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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3908: Black Flag Edition Anonymous 10/18/2023 (Wed) 01:03:14 Id: 7e996b No. 408022
Who DID bomb the Baptist Hospital? War of words erupts as Israel furiously denies its airstrike killed at least 500 sheltering in Christian-run facility - Tel Aviv says Islamic Jihad rocket caused blast that has thrown Biden's Middle East trip into chaos https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12642403/Gaza-hospital-blast-Palestinian-Israel-horror-explosion-killed-500-people-IDF-says-Islamic-Jihad-failed-rocket.html US draws up plans to use military force if Iran enters Israel war: Congress writes legislation to give the go-ahead 'if necessary' as Middle East conflict intensifies https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12640643/US-draws-plans-use-military-force-Iran-enters-Israel-war-Congress-writes-legislation-ahead-necessary-Middle-East-conflict-intensifies.html Israel-Hamas war: Summit between Jordan, US, Egypt and Palestinian leaders cancelled on eve of Biden's Middle East visit https://news.sky.com/story/israel-hamas-war-summit-between-jordan-us-egypt-and-palestinian-leaders-cancelled-on-eve-of-bidens-middle-east-visit-12986627
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:32:56.
you'll need a shitter account to see that full thread btw but it seems legit
jews did it no matter the facts
>>408025 If true a lot of e-snelebs will have retract statements smh
>>408027 hear hear tbh tbh
>>408029 keeeeeeek
HEY STEINER >>408020 that's not only a retarded and obvious jevvish lie, but it has already been deboonked and they have retracted the statement, tacitly admitting to it
>>408031 I will refer you to my earlier post >>408025, mong, it was clearly hamas
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>when his mediocre salary is 10 times your salary
>getting angry at made up reddit posts also you make 50k a year while living with mummy? better than most here smh
god damn palestinians are retarded
>>408035 try 25k nearly made 40k boomer toiling but uberbossman ripped me off for 6k which I am taking him to court for but since I am not a nigger I don't get free legal aid
>>408006 An eternity in Paradise
>>408036 think they are a bit inbred
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ngl I am excited for the end of the jew world order
>>408043 tbh tbh
israel really just bussy breaks the entire muslim world annually and all they can do is shoot up a bunch of white people in brussels to get back smh.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjL6CieSFDs jews are too cowardly to do this
why are prunes like this
>>408048 it's almost impressive how thoroughly they managed to brainwash the boomers
looked up the mosque in the OP and all the images of it on wiki have a black flag on the dome lmao
>>408049 I'm not impressed, I just have contempt for these stupid old people
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Shrapnel from a rocket does not cause 500 dead and the collapse of a building. A jdam has this capability though. Shrapnel doesn’t whistle either as it falls from a noisy F-16. Simple as > "The attack on the hospital, where women, children and innocent civilians are treated, is the latest example of Israeli attacks that lack the most basic human values. I call on all humanity to take action to stop this unprecedented brutality in Gaza If not, we will." t. Erdogan
>>408049 No alternative media sources or internet tbh most probably only had one channel to watch, a radio to listen to and a handful of zogazines and papers
kek >>408053 >If not, we will fuuuuckk yeesssssssss. hope he's not bullshitting RECEP TAYYIP ERDOGAN RECEP TAYYIP ERDOGAN RECEP TAYYIP ERDOGAN AUH AUH AUH AUH
whats erdogays take on all this?
>>408053 >>408055 >>408056 I just plugged his tweet into a translator and he didn't say "If not, we will." stop rickrolling me about turkey ffs
>>408053 lad the video I posted earlier 100% proves it was a failed rocket from palestine
>>408058 im going to take a third position and say it could be an iron dome missle that missed the hamas missle and then blew up the hospital.
how the do you spell missle
>>408058 mong >>408059 no, the IDF is deliberately targeting hospitals. no food/water/medicine/volunteers get in, no civilians get out, hospitals are targeted, people are told to evacuate but there is nowhere to evacuate and then the IDF attacks the roads they told them to evacuate with. it's blatant ethnic cleansing, they seem intent on provoking a big war >>408060 missile
>>408059 The iron dome doesnt target the rockets in the launch phase
I'd like to see 02a707 debunk the twitter thread I posted earlier >>408025
>>408062 how long is the "launch phase"
>>408066 bins?
I'll assume 02a707 is consneeding defeat then
>>408067 based
>>408064 >>408069 I'm not even gonna click* that bullshit, I don't care, it's stupid jevv lies that 'they're just blowing up their own hospital for no reason' in the middle of Israeli terror bombardment campaign that's blatantly targeting hospitals. even in the hypothetical universe where it were true it's not a helpful narrative so there's no point in entertaining it *by click I mean right click copy link location then ctrl+t ctrl+v enter
>>408071 they're doing it by accident because they are stupid
message to spic: this is only a taste of what will come if you post here again
Might have found and incubator but now I am getting scared of poowsi
>>408075 the way of the anglo is arrive, stunner, leave
come and say that shit in Al Mawasi I dare you
>>408075 based fuck thieves
>>408079 bring on the racewar I want the niggers and spics to ally with the sand niggers the jews will just blow away in the dust their time is over the race war is going to happen regardless of them. you will not replace us
thumbnail is based
found this peng pepe in the last thread, it went unnoticed for some reason
>>408084 Love it me. Shame i couldn't find a higher res one
Probably my favourite pepe.
smorb lads richard hammond is at it again
>>408088 smh he should stick to cars
>>408088 So is Madeley implying ‘British’ Palestinian MP knew it was going to happen https://www.thesun.co.uk/tv/24425464/good-morning-britain-richard-madeley-off-air-question/
>>408091 "everybody i don't like is a hivemind" is a pretty easy mental trap to fall into tbh
>>408092 everyone i like is a hivemind
>>408093 bvsed
Absolutely schizophrenic takes from 5eyes tbh >implying government actions are NOT radical extremism >implying their radical buccaneering around the world aren’t making everyone in Britain a random target like the victims at the Manchester Arena >implying people shouldn’t get concerned about this especially when public is never kept in the loop about the governments extemist behaviours and ignored >implying no one should be concerned about what is happening in israel and that it’s brining danger to our shores and you shouldn’t worry on a daily/hourly basis about you loved ones >implying that the proudly foreign extremist elements residing within should be allowed to lobby for various foreign extremist governments/orgs and if you disagree with this then YOU are a right wing extremist JUST DO AS WE SAY AND DON’T WORRY YOUR PRETTY LITTLE HEADS ABOUT THIS IF YOU SEEK YOUR OWN ANSWERS BY READING TOO MUCH INTO HISTORY YOU…ARE AN EXTREMIST WHO WILL BE TARGETED FOR BUYING THAT POTATO PEELER FOR YOUR MUM! Absolutely oppressive putting everyone on ‘watch lists’. They’re so paranoid I’d wager everyone is on ‘the list’. Should put themselves on it tbh been plenty of them over the years that have sold out to foreign governments, maybe they should get real jobs and contribute to society because they’ve fucked everything up when it comes to ‘national security’ putting us all in danger with their extremist globalist tendencies and intrigues tbh Also how about investigating the MPs on the take from ‘western aligned’ foreign governments and lobbyists? Too difficult right? Easier to target some 15 year old autistic kid in Gateshead ikr. Get them numbers up and secure your funding and existence. Rotten to the core and quite clear who they’re working for and it’s not their nations absolute gall of it all lads What’s for breakfast?
>>408095 tbh it's disgusting
>Just for show you understand lol >Won’t be used at all lol >videos like this are of course not extremist terror material when governments do it, flashing their deadly arsenal with the implication it will be used to annihilate innocent people, it doesn’t need investigating at all lol >not at all like a rapist\robber flashing a machete at their intended victim with intent to cause fear and terror in the population lol https://twitter.com/ArthurM40330824/status/1712486522086478053
Interesting how it's 5 eyes. Add the hidden hand and you get 6. 6 eyes = 6 points. I rest my case.
>>408097 smh why are they such big bullies
>>408097 What was used in the hospital getting destroyed?
>>408098 Tbh. It’s just a ploy to watch everyone and couching it in some bizarre terms like keeping the nation safe All we want to do is eat are black pudding in tranquility and not have are country and economy rekt. Amazing how you go to ‘poorfag’ Spain yet the roads are silky smooth and the hospitals work yet here shit’s all fucked up. Where’s all the money gone huh? They should investigate that and things like the destruction and scar that is HS2 Smh >>408099 It takes one to tango lad according to them and we’re supposed to believe it and yeah, they’re like that little shit in class who is weak but has a rich dad so is befriended by all the big bullies and is protected from the result of their actions when he gets them to batter you by the corrupt school who also gets a donation from daddy
>>408101 >Where’s all the money gone huh? so corrupt and it's disgusting how everybody acts like it isn't.
>>408095 Go on, Xi Jinping, lad. Give us some of that sweet Yuan.
>>408100 Looks like a jdam, shrapnel from hamas bottle rockets isn’t going to destroy an entire building and kill 500 people and israel saying now that all the destruction is because of hamas misfires when there were hardly any misfires ten days ago is just utter bullshit they’ve proved time and time again they are genocidal, want to provoke an all out war in the middle east and gain dominance. It’s their mo tbh and fiveyes too. I’m not surprised by it but the lies are boring even normies are like “yeah, bullshit” now and the British government should stop enabling genocide in that region by calling it self defence when it’s fake revenge and geopoliticking I swear that incident was a Tonkin and from what I’ve seen plenty of Israelis think so too. What Charlie Kirk said the other day was probably on the nose
>>408103 >fill every position of power with spineless self-serving traitors >act surprised
>>408107 keeeeeeeek gottem
>>408106 Tbh They cause these catastrophes and then muh China etc How about just banging the responsible MPs up? No, didn’t think so absolutely immune >Mistakes were made, followed by inquiey that takes 20 years, everyone can’t be arsed anymore because 200 new outrages have occurred, everyone retires with a big fat pension and dies having escaped any form of justice Meanwhile you make ‘a mistake’ and get the library thrown at you
>>408109 it's all a big joke
>>408110 Must be pretty unfunny though they could be a bit more creative
>>408107 you've done him.
Meanwhile 14 years ago https://archive.is/9IiHp
>>408112 I have and he knows it. You’d be surprised at how fragile their egos are
>>408114 Does this thing gain power from eating foreskins or something?
Looks like it was summoned in some kabbalistic ritual.
>>408095 Tbh. Hate the current state of being ruled by absolute evil.
morn lards
>>408118 smorb lad
https://youtu.be/YgQy70_LPS4?t=117 Jocko and Dorset get into a lovers tiff.
>>408120 Spec ops troon vs biological manlet
>respect my neo vegana or you’ll be going home in an ambulance * starts sweating >that’s a bit inappropriate, you’re making my arsehole quiver Keeeeeeek simultaneously hate and love this t/l ngl
>>408124 >simultaneously hate and love this t/l ngl *honks in agreement*
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Anyone got the shadowed rapejaks with reddened eyes?
Imagine having a cool ethnic name like Zippy
>Hartlepool man Ahmed Alid >Not migrant living in a hotel Nope. Hartlepool man. Indeed he is. No doubt about that The more they lie the more they make joe public angry. What can possibly be the strategy for this? It used to be you’d get a clip round the ear for lying t. His story Deboonked https://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/news/23859802.hartlepool-man-charged-murder-terrence-carney/ Think I might take up Deboonker posting as a new gimmick
People should research orgs before donating to them
>>408095 There has been exactly zero le far right terrorism in the UK for 6 years. We are by far the goodest boys in the entire anglosphere and yet we get shitted on by ZOG the hardest. Its not fair, we're ruled by big stupid meanos.
Root canal bros....
>>408135 Had to have one once and they gave me 16 injections or something stupid, nothing worked and they drilled it raw. Quite painful tbh. Good luck
>>408136 Just had it done. A lot of injections that worked for the most part >ywn go back in time and force yourself to brush Smh. Dentist also wants to pull a wisdom toof. I hate them
so you're telling me the reason my tooth aches and I feel pain in my whole jaw and head for the past week has been because my nerve was literally rotting? God I hate the human body and teef
>>408137 Using interdental brushes of different sizes is mega important and keeping carb remnants off your teeth by brushing with an electric toothbrush 3 mins 2 x a day at the very least Unless the wisdom teeth are bothering you don’t have it done because a lot of the time it’s not necessary but it’s an earner for them and they spin it like it’s necessary they like pain and money dentists ( your pain, your money )
>>408139 tbh there is a hole in the wisdom toof so there is either a pull or a filling. Last time I had that done though I got 40 fever and was sick and in pain for over a week smh. GOD I HATE TEEF. and yeah. This scare made me BRUSH YO TEEF 4 timees a day after each smeal
>*clicks "show more" on a tweet* >multiple paragraphs >*closes tweet*
>wake up >enter thread >filter spic >sip coffeve
the era of comfy listening to tunes on jewtube is over, smh been listening to tunes on there since 2006 it was a good run might have to just start doing mp3 file shite
>>408145 Why? Ads?
>>408146 yeah its just a shite platform that is broken by tiktok cancer as well it doesn't run properly anymore
>>408143 >filter spic why? also there is no possible way you discerned that that was me and wrote that post in less than 7 seconds >>408145 >>408146 you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink https://freetubeapp.io/#download
and its slowly just turning into a softcore porn site as well
and anyway just use soulseek to download music
>>408149 >>408150 >and our vril is tuned to the same frequency today, steinlord
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-baaBh4tYbE are toilmen/vanlad jobs drying up in great shitain? its happening really fast in burgerica. all the dumb rednecks with too much overhead because muh diesel truck are fucked. skullet boomer is gonna get his 7.3 repo'd
>>408147 >>408145 brave still blocks ads
>>408152 Housing market will be last to go here because it's such a corner stone of wealth here.
>>408152 How can vanjobs dry up? People order more things to their doors than ever
no handyman jobs
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>>408097 >>408100 >>408105 unironically low IQ spreading misinfo
>>408155 deliveries isn't what hes talking about
>>408158 they shouldn't be so public with what they are doing, feels like they are putting on a show for everyone and themselves, esp with the "lets all dress lily white"
so the palis were just making up the 500 dead shite, probably more like 30 dead at most, this is the damade from the "airstrike" aka failed pali rocket
>>408162 Damn lying palestinians making our innocent Jewbros look bad
>>408144 Street Boon Theatre. Quaint
Israel obviously bombed that hospital and the other 12 that were hit >it was muh hamas Brown id brown iq tbh
>posts totally irrelevant picture with no context I think hasbara is here again
Nobody gives a shit about your wog fights. Get the fuckers out of Britain and raise a pint to are Hitler!
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>>408169 Hortl!
>>408167 not an argument, you have not debunked any evidence that has been posted proving it was hamas, mong.
>seventy twenty 9/elevenses! Something tells me he’s thrown the election
>>408172 Don’t care. You’re wrong. Even the israelis said so
>>408174 not an argument, you have failed to refute any evidence posted, instead you are posting pol screenshots from an israeli journalist
jews bombed the hospital. I don't need any evidence to be sure of it
>>408172 I could believe it was either, but I don't care who it was. Not Britain. Zero (real) British people on either side. Not my concern. Just want all non Brits to leave the British Isles. Simple as.
>>408177 wow amazing lad, never heard that before, really breaking new ground with this rhetoric.
>>408178 What's your problem with it? Do you want to engage in that discourse so that you can feel part of a bigger picture? It's not our problem. We have two concerns regarding Israel: That it exists for us to send our Jews to during the deportations and that it doesn't have an influence over our foreign policy. Simple as.
>>408176 mong making us look bad
Lads I made a ring out of glass to test and hone my skills as a toilslave It was a horrendous idea and I can't get it off my finger. Tap it too hard and it'll smash and slice my finger up Hmm can't think why nobody's made glass rings before
lets turn /brit/ into a TRS tier ghetto where we just repeat the same shite over and over again, some of us actually like to discuss politics, not interested in you mongs wanting to basically repeat slogans that we all know over and over again >UHHH DOES ANYBODY THINK WE SHOULD PUT BRITONS FIRST SIMPLE AS
>>408182 That's your COCK RING!!!!
>>408161 yeah theyre like a bunch of fundie evanglical CULT gqpists
I'm sick of cunts demanding that we care. Pour moi? This is an opportunity to highlight the apparatus and extent of Jewish power in Britannia.
>>408182 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek didn't you get your thumb pulled off anyway? What's another finger?
>per capita so it's even worse in china
>>408191 the thumb thing nearly happened but didn't, I still got my thumberinos did break a finger a few weeks ago though
>>408163 is this real? are you fucking serious?
>>408193 smh toil isn't worth it
>>408195 tbh but tbf toil isn't that bad I'm just a really clumsy cunt
>civic fencer has an event in Woking smh it makes sense
>>408197 *screams*
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>Reee why don't you care who bombed the hospital in Gaza? It was hamas not kikes reee you must believe, reeee!
please post the 3 rapejaks
I literally don't care who it was. Wonder why you do? Hmmst.
>>408200 The fact that israel pulled out all stops to deny it in a mass media campaign, obfuscate and delay investigation says it all tbh
Based German Mashallahwaffe Polizei gave a 12 year old a taste of the pepper spray. Yes! Another radical successfully created! https://files.catbox.moe/b8jnxx.mp4
>it's wednesday instead of friday *screams*
>>408208 My he row
>>408210 when I roast kikes and I smell that sweet smell of fresh hickoy I know I am cooking with kingsford
>>408211 thomas nast was a proto libtard he sharted all over taigoid immigrants but sucked kike cock
the south was pro jew but anti nigger the north was anti jew but pro nigger
Ricky Vaughn sentenced to 7 months in prison https://www.rt.com/news/585289-meme-maker-election-prison/
Obviously phone calls from hamas
>>408218 soyience died in 2020, the entire university establishment is full of sychophants and lisa simpson playhouse idiots they all need to be liquidated and put to forced labor (which as women they are suited to or whatever, not my problem if they die)
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the middle class is dying and its beautiful. they punch down in an impotent expression of rage as they realize they are financially the exact same class as roofers and plumbers despite le magic diploma and le bad screen job as a "manager". its so delicious how they invoke le magic poor spic slave labor to appear superior to their fellows but in reality AI is taking their job and they will be the cheap labor
>>408216 are you telling me.... a jew isnt loyal to his home country but to his tribe???
>>408200 you clearly do care hence your posting about it >>408204 >I literally don't care who it was. yeah you do >>408205 >says it all tbh kek no it doesn't you mong, when someone is accused of something they didn't do them defending themselves isn't proof of guilt
Has Spic reconciled himself to the fact that his "ideal trad white woman" Sophie Reade who he went into a full on meltdown defending from (truthful) accusations of being an ex-Page 3 whore and notorious Ngubu chaser is now an onlyfans whore who rides black guys on camera for money?
Bunch of resentful losers on here dominating the discussion and I'm getting sick of it.
>this lame hasbara mong is still going
Not interested in being on a forum filled with low IQ mongs, literally wasting everyones time with your shit, just fuck off to the TRS ghetto
Ostrich lad and snoog poster are romantically involved.
>>408228 whomst?
>>408224 he is a swarthoid so he is obsessed with low tier bottle blondes like every other shitskin
hey JIDFlad why don't you do something useful and post kike sluts
>>408231 why don't you cry some more when people post shit you don't like, reminder that this is a brit forum and you should know your place yank
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>>408229 Two of my yet to be released personas. I have boog boi to pretend to be first (pic related)
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In more important news, AI has done smee.
Of course mancs is the retard
>>408238 This impression is fucking spot on btw >>408236 je qeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeq the mold told me to slit a nigger head open!
>>408238 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek very impressive lad
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>408240 >all he does is angrily defend jews and mock incels Jordan/Ben/whomsteveryouare... this just isn't a place for you.
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> 641f06 Get this little hat outta here! He can find his own board to dwell on alone instead of ordering everyone else off of /brit/ in the typical fashion of his tribe. Where does he think he is? PALESTINE!? *snort
>not only was toil the result of newhirebossman not reading an email chain properly it was a 12 hour shift to cover for an AGM >can't shake the feeling that I didn't do my rounds properly and have locked some elderly trustee in the loos >going to have to go back and look despite incredibly painful hernia that's been acting up all day
>>408246 They have water and a toilet, they'll be fine till morning.
>>408247 keek yes but will the budget be?
>>408248 I'm sure they've signed over a large inheritance to the trust in their wills.
>>408249 KEEEK devilish
what a voice. my god
>>408243 go cry over your slag oneitis you mong
>spends 15 minutes talking about himself and his channel on its 10th anniversary
went back to toil to check tbh nothing there except for cunting emergency lights so bright I thought the place was still lit up very kino and le liminal omg just like on the subreddit
literally me tomorrow morning
>>408259 Keeeeeek, don't get poisoned by the diesel fumes before you get up.
>>408091 i thought it was funny tbh. he should get Kwasi Kwarteng next time a drill rapper gets stabbed and ask him what the word on the street is about which gang wetted them up >>408210 have these goys not consoomed enough hollyjew to realise how much jews have been through smdh
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>>408255 I've rejected her twice now. Moral lad now, me. It's okay hasbarabro. There's no need to sneethe.
(he'll still be thinking about her in another decade)
>>408264 He might be dead instead, you don't know.
>getting yidtubecucked ACK can I use freetube with my normienet account preserved for playlists etc freetubeadvertiserlad?
Who else /kino/ tonight?
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>>408270 >be proven innocent & wrongfully convicted >go commit a crime universe balanced itself out there
>>408270 oh my dixie!
>gf is upset that I don't want to pay for a netflix account when it's all online for free anyway
>>408274 by not having netflix you prove that you are insufficiently connected to the gangster frankenstein radio controls lad imagine how humiliating that must be for her
Crazy how Israel can just blow up whatever they want and get away with it. Craaaazy.
>>408274 you can just choose a film and torrent it beforehand. I do that with my gf all the time.
>>408274 But lad the slightly more convenient, maybe, sometimes netflix and chill (haha le meme) and paying money to trans up children and making of cp, shows that you care about her. *screams*
>>408279 >*screams* That you big guy?
>>408264 Probably smh. >>408280 >big guy For (You).
https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/PWR232:2 MARK COLLETT AND SYRIAN LASS
>>408282 holy wholesome
>>408283 wew what happened to him?
our jewbros are suffering right now.....
>>408286 are they supposed to be hostages or those that fled in the initial attack?
>>408285 >wew what happened to him? a lifetime of unravelling jewish lies. it does shit to a man.
>those Iraqi's that stood on milk crates with their bits out - Mark Collett I kek'd.
>>408289 wdhmbt?
what happens here?
>>408291 brownoids sit around getting really fat
>when the red bull hits
smorb lads >nobody could answer my freetube question so does everyone just stop using youtube now smh
apparently you can migrate data from yidtube so maybe it's okay unless the shartscum somehow affect the player too
off t shops
>>408297 cheers chip hate big tech scum smh making everything more inconvenient just to grab fake fiat currency shekels third world faggots are to blame for this too since so many of them will be low IQ enough to just accept watching adverts instead of going to the effort of finding a way to block smdh
>>408298 tbh none of it would be possible without the apathetic masses enabling them
>>408300 has he said anything about the current thing and if so did he side with the kikes?
>>408301 yeah he said the other day SOMEBODY HAS GOTTA STOP THESE DAMN KIKES
>>408300 tbqh the bbc doesn't deserve a free ride considering how abysmal it is these days it used to be something people could be proud of a long time ago smh
>Syrian Girl's porcelain skin
>no toil >no idea what to do with my time >only things i can think of are chores I hate atomised individuality so fucking much literally just waiting to die
>>408306 go for a walk lad
>>408307 yeah. literally, touch grass.
>>408308 tbh tbh getting out into nature for a bit is refreshing
>>408309 What have you been playing recently, lad?
>>408310 gotten into war thunder recently smh not very good at it though
>>408311 Know it, never played it. Is it Pay2Win?
>>408312 a bit yeah smh
>>408313 sheeeeeeeeeeit. I've started playing competitive games again, but anything like that would wind me up.
>>408317 >All we have to do is turn away, and let them deal with it. tbh
>>408318 Which is exactly what we would do if we were in charge of our own countries and not completely occupied. smh.
Longing for splendid isolation every day.
What an absolute masterstroke letting Israel get nukes.
Time for a covfefe
>>408322 it would've been antisemitic not to lad smh you aren't an antisemite are you
gaza btw, looks like some shite out of hollywood
https://youtu.be/DLOCf86hbyE >French Nun Tackles Eco-Protester Outside Religious Building
>>408328 baste
>started listening to youtube vids on 1.5x speed because I was running low on time before going out This is great going to do it all the time now.
fresh PA poo Different Countries, Same Problems - Tony Hovater's PA Conference Speech 2023 https://odysee.com/@PatrioticAlternative:f/tony_hovater_pa_conference_2023:d
>mancs just doing that Been listening to ecelebs on 2-3x speed for years
doing that right now listening to hoe-varter
spot the BBK lads still think he's one of the baldies me
so it was the kikes after all smh *screams*
I feel like this forum of like 14 active posters would unlikely catch the attention of Mossad agents. The cost-benefit is just too low. /brit/ paranoia. I’m thinking just Troons and spic trolling the goodlads; with some lads here clearly just hating WOGs indiscriminately.
or maybe a zoomer cut keeeek >>408335 yeah obviously
https://youtu.be/Vp0U7vo9MMc God I wish that were me
>>408338 these are the niggas that got inside are crackers?
keep coming back to twitter to see things I have liked not being liked anymore. What the fuck?
>8chan died 4 years ago
Keeeek the latest speech by based Swedish party guy looks like AI(the background is edited)
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Friday approaching and I'll have to deny her a 3rd time. Have a feeling she'll try extra hard to tempt smee. Give me your chud mana so I have the strength to send her this.
>>408341 It's been a pleasure poosting with you all!
reading about abo communities in the northern territories smh poor little abo lasses need someone to protect them
>>408335 mong, it was a rocket
>>408334 hes never posted evidence that he is in PA
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>hasbara lad wants to dox the kang
>408343 >hasn't blocked and deleted and cut all contact ngmi shut up mancuckold
there were australian aboriginals who's first contact with europeans was when we nuked the outback >As the radioactive dust fell, Mr Morgan walked an ancient trade route at the edge of the test site. He had no idea of what he was witnessing. >In making the film, Wallworth asked Mr Morgan what he thought he was seeing. >"He said, 'We thought it was the spirit of our gods rising up to speak with us', >"[He said] 'then we saw the spirit had made all the kangaroos fall down on the ground as a gift to us of easy hunting so we took those kangaroos and we ate them and people were sick and then the spirit left'." https://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-10-07/aboriginal-mans-story-of-nuclear-bomb-survival-told-in-vr/7913874
>>408350 >first contact with europeans >named mr morgan
>>408325 fuk juz too cowardly to do anything except bomb from the air
>mark reading out the name "scrotumwrangler" while staring at the syrianthot
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>>408354 >that time he made Kevin Macdonald sing happy birthday to some random mong in his chat
>>408355 keeeeeeeeeeek reminds me of Woes' Woes
>UK sending RAF aircraft and Royal Navy ships to protect Israel Join the army lads. We need heroes to go out and support Israeli war crimes. Or if you're lucky you can be a target in Ukraine.
latest JF https://odysee.com/@JFGTonight:0/jfgt970:a showing off lobotomised AI smh
>>408358 why is the far right obsessed bbcsluts?
latest PA poo https://odysee.com/@PatrioticAlternative:f/joel_davis_pa_conference_2023:4 all these ecelebs I've never heard of or seen on /brit/... are we out of touch?
Smash uk (wholesome Nintendo platform fighter) is full of tranny worshippers encroaching on my hobbies. I hate 99% of them. Typical Incel to tranny death cult. Some autist just got banned for talking against tr00ns and epic tateposting and another for doing the former except quoting bible verses instead of RP tating advice. Britoid gamers are truly the most oppressed.
>"epic" "tateposting"
>>408362 He kept swearing and there were little snabies present
keeeeeeeeeeeeek you can hear them at some points, they were screetching an clapping quite loudly in real life the mic doesn't pick it up as well
>>408362 Damn Joel Davis has a BIG HEAD
Filipina lass was a 4/10 at best and it irks me that I convinced myself otherwise
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no sorry it shot down yemeni missiles
>>408372 did the houthis really try to shoot a missile from yemen to israel?
Whenever I get drunk I just want to have a wank and sleep
When will the sunni's and shia's unite in wiping Israel from the face of the earth, hussayn was killed and the ahl-bayt were bullied like 1000 years ago and both of you didn't like it, just get over it smh.
>>408379 Yeah, can't wait for all those Jews to be headed this way! Based musniggers!
>>408379 All moslem nations support Palestine. The Saudis just play nice because they want western money
My coworkers are borderline mentally retarded. What kind of woman complains about being "starving" repeatedly at 11am? Stupid cunt.
>>408383 She's flirting lad. She wants you to feed her some big incel sausage in the supply cupboard.
I'm 90% sure that I popularised the continued use of the archaic "moslem", and also the phrase "Disney Wars" in reference to Star Wars after George Lucas, alas I recieve no recognition
>>408384 keeeeek
>watching dutty on 1.25x speed making him even more autistically spastic than usual Are We On The Brink Of More Clickbait?! Click Here To Find Out Why! https://odysee.com/@JollyHeretic:d/worldwariii:3c >>408381 could be nice but mummy is always going on about le medical advances, as if NHS would function enough for me to see the latest stuff this seems like it would help one toil more but isn't really an advance since one still has to have the giant holes and needles and smh making smyself ill thinking about it hope gchq kits me out to do a dafty suicide attack or something rather than going through such vile procedures
>5 to 8 years before being ready for use >it's just a filtration method (necessarily disposible so someone can make more money out of it) ACK
we need to fund auslads visit to he can donate a kidney to wessie
>>408389 based. i thought i posted this. we're combining.
>>408390 like the arch-jews I demand only the freshest most perfect and least used organs what's soros on now, his sixth heart?
keeking at the way niggers pass away occasionally
on the other hand one can't look a gift organ in the suppurating wound some flights are less than £1k to get to the UK tbh might go for it
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yo niggers! take this!! https://youtu.be/RtDZgYA4zqA
>but doctor, I am pagli-ACKi
>>408397 IO KEEKO!
I have adopted the moth in my room
>>408399 He loiks he whiskey zurr! https://youtu.be/Jh9CXnoDua4
*lunges for your IQ points
why do we toil just to suffer?
>>408404 Suffering will make us champions of the goyim dome. Then we strike through the cracks in the snooper snukcher
>>408404 For money
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my bathrooms is filled with silver fish so I am denied my right for a late night poo
Black gangs in New Jersey targeting hispanic day labourers for robbery because most are undocumented and have to be payed in cash. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dbheNsFQbI
close call
>>408410 have no problem with this based niggers
>>408411 They upgraded their BMP's with the unmanned BTR turrets.
oh gnow we no hae inshurrans u pay fore maye proseejur gringo. no hablo me scab laborr
The evil within is free on epic games store and evil within 2 will also be free next week
>>408413 good day so far?
>>408416 go on what's alittle chinky spyware?
>>408417 nearly have my paperwork done to sue uberbossman for my 6k I am owed had to sit in the nigger spic poorfag legal office to have my paper work looked over by the bbcsluts in there
>>408418 t.posted from a computer connected to the internet mong
>>408419 think you'll get your 6 grand?
>>408420 Your CPU cycles to hand over.
>>408421 probably not knowing my luck but I hope so its money I should have been paid
>>408422 what does this even mean
>>408423 chin up, if nothing else you can rope skullet boomer into robbing all his building supplies with the promise of a bottle of scotch or something.
>>408425 yeah he was also ripped off for 2k the sheriffs will just reposess uberbossmans tractors and trucks to sell in order to pay me I don't really see how he can avoid paying me I have it pretty well documented
>>408426 I suppose it depends on the ratio of debts to assets and the claimants?
>>408427 idk all I know is I hate byzantine court shite just want my money
>>408428 tbh you should just be able to go to his house and have it out barry lyndon style
>>408364 >Peter got cucked by the CosmicSkeptic Sad to see tbh.
>>408431 Some boring Oxford graduate. https://youtu.be/VyMhZhwe3gc
>>408404 To pay for Gregg's.
>>408429 tbh or just do a cheeky cattle raid or as burgers used to call it, a bit of jayhawking
>>408434 rustle his lifted supercharged v12 f150
uberbossman when they ask him to give up his truck https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnSVeT03XOM
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based joe giving ukraine 100 billion dollars to defeat hamas
for me it was red alert and tiberian sun
>>408444 AI generated comedy shows like this will be the shite that just plays in the background of the la luiz extinguida mutt hellscape
>>408445 really not looking forward to how soulless the future will be smh shite's bad enough already
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>when the eye-tracking software in your augmented reality demon goggles detects you weren't paying attention to Lockheed-Martin-Disney presents: AI Shrek vs Spongebob gone sexual
>>408447 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
wish dees illustrations was still alive
>>408447 keeeeeeksmh >>408449 tbh he was too good for this world
smorbing lads disquieting JF show today, apparently LBRY is being attacked by vile jew magic and Odyssey might be getting fucked up smh the lengths they go to harm us in all things https://nitter.net/JFGariepy/status/1715118307932508165#r https://odysee.com/@JFGTonight:0/jfgt971:d
>>408455 >zoomers
>>408456 it's obviously taking the piss, lass.
>>408454 keeeeeeeeeeek
>>408459 have fun lad
>mummy listening to the news >"it's called the ON-LINE SAFETY BILL and it's LONG OVERDUE"
>>408461 Hello yes I hate boomers and women okay thank you.
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>>408461 wish the normgroids weren't so easy to dupe like this smh just say the right words and they don't think about anything >>408462 tbh tbh
>>408464 Found a new job yet lad?
Just found this lads, JIDF might be right after all.
>>408466 no luck yet smh rentberg came over for an inspection yesterday though and while we were chatting he mentioned a couple of places that are hiring going to interpret it as a nice helpful gesture and not anything more cynical >>408467 chudbros... our response?
>>408468 I'm sure he's fine with the centerlink money tbh and just cares deeply about your welltoiling .
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hmmmm warm flat tinnie I forgot to finish last night.
>>408469 i choose to believe it he doesn't own the place tbh he's just the property agent and he's actually a nice guy at the very worst he's making a calculated decision that evictions are annoying and it's easier to steer things away from that than to have to do paperwork >>408470 providence smiles upon you
>>408471 So mournful, how can any man be expected to do housework while his tinnies disappear out from under him?
twenty degrees smh summer's well and truly here
Car failed the mot hopefully the repairs are under £400
>>408472 it's alright lad i found it eventually was cleaning up one day and there it was still pristine and unsealed >>408474 smh rough
>>408473 time to stock up on frozen peas.
>>408476 tbh got some ice packs for when it gets bad
>>408475 Weren't you repairing a car with your dad?
>>408477 I get no air flow through this place so in summer even with the windows open you end up sitting in still 30 something degree heat. I have no idea how people do it in Australia.
>>408478 close lad it was a little bike (a ct110, pic related but not mine) it's been fixed up for a while now tbh just need to get it inspected >>408479 air conditioning is a big business here tbh you can jury rig an almost decent evaporative air conditioner pretty easily though lad set up a clothes drying rack in front of a fan and put wet towels on it so the air is blowing through the gaps between them and it should give you at least a few degrees of relief it'll increase the humidity pretty quickly though unless you crack some windows to let fresh air in and humid air out
failed the inspection the first time because we didn't have all the paperwork smh but the lad there was really nice and fudged things so it didn't count as an inspection so i could get the fee refunded then i spent that money paying my leccy bill and now i can't afford to do another inspection smdh
>>408481 one day lad.
>>408480 Yeah I tried it with just the towel and it didn't work due to lack of draught. I need to stop being a cheapskate and invest in a fan if we continue to have these hot summers.
>>408483 cheapo fans aren't that pricey lad you can spare twenty quid for decent fan
might buy a pumpkin and get in the mood tbh last year the grocers had a bunch of tiny pumpkins the size of a big apple but this year there's nothing smh had good fun making little lanterns last year tbh might throw in the towel and buy a big pumpkin this year even though i don't want a big one
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>>408486 sneedversmorb lid
>weekend just started >pre-toil has already began
>hear song niece sings in school It basically is about globalism, children from all over the world being in Norway, and it also urges you to "do something", climate change, refugees, starving people etc. Spam this every day into a wee childhog's head, what do you get? smh
>>408490 yeah lad think about it do something about it
>>408491 Luckily her school isn't the dedicated multicultural one keeeek
>>408492 smh she should be educated by chuds thoughever
>>408493 >those furriners are always killing each other tbqh
>>408497 Shame Eowyn's arc doesn't really happen in the films, but it's understandable why it was cut
https://www.politico.eu/article/giorgia-meloni-boyfriend-break-up-andrea-giambruno/ >Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni announced Friday she is separating from her partner, Italian journalist Andrea Giambruno, after a satirical TV show broadcast him making lewd remarks.
>>408500 Phenomenal show of loyalty.
>>408500 God I hate women
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>Israel sponsored TV adds now. >hospital? we dindu nuffins
>>408504 ads* okay, thank you.
>>408496 >tfw no king théoden just want to make some futile charge towards the big enemy smh sick of these maybe wars
>>408506 Let's go
Why do we love jews so much, lads?
>>408506 I'll assume that (you) was meant for me
>>408508 they're just so wholesome and lovable
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>>408497 >>408506 >tfw mourned with Theoden at his loss more than any gay Windsor "tragedy" like Dianna
>>408507 kino >>408509 feel free lad i can't actually remember who or what it was directed towards it was probably something but that moment's passed smdh >>408511 he was more of a monarch than any in living memory
>lads expecting me to back up my opinions with memories smh this is almost as bad as lads expecting me to back up my opinions with facts smdh
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>>408513 here lad these are all the facts and sources I need.
>>408514 thanks lad
>>408514 kino pic
leant too far back in my chair and fell over speaking from experience a car crash would be less disorienting
>>408517 you're probably concussed.
>>408518 tbh can't think of any other reason why i would hate israel
toil complete
>>408520 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek that pic. Extremely relatable
>>408520 good lad time for an hour of self doubt before going back to make sure but then it was nothing all along >>408521 wishful thinking
>>408523 not tonight, plenty of other toilers to do that for me
>>408521 the schizo ADL supporter sees antisemitism everywhere >408523 but wouldn't it be nice if it was true? >>408449 pbuh what would be the best AI to use if I wanted to recreate the Dees peak schizo-boomer style?
>>408521 deebly goncerning.
thinking about how she is of breeding age but still isn't preglant smh
>>408527 tbh many such cases
My fighting Amerimutts...
>>408529 >narrow angle photos to create the illusion of large crowds
>>408527 just imagine the carbon emissions from her hoglets lad
>>408532 if they actually cared they'd breed more environmentalist hoglets. They are going extinct
>>408529 >latest CIA agitprop game ominously in the background too.
Basically, dehumanise the Palestinians so we can do anything we want to them, openly and with your full support.
It's just the same as the Russian orc propaganda.
>>408535 I guess jews aren't subtle, but it's surprising how they openly dehumanise the palistinians. Didn't they read about how that leads to snenocide smh
fed up of this shit and the mongs that eat it up and ask for seconds and thirds.
>no remake of american beauty but it's American Booty
>>408536 tbqh it's so transparent >>408537 they've been reading too many huwhite supremacist articles smdh
>>408540 what's wrong ronarudo kun?
not sure if caffeine works. Maybe I'm just getting so old that my need for nappy time overrides it smh
>>408543 it works as a tool to be used tbh if you're no longer in touch with the wakeful spirit that craves change then of course you will feel sidelined
>>408545 comfy
something something aryan spirit
>>408545 based >>408547 and truthpilled
>>408549 keeek smh the shart bit is too far
developing a fear of vaginas. Just imagining them being a vice flattening my penis smh
>balogh is doing the lion speech KEEEEEEEEEK
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>suggest perhaps her 'sex work' has a negative affect on her mind >gets angry and insists it's just like stacking shelves, it's just her crazy pills that've switched >suggest she return to dr Pillberg for a review
please livestream hanging yourself
>>408555 (checked) don't worry lass we already have the cure for that
>>408556 also this
>>408559 is there really a big enough market for all of those
>>408555 Bet I could fit my head in her cunt tbh and trust me, I have a massive melon.
"don't worry lad i've blocked her she can't reach me" he said as he complained about her messaging him
>>408564 yeah, it's pathetic but it's par for the course with cuckoldry.
>>408563 She's very loose from two childhogs but not that loose. >>408564 I don't know how to block snexts. I'm only engaging out of morbid curiosity. Not going to simp again.
>>408565 tbh the mind rot is incurable still holding out a futile hope that he'll come to his senses smdh
>>408562 Hell of a lot of Japanese out there lad
just give me snabies already
>>408559 New Silent Hill looking based.
>>408568 Aaaah I'm being a good volcel I swear.
just ban him until he stops talking about it
>>408573 >just ban him until he stops talking about it so a permaban. sounds good, lass.
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I am not the cuckee, nor the cucker, but enlightened and cuckless.
You are the biggest cuckold on this board currently.
the way he loves publicly humiliating himself might be the worst pat of it. Obvious cuckold mentality
can a lad who's been away too long get a qrd? whomst is this cucklad and for what did he get this reputation?
thinking about how pembs has a discord where racism is banned except for a hidden racist channel and how his friends literally make blacked tranny porn smh. At least he feels good. Let's hope he gets enough money for face surgery so he can feel even better
>>408572 you aren't thoughever lad that's the problem we aren't getting on your case because we enjoy annoying you lad we do it because we want you to be better i know it's hard lad but please try >>408573 i can support a ban when he portrays it as good but when he portrays shite as a lad trying to do good a i get a bit more sympathetic >>408576 i know lad i can't help it smh i just want to see the best in everybody
>>408576 But she's not my gf and she's still been sexless for months because H is impotent and she's a shut in de facto single mummy anyway.
>>408578 He's puglad but worse. Obsessed with the worst kind of woman
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>>408579 smh we tried to save Pembs
just find an incubator that actually wants to be incubated
>>408583 Lad I don't want her and have said so. She's been trying to entice smee back and it's not working.
>mancs whole life
>>408584 tbh but he didn't want to know >>408586 lad you can literally block her tbh or at the very least throw your dna into that mess and then step back >>408587 tbh bizarre
imagine having oneetus for decades
evening thinking of installing skyrim with loads of sex mods again probably a fruitless idea
>>408591 good lad it won't make you happy
trying to watch balogh's show but he's got some annoying yeswoman thot on who keeps desperately parroting /pol/ shit in an attempt at getting huwheatfieldlad loosh
had oneetus for a few years and it was intolerable can't understand how anybody goes for it smh
>>408588 >have a b*sexual ex gf >she has fucked about 1000 men and 100 women >I estalked her for years and drunkenly messaged her a few months ago >to my surprise it began an e-affair because she was turned on, partly because of some netflix show called You that glamorized obsessed estalking >btw she's married with two kids >she e dumped me over guilt/compartmentalization breaking down, a few weeks ago before we could fug >now she wants some fug probably because her alcoholic 40yo husband still hasn't given her any since their second child >I have said no to giving her some fug Think that more or less covers it tbh. >>408591 Install CBO and Precision plus a few normal visual mods and play it like it's Witcher 3 instead.
>>408593 link?
I find chatgpt to be smart most of the time but this is retarded
>>408595 lad your oneetus has been torturing you for years smh getting closer to the source is even worse smdh she's gone, you're gone, the consequences will never be the same
>>408592 scarcely anything does >>408597 emily youcis, seem to remember she did a good video about nigger crime
>>408601 it's okay lad that's normal you aren't supposed to be getting coomies and updoots at every corner
>>408603 most of the time it's not even misery it's just bewilderment with a vague sense of waning time
>spill my drink all over my keyboard >suddenly everything is in some fancy schmancy shite >keyboard still isn't paid off thoughever smh don't trust this shite an inch >>408604 now you're getting it
>>408595 merely for being involved with this person at all beyond learning the most basic information about them tells me you're a moron and you deserve the company you keep
>>408606 nigcels culturally appropriating miscegenation are terrible smdh
>>408607 It's not my fault we first bonded as teens smh shouldn't be mixed schools. Never had a chance she had a literally perfect 16yo cunny.
>>408609 the two of you did not bond in any way if what you are saying here: >>she has fucked about 1000 men and 100 women >>I estalked her for years and drunkenly messaged her a few months ago is true
>>408605 is it a mechanical keyboard? those can short if you spill liquid on them best thing is to just unplug it and wait for it to dry
>>408610 Yeah but there was a decade long gap between dumping her at 17/18 for cucking me, before I started estalking her a few years ago to sneethe at her shit political takes.
>>408611 no lad it's a $10 office basics shite philips keyboard worst comes to worst i can just buy another smh last one i had kept getting stuck on the minus key smh had to punch the keyboard really hard and set that little cat free
thought all the basic keyboards had non-permeable membranes protecting the circuitry typing in the bath, another dream i shall never realise
need to start doing pull ups again
>Friday >half 8 >binema hasn't opened
>>408614 it's ogre lad smh the keyboards are as fragile as the people you're talking to
>>408616 No binema as Bins is out buying houses again
>>408616 Soz lad I am away from home for a couple of weeks so no films until I get back
smh it's just her autism toy leave her alone
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>>408622 >something inhuman reminds the jew of himself
>>408618 smh he's always doing that smdh so predictable >>408622 sorry lass pre-approved opinions only
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>>408626 requirements: -blue eyes -no debt -at leat five foot ten -less than seventy five kilos -no tattoos oh dear did i just price myself out of the dating market by having the barest minimum of standards? guess i'll die alone
lads the trick is to stop caring
>>408627 >no tattoos This is next to impossible today.
>>408627 >no debt >no tattoos Smh we're all playing on hardmode
how much of the debt comes from the year they take to travel around the world tbh *screams*
>>408628 tbh the idea of a femoid in my life at this point is cringe
>>408629 >>408630 tbh tbh my long-standing policy of lobotomising women at birth may seem extreme today but eventually people will realise that I'm right
>>408632 tbh be a man worth dating then tell her to fuck off because she isn't good enough for you
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKGWjz4IzIw toil complete lads also this lad is based
>ageing foid at the chemists with a tattoo behind her ear showing
>>408635 spent a lot of my young life around plastered walls that were going to be painted "one day" i always admired how smooth it was >>408636 play it carefully lad you don't want to end up as a sugar baby
>>408635 that's normal skim coating lad?
>>408612 you just made yourself sound even dumber
>>408637 el diablo de las espadas...
>>408639 why is it pink?
>>408642 socio-economic factors
forgot to sleep and now it's seven ante meridian
Yes, of course people called him a racist monster for saying this. God I hate sniberals
https://youtu.be/LqRzXCbDZTc He and the Golden One should do a stream together
Why is God like this?
>>408626 Why are 4 out of 5 of her requirements related to money?
>>408642 it's more an orange brown.
>>408649 it's a joke chudcel
>>408651 No lad its real
>>408647 he wants to see who you are in the crunch
he took the nonesensepill
>>408649 because she's a whore lad don't give these lasses the time of day
>>408655 would probably be some academic in a better age
>>408657 the new respectable academia of the trve pevple are schizoids who rant at cameras tbh, I consider that he is one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_Zk1u9yD0E
Watching protests involving far left types and it seems their go to tactic now is to scream that anybody opposing them is a nonce or pedo apropos of nothing, a clear naked and dishonest attempt at shutting down opposition and getting the public on side, they truly have no scruples.
>>408658 >the new respectable academia of the trve pevple are schizoids who rant at cameras tbh this was always true tbh >>408659 prootests for them are just public performances
>>408659 projection
>>408647 God is the great and terrible will of the first conscious thought without form that defied absolute nothingness to weave all reality into being. Then niggas complain he has a few rules for man because he doesn't personally put the food in your tumtums and wipe your bumbums.
>he is a mental, physical and now also a spiritual cuckold
>>408661 wrong this peepee isn't dead or gay
>>408663 How do you get spiritual cuckoldry from that?
>>408665 tbh didn't really get it either
Shut the fuck up, I have something to post: Racemixers are fair game. Rape them.
Keeeeek barely any difference, the high contrasting colours make it seem like it's bigger. I guess it's this map people use when they claim that the baltics are the whitest
>>408666 >le demiurge
>>408671 holy shit. Was this deliberately written in a way to make me go insane?
oh it was written by a nigger. That explains it
>>408671 keeeeeeek based
>>408670 luv demiurge memis tbh but sometimes life isn't shite
>>408675 indeed thoughbeit, a counterpoint: manchester definitely is
>>408676 perchance
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>>408678 frightening tbh stuff like that happens here only the targets don't have any means of self defence
>>408677 hmmmmmmsst, happenstaunce perchaunce?
>>408678 keeeeeeeeeeek >>408679 tbh it's shite and it's just the way the government wants you to be nanny-statism is the greatest cancer of the 21st century and sadly still the most unspoked
>>408680 should providence decree it
https://gab.com/HandsomeTruth/posts/111265084257982239 this rhetoric on a semi mainstream boomer format is kino
My name is teddy bear. You are my cuties! Now touch me willy
Why do bbcsluts feel the need to openly humiliate themselves?
>>408685 https://youtu.be/Z3P-PDbIRas You're right. I am Cutie. And she is me
>>408686 if it was bill clinton people would be saying he was a real og everything is an idea and every idea is polluted by the minds that thought it
>singlehandedly lowering black unemployment by paying negro men to raid his drumpfy dumpy
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8gMd9XZJyg&t=1s kek collapse kino >that homeless tent by the freeway >just casually mogging a parade in your truck
>>408686 KEEEEEK but also smdh.
>>408692 >Mecham is a registered sex offender. He has prior convictions from 1999 for attempted first-degree rape and first-degree sodomy in Multnomah County. In 2016, Mecham was convicted of third-degree sodomy and third-degree sexual abuse in Clatsop County, according to court records. He was driving on a suspended license and didn’t have insurance at the time of this incident. Mecham is currently being held in the Multnomah County Inverness Jail. No trial date has been set for charges related to the alleged road rage incident. Circuit Judge Judith Matarazzo granted the state’s motion to keep Mecham behind bars while awaiting trial.
>>408694 just some psychopathic spic
Girl in white jumper is Teddy Bear's gf!
new bbk gimmick that was nevertheless stale within one (1) post tbh reviewed very poorly and doesn't resonate with the target demographic
I just took it as more of his boredom induced ramblings.
>>408696 She looks like a CHILD
>>408698 dont think I like this gimmick
>>408701 >>408698 Yeah dude, accept a gimmick that we can enjoy, come on. Dance for us, monkey.
I like Teddy Bear and want to be his cutie :3
Imagine *not* wanting to be Teddy Bear’s cutie What kind of weirdo wouldn’t want that?
>>408659 its the go to for UK normong twitter for a while now
Why is British culture so obsessed with noncing as compared to others around the world. Like people talk about it constantly.
>>408703 don't know what you're talking about but that sounds kind of gay smdh >>408706 because it's wrong and we don't like it >>408707 tbqh
okay im a boomer now
>>408704 Nnaaa well when you say it like that...
>>408706 emancipation of wombem
>>408709 we need racial hygiene to make a comeback
>>408713 just ignore the cripple cock smh
want to learn how to drive a forklift? Here, read this 200 page book you'll forget all about after taking the written test. God I hate theory. Literally all work safety just comes down to common sense. Literally every example they give of what not to do is something anyone above 70 IQ wouldn't do anyway. AND THEY WANT OVER 600 BONGO BUCKS FOR THIS AHHHHHHHHHHH IT'S A HECKING SCAM
speaking about people speaking about nonces
Man what happened with Westie. He fell off
>>408719 wish I could forget my exhog smh
Ex got a new bf immediately after, or maybe even before she broke up with me. Meanwhile I am still single 3 years later *screams* MUMMY
https://youtu.be/0DBXuZv38l8 cool. Never seen one
>>408721 already riding a new dick the next day, while you're still thinking about her 3 years later. smh
>>408723 So cute and sweet, personality and looks, and also an intense hatred of jews which made me keek. A sneedle in a snaysack
https://youtu.be/amXmHD7LwVA?si=CntjwR9FNBkvXVnX The inhumanity of the elites in Asia
>>408725 feel bad for that lad putting in hard work and still getting fucked over. smh
>>408726 literally anyone toiling
then again, normies are worse than you think. I know a 40 year old lad with credit debt of 60,000. How do you ever let it get that bad smh
Article in Norwegian about how 40% of young men can't say their opinions out loud without fear of persecution and you have ALL THESE FUCKING BOOMERS ON TWITTER TELLING THEM TO ACT LIKE MEN, OR IF THEIR OPINIONS ARE RACIST IT IS GOOD THAT THEY SHUT UP AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH GOD I HATE THEM SO MUCH *screams*
https://youtu.be/YUPzcc1ACi8?si=VJHFPPVMf5X2cWUD They're combating inceldom in china
>>408732 good. time for these incels to grow the hell up.
>just get your own electricity and water
>>408731 great, the graveyard shift and I am stuck with this guy
>>408736 >91 touch grass, lass.
>>408736 Sorry lad,got overtime, later lad
>>408739 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
god I wish that was me
>>408739 keeeeeeeek nigcel getting bullied by the BIG hipos
>>408743 keeeeek look at those tiny hands
just found out that the r1b haplogroup also exists in a small part of africa it's in chad though smh not sure how to feel about this
Guy Fawkes was based tbh.
>>408748 tbh blowing up the government is always a moral act if they aren't actively fucking you over that just means they're still stuck in the planning process
discount sushi for dinner
>>408752 Unfathomably based.
>>408752 >sushi Good lad.
>>408747 It's celebrated in Scout groups, that's about it, but even then, safety concerns mean that the event is a shadow of its former self. When I was a child, the adults just piled up massive wooden pallets in a grassy field, poured some flammable liquid on and we all gathered round this massive tower of flame and threw guys on. I helped out last year at the local group that one of my school friends leads, and it was much lamer. Small fire on a concrete, fireproof area. Still had the campfire songs, though.
Guy Fawkes night is now just a time for a heightened terror alert level because some guy watched V for Vendetta one too many times.
>>408757 Heh, hello again lad. I do like Liam Neeson movies. I've yet to see Retribution.
>>408759 >I've yet to see Retribution. Is that his latest offering?
>>408756 tbh making shite sanitised and safe is the surest way to kill interest
>>408760 Yeah. Cold Pursuit 2 is in the works too.
>>408758 >some guy high iq humour
>>408763 Unintentional, but fortuitous
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what hobbies do you lads have for me it's drinking, wanking and going on /brit/
>>408767 this also gooming, riding bikes, brewing, and shooting haven't been shooting in ages though smh very expensive hobby not too good at brewing either smdh mostly just interested in the end product
SAVE GAZA, LA Scousers doing something right for once, although for the wrong reasons.
>>408769 bit anti-semitic smh
>>408768 how do you pick which gooms to consoom
>>408771 mostly just play old good gooms tbh don't really keep up with the new shite
>>408772 what are you playing currently?
>>408767 Swimming, tennis, reading, watching Hong Kong movies and self-loathing. Some of my hobbies are more frequent than others.
>>408768 brewing seems like a kino hobby >>408774 >swimming good lad
>>408773 war thunder tbh pookraine footage has got me on a tank binge lately smh >>408775 it's alright tbh barely counts as a hobby though it's a couple of hours of activity a month and most of that is hygiene could take more pride in it if i was actually making informed decisions about malts and yeasts and hops and actually elevating my craft and improving but i'm still at the pre-made store-bought malt syrup level smdh i still enjoy it though
>>408774 >watching Hong Kong movies based
>tfw haven't played war thunder since 2014
just thinking my only real hobbies are films, shows and gooming, and I suppose polishits too but thats essentially just perpetual seething, need to do something more productive with my time.
>>408767 Drawing, wood carving, and gooming (less often now).
wish i was into something cool like woodworking or watchmaking smdh >>408779 kinography is a good hobby thoughever tbh not as good as something constructive but it's relatable and you can seem cultured because you consoomed the correct product
>late Middle English hobyn, hoby, from pet forms of the given name Robin . Originally in hobby1 (sense 2) (compare with dobbin), it later came to denote a toy horse or hobby horse, hence ‘an activity done for pleasure’
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>>408783 one day they will have their own land
>>408782 didn't know hobby and robin shared a root tbh interesting >>408785 based thoughever
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwqxdCGCDE8 at this point the burger movies hollywood has become the reality of gen xoids and boomers >I play a tough guy on TV therefore everyone is a wimp fucking hate them so much only vietnam boomers get a pass or in your country falklands vets
>>408787 isn't he a leftoid
>>408789 at this point he is the only public figure other than rand paul that I would vote to be president
>>408787 working hard only works when there's something/somewhere to work towards/for >>408790 >rand smh lad he's a pale shadow of his father
>>408746 Chadic peoples descend from European men that also introduced horses to Africa 7,000 ya
>based and trad youtube recommendations
>>408788 In many ways yes, but he did terminate that nigger who killed a white family.
>>408795 post feminist women are just embracing the whole post structuralist nihilist headcanon of the jews where they fully expect to maintain their comforts while making sophist commentary about le whores. at least lisa simpson believed in something

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