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Diaper Royals Thread. Baby 03/30/2023 (Thu) 01:00:09 No. 24047 [Reply]
This is a thread for Cartoon Pictures of Diapered Royals of all kinds.
13 posts and 49 images omitted.
https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/109985243 https://www.deviantart.com/bman44/art/Diaper-Lost-Princess-Anastasia-972278492 First Summer Sale exclusive Diaper Princess, the lost Princess Anastasia is now out for this years Summer Sale. (Backside Info Text of The Box) It appears that her family, memories and place in the world weren’t the only things the Princess lost on that dreaded night when she got separated from her grandmother, as the revolution raged on. It also seems like she lost her ability to control her bladder, along with the ability to control her bowels. And even when it seemed that she got everything back. Even then those abilities still were lost, will she ever regain them, or will she be forced to wear diapers for the rest of her life? Nobody really knows, as it seems that only time itself will bring that answer.
https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/110073503 https://www.deviantart.com/bman44/art/Diaper-Swan-Princess-Odette-972802897 Last Summer Sale exclusive Diaper Princess, the Swan Princess Odette is now out for this years Summer Sale. Backside Info Text of The Box A permanent curse was placed upon the young Princess Odette. Where her underwear once had been, was now taped tightly onto her a big plastic baked pink diaper with a Swan on it. She, along with everyone she knew and loved, along with every subject in the kingdom tried in vain to remove it. But no matter what the did, they all failed. The diaper couldn’t be destroyed either, as every method to do so failed. The only way it could be removed was for her to stand in the moonlight of the Swan Lake where the curse was place onto her. Only with that moonlight was the diaper removed, but only for her to be cleaned up, and for a new fresh diaper to be put on her. A diaper that looked exactly the same as the last ones she had worn and used. Poor little Odette what would she do now. Her life would now forever be a diapered life. A life that she, along with every other being would not be able to change. Never again would she be out of diapers, and be able to go to the bathroom of her own. The Swan Lake had become her new permanent bathroom now, and all of this thanks to that dark and evil diaper curse that was place upon her. Will she ever get used to this change, nobody knows.

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Cloth Diapers Baby 12/15/2021 (Wed) 18:52:34 No. 7595 [Reply] [Last]
So between pins, prefolds, plastic pants, doing the laundry for them, being out in public and so on it is easy to see the disadvantages of cloth diapers time vs disposables. (and I've had more than a few people say they didn't know they had to wear plastic pants with some prefolds in the past...so I bet that was fun). Still I could maybe have hope that there are some interesting diapers out there and my list is a bit out of date. Baby diapers have a ton of extra options these days for options in regards to cloth but just like disposable for abdl they have to catch up still. However, seeing the lion diaper and a few others gives me hope for cloth diapers as well. Anyone find any good cloth diapers for adults? In general I'm tired of pins and even stuff like snappi. The all in one's with buttons look cute at least but Velcro is potentially interesting as well. So I'd like to find some recommendations
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going to repost my own question from here now that I know about this thread. >>27470 >So I'm not much of a sewer but I've been given a free old sewing machine and figure ill try my hand at it. I'm planning to make a couple cloth diapers more like those modern aio or pocket diaper styles. I have some questions first though and I'm hoping some other anons have answers before i just go into trial & error. Material being the big one, most seem to use PUL but I cant find any so I'm thinking of using waxed cotton or oilcloth. I've waxed some of my cloths before to wonderful effect which made my think of using it here. any obvious problems wit this idea or am i better off buying online somewhere? another thought is leg gussets, see pic related, idk if its going to be worth the hassle to figure out thoughts? and the big one is every tutorial for baby diapers i find uses a serger or zig zag stitches for the elastics, my machine only does the basic forwards lockstitch, is the idea doomed to fail from the start?
>>27684 That is a bit too specific for most of us here, I'd think. While I know nothing about waxed cotton or oilcloth, I can say that any diaper cover worth its salt does the following: > Contains moisture completely > Comfortable for long-term wear > Easy to change diapers > Can be reused and is easy to maintain

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Need help finding image Baby 07/17/2023 (Mon) 17:26:22 No. 27750 [Reply]
Im looking for an old tumblr post that consisted of various pictures where cartoon characters would make fun of someone in diapers irl, like a who framed roger rabbit thing there was 2 posts of lola bunny shouting at someone filling theyre diapers and starfire and raven giggling at two boys in diapers so far the only accounts ive managed to find are: lorenzopaddedstar but sometimes called lorenzopadded? i still cant find these photos this was the only image i could find out of that account if anybody can find the ones i need ill be really happy
Fuck off and use the questions thread.

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Text to speech (tts) / AI generated voices / character voices Baby 01/30/2023 (Mon) 01:11:58 No. 22270 [Reply]
Elevenlabs is the new AI of the week and thought there was good potential for diaper fapbait with it and other text to speech tools. Basically make audio of fictional characters or generic voices talking about how you belong in diapers, complaining about being forced into diapers, teasing you for wearing diapers, mommying you, reading diaper smut, etc. The options I know of are >15.ai Pros - No sign up necessary, voices actually sound like the character they're meant to be, higher degree of control over emotions Cons - Small Selection of voices currently, long periods of downtime (including now), tight character limit >uberduck.ai Pros - Largest Selection of voices Cons - requires an account, a lot of the voices sound bad or are meme characters >beta.elevenlabs.io Pros - Can clone a voice in minutes. Also has a few generic default voices. Cons - requires you to find or create an mp3 of the character speaking in isolation preferably at least a minute long (You can use streamable or a similar website to download clips of youtube videos). Has a lifetime character limit for free accounts, but all you need is a temporary email to make a new account. Sometimes the voice just ends up sounding generic.
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Well, if anyone wants to help an anon out, maybe some pointers about buying some premium plan from one of these without needing to attach my actual information to them. I'm willing to pay for stuff, but I dont wanna give them my real name or any of that shit. Anyone know if preloaded cards work for this sort of thing? Like, can I buy card with cash, then use it to buy what I need and give them a bunch of fake names and shit? and yeah, I did some poking around looking for good reading voices. I'm trying to see if I can use one to read this type of thing as an audiobook. For this experiment I tried running the same text through different services to see what's what. The text itself is from "Potty Problems" by Lizzy. https://d.abdlstories.club/t/potty-problems/3677 I think I started one of them a paragraph earlier, but theyre about the same. I did NaturalReader, Murf.ai, LOVO,ai, and ElevenLabs. Some of them let you download even on free accounts, the others I had to record it as it played. What do you think
dont mind me being fuckin retarded. the Elevenlabs one was the wrong file. this is the right one
Fuck it, while I'm double posting might as well make it a tripple. This one was good because it's, well I think the voice fit the text. naturalreader has a child voice which is cute af. So I took a passage out of "A Nappy in Time" which is also cute af. https://archiveofourown.org/works/35175943/chapters/87643165 really wish they would continue the story. Only thing is the original is in second person which is goofy to me, so I changed the text so it was first person perspective and it sounds really cute.

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Baby 09/19/2020 (Sat) 14:43:27 No. 1209 [Reply]
Want to have <ABDL item> but dont want to pay an arm and a leg? Try making it yourself! A thread for any ABDL related DIY projects. Examples: DIY onsies, pacifiers, cloth diapers/covers, furniture, diaper pails, etc. Really anything you can think of. The main focus here is to share ideas/instructions/results from simple, relatively easy to make DIY ABDL items. Key word being simple and relatively easy to make. The goal is that if you have limited funds, privacy, materials, etc, this might provide an alternative to more "conventional" products. Or, maybe you just like making your own stuff or experimenting! Note that for the most part, you probably shouldn't always (if ever) expect the same quality stuff if you make it yourself (unless you actually are skilled at whatever it is you are doing (sewing, woodworking, etc) and that my goal here is not to say "those greedy ABDL companies are sucking us dry, we can make something just as good at home!" because for pretty much all cases, that probably wont be true (see next post where I describe my DIY onsie for an example). Not only will DIY quality probably not be on par with an ABDL company, but I also think it is nice to support them whenever possible. This community currently has access to a huge variety of items ranging from pacifiers to onsies to diapers (cloth and disposable) and a million other things, sold by a pretty large variety of totally independent companies (At least I think so, when you consider how niche this all is) and the only reason we have all that is because we spend money on them. (sorry for the long intro, Im really chattery right now for some reason)
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>>23947 Just look take a look how your bed is built, take some measurements and build crib. I'm not saying it's super easy but bro if you need premade plans for this you have some lack in cognitive skills. Crib is basically regular bed with taller legs and bars + the vertical supporter for them
>>23941 you aren't wrong. But i was going of the picture provided and assumed the complete lack of competence would rule out some of the things you mentioned like mortis and tenon, or dovetail joints. Then again id personally rather work with metal rather than wood any day so its not like anyone should trust anything i have to say on the subject
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So I'm not much of a sewer but I've been given a free old sewing machine and figure ill try my hand at it. I'm planning to make a couple cloth diapers more like those modern aio or pocket diaper styles. I have some questions first though and I'm hoping some other anons have answers before i just go into trial & error. Material being the big one, most seem to use PUL but I cant find any so I'm thinking of using waxed cotton or oilcloth. I've waxed some of my cloths before to wonderful effect which made my think of using it here. any obvious problems wit this idea or am i better off buying online somewhere? another thought is leg gussets, see pic related, idk if its going to be worth the hassle to figure out thoughts? and the big one is every tutorial for baby diapers i find uses a serger or zig zag stitches for the elastics, my machine only does the basic forwards lockstitch, is the idea doomed to fail from the start?

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Who is this person? Baby 07/05/2023 (Wed) 11:47:21 No. 27354 [Reply]
Hello. I've stumbled upon the following video and i cannot seem to find her name. I'd like to check her out on JF or somewhere else. Can anyone help me? https://thisvid.com/videos/diaper-girl-messes-again/
>>27354 Can help you by saying use the catalog/request thread or another thread. Instead of creating a whole new one in order to find your very specific video.
>>27354 use the request thread.

Diaper peeks of incontinent girls Baby 07/01/2023 (Sat) 23:20:50 No. 27239 [Reply]
Anyone got pics of real incontinent/disabled girls with a diaper peeking out?
Where does this pic come from?
>>27253 its from a video on thisvid. you can find it by searching 'russian paraplegic'. this is the only diaper part where it is seen, but there are a couple parts where she is a bed moving around where you can see the bulge through her pants. this part is about 4:45 in.
>>27239 This thread is very specific and should be a request in the request thread >>674

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Stories From A World With No (Female) Potty Traning. Baby 01/26/2023 (Thu) 18:51:07 No. 22116 [Reply] [Last]
Imagen a world that for some reason stopped potty train (Only Girls & Women) of all ages, where it was upheld, either by cultural or legal means or a mix of both. How would this world be in your minds, what would the lives of the female kind be like. What will the allready potty-trained girls & women think and say, when they are unpotty-trained & re-diaper trained, meaning banned from the toilet and needs a male to change them. What will Girls who were to either never porry-trained or far to young to remeber being potty trained thing & feel about this world. These are thier stroies, there are thier feelings. This is how they sees the world & how they are living thier lives, either new or as they allways have been. The stories can be written in self POV from the female's side, or from others that is very cloes to the female's side. I am looking forward to read all of these stories.
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>>24644 That sounds awesome. No worries, i understand what you mean. I just used put alot of charaters in there, so pepole would have alot of options to write multiple paralelle stories in the same setting. And so that there were plenty of room for cameos too. May i suggest that you focus on Daddy Ethan & his 4 girls Big Sis Elyon, Mid Sis Elizabeth & Lil Sis Erika. That way we get the most of the perspectives from the different agre-rangers.
>>24644 I was wondering, where are you going to post the continuation of the story. Here or on another site, if it is anothe site. Please post the link to it here.
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1½ Decade after the Female Potty Training Ban had been issued, it was a normal thing to see young girls going outside showing of their diapered selves with pride. Yes, the bill stated that the exception. That if you had already been potty trained then, you wouldn't have to undergo the Diaper Training program that were now put in place at the Nursery Camps. But you would miss out on a HUGE! Tax benefit for ladies that were sent there. (This benefit was for that year only). When that info was given. All 100% of potty trained girls bellow the age of 10 Years Old were sent there without so much as a thought by their parents. For the girls between 10 - 12 years of age, 95% of them were sent there by their parents. For girls between 12 - 14 years of age, 85% were sent there by their parents. For girls between 14 - 16 years of age, 70% of them were sent there. For girls between 16 - 18 years of age, 50% were sent their by their parents. For girls between 18 - 20 years of age, 25% were sent their by their parents.

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Biggest dirty diapers Baby 06/26/2023 (Mon) 23:36:35 No. 27059 [Reply]
Thread for the most dirtiest of babys (No leaks,spills or explosive)

Age Regression in Cartoons Baby 06/26/2023 (Mon) 13:06:41 No. 27035 [Reply]
Episodes of cartoons that use the age regression trope. Please don't forget to add the show and episode
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>>27035 Cute High Earth Defense Club Love! has an episode where the characters fight an age regression monster. It's episode 4 of the first season, "Cute Little Boys of Love and Youth". It's a short bit, but I'll take cute shotas when I can get them.

Holding diapers into camera (stock-style) Baby 06/23/2023 (Fri) 07:11:00 No. 26948 [Reply]
Professional photography of people or just hands holding or pointing at or pushing down adult diapers

Diaper voyeur Baby 06/19/2023 (Mon) 21:42:51 No. 26804 [Reply]
Anyone got any spycam or any other similar videos/photos of girls in diapers? Ideally for a medical reason rather than ABDL but it all counts. All diaper voyeur content on this vid is private and non will accept :/

Human generated fanfics Baby 06/19/2023 (Mon) 17:56:56 No. 26798 [Reply]
We seen ai generated storys So wanted to try human generated Someone makes a input story then next post has to be attempt at writing the story then make a request after My request: write a story where clawhauzer is in his office as he decides to go to other side of his desk and takes a fat dump in diaper which destroys his police uniform as he masterbates

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TheEvilEngine thread Baby 06/13/2023 (Tue) 11:17:35 No. 26517 [Reply]
I've been a fan of their comics snd since she's officially one of 8chan's abdl banners why not mak a thread to her and her big diaper
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ITT: POV diaper changes 08/23/2022 (Tue) 12:02:44 No. 16120 [Reply]
A thread dedicated to the best angle in ABDL porn. Anyone have any other pics or vids that have this angle?
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>>16120 >A thread dedicated to the best angle in ABDL porn if you're a submissive bitch. Fixed that for you.
>>26245 as a submissive bitch, this pov is cringe garbage
>>20731 mommy black seems like such a friendly person, I would like to give her a hug

Cody mcdowd lost art and storys Baby 06/09/2023 (Fri) 06:23:29 No. 26378 [Reply]
Anyone have cody lost art and storys Especially the ones involving huge diaper storys and the plushie

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