all ages that follows the new highly unform strict ruels & guidelines. 1. Females only, no males allowed. (Males that are fully transformed by the ARA Patrol is allowed, but not looked upon with kind eyes.) 2. All females must wear & use their diapers all of the time 24/7. Toilet use by the students are completly banned. 3. Students may not change their own or other students diapers. (Only staff can do that). 4. Students may not quit or go home untill they have gone through all school years that the school provides. 5. Students must wear a school unifrom, with the school name & crest on it. These schools are meant to educate the female population in proper behavior. Borading Schools for the elite, the rich, powerfull, talented & extremly smart. But also for E-thots, bad girls, tomboys, nerds & girls with disabilities. Note There are cases of prents sending their Daughters that aren't part of the things above.
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>>19090 Way they've been acting lately they need to be reenrolled and brought before the board of education.
>>19095 Oh they do that sometimes, sort off. They call it Alumni's Play-Date Reunion.
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Cumshots in and on diapers Baby 07/08/2020 (Wed) 23:44:40 No. 483 [Reply]
Can we get a diaper-cumshot-thread going? Squirts are ok, too! cream'em.
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>>2969 my ultimate fantasy. >>574 omg! anyone?

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wheelchair girls in dips Baby 05/24/2023 (Wed) 14:26:54 No. 25787 [Reply]
thought we had a thread for this but i guess it disappeared. found a new pic and vid and wanted to post. ill post the old stuff i have too https://mega.nz/file/a1ln3IZR#vR6L5EkLpsKQmbiv78uqoBuC_J76LIsvSfOtADD5_rA not the best but the dip peek around 4:50 is hot. no clue what the vid is about cuz i dont speak russian
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Maybe someone has new content? this kind of stuff is hard to find :(
>>25871 Tinkie Binkie.

subscribestar abdl artist Baby 12/02/2023 (Sat) 22:41:28 No. 32164 [Reply]
post a link a abdl artist from subscribestar on here
>>32164 >incomplete sentence >incomprehensible English >no content This is pathetic, even for a begging thread. Kemono's importer is dead. Patreon is dead. Unless you have: a) expertise in web development that enables you to create your own siterip plugin b) a DMCA-resilient service which can host manually downloaded rips from an artist's page ...you should just give it up.

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Bad Argument thread Baby 12/01/2023 (Fri) 13:31:19 No. 32073 [Reply]
>dumb ab/dl arguments threads Kevin thinks your not adult baby if your do adult baby thing and if your a dl who don't do adult baby stuff your also ab/dl Also (citation needed) for bdsm fags inventing ab/dl
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>>32073 Yeah they're a retard. AB is the age play side, sexual and non sexual play. DL is a fetish specifically for diapers. You can have a fetish for diapers without age play. You can age play without it being a fetish. But if you age play AND have a fetish for diapers, it's ABDL.
Had one person try to tell me they don't age regress, don't like diapers, or have a littlespace/headspace. They just like cute things, so that makes them a little.
>>32073 this can go in the cringe thread

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Novel AI Custom Modules Training/Sharing Baby 01/27/2022 (Thu) 06:42:18 No. 8562 [Reply]
I made a custom module for NovelAi and figured I should upload it. https://mega.nz/file/DaAzCaKK#vkGDdudMFaOeSsBthBt27THmb6UCK8QPdmkfs-RuNik It works well enough though there is definitely room for improvement. The focus with this module was diaper girls in a 'mostly realistic' setting featuring mom or some other authority figure. It kinda works? Like, it mostly knows when you type 'pull ups,' you're not referring to the exercise. Still, improvements could be made but for that I'll need more stories to train it with. If you have your own module already, feel free to share down below. If you want to help improve my module then feel free to suggest stories that are relatively in line with the theme above. If you're not sure, post it anyway. Who knows, I might help make modules that cover other themes if enough interest in this is generated. If you want to learn how to make your own modules, I'll have a follow up post made shortly describing the process.
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>>31802 A quick question, if I want to use faraday and use mythomax kimiko, will I run into any trouble with my 1660 super and my 8 gb ram? And if yes what kind of problems exactly? like overheating for example
>>32036 It will be slow, and you might also get poor responses. You should consider upgrading your RAM at least, if possible. It's very cheap these days, but Samsung warned prices will be increasing next year. Mythomax-Kimiko 13B, on a 1024 context, works well enough for me. 2048 is better but slows down the model generation times. My GPU doesn't go past like 60C. Best to just try it and see.
>>32056 Yeah I tried it just a few hours ago, I will be honest with you, I liked Novel Ai better, not only it creates responses for my character too it takes less time to generate responses and it isn't so hard for me to breach their paywall, Faraday had some better responses though but it was a close match

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Nintendiapers Baby 05/03/2022 (Tue) 03:47:01 No. 11750 [Reply]
The company that makes games for kids of all ages!
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>>25694 Fox one reminds me of that furfag who loves to comission 600+ of fox and falco macros

Text to video AI? Baby 11/29/2023 (Wed) 05:55:52 No. 31923 [Reply]
So, I was seeing this video showing this new text to video tool from Pika Labs, and it seems this technology is advancing pretty quick. I was wondering if anyone played with one of these tools? https://youtube.com/watch?v=6b10jGNNbXQ Also, it's pretty interesting to imagine the outcome for when this technology gets really really really good 10 years from now or so (possibly less, who knows?). To a point that people can create professional "hollywood budget" movies about this kink through AI without needing to a have bunch of money...Curious to hear your thoughts on that as well.
>>31923 I honestly expect nothing but what AI has gotten us for art: ungodly awful to mediocre shit, and proof that not everyone can be an artist. Besides, I cannot imagine someone having to edit and re-edit their prompts for a 60 second video at 60 fps. That's 3600 separate image generations that build on each other.
>>31991 Agreed, AI art already needs a lot of hand holding and heavy editing to produce an end result without obvious flaws no human artist would do (like merging objects and features into each other or screwing up hands badly to the point of confusing them with feet at times) because an AI art algorithm has no actual understanding of what things should look like to a human or what it's actually creating. Now multiply that problem by every frame in something animated, plus the issues unique to animation that still art doesn't have. There's already some examples of AI animation easy to search and it has a serious problem with consistency between frames. It ends up looking like an acid trip of objects with shifting textures morphing into other objects.

adultbaby.xxx login Baby 11/24/2023 (Fri) 08:27:58 No. 31753 [Reply]
does anyone have a login for adultbaby.xxx or adultbabysource.com. It is geoblocked in Australia so I cannot get an account. i just want to coom
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Why the fuck is an Australian site geoblocked in Australia
>>31775 Stupid archaic laws from overly sensitive people about any porn that could be misconstrued for relating to children. See also banning porn with b cup women (yes, really)
>>31753 Download the Tor browser and use that. It has a built in VPN.

Baby 06/07/2022 (Tue) 20:40:28 No. 12786 [Reply] [Last]
Haven't seen a diapersandpacifiers/Maddie appreciation thread in awhile. Damn if I don't miss her. Someone had a dump of all her old stuff including some of her lesser seen instagram stuff. Hoping that kind soul might have them to share on here.
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So...............any more updates or????
>>14445 Incredibly rare instance of someone telling the truth on 8chan???
>>31751 >truth >8chan as if

Senko-San in diapers Baby 06/26/2023 (Mon) 20:14:26 No. 27053 [Reply]
Anyone have pics of Senko in diapers? One I remember seeing ages ago but couldn't find anywhere was a one with a futa Senko and her bulge revealing a soiled diaper under her dress. If anyone has that, please send!
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>>30858 Why not link it so we can at least take a crack at looking for a leak... (no pun intended)
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>>30858 Ask and ye shall receive

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