/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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Full of the works made by sir-dancalot Sir-Dancalot 10/19/2021 (Tue) 05:29:49 No. 5500 [Reply] [Last]
Today is a day to restore this legacy
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Anybody save Dancalot's art of Fang from Volcano High? It was commissioned but I can't find where the commissioner uploaded it
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Teasing/humiliation thread Baby 09/02/2022 (Fri) 22:50:24 No. 16504 [Reply]
In which we make fun of all of the pathetic diaper filling losers on this board. This thread is for teasing all of the >good babs who just want some playful taunting >brats who deserve some real cruelty >princess diaper wearing sissy faggots and anything between Rules >No cuckhold shit >You're anonymous, don't be afraid to be cringey, if it turns you on it'll turn someone else on
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>>16585 Could you tease me too? :(
I'd love to hear some of your favourite nicknames, as I am looking for more cute things to call a friend of mine and make them blush >: D The more silly and embarrassing, the better!
Squish butt, lil stinker, baby brains, puddin head, soggy pants, Bubs, Baby doll, and Dum dum

Sims4 child diaper mod? Baby 01/06/2021 (Wed) 06:28:47 No. 2216 [Reply] [Last]
Does anyone have the sims4 toddler -> child diaper mesh mod? I can't find it online anywhere but it used to be on a 8chan thread. NOT the mod in the pic, the one I'm looking for is the actual toddler mesh upscaled for child sims
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https://www.loverslab.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=1776964&key=94e880da68453463be4483422cead43f https://www.loverslab.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=1776966&key=c8bdef4da94e36ac928bb13e85c8c3e1 https://www.loverslab.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=1776965&key=53d8e51d343b599e3b934e1b11dcd730 https://www.loverslab.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=1776967&key=89ca924e767e27cd45966cce6a6b7018 https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/28368-iwnbedwetting-extended-includes-abdl-diaper-changes-and-abdl-uppies/?do=download&r=1878548&confirm=1&t=1&csrfKey=78b17e18f784b76f38b79519b653a8fe https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/30769-universal-adult-diaper-with-automatic-bulge-and-peek-effects-female-and-male-wip https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/9165-better-made-female-and-male-cloth-diapers/?do=download&r=698791&confirm=1&t=1&csrfKey=78b17e18f784b76f38b79519b653a8fe https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/30769-universal-adult-diaper-with-automatic-bulge-and-peek-effects-female-and-male/?do=download&csrfKey=78b17e18f784b76f38b79519b653a8fe https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/11802-pampers/?do=download https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/15187-pastel-diapers-for-the-clean-and-for-the-messy-female-version/?do=download&csrfKey=78b17e18f784b76f38b79519b653a8fe https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/15187-pastel-diapers-for-the-clean-and-for-the-messy-female-version/?do=download&csrfKey=78b17e18f784b76f38b79519b653a8fe https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/5246-sims4-tykables-pampers-for-female-teen-ab-diapers/?do=download&csrfKey=78b17e18f784b76f38b79519b653a8fe https://allthefallen.moe/forum/index.php?resources/diaper-for-kids.4817/download https://allthefallen.moe/forum/index.php?resources/child-diapers.4664/download https://download1072.mediafire.com/fckafztk0ihg_ZKzFl8ov1jvuUKY1q1Y8rIamtH3kJ8H3VW_6R87GxpP5UtycEiHt-mbM-Xs8sCTXqIc6pS4I-UoK8aXOUSre5ZkyYuwgJESQjpLgHgcCW7o-6lFHnyf_xI4j842HzcBrNEqlkEQ5tz7XoMEnUuuP8NcHhRKhjEugg/46apo16wz0fbudt/Daisy+The+Diaper+Girl.zip https://download856.mediafire.com/iqv9p8z6o2fgZvsGyDHAnwkX69siWkzTLIiS6JaSifitDDSPHHnunK5NHcPAn8UU5JcwOmgOYCg-HqM0itztLJsf-Z4mYYlc161Yx-Eg3KFE0F4vGtqVR74G_92WIhOKKuCtLBffbcZ7HEr2gxh-YcCh20yXuUgRLXKXn07T8Ak5Hw/od1g5x8ciepjqxs/Marielle+The+Diaper+Girl.zip https://download1528.mediafire.com/0k295ms4txigV_me4s-uIx8VdlLmbXpiRRiK5qXjz_SLRZmWvGfH9ruZyqS08iOSXkw3Y5H2CRc96i1Ol9kH0rgRLvZmboKjo6RPk7k7Lrq7U0jCIpRpQJB6qP07XAgIyrEO-KXmz3H1Jp7spWmcjsqJf4nkcCKTl-rfrdM-q78upw/xojlie9x2sqsj5y/Bedwetting+Mods+by+TS4Susie+%28Girls+Only%29.zip

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ABDL Games #3 Baby 06/04/2023 (Sun) 18:20:55 No. 26209 [Reply] [Last]
ABDL Video Games Last thread >>16530 Popular games so far: The Pacifier Project https://abdlsparrow.itch.io/the-pacifier-project Unity, 3D, third person, role playing Littleington University https://www.patreon.com/ABDLCheeks Unity, 3D, third person, role playing Messy Academy https://www.patreon.com/MessyAcademy Visual Novel

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Edited last time by abdl on 06/04/2023 (Sun) 21:29:25.
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Help me define these rules Baby 10/01/2023 (Sun) 07:34:51 No. 30050 [Reply]
I found someone with kindergarten & nurse experience. He's aware of my abdl fantasies and would like to make them real for a fee. Right now I've established these rules: 1. Always in diapers, no toilet, locking diaper cover & he will change me 2. Wakes me up, reminds me/helps me in the most basic tasks(showering, brushing teeth etc) 3. Helps with dressing/undressing, selects my clothes 4. I should tell him what tasks I need to do for work & keep him informed 5. Tells me what to do, when to work, play etc 6. No leaving unsupervised, no stopping this game 7. Treats me as a child and I only get to have the same privileges & freedoms of a child, 4reelz What am I missing?
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>>30050 This just that one 4chan man let's rules on steroids
>>30050 Do you get to tell him when you need a change or does he need to check you
>>30050 What are you? Toddlerkun 2.0?

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group-shots Baby 05/27/2022 (Fri) 12:15:29 No. 12476 [Reply]
just images of at least 3 people.
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>>12552 Happy B-Day
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>>35343 those bunnyhopps almost look messy

Cousin Baby 02/16/2024 (Fri) 07:01:24 No. 34593 [Reply]
What do you think? Should I post more of her? I have over 60 custom photos she sent me
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>>34593 Holy shet she is so cute!!!! PLEASE post more!!!!
>>35329 So OP was just larping. Makes sense.

>>35046 >>35013 >>34897 Only remotely fappable pics itt. Aspies need to stop spamming 30 variations of the same shit.
I been working on Abu's King diaper. Using Prodigy now which is good, but I struggle to get the fine details reliably. But I been able to keep it versatile.
>>35658 Very good! Can you post somewhere your LORA or your checkpoint file?

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Mommy waifus Baby 05/26/2023 (Fri) 22:17:07 No. 25898 [Reply]
Post your favorite fictional mommies. Bonus points if they're not literal mothers, just motherly.
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>>34707 Thank you, that's a shame!
I don't get it, but Viviepop certainly has a knack for drawning characters that brutally hit the spot.
Does wobbles have somewhere to sub to them? This might be a stretch to ask, but does anyanon maybe an archive? I saw they had a discord link for a second, but it's closed! :( >>34707 >>34651 These pics are great (when they don't have the physical preportions of a toddler)!

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Fictionalized Childhood Experiences (Greentext) Baby 12/02/2022 (Fri) 18:42:58 No. 20133 [Reply] [Last]
Because of valid complaints in the childhood experiences thread, I thought it'd be cool to make a thread where creative license is expected. Ideally, it'd have a core of some real experience. Also, greentext because greentext is awesome. I'll start: >Be me, 8 years old >Go to classmate’s birthday party >Her cousin, who seems to be our age, is just walking around in a diaper, no shame >Like, wtf, but no one else says anything, don’t want to be the weird one and bring it up. >Ask parents to set up more playdates with her out of curiosity >Ask her about cousin, she just refers to him as “weird” but not bad to hang out with. >After a number of playdates, go over to play and, holy crap, her cousin is there. >Since it’s not a girl birthday party, the three of us play together (we basically ignored him the first time) >He seems normal now, we play some Nintendo and run around outside. >He runs inside, we play for a couple of minutes before friend drags me inside giggling. >Says I should see this... >We pop into the guest room, cousin anon is on the bed getting changed by his aunt. Room smells of poop. >I couldn't really see much, considering the intensity of the situation, just an open diaper and aunt holding some wipes >Friend giggles >Cousin Anon yells for us to go out

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>12 years old >have childhood friend, Kayla same age >horny kid, trying to get in her pants >like, want to kiss but don't really know what to do after >she used to come over all the time >she got new step-mom and step-bro a couple months ago >now she's used as free babysitter >complains to me about how 5-year-old lil bro not really potty trained >has to change dirty pull-ups sometimes, messy undies are the worst >morbidly interested, she explains in detail while pretending to gag >Saturday, invite Kayla over >has to watch lil bro >shit, bring him too >she asks parents, it's allowed >they walk over, only live a mile away >meet lil bro for first time >not spoiled little shit, more neglected by single mom issues

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>>35202 Part 2 >"You peed too! What the hell!" >Kayla freaking out >Laugh out loud >Lil Bro laughing >"I feels good," I claim >"Boys are fucking gross" is her response. >Opens her backpack and pulls out 2 pull-ups and a ziplock baggie of baby wipes >"Do you need one too?" she says as an obvious joke >"Maybe..." >Shit just got real >She looks into my eyes, swallows >This is her chance to see my junk without me seeing hers >Lil Bro missing all of this >"Okay, fine, Big Sis has to handle everything"

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>>35203 Part 3 >never really talk about it; things just happen organically >Kayla realizes she can come over to play all the time if she brings Lil bro >her newly-wed parents glad for the peace and quiet >my mom always works weekends >just the three of us >Lil bro comes in pull-ups because of what happened the first time, or just cause Kayla wanted him to, I dunno >I really enjoyed it so I bought some Goodnites with my allowance and wore those when Lil bro came around >Running around in front of Kayla in just a Goodnite >Lil Bro in just a t-shirt and pull-up half the time. >Kayla pretended to be disgusted but she changed me when I was wet too... >We used to just play vidya but Lil Bro wants to do actions figures, legos, etc. >Still had all my toys, so lots of fun >Lil Bro didn't usually take naps, but just got over nap-age >one day we build a fort >It's all pillows, dark and comfy inside.

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Animations/drawn gifs that include diapers Baby 11/02/2020 (Mon) 12:51:02 No. 1768 [Reply] [Last]
from anything literally that you can find, from anime, from cartoons. from your favourite hentai artist (western or eastern) furry, human. loli, adult. edit, original. anything is allowed as long as it includes padding and is animated
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>>35179 Its in the name of the video retard
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Sissy Baby Thread Baby 04/15/2022 (Fri) 13:03:22 No. 11143 [Reply]
Other thread is mainly shotas. This one is just sissies in diapers. bonus points for chastity. no furry shit
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>>34854 Something I was very surprised to find was a huge number of transmen that have a fetish for being forced into girly clothes and treated like girls. There was a tguy talking about how he wanted guys on the street to rip his binder off him and make him grow his hair out long enough to tie little bows in it. They also want to be misgendered and raped. You might find some fun in these kinds of circles.
>>34854 Sissy-adjacent, there's for sure some overlap on a conceptual level, but its not the same thing by pure definition. >>35145 Deep down all women want a man to tame them, no amount of surgery or hormone therapy can alter that basic instinct.

Computer Generated furry Art Thread Baby 06/24/2023 (Sat) 11:22:28 No. 26975 [Reply]
Furry porn manufacturing is here. Share your setups/prompts/models, and spam your AI gens.
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Made these with this AI art generator https://perchance.org/furry-ai
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I'm really digging Perchance AI gens

diapered momies diapered giants 04/06/2022 (Wed) 23:05:29 No. 10820 [Reply] [Last]
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>>25841 >>28928 I don't know the specific models but the image definitely looks like Adult Baby Source. Also, man I wish I had more to contribute to this thread. Lover diapered mommies.
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Baby 02/26/2022 (Sat) 01:46:45 No. 9502 [Reply] [Last]
Transgirls in diapers
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>>30917 >tranny with a mommy it rhymes and I think its cute<3 kek enjoy your life however you see fit baby
>>28112 thats really hot anon

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Diaper Cherry Baby 11/09/2022 (Wed) 16:12:06 No. 19145 [Reply]
Outdoors in sunny Tenerife, Cherry English climbs in her diaper
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niggers tongue my anus
what is this bullshit? a thread died for this.
anyone got her vids?

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