/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

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Diaper Dreams Baby 02/02/2023 (Thu) 20:34:38 No. 22377 [Reply]
What kind of dreams do you have the revolve around abdl? Wearing diapers, having accidents, being little, etc.? I had a nap earlier today where I dreamed that my mind had been swapped with the body of a kid but still my own memories. During it I woke up at a dentist and was confused at what was going on and where I was and this person who was apparently my parent was there to help calm me down. During this I had ended up wetting my pants out of nervousness and embarrassment. The dream cuts to me back at our house and I’m in a pull up now and am staying home while they run errands. I have to use the bathroom and run to a toilet but don’t make it and wet my pull up causing it to leak. I then struggle to get the pull up off and get confused on how to do it, but eventually tear it off. I then notice in my room my bag of pull ups half gone and realize I must wet the bed a lot too, so I put one on and go to clean up my mess only to have someone who I assumed was my older sister come in and I try to explain it was an accident and I didn’t mean to do it and she just shakes her head and smiles. I then run back to my room to hide and notice I’m wet again and poke and prod my diaper wondering how it happened. Then my damn alarm goes off and I am woken up from this dream.
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>>22377 I don't often have very coherent dreams and most of my diaper-related ones were from when I was a kid, but here are some of the most memorable ones that I still think about: >I'm lying down on some kind of conveyor belt. When I reach the end, it drops me down onto another belt going the opposite direction, repeating in a zig-zag that keeps going downwards. Each belt has a set of arms above that does some different function like removing my clothes, applying powder, putting on a diaper, putting on overalls, etc. >Similar to the last dream except instead i'm going down a slide. There's several junction points along the way that scan me and switch to different chutes, like a sorting mechanism. When I get to an age sorting junction, it incorrectly switches at the last second from Kid to Baby and sends me down a different path, then when I reach a gender-checking junction it again scans wrong and sends me down the Girl path so I get stripped and re-dressed in pink and diapers. >Idk if they have it in America but there's this UK show called Wife Swap where two families from different backgrounds send their wives to live with the other family for a week and then see how everyone adjusts. In this dream i'm on a show like that except i'm the one who's been swapped to live with a different family. I guess the "twist" for this fictional episode is that their kid is a baby (or lives like one) so now I have to take their place and i'm led into my new bedroom which has a shelf full of diapers and a crib inside it.
I barely sleep, but when I dream... I barely have what you would call dreams. It's more of a mess of various states of consciousness. But surprisingly enough I had a dream where I was back being a little boy in a diaper, and I was in my childhood home, looking up. And that's it.
>>22377 I almost never have dreams. Usually when I do, I'm either drowning or getting shot in them. I've only had two ABDL-related dreams in my entire life, both times I pissed the bed because I thought I was wearing when I wasn't (this was before I ever got my hands on any). The first time it was fucking weird because it involved my older sister knowing about it and having sex with me. The other time it was wonderful (until I woke up pissing the bed) because I had a mommy gf.that made me feel loved for once. Needless to say, now that I'm remembering it I want to die. Fuck Valentine's Day.

Globalization thread Baby 10/25/2020 (Sun) 04:04:02 No. 1681 [Reply] [Last]
You know the drill, post global diaper scenarios. Here's one I came up with a while back: An idea that popped into my head: So it turns out your weird uncle who posts boomer memes about the Illuminati was right: the world has been secretly being run by aliens for about one hundred years now and are secretly beaming signals into our skulls to mess up our brainwaves. Why are they doing this? Because they want to domesticate us and keep us as pets. You may ask what this has to do with ABDL. One word: neoteny. When us humans decided to keep dogs around for companionship rather than hunting, we bred dogs that looked cuter, smaller, more…like a baby. Well, the diabolical alien overlords are doing the same thing to us. Celebrities and politicians acting like children on TV? That's part of their programming. Obesity crisis? They want us to still have chubby cheeks like we do when we're babies. And in the final stage, they'll take away our potty privileges, leaving us with only one choice: diapers. By the 22nd century, the plan will be complete. Humanity will consist of chubby, pint-sized manbabies who piss and shit themselves and eat off the floor. Unable to comprehend the complex language of our new alien masters, our speech slowly degrades into baby gibberish. No more free will, no more control of our own lives, just headpats and bellyrubs and diapie changes.

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TIL that researchers at Utah built a device that allows you to remote-control someone's bladder via a wireless remote. Oh, and its patent is set to expire soon. (https://patents.google.com/patent/US7571000B2/en)
>>22325 Not sure that this is the right thread for it, but >>11881 made me think about the intersections between AI, IoT/wearable/implant tech, and some of the bizarre things I see at work
>>22325 That patent reminded me of a device in the film Kick-Ass in which, when activated, it produced an instantaneous severe diarrhoea.

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Pic is Your Next Life! Baby 10/09/2020 (Fri) 17:42:40 No. 1464 [Reply] [Last]
Look at how much fun anon is having with his playmates!
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>>21968 Aww! What a cute lil gamergirl.
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>>22115 No pic means extra punishment!
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>>22118 It's you who needs to be punished. I told you to ask if you needed to go. I knew you couldn't be trusted. This is why you're in diapers.

Potty Training General Baby 01/18/2023 (Wed) 04:42:59 No. 21903 [Reply]
I know this is a sort of completely contradictory topic, but I personally really like the idea of being potty trained, along with diapers, obviously. I honestly would never use a toilet again if I had a small potty chair to use instead, but like a genuine looking one, not a camping latrine painted up or a bucket with a toilet seat on it. I guess post any videos, pics, potty training activities, games, ect here.
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So what's the ideal adult training potty? I know the answer would be obvious: kid's potty but bigger. To be honest, just rescaling the potty as if it were like editing an image in Photoshop is absurd, because it doesn't consider an adult's weight. I was curious to see if AliExpress had something related, and I ended with these three toilet solutions. I have the idea of transforming one of these to make it look childish, and if there's the opportunity, put some medical bedpan there so there's no 3D printing involved. Any ideas?
>>22073 >To be honest, just rescaling the potty as if it were like editing an image in Photoshop is absurd, because it doesn't consider an adult's weight. This is a good point, but easily solved by making the walls thicker. If we say that an adult is roughly twice the height of a toddler then you'd want the plastic to be at least 4 times thicker and probably more like 8 times thicker to give a nice safety margin. That's still very achievable with fibreglass or even vacuum forming.
bros the other day i literally almost forgot to pull my underwear down when i sat on the toilet its fucking over my potty training

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Paddedprincessxoxo Baby 01/24/2023 (Tue) 16:23:16 No. 22057 [Reply]
Does anyone have Paddedprincessxoxo videos I could download. Thanks in advance

what's the best place to get diaper porn? Baby 10/02/2022 (Sun) 03:38:39 No. 17500 [Reply]
i've been around for a while. i feel like i've seen all of the free content from this fetish that is available on the (publicly accessible) internet. i've downloaded everything that's been posted here or on other chans. due to the economy of niche fetish porn, it seems like i just have to suck it up and pay for it if i want any new content, because things don't get posted for free anymore. so, what's the best bang for your buck currently? abdreams? ukdiapergirls? frdiapergirls? justforfans? clips4sale? i don't care if it's AB or DL, i just want hot girls in diapers.
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>>17505 For thisvid, before I upload a video I toss it in adobe premiere and cut off a second-ish at the start and end and sometimes put a TINY crop on the video, export with a different name. I think thisvid recognizes stuff thats been removed for copyright infringement in the past if the file size, length and file name are all the same. I also wonder if it recognizes duplicates if 2+ people upload the exact same video downloaded from another site (name, length, size) and then blocks or deletes it.
>>21781 yes. it's called a hash lol
Is there a GitHub code to access private videos on ThisVid?

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Baby 01/19/2023 (Thu) 13:23:35 No. 21944 [Reply]
>be me >like cute underwear, nothing more >only artists who draw it are AB/DL ageplay pervs or lolifag v&s
So you like children panties and wonder why only pedos and abs draw em?

Japanese daycare/preschool/kindergarten Baby 01/04/2023 (Wed) 21:44:29 No. 21462 [Reply]
Where can I find pictures of the interior layouts of japanese daycares, preschools, and kindergartens? Include all necessary areas including play areas, entrances, diaper change areas, toilet areas, etc. Post any pictures you have or links to them with descriptions please.
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>>21927 Im pretty sure that article only covers toileting policies for hoikuen not youchien
>>21926 Oh, that explains a lot. Thanks
>>21930 Ah, you're right. Here's one on youchien, but it also doesn't really mention diapers or bathroom policies: https://factsanddetails.com/japan/cat23/sub150/entry-2798.html Although both articles say that many places are becoming combined youchien-hoikuens, so they'd definitely take care of diaper changes.

Grace Is HomeSchooling You Thread. Baby 02/28/2022 (Mon) 06:19:46 No. 9593 [Reply]
Grace has taken you in into her home for whatever reason & has decided to homeschool you. What will you school days be like & what thinks will take place.
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Well Baby thanks for the clearing that up.
>>11607 We need more Grace, I think the Padded Reich thread autosaged
>>11607 Nice Thread lol

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Searching for a Diaper Girl Baby 01/15/2023 (Sun) 20:32:06 No. 21825 [Reply]
Hello everybody, does anyone know this girl or the context in which the picture was taken?
Don't make a thread for a single request. Use the general request thread.

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Ancient images Baby 10/21/2022 (Fri) 18:13:19 No. 18272 [Reply]
It's hard to find images pre-2008. If anyone has some leads on finding oldschool ABDL illustrations or domains that still host them, I'd be incredibly grateful.
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>>18275 Tbp?
>>21585 pirate bay and my dumb ass didn't realize the abbreviation was wrong
Anyone have micman's old stuff?

Bluey thread storys/art Baby 12/30/2022 (Fri) 00:44:32 No. 21203 [Reply]
I'm curious what naughty storys people have
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Is the show officially animating Bandit dressed up in a nappy not enough?
>>21289 Enjoy raising your kids I'll be busy jerking off to fantasies about Chilli Heeler putting me in a diaper <3
>>21289 >can we kindly fuck off ruining every kids show with our fetish You can kindly fuck off and stop trying to police what people tug their pug to.

Military AB's Baby 08/02/2022 (Tue) 23:47:58 No. 15126 [Reply]
Hey anons, I have a question. I'm a military fag in communal housing but I want to indulge in some diaper stuff. I don't want to get inspected and have them find anything. Do you have any tips? I was thinking worse comes to worse I could get a small pacifier and hide it in a safe. Thoughts? >pic rel but not me
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You could just keep your perversion away from work
>>15129 >wikiHow to get a medict discharge
>>21482 IDK start having seizures at a young age it worked for me. JK I didn't wanna get out. shit sucked depression. I really don't like people to fake stuff. shit was hard actually getting taken seriously. pretend your back hurts really bad I guess? legs? depression? IDK never really thought about it

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muscular ABDls 08/04/2022 (Thu) 02:59:58 No. 15152 [Reply]
I mostly just looking for pics or drawings of built strong people (preferable women) in diaps.
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really wish there was more she-hulk content.
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Secret society of littles. Baby 12/19/2022 (Mon) 03:18:29 No. 20851 [Reply]
What goes on in the rich abdls life real or fictional? Who is the secret cabal of littles? What do their nurseries look like and schedules look like?
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>newly inducted into the Cradle of Gaia >Took years to gain entry, had to create a secret monopoly of businesses, solve strange riddles, get away with an assisination plot, but am now at the heart of the cabal that dictates world power behind closed doors. >Go into a museum, get to the freight elevator, go to archives, find secret door and another elevator, show guard my infinity tattoo with extra circle around the middle, he hits it with UV light to show a larger hourglass design woven into it. "Need to be carried?" >"No I'm good." >Weird ask. > Walk in on a bizarre scene >Men and women almost fully nude, wearing thick baby-print diapers, they are 40 and over >See younger men and women in domino masks, women wearing breast exposing dirndls, the men in Chippendale style collars with cuffs, but jacked as hell picking up and holding the diapered older folks. > Several are in giant highchairs with a hologram in the middle, going over data and figures while sucking pacifiers, pacifiers that look like an infinity symbol with the mouth shield as a circle around it. >One of the masked bodybuilder men scoop me up like I weigh nothing to be on a changing table. > Woman starts undressing me "So we get you pampered, I feed you milk, your body not your worry here at Cradle, is my worry, I clean it, feed it, fuck it, you join in the greater work. You have strong legs, no, no more walking, we carry you burden, you think our mind burden." >Accent impossible to place, getting my ass coated in baby powder, the man is stripping off my suit. >Diaper on, the woman mounts me and shoves her tits in my face, breast milk flows as she grinds against me, an assault of conflicting feelings. >I have joined the elite of the elite and apparently am in an abdl sex den >Goddammit everytime.
>>21042 This is the abdl society we need.
>Born into family of extreme wealth and connections >Waited on hand and foot my whole life >Of age to accompany a meeting >A lot of people look like the help, trousers without crotch snaps, the women are topless >The actual people in charge look like me, thick diapers, carried about and moved in strollers, if not suckling a tit, getting hand fed exquisite food >A meeting talking strategies for seamless public display of extreme wealth via media psyops associating wealth with being pampered is being reviewed >I always thought it was odd how insulated my life had been, now learning that the help and lessers use "toilets" and don't have staff on hand to check and change diapers, anticipate hunger, or facilitate sexual release >That's a disgusting amount of work, no wonder I was never imposed with the horror of such degenerates >Celebs will be putting out random gossip of baby food diets, be seen with pacifiers, music videos with stylized diapers and infantware. >Part of the strategy is also installing or maintaining older and older politicos who will also be diapered for the reason of "old age" and again reaffirm that the people in charge are the ones not wearing pants >Within the decade, being seen in a diaper will be associated as being of mass wealth and status and therefore of authority. >Find the Initiative to be fascinating, miss some parts when getting a messy diaper changed with the usual handjob following, milk maid helps catch me up by reading the plan out as I fill up on milk. >It's good to be in charge.

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