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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Me and Jensen rendered that image on the new RTX 1488 yesterday.
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xth for brownpill
>>206151 >>206148 >>206138 >he actually believed it
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Reminder of potential Ted Kaczynski kino tonight at 20:00, lads... played by a South African for some reason
>>206150 >Washington DC police cancel ALL leave for next week over Ottawa-inspired Freedom Convoy that is heading towards the capital
>>206158 soys trying to rehabilitate ted into a comfy costume for williamoids to seem edgy while aping WEF "climate change" talking points. an prim is also retarded
>>206158 My favourite bit was the schizo mummy gf.
>>206156 As much as I used to be disgusted by it at the time, I miss finding that bownpill meme in various places.
>>206157 Bongo nonces are fucking retards.
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why did he label the snake's belly?
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>>206167 >SCUM >not CUM smh
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>>206158 Fixed
>>206166 Bill and Hill are "lower than a snake's belly"? idk smh
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>>206160 It's happening to Terry Davis too imo
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>>206173 tbh that yerrow fever tech twat has normiefied terry
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The Facebook nonce turned out to be on the board directors for California's largest state level lobby groups.
Also; >West Hollywood Nonce central.
>>206176 Fancy that
>>206176 pretty common Sage Bypass Check Drag files to upload or click here to select them All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster.
I bet 22st is on his local child protection agency group, and a scout master.
>>206182 dunno how it happened, literally didn't ctrl+v or context menu paste anything
>jewbox one has turned itself on again ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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>>206167 should be in some slum cleaning sewers FUCK OFF
>the swarthoid has bred her again
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https://youtu.be/vDjbZVawd68 listening to it again lads
>>206190 tfw you get vaxxed
>>206185 you'd probably selected a bunch of shit and then clicked to reply tbh
>>206193 yeah right
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>>206195 As long as the money keeps flowing
https://podbay.fm/p/fall-of-civilizations-podcast/e/1645181804 >In this episode, we look at the Vijayanagara Empire of Southern India, a civilization that has all but faded from memory in many parts of the world.
>>206195 >lads unironically trusted cryptoshit
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chain STINK
>>206200 American prisons are mad tbh why are they in chicken coops keeeeeeeek he u in dayah like a falcon ass nigga o some shi' mayn
>>206196 That doesn't fix the problem of having a layer of exchanges who tell you how much the exchange owes you. Rather than having the crypto in a hardware wallet. It's no different than Fiat.
for me? it's gold and silver bullion
for me? it's a quarter of a ton of balled up ali tea cakes wrappers and reclaimed copper pipes/scrap iron hidden in me shed
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fresh scambo content that escaped the paywall a solid 3 out of 10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E74E-eC1ss4
headphone splitter I bought in october has vanished smh demons at play
>>206207 that made me keek tbh but I swear that's old. SO many of the things they release are just fresh clips usually from the poodcast, mixed with old clips of actual content smh
>>206208 that'll be gnomes, m'lordingas
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>>206208 I nicked it
>>206211 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>206212 keeeek >ummm actually they can't shoot me they need my signature on the Brest-Litovsk treaty
>>206211 https://youtu.be/cl6KFwZKTTI >people filming it laughing keeeek
>attempting a harvest of the permanently droughted JFG shitcord >some cunt posts pic AUGH
>BREAKING: It’s been confirmed that Trudeau’s foundation owns 40% of Acuitas Therapeutics which makes mechanic lipids for Pfizer.
>>206218 Are you improving every day, lad?
Not sure if I can ever feel the same way as I did for my ex again. How is breaking up a relationship legal?
so the truckers are getting btfo by cops rn or something
>>206222 saw some clips of trucks being towed
>>206220 already relapsed and have had only freezer food for a few days because I couldn't be bothered to go shops
>>206221 tbh lad, my head shakes angrily
>need trucks to tow trucks smh traitors
>>206224 smh you really should just be put out of your misery
>>206222 cops are forming up into lines it's going down today they don't want another weekend street party https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DBoyFkBWz4
though she was born a long long time ago
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>>206228 probably emboldened after the oz zog used energy weapons on their own prootestors and nobody fought back
from todays march in mexico.
>>206232 >lazy mexican in mexico shocking
>>206232 march for what?
>>206233 keeeek
>>206233 >>206234 Cartels raided a small town and btfo'd the locals. https://twitter.com/fronterasdesk/status/1494708788888227845 Worth considering Mexico's drug war has never been as bad as it is now.
any one have the webm of Jordan Peterson saying what he'd do to Warwick Davis?
>>206236 >chat disabled, comments turned off based news broadcasters who are the voice of the people and definitely not the people who tell the people what their voice is
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I wonder if her legion of scab tow truckmen are en route to Ottawa >tfw you have more effective foreign interventions than the POTUS
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>>206238 This?
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>>206232 Even Mexico isn't safe from El Globohomo.
>>206242 Based slitherin lassies
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>>206237 smdh, shoot your local drug dealer
>>206237 I just loooooove travelling and seeing other cultures
Umm raiding and kidnapping people is the quintessential expression of the faustian spirit lads
The truckers have been cucked by the trust the plan retards who think impotently doing nothing while they are arrested is "all a part of a plan" and resisting would be what the govt wants somehow, total joke and failed revolution.
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having friends that are girls during your child to teenage years is well gay no such brvtherhood with the lesser sex
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>>206249 tbh, i wanna hang around with BOYS!
>>206249 this tbh, the only intimate females you need in your early formative years are your cousins
>trying to make a snow barrier
>>206252 *wees on it*
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>>206254 What's the matter lad? Are you afraid of BOYZ?
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>newly unemployed alcoholic bbk I beg you lad turn back from this course of action
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>>206258 that's a big rope
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>>206257 >shartlo copely
>>206261 err he's a pure white south african lad
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>The protesters think the police won't arrest them and might even join them at the last minute true goyim
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>>206266 nobody cares
it'll kick off in the protest soon tbh the police and just standing there waiting for the word to go in
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>>206265 Looks like they're digging in
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>scousers >yanks >canadians >norwegians >that taig who revealed himself SA, you've gotta do something about this fella, it's getting out of hand. Can't even escape foreigners on /brit/ ffs.
>>206273 that's very british
>>206273 this is a civic board lad
foreigners doing the /brit/ posting that British people don't want to do
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>>206276 I want to do it, just don't have to, simple as
>>206277 Moonman is in Canda?
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Elon Musk's research got leaked.
>The Canadian Parliament’s sitting has been cancelled today — a day where MPs would have been able to challenge Trudeau’s use of the Emergencies Act
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omg fresh pic from the front lines of ukraine, ukrainian trooper being vored by russian
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turning spicy in ottawa
>>206284 keeeeeeeeeek
>>206284 keeeeeeeeeeek seems like pootin might actually go for it this time https://www.youtube.com/shorts/gMazzSLMPlo
>>206289 keeek stukas were so kino
>>206286 good I hope that the day of the rake starts
>>206286 was listening to a podcast about that new mexico prison riot that was apparently caused by nixon creating overcrowded nightmare prisons with 18 year old guards with no training smh
>>206290 >they took it off late war because it made the plane slower by like 20mph keeek
the f35 should make a 160dB sharting noise while it's killing pakistani goat herders tbh
>>206294 >imagining an earrape fart audio getting louder and louder just like the stuka siren keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>206294 tbh it should be for intimidation, that meme brap fart from overwatch zoomer memes
>>206296 >"Nerf This" and then a massive shart sound just as the JDAM hits
>>206291 liked your new incel rants lad, especially looking from the outside in of the middle class officeoids tbh. I still stand by my point that it is the only way to meet a desirable women in the modern age though tbh.
>MOAB drops on a family of 12 goat herders https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qi1KebO4bzc
>>206298 yeah agreed but you sort of end up trapped in that office bureaucracy matrix and have to be a "secret agent" for your whole life
>>206299 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >they blast the pig screeching sound as the F-16 does a flyover
I guess the A-10 is already a braaaaaaaaaaaaap plane
>>206300 Such is the price of surviving (meaningfully) through offspring lad.
>then they troon out
>>206304 that only happens because of a lack of direct masculine influence lad, which would only be your own fault if it was to happen.
smh Steiner is going to have troon kids
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>>206307 wow it's just like Uni
>>206307 God I hate them
the guy who hacked givesendgo and got doxxed is now threatening to kill himself
>>206310 boo hoo
Dodgy oven only cooked the left side of me garlic bread and somehow made it smell like cannabis smh
>>206310 he should post a livestream and then mcnutt all over the ceiling like every other faggot leftist dicksuck
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KEEEEEK A Journo decked and head locked an MP live on Ukie TV
https://youtu.be/4OcZ7d2lYsA >mark felton veering into holocoaster portable gas vans territory
>>206314 pigfight energy right after the slap
>hol hols maskcucking
>zero masks >zero tests >zero vaccines >zero fucks feels good tbh lads.
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Ukies are shelling gas pipes in Lughansk.
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can you feel it
>>206320 keeek do they actually need war with russia at this point to try and stave off the IMF manipulation or something
>>206310 Isn't he the 420chan fag?
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>>206218 >You like it when I do that that line always gets me
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physically hurts reading that gf pic ffs
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>>206328 good evening I hate jews
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Yeah, the Ukies are launching an offence against Lugansk and Donetsk.
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>>206327 Here look at this one instead la
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HEY WESSEX Hotel Transylvania 3 as you suggested, get in big lad https://app.kosmi.io/room/7fkjz0 https://app.kosmi.io/room/7fkjz0 https://app.kosmi.io/room/7fkjz0
>>206332 https://app.kosmi.io/room/pd6ias Bins had to make a new room smh
>>206330 so they are trying to force Russia's hand into "invading" the independent areas to defend the separatists, giving the West the pretext that Russia has invaded Ukraine
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>>206335 There are car bombs too.
>>206328 >freeing the slaves was white supremacist
>>206335 natofags are so incompetent
just give me some WAR!
>Head of the Donetsk People's Republic Pushilin: "The situation in Donbass is heading toward war. All critical infrastructure facilities have been placed under heightened security and are ready for possible terrorist attacks."
>>206339 imagining offices of hundreds of email senders all sending emails at eachother frantically trying to find their local spy assets and convince them to shove a broken bottle up their own arse and blame it on the russians to start ww3 for a small bonus wage payment
>>206342 keeek IMO the westoids are only good at subverting their own nations and infesting them with wogs, they suck at everything else. they don't have curtis lemay types anymore
>>206343 Also the DoD can't go toe to toe with a military peer.
>>206328 😬The sentence is not even coherent.
could really go a comfy happening
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>activate the assets
https://youtu.be/QW_m8lhZbQQ I'm up t' bloody tree
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They are like George Lucas making Episode I >"oh it's going to great" >"Yeah, it's going to great"
>>206338 keeek can't remember the exact scenario but at some point the union tried to give a bunch of freed slaves land but they just ended up starving and dying of disease en masse from sloppy management and I think the union army was used to clear them away
>In the winter of 1866–1867, Sickles turned the Union Army on the settlers, evicting all those that could not produce the correct deed. Scott recounted in his report to Congress: "The officers of these detachments in many instances took from the freedmen their certificates, declared them worthless, and destroyed them in their presence. Upon refusing to accept the contracts offered, the people in several instances were thrust out into the highways, where, being without shelter, many perished from small-pox, which prevailed to an alarming extent among them." keek taking documents from freed slaves and destroying them then thrusting them into the middle of nowhere
don't care about foreign shit tbh
>>206350 the best was liberia where niggers just moved there and then enslaved african niggers and larped as southern planters
>>206349 >Germany barely wriggled at all That means they stick with their current position of ensuring Nord stream goes ahead >France compliant with US leadership That must be why le Jupiter man thought he could sort it out himself
https://youtu.be/8UdWCoXxBxY windy weather m'lords
>>206355 Nothing like sucking on a Fisherman's Friend
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>>206361 nothingburger if true
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>The Car Bomb was real weeeew
>>206365 mong thats not how the meme works
Can't wait for the tranny-waffen to get its shit pushed in
>>206368 mong that's not how the meme works
>>206366 I want Blood for the Blood God.
>>206364 it will be a nothingburger even if the russians do advance it will be a nothingburger until there is actual wide scale warfare and proof of it, anything else is gay nwo psyops
>>206372 The Ukies are advancing not the Russians.
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it will just be this pic while westoids cope and seethe and dialate impotently
>>206373 nothingburger either way tbh >>206374 god I wish
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https://youtu.be/LZVhotc3swk never been to school never been to college rather be dead than fill me head wiv lots of useless knowlidge
we need a west fc tbh
>>206371 love how are tony looks here, absolutely devilish
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Russian and Chinese fertiliser sanctions on the West is starting to take effect.
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smh why did the leafs think that just dancing around and drinking was smart they should have been making barricades
>>206381 jannie 6 style larpers ruining everything as usual >>206379 based, mass starvation soon?
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>>206382 Food shortages are already happening, it wouldn't help. >3 in the top 5 are enemy states to the west
>>206381 saw lots of foids at the front of the crowd then when the police starting moving in they started screaming to be let through to the back of the crowd
>>206383 >israel produces more than US I'm assuming we can just start our own production then
webm is brownpill warning do not click if you do not want to be brownpilled >>205906 hate this wonky-looking dumb art hog with the big stupid glasses >>205948 scandinavian "cuisine" is even worse than british and german "cuisine". the further north you go, the worse it gets >>206156 I loved brownpilling
>>206385 From what I understand most of it is mined in the form of pot ash.
https://youtu.be/DCAZ1rca1XM >hol hols have poos and churkas with poorfag tier wooden guns (not even airshit) yelling BABABABABABABABA to protect them keeeeeeeeeeeek
>206386 ban him.
>>206386 What are poos actually made of?
>>206388 keek I watched that the other day. funny how all the photo op granny soldiers get real firearms
>spetznaz soldier goes to the doctor after the war >I am sorry sir it appears you are full of invisible bullets that were shot by wooden guns
>good thing the ukrainians never got you yell "got you" before you shot them otherwise you would have been out
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>>206361 >read this >turn on Rt >its a doc about japanese sex dolls
>>206394 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek tbh
oh no lads it's serious only 7 days to get ready for war utter fucking joke keee k
>rapid response force >can't take less than 7 to 30 days to respond too busy answering emails I guess
>>206396 they already said NATO isn't going to intervene in the ukraine, so what's the point of this bullshit
>>206396 bluff charge after bluff charge
>>206397 US Marines don't even have anything more than IFVs and the US Army has nothing more than tank destroyers. The biggest and nearest tank contingent is Poland.
It so blatantly obvious that nothing will happen
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>>206400 >Poland >tanks
>>206401 Obviously Biden, Trudeau and BoJo have fucked up domestically.
im not black never have beans
>>206401 Even if it does, so what? Each nation has a natural circle of influence, overextending weakens home defense with too many distractions
>>206401 what seems likely is that the Ukraine will back down on wanting to join EU/NATO due to Russian pressure. that's what all of this Sun Tzu back-and-forth where nobody knows what Russia's intentions are has achieved, a concession in their favor at no real cost
>>206401 It doesn't matter what happens Russia will always be seen as the aggressor. Look at how hard they're shilling the false flag narrative.
russia has done nothing wrong
i stabbed a cat
>no top ribbon of boards
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They've taken the steiner pill
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Weekend at last
>>206412 only 49 hours before next toilday
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>>206414 how many one second offs in a row now?
>>206413 stop lording your neetness over toilees
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>>206415 at least four or five smdh
>>206411 smh scabs better be wearing masks or 4chan might order them pizzas while boomers impotently facebook post and tell them about how john wayne would beat them up
>>206418 they were covering their company logos too, scum but kek yeah you are right.
>>206419 the fact that they didn't even barricade themselves shows how much the civil rights boomer epoch was a psyops to make people not protest properly
seems like so many of these boomer protests have been psyops to make it normalized to repress "dissidents" (i.e. people who aren't super pleased about being total slaves)
>>206420 Some foid "leader" of the protests got arrested and she told the boomers around her to "just watch" and record in a smug way as if she knew something they don't like she believes q will arrest Trudeau and free her from prison also >chinkies in white countries telling whiteoids what to do think thats literally illegal in china and non existent in every other chink country
happeningfags.. its our time
>>206422 just sit back and watch your leaders get arrested goyim, very very, very good
>>206425 god i hate women
fucking boomers MAKE BARRICADES
>>206425 so 0.5% have done it within a week or so of knowing they have a pap smear appointment. meaning more will have done it in a regular week, more will have done it within a month, more will have done it once or twice. probably at least 1/50 have done it at least once >>206426 I blame dogcucks more than anything. just ban dogs and white women won't have access to them anymore. it's these dogcucks that enable white women by putting dogs in their home and giving white women unsupervised access to them. ban dog breeding so dogs just die off in a generation and the problem will be permanently and completely solved
just woke up
>dog hating lad know who else hates and fears dogs? JEWS
>>206434 Anyone witnessing a woman walk one
>>206435 So ban women owning them then retard.
>>206425 remember when foids used to shame men for masterbating
The point is women are less than dogs and cannot be trusted with dogs.
>>206436 Maybe you should just only own one if you need it (the king )and aren't a shiteating bugman
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>average dogcuck
is it actually real that women have sex with dogs?
>>206431 tbh don't know why they aren't doing literal decade old maidan tactics by now, they've been there for weeks and just started making a tiny snow wall today, useless cunts, bet if anybody tried to set up barricades before today they'd be attacked by the boomers calling them feds.
Thank god the internet exists so furfags, vorefags and dogfuckers can find each other and make nice online communities
>>206442 I don't think 1 in 200 women fuck dogs and I don't trust the word of internet dog semen experts
>>206442 according to >>206425 it is proven that 0.5% of women (presumably majority white) have had sex (to completion) with a dog within '4+ days' (since he says "even human sperm can last 4 days" that implies canine sperm lasts longer). so given that these are restrictive conditions (within a short time period, knowing that they have a medical appointment coming up), we can assume that the actual figure is significantly higher it's basically a way that women can get penis/tongue without anybody knowing, no strings attached. women don't have morals like men do, all they care about is social approval/shame, so if nobody knows then as far as they're concerned there is no consequence nobody has a solution to this problem but me- ban dogs. period. it is the only way. white female vagina belongs to white male penis, no other penis can have it, not wogs and not dogs. so both wogs and dogs should be banned. I'm sick of these fucking dog people simping for their stupid fuckign mutts
>>206442 no it was started as a cope from seething ethniccels who want white wimmin
is this spicposter?
>>206446 > (presumably majority white) fuck off you subhuman
more /pol/ cope
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>fake reddit stories to justify sick zoo fantasies
>having to simp for women because mongs here will believe literally anything written in an image file
>this thread
>>206449 it says it's in the midwest, not southern california or mississippi or something
>>206456 looks late 20s already tbh
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>>206456 >18 geriatric tbh
>>206443 tbh I tuned in to a livestream 2 weeks ago and it was a bunch of 30 somethings and 40 somethings partying and drinking like faggots and that was when I just stopped caring because you just look at any protest and if there are middle aged women there in any number its a nothingburger. you can watch nigger riots and its the same. they always push the young lads out and it gets full of normalfags who think standing around drinking and listening to pink floyd is some based own to the man
>>206458 good lad I made that my ringtone for boomer bossman when he calls me and he doesn't like it keeek
>>206460 the "protest" was never relevant, it's the trucks blocking roads that has the system panicking, that actually creates a problem for them if there are enough of them and they refuse to move
>>206457 living the barbie princess lifestyle globe trotting etc, also has had multiple bfs already since 15, hate when teen foids act like 30 something women tbh so smug, they want all the benefits of being a girl boss but none of the downsides etc, think she has an older incel tier brother too whos probably coping to death.
Its like my younger sister constantly trying to lifemog me for no reason
>>206462 tbh its amazing how insanely stupid the older generations are with all the endless performative crap. if any of them put down the sportsball and actually took life seriously
Biden extends national emergency for COVID-19, says the pandemic continues to cause significant risk to public health and safety
>>206456 She's a hollywood child star, she's been taking dick for years.
Tbf they could have made it maidan tier (inb4 it was a cia false flag, yeah whatever not the point I'm trying to make) if they set up barricades and actually resisted properly it would have been a win win but now they get btfo and its basically just another yellow vests movement i.e a failure
>>206468 yeah shitchan is being schizo tier about her, now that shes 18 nobody will care about her though and they'll move on to the next up and cunny actress
>foreigners patting each other on the back for a white genociderino well done
>>206471 based don't care these mongs didn't take themselves seriously
>alex mcnabbs wife
>>206474 based mutant getting a hot wife
>>206471 Sickening.
not quite mega milkers tbh but would still squeeze
They're big enough.
Apparently this is footage of peoples heads exploding.
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>>206456 she hit the wall a while ago this is her from a couple of years ago
>>206470 >Paris to London in 4 hours What a lifestyle
>>206480 just got shot in the head by a smoke grenade that is old
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drugs and getting raped by jews really does age a bitch 30 odd years
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>>206488 did he suck out a blood clot?
>>206489 Yeah it looks like jelly almost and it's massive.
rather like what comes out of my nose sometimes
late night hot choccy while happening build up, superb start to the weekend
>>206492 Wait until the markets open on Monday and Tuesday,
think I'll make smeeself a proper sninner tomorrow, and I'll have homemade pancakerinos
>>206493 stop haunting me
I'm realising now based on shite I've seen from people on here and in other places online that most of the alt shite are basically just spiteful losers who aren't interested in anything but having a hangout for them to be miserable in and anybody who tries to take that away from them will be ruthlessly attacked with utter shit, seeing so many baseless accusations and nonsense in the woes livechat.
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>>206497 should have listened to the don
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Daily reminder
>>206500 wow, really speaking truth to power with that one lad.
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>>206497 >A hangout for them to be miserable in Nothing wrong with that tbh
>206505 yeah not like theres a genocide going on or anything
>>206501 boomers go schizo for shit like this
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>>206507 i wonder how many times facebook mummies have shared this video
>>206507 >within 3 minutes shes tying it to muh nazis
>tfw faint smell of poo again
holyshit leaf cops are just beating the shit out of already arrested people lmao https://mobile.twitter.com/shanermurph/status/1494834594465595395
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More stuff out of Ukrine
>206506 Oh sorry lad I'll join a proscribed organization instead,give them all of my private details and then start shouting gerrrycuck slogans in the street so i can "do something" about it
>206515 stop strawmanning seethe goblin 77th
>>206515 >gerrrycuck acknowledging the truth isn't "cuck"
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>BREAKING OSCE monitors report "dramatic increase" in Ukraine ceasefire violations
We don't need an entho state. We need a horde, a last battalion. A group of conquering men who will create an alternative modernity like the mongols did.
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>>206521 washboard
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>>206522 keep him safe lad don't like seeing mentalists end up like terry
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>muh tits pleb
>Using BTC for everyday transactions >with only a 10MB p/h block chain Absolute, mongs.
No, sorry 6MB p/h.
>>206527 >>206528 bitcorn is useless. Monero (XMR) is the currency of the future
Nah, it's poo when the soil dies.
>>206530 it's not anonymous, what's the point? "decentralized apps" nerd bullshit?
>>206531 if i had a backyard i'd be pooing in it all the time to fertilize my crops. inb4
>>206532 avax does what ethereum does just instantly and cheaply. don't really know how monero would work as an everyday currency, i don't hold any. do you spend it on ethereum network? or is it a network in and of itself?
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>>206533 You better get in to Fertiliser lad, the West fucked itself.
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>>206536 erm, ok?
>>206537 NATO and Swedish Intel flights.
>>206536 and I'm meant to understand this....???...??
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A lot of spoopy doom planes tbh.
>>206523 Keeeeeeeek Please don't bully the photo, lad;
so are we still officially /nothingburger/?
>>206543 nothing ever happens
>>206543 Emerging fertiliser crisis.
>>206540 >>206541 luv propellers tbh jet engines are cringe and stale >>206543 always
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>25,000 people have been evacuated from Luhansk to Russia
6,600 from DPR
both have populations over 1 million
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>Trilateral commission
>>206551 asked
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>no war >trucker protest fizzling out happeningbros I don't feel well...
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>>206553 tiresome >>206556 nothing ever happens smh just the slow decline
>>206557 the decline is masked by gentrification and nigger tech too, most people won't know there's been decline until they get botched surgery or their money can't buy food anymore or they get stabbed or something. it's all so slow and tedious.
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>>206556 trust the plan
lads i want to post on 4chan but i don't want to without a vpn
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>>206561 money-making opportunity for neets there tbh barebacking 4shite and relaying posts on behalf of privacy-conscious lads
>>206562 alri lad, go to /biz/ and call them all pajeets for me, then post your mailing address here and i will send you one of pic related which is worth about 3.85usd rn
>>206563 keeeeek smh an army of poos and chinks and spics all around the world shitpoosting 24/7 for pennies imagine
why yes I do racially abuse my own countrymen for a pittance
>>206565 smh it's the british raj all over again smdh
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>>206547 >>206567 forgot about this tbh the site shat itself right after it was postedspies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) not surprising in the least tbh there's always something wrong with these alleged people
absolutely foul stench coming from my still-soggy carpets lads got all the windows open and fans going and sprayed antibacterial odour-eating shite around but it's not quite enough
>>206569 missed the start of this arc how did the carpets become ensoggened?
>>206569 just put another carpet on top
>>206570 washing machine hose burst and flooded the whole fucking flat >>206571 not my job tbh efforts to fix this that actually cost money are rentberg's responsibility not mine smh just waiting for it to dry out me and i'm not telling rentberg about this because he probably wouldn't give back my security deposit if he found out by the time he tears up the carpets twenty years from now and finds an inch-thick layer of sentient mould i'll be long gone
poor lad I hope you get justice
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only thing that i'm actually worried about from this is the blanket that granny crocheted for me tbh it was lying on the ground when the water went everywhere hope it doesn't stink forever or some shite smh might take it to get dry cleaned idk >>206573 thanks lad it'll fix itself tbh just need to wait for all the water to dry >>206574 keeeeeeeeeeek front butt
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dreadlocks are disgusting but that dreadlock (singular) has to be one of the most disgusting things i've ever seen grow out of a scalp that wasn't caused by a disease
>>206574 >cannibal kesha Is the joke here that she really does eat everything?
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>>206579 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>206212 keeeek but also aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
>>206581 tbh don't like that picture
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>>206582 >tbh I don't like that picture *22st will remember this*
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-60436938 >tfw no invasion and just more cognitive dissonance in the west on display
>>206584 reality is a social construct lad only the government narrative matters
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>>206496 hmmmst the white stripes on that yank banner look yellow to me
do you feel like you get treated as a teenager by older people lads? Started to really resent it considering all the poo boomers have thrown our way of late
How to confront it? Attack the boomer?
>>206588 yeah tbh boomoids (i.e. boomers and old x-ers who were able to get a foot on the lowest rung before the ladder was fully pulled up) refuse to mentally move on from their early-mid twenties so naturally everybody younger must be a teenager of some sort 'ate it >>206589 ideally yes lad kill them all but practically no there's not much that can be done maybe anonymously burn down some houses idk
>>206591 Yea, just an unpleasant experience in general
>>206590 love this pic,love pretending to be working then i look up and they're all smiling at me teehee
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>>206534 >instantly and cheaply Uh but number needs to go up or otherwise it's bad. It's sad really how crypocurrency has taken over internet decentralisation tbh, if they invented bittorrent or limewire these days it would be a gay crypto token smh.
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just want to go clownmode and slaughter large numbers of zio-compliant cattle tbh
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1zIy3ldV6U keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek sleepy andy
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i dunno, canada seems like the kind of place where a mad cunt could just snap and assassinate trudeau or blow up a police station hope they do it tbh
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>>206602 they need slapping down with my cock
>>206603 I don't get it. Is that tape magical? How does it work?
>>206605 they simply SCREAM at manlets if they try to enter also >6 foot >boy
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>>206598 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek no lad i don't not want to calm down and i do not want to be deradicalised i want to quietly seethe until some local politician does a publicity meet & greet and then i stab him or her (probably her) to death in broad daylight >>206600 keeeeek >>206603 *sees she's under the tape mark and throws her out* not polluting my perfect genes with your womanlette filth thanks go breed with your own kind
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>>206603 I'm 5'11" my shoes' soles are like 1" or 1.25" appx., this means I get in. Women are dumb as fuck.
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that channel is strange every so often it has a vicious dog barking
>>206611 yeah i thought it was a joke when I opened it on that demon dog's face keeek
>>206612 probably a bot scraping content based on tags
>>206610 keek tbh lad as long as you're more than two inches taller than a lass you can tell her you're six foot five and she'll believe you >>206611 cia conditioning tbh they lull you into a feeling of safety and then the bad danger comes
>>206608 Class, thought it was going to be shit at first.
>>206615 tbh takes a little while but it's worth it
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>anti-baby-monke-torture videos are just thinly disguised baby monke torture videos
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I'm going to appeal my dismissal specifically to annoy the people I "intimidated"
>>206619 taking it to ACAS automatically costs them a shitload of money but you need to have been a full time employee for more than 2 years
>>206619 good lad drag it out until even the most ardent amongst them get tired of it and then drag it out even more make them regret ever crossing you
>>206620 yeah that's the plan, spoke to the citizens advice bureau. I've been there for nearly four years and haven't done a thing. I call people names and slam a chair and I'm permab&? utter cunts >>206621 tbf, might save other good lads down the line
>>206622 go doctors and get a stress/anxiety diagnosis too always good to have a victim card to play
>>206623 tbh tbh plus you might get some meds to sell
>>206624 Benzos? Nobody wants to buy antidepressants
>>206625 yeah if he offers you an ssri script just throw it in the bin keek if some retard wanted that he could just go to the doctor himself smdh they hand that shit out for papercuts
>have monopoly powers over who gets what medicine >hand out ssris for literally everything less than liver failure or heart disease on the day we win doctors get the rope too imagine all the lads who could have been helped who were turned away because they didn't want the trendy vogue medicine and asked for something with a proven track record instead
wish i was some low impulse control chad so i could go postal right now instead of continually waiting for the "right moment" where i could hypothetically make a difference
>>206622 Can you repost what happened to get you banned lad?
>>206623 >>206624 keeeek good thinking tbh >>206629 anti-Christian rally occurring for 20 mins to half an hour in the office while I'm trying to work, get up and slam my chair in accidentally and leave also swinging the door open wide so it bangs, I come back and one of them confronts me so I told her to go home and get bullied by her kids then killed them all cunts and other four letter words while leaving tbh
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>>206630 >anti-Christian rally >in the office
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>already have a headache and then I get people saying Sargon is an ethnonationalist and fascist
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>>206627 >teehee wouldn't want to put you on a drug that might help because there could be side effects. Your only option is the only drug I'm offering, which you've already tried before, and which you stopped taking because of the fucking horrible side effects that I'm going to completely ignore >>206632 You're too good lad, actively engaging in good faith like that.
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>>206631 yeah, but apparently that's "not a mitigating factor" in reality the old cunts have acted like I beheaded one of them so they don't get in trouble, then because they're all friends with management I get the knife reeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>>206632 disagree by 1% = bad by 100% you should know this lad it's been years now >>206633 >>teehee wouldn't want to put you on a drug that might help because there could be side effects. Your only option is the only drug I'm offering, which you've already tried before, and which you stopped taking because of the fucking horrible side effects that I'm going to completely ignore keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek smh that's literally me so what if it's habit forming? i'll be taking it long-term anyway for a problem that isn't going to ever go away so what is the fucking problem at least let me be functional for a few years so i can get a piece of paper before it all collapses and then i can spend the rest of my life in a slightly more comfortable rut than the one i'm already in >>206634 you should behead them i mean literally lad you should cut their heads off post pictures on here when you do it
wouldn't even see a doctor at all if they didn't have a government-mandated monopoly on medicine tbh i already know what's wrong and i already know what i need smh these niggers are just obstacles talking drivel and i'm going "mhm yeah" waiting for them to put a signature on the prescription pad and when he doesn't i just go and make an appointment for the next one useless jobsworths that will be disposed of when i am made lord protector
>JEFFREY Epstein's pal Jean-Luc Brunel who is alleged to have also abused Prince Andrew "sex slave" Virginia Giuffre has been found dead in prison.
>>206638 >skipping through the video >no footage of 60 year old expats bumming her
>>206639 once Myanmar re-opens lass
>>206637 >tfw you enjoy exclusive billionaire pleasures with your friend but then the hammer comes down and you're only a millionaire and you aren't important enough to be protected so you get thrown to the tabloid lions and then some glowie comes to kill yourself in prison so you don't accidentally say something >>206638 race traitor simple as it's nice to be able to live like a millionaire on only a few tens or hundreds of thousands but the end result is that you're a dead end my offspring will kill your offspring if yours ever try to gain entry to the british isles if they don't they'll just marry some native seamonkey lass and make poo children
>>206638 aaaaaaaaa I didn't need yellowcurry fever at this time of the day
https://youtu.be/Gn3YNDgoJWQ?t=569 Phillipines is re-open 9:40, the bumming has resumed
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Nooooooooooo the yellowskins belong to us
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>Mark Felton is imperium pilled
would rather live like a beggar in in INGERLUND than live like a king in seamonkeyland and seed a bunch of hapas
>>206645 It's ok Brad is a based angry incel like us. >>206646 Based, I bet she fulfills him intellectually
>>206648 *kills you*
>>206647 The sea is coming to you though lad, Aus will be SEA soon
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>>206650 no lad never
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based cavalry
>>206645 Bleaching foreigners is the white man's burden tbh we have to do it to stop others from breeding them. It's coomth generation warfare. Are you doing your part? >>206647 Inspiring but not sure I agree tbh, if I'm going to be a miserable cunt anyway I might as well be a miserable cunt with food and a bed. Anyway expats aren't kings, they're paypigs, noone will care about them when they run out of money.
>>206653 exactly lad that's why you shouldn't be one and if you fall to temptation anyway and become one you shouldn't give them your precious huwhitoid seed do the responsible thing and get a vasectomy before becoming a sexpat
>>206652 the horses are zogbots distasteful as it may be it's not actually animal cruelty to cut their tendons as they walk past they knew what they signed up for
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tfw no tacticool horsie
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>>206656 wish i lived in an era when the establishment was the good guys tbh smdh >>206657 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>According to Peter K. Andersson, "The policeman's uniform symbolised the behavioural ideals that the occupation was meant to ensure, and when officers broke the rules in the line of duty they were often reprimanded for 'disgracing the uniform' rather than anything else" smh when the met just had billy sticks, not tasers and rape spray
>>206660 tbh, used to look so kino it was also good of them to ban manlets, I say this as a manlet
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>>206660 Smh we need to return to when they had swords
>>206660 smh behaviour was so much easier to enforce back when it was only huwhite men brownoids unironically need to be genocided smh they only make trouble tbh even the "good ones"
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Love me some hangerinos me. They actually ended up having a "safety" catches built in so bullybois trying to grab their swords couldn't do so as easily. I think that's what the second picture displays. A brass button to push which pulls a steel catch along with it
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>acting like he's scared to hold it
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>>206665 *stomp*
wish the burger jews had never done that slavery shite tbh it normalised blacks in america which over time normalised brownoids in huwhite countries in general smdh tolkien was right when he said history was a series of defeats
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>>206665 i'm gonna ride my horse on a walmart cart gonna ride til she breaths no more
>>206634 you're finished, lad. Next time try not being a spaz in front of normal people tbh.
still giggling about sperging out about the holocaust to my parents keeeeeeeeek
>>206669 tbh billy poo cyrus should be dead to any self-respecting huwhite nationalist tbh both for selling his daughter to the jews and for throwing his lot in with the blacks in a desperate attempt to stay relevant
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Some manlet 'alpha' guru faggot stole someone's bird and was bragging about it on twitter, but's she's got an OF and a severe case of peasant muntface (nice body). Same goes for non-manlet alpha gurus, but when will they stop embarrassing themselves? https://twitter.com/kenofintegrity/status/1494427624399159304
>>206675 awful thing to brag about
>>206676 Not the kind of thing you brag about tbh. The fact that he offers dating courses is the worst part.
>>206670 >77th brigade trying to turn us into docile do nothings sad >>206675 can't get past the boring story without it asking me to sign up
>>206678 he would have got away with it if he had some social capital. It's clear he is viewed as a loser and the niggercattle don't forgive loser retards if they step out tbh.
>>206678 It's not that interesting just sad.
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speg hoops and buttered toast for shme lunch is the best
>>206681 baste
>>206680 adulterers should be battered to death by a gang of NEETs
>people celebrating the death of that woman yikes
boomoids had their power cut at the start of le windy braps apparently smh they should be on a priority register and paying a leccy man to sort all that out for them but they have been procroostinating for years now and coping that they're still sprightly enough to look after themselves
>>206668 I think about this too often tbh
>>206675 Worst part is he's so dark and her features will be diluted if not washed away completely. So dysgenic breeding with swarthoids
>>206665 Julie Trudeau will be at the noncery + bottle, again
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>>206687 their choice lad not like they had much else to do so if they didn't do what's necessary that's their fault if they want to pretend like they're still 29 that's their problem smh not much you can do they won't listen to you unless you shatter their illusion and if you do they'll just resent you and block you out from sheer spite in their minds you're basically a toddler telling them you're afraid of the dark and if you somehow get proven right they'll just laugh at you some more because reasons >>206688 tbh >>206689 tbh swarthoids need to be removed
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Insatiable urge to breed.
fresh sussy tentacles based saffer lad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsppG-gpTS8 >>206691 tbhsmh and the xoomers are going to "help" them by maybe forcing them to climb a lot of stairs to overnight at their rentberg palace today instead of having snaturday sninner
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I keep telling women in my family to have more children. It has worked.
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hururururuurururu what a pungent smell eminating from thy corset, my darling may i drag our nose down the breach between thy breast? >fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffnnnnn
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>>206695 >tfw brother wants more kids but his gf put one of these in her womberino so she can't be bred
>>206697 god i hate women if she's the type of lass to shove that up her vag then it was over before it began
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wonder what audience she wants
>>206698 she at least she spawned 2 before doing so
moderately-sized spider in the bathroom climbing up a web next to the toilet
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"I coom therefore I am." - Fred Nocheese
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>a mix of wholesome farm videos and horse piss and poo videos I love capitalism
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damn girl, you must be kris kringle cuz you makin' me dick tingle. haha yolo
I hope Putin just fucking outright conquers the entirety of ukraine tbh
>>206706 thought the pookies were currently "liberating" the crimea by bombing the shit out of it despite it being "oppressed by russian occupation" and full of "ukrainian citizens" tbh
>>206706 tbh sick of hearing about pookraine either defend yourself or don't tbh this in-between state is very irritating
>>206707 Donbass, not Crimea Russia considers Crimea its integral territory and gave Sevastopol top city status alongside Moscow and St. Petersburg
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>>206709 >donbass >crimea >sevastopol honestly do not know or care where these places are furriners need to do the decent thing and kill each other quickly and quietly tbh i do not want to keep hearing about it >>206710 nigga looks like eric zemmour
hahahaha it's so funny how tbh is filtered to desu on 4chan always gives me a good chuckle it's not cringe and gay at all
>>206712 nobody forces you to keep poosting there lad 4shite was irredeemable over a decade ago and it's only gotten worse
>>206713 every other image board is dead
>>206714 yeah tbh it's about standards how desperate are you for (You)s? 4shit can provide but is it worth it?
can't believe blimpf and tarrantino was all it took to kill 8chan
>>206716 nothing can exist in a hostile environment blormpf and tarrant were just the justification if it wasn't that it would be something else tbh they were under instructions to drop 8chan as soon as they could and then they were given an opportunity
>>206717 tbh the internet is no place for imageboards now
>>206715 yeah, we're like people forced to live beneath a sewer. Under a mask of degeneracy is the only place we can decry the collapse of our civillisation without being persecuted
>>206720 >after a day only 1 comment has been approved
why is there not a single one of these videos that shows them doing some actual work
>>206722 work?
>>206720 what was being advertised here?
>>206725 Rowling is.... le bad
>>206721 it's easy to guess what all the others would be lel >>206724 they are just ads for Chicago tbh, at least the old GWR posters were fucking honest with their intentions
https://odysee.com/@Kraut:1/the-origins-of-the-greek-debt-crisis:b >kraut and tea >retard calling Pinochet and Argentina fascist >acting as though "democratic" or "communist" states aren't corrupt Fucking hate him
>>206722 She gets her nails done every day?
>>206726 you can't sell that to anyone though who's buying it?
>>206727 should visit Looe and some point Went to Charlestown recently and it was kino although surprisingly tiny and the dock used to be even smaller back when the tall ships put in there amazing how built up these tiny ports are tbh Annoyed that around the dock mouth there were a bunch of barrels that some cunts had spraypainted hammers and sickles and commie stars on for some reason though >>206729 thought he was bullied off the internet forever tbh impressive autism to come back again if that's fresh
>>206729 >kraut and tea that guy still exists? he got wiped across the floor by the Alt Right back in the day
>>206729 You'd think he'd should've given up on youtube once he got BTFO'd by le alt-right and everyone found out he had a CBT fetish and used to get his mates at work to kick in the balls.
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>>206720 this is what they were selling - the ((new york times)))
>>206735 just aggressively hideous.
>>206727 >just ads tbh just trying to trap dumb foids and make them think they want it the worst part is it's so fucking easy >>206730 what else is she going to spend her money on? her children?
>>206732 >>206733 >>206734 he returned with a holocaust documentary debunking deniers and has been putting out absolutely cringe shit since
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>mister metokur dying of ass cancer >Kraut is still going strong Who's the real winner at the end of the day?
>>206729 He's still alive, huh. See on youtube that he gets way more views than he deserves
>>206739 keeeeeeek tbh. Is Metokur really dying?
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*gets btfo by my own scientists when "debunking" the existence of race*
>>206739 doesn't Kraut have AIDs?
>>206742 is that him? looks neither kraut nor tea tbh
>>206741 Might be, he's healthy enough to stream again but supposedly his condition is tenuous.
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>>206744 100% pure anglo-aryan, lad
>>206746 something retarded about him but i can't put my finger on it because its his tiny brain in his inch thick nigger skull
>>206722 Immigrant scab labour undercutting the people descended from the first families.
>>206746 swarthy
>>206746 remember him floating around in the YT sceptic-turn-anti-SJW crowd before the whole trout stuff with JF Gariepy, and thinking his fake "British" accent was cringe af
has the patience of a saint tbh
tell me about the gold standard
>>206752 finite amount of stuff means the government can't print money willy-nilly (constantly devaluing it (whilst making up for these losses by finding various excuses to give extra to its friends (i.e. a stealth tax against everybody too poor to invest))) fiat is literal treason
all things considered gold is kind of a poor choice to back your money with but compared with nothing at all it's honestly a no brainer best choice would be backing your money with some very diverse bundle of resources to stop jews from destroying your currency by cornering the commodity market like they've done or tried to do with gold and silver many times
>>206754 You mean like a form of CPI/RPI? Didn't Hitler back his currency with labour or something? Miss him tbh
https://youtu.be/O5etaXw2MgQ Funny how the "expert" runs damage control
>>206755 >CPI/RPI >labour or something no lad these things are imaginary and only exist in the minds of economists smh not real i mean tangible goods just like gold but many more different kinds of them instead of pegging the value to an ounce of gold peg it to the combination of x amount of wheat and x amount of coal and x amount of toilet paper and x amount of steel and x amount of oil and x amount of cod and x amount of apples and x amount of pears and x amount of copper and x amount of semiconductors and so on and so on etc etc etc you hypothetically bring all of these things to the bank and you can cash them in for a pound and you bring your pound to the bank and you can cash it out for all these things just like any other commodity money the government can't put more money into circulation without also adding real value along with it so no existing money is devalued except with a broader scope now the whole system can't be turned on its head by some hyper-wealthy jew buying all the gold and cornering the market plus it's backed by things with real value that real people need instead of some pie-in-the-sky "hurr it's shiny" or "hurr it's good for electronics" bullshit that no normal person will ever encounter
>>206757 >CPI/RPI >Imaginary lad . .
>>206758 economist number magic isn't real
>>206759 You literally just described using an index to determine the amount of money, the price of the things you mentioned would fluxuate as they did before fiat so you would need an Index of them which would be as shifting as the CPI or RPI
>>206760 the index is for other people to figure out lad the market will figure it out like it always does (and like it does right now) the whole point of using a wide variety of commodities is that it wouldn't ever change very far or very fast without literally everything else around it changing even more severely money only needs one thing and that's stability and this would provide that better than any other system
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The FSB have opened an investigation into farms being shelled in Russia's Rostov Oblast near the border.
>>206762 knew that hohol artillery shite wouldn't be without consequence tbh they're obviously under orders to make war or else wonder if the ruskies will do anything about it
>>206763 Exactly what Georgians in 2009, while hiding behind the EU/US.
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the suitable goth whore phenotype is one i specifically detest mostly because it shares some genetic body traits found in ashkenazi ethnic groups of the west or maybe i just have a rape feud for french women, as a yeoman should
don't really care about money magic at all tbh as long as i can put some money in the bank and take it out again ten years later and have the exact same (real) value i'll be happy the world would be a better place if every single economist was skinned alive and thrown into a salt mine and forced to buy back their skin with money earnt by selling salt >>206765 'ate that haircut tbh
new invasion plans just dropped
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>the only casually thus far is Ukrainian blue on blue
>>206766 >the world would be a better place if every single economist was skinned alive and thrown into a salt mine and forced to buy back their skin with money earnt by selling salt Absolutely, I think about this a lot.
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>>206765 >tattoo
>>206751 why do they even bother interacting with westoid filth?
>>206687 iktf my parents lost power 5 times this last year and never once invested in a generator or anything
>>206771 Because the west is earnest in their anarcho-tyranny imperialism.
>>206766 Maybe we can turn central Oz into one giant salt mine.
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The Canadian deputy PM just made the Emergency Act permanent.
>>206775 Just as in... yesterday. Jesus Christ
Shut up, you foreign faggot paedophile.
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>>206757 >instead of pegging the value to an ounce of gold peg it to the combination of x amount of wheat and x amount of coal and x amount of toilet paper and x amount of steel and x amount of oil and x amount of cod and x amount of apples and x amount of pears and x amount of copper and x amount of semiconductors and so on and so on etc etc etc thats literally just what currency is except its based on supply and demand, what you are describing is retarded centrally planned commie shite >>206771 shes some kind of mutt tbh
>>206775 So what are these emergency powers?
>its 5 o clock already
>>206779 I really don't think the floating index is at all stable and he's right about central banks being able to debase the currency at any point without anyones consent.
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We really need to reign in the seethbait posting.
>>206783 below average looks tbf she is a female coper
>>206785 She'll be able to get away with it as long as the economy holds and she remains attractive. So up until 30 roughly.
>>206786 Hot take but it's the mens fault that indulge it tbh.
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Noice, something that makes sense.
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>>206787 Tbh, it's can I have a crumb of pussy tier.
>>206789 Context?
>>206791 >not understanding seethebait smh
>Canadians chanting "We love you" to police Embarrassing, North Americans still have no real idea how to protest compared to Europe even after BLM keeek.
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>>206775 >emergency >permanent I hate globohomo anarcho tyranny so much.
>>206793 Tbh. You protest by staying anrgy and aggressive at the very least. Showing weakness (as le fair play, civility, expecting good faith from authority etc. are all viewed as, and so become, weaknesses) is the death of your movement.
>>206793 tbh its my cope for why I never bother with protestfagging because boomers and women just push the young men out and default everything down do standing around smoking pot playing bob dylan give peace a chance faggotry and then they get beat up by cops and collapse like a wet cardboard box.
>>206796 People are still too comfortable for anything to change. These protests are nothing more than days out for people, like going to the footy. Arterial road networks should have been blockaded with the trucks clamped and stacked deep.
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>>206788 why not just drink green tea instead of taking green tea pills?
we should move over to the metric system in full
you dont need central heating
need a happening to settle auslad down. he's getting a bit daft
>>206801 justifiably so smh amazingly horrifying that the Oz Zog straight up microwave attacked peaceful prootestors and got away with it actual war crimes shit
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>>206801 fr fr
>>206801 tbf its getting close to minecraft time for alot of lads in the anglosphere
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fucking hell
>Ukraine wants 'clear' timeframe for NATO membership: Zelensky
literally Georgia 2008 all over again I actually feel slightly sorry for the jookies getting led up the garden path by the globohomo establishment like that
>>206810 America closed a deal with Poland for M1A2 Abrams, like some scummy car dealer.
bro we've got your back bro trust me bro just aggravate your giant heavily armed neighbour bro
>>206808 Always encourage them to get the chop.
I don't feel so good
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>>206813 Rather chop their head off tbh
ukrainians are like the pig in the abbatoir looking up at the guy with the push stick who keeps saying "keep it moving piggy" while the russian stands at the end of the line with the bolt gun
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>MoD and the German Bundeswehr
>>206815 Same result, just one you can do without getting bad boy points.
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>>206819 Gene editing like the weird chimeras in Revelation 9
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Homemade hot buttered pancakes, and its very nice. e celebs too.
>>206824 For me it's Fall of Civilisations talking about the Vijayanagara Empire for 3 hrs
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It might be starting to destabilise tbh.
>>206825 just richard spencers appearances on JF and ralph retort over the last 2 months, plus nick plus morgcast plus still have steiner rants I haven't seen and duttys recent streams
>>206828 >spencer on JF wew I forgot he was going to move to odysee to do better content tbh hope he constantly autistically interrupts and belittles dickie tbh
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Fighting in Donetsk
>>206830 >the only identifying feature is the giant watermark tourist welcome sign thing in the middle of the screen keeeeeeek smh
I no longer like full english
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>>206833 based slope
>>206574 I want to see them without makeup, surgery and dyed hair
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a willy in a bum a willy in a bum a willy in a bum a willy in a bum a willy in a bum a willy in a bum a willy in a bum a willy in a bum a willy in a bum a willy in a bum a willy in a bum a willy in a bum a willy in a bum a willy in a bum a willy in a bum a willy in a bum a willy in a bum a willy in a bum a willy in a bum a willy in a bum
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e's drunk again
And so am I.
>lauren southern on RT right now
>>206841 keeek watching it too tbh >>206839 just slowly going insane tbh lad, might have a drinky wink though
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Of course we'll let you join NATO, kitten
>>206843 keeeeek >ooohooo you want to be a liberal democracy? that's so mature and western for such a slavic country
>>206843 >>206844 keeeeeeeeeeek
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hardly surprising is it?
>>206847 Ghissy Pengwell
>>206847 wow that pic from a year ago
>he's going to call me a nonce again
>>206810 the yanks are egging them on but really it's the Ukrainians' own fault. Arrogant to the point of hubris, so eager to give the middle finger to Russia that they added wanting to join NATO into their constitution.
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Eye won't stop twitching
>>206853 based tbh, cultivated an eye twitch for a few years once upon a time to really get that authentic angry schizo look myself
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Russian SPGs spotted.
>>206853 good lad
>>206853 I had a pretty bad eye twitch for a couple of months. Goes away on its own, supposedly caused by stress/lack of sleep or something
Still thinking about this tbh.
>5 days of wiping my arse poorly and not showering
et nothing the entire day then devoured almost all of a family sized chicken and asparagus pie
I baked a pizza using one of those jamie oliver dough things from lidl
>>206861 not healthy, lad. even when I was a neet and didn’t get up until around 11 I tried to have at least two meals a day. mostly I had a big porridge when I finally got up
>>206861 you could just... purge it
>>206864 purging food is for women. purging heretics is for men.
>>206859 looks like a fake tbh lad
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a woman's breasts are for her husband only
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>>206866 Her mother's nudes aren't.
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>206869 >degeneracy How about you hang yourself?
new thread NOW
>thepoox spreading the disinformation about that fat cunt who had a heart attack while attacking fields' car being ran over by him or whatever smh what a bitch, and mark doesn't call that out

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