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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3951: Radovan Karadžić Drinking Water Edition Anonymous 03/24/2024 (Sun) 07:39:02 Id: 460207 No. 441630
On this day in 2016, Karadžić was convicted of genocide https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-35893804
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:50:23.
>>441630 very good lad
>>441635 bassetpilled
morning chums
>>441637 smorbius lad
feel like shit and people are chasing me for sunday work, time to hit them with the double rate overtime prices.
>>441639 should charge double and a half tbh
I'm not going, I'm ill and have no car today.
>>441641 good lad >>441642 choon
getting by on about 3hrs of sleep a night and yet inexplicably cannot doze off and am more energetic than I've been in years bit concerned tbh might be some sort of last effort before expiration
>>441644 smorb lad
>>441645 Time to do out on a Paki splattering high lad.
>>441647 I think McGruder wanted to get Uncle Ruckus his own show but the network wasn't interested in it.
>>441649 in the coomments someone said he tried to crowdsource but not enough based niggers ponied up to make it worth it
>>441647 >king coon keeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>441650 Yeah that was it, he got something like 120 grand out of the 200 grand goal.
>>441652 sounds even more faggoty than no homo tbh >>441653 should've marketed to the edgy alt shite mde lads tbh
>>441654 No daddy No diddy
>>441654 I think Scambo violently defends his paypig farm.
time to play with bleach
>>441657 No lad don't do it.
>>441659 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
had to just do straight bleach and water for some wood, doesn't even get rid of all of it but does take the paint off smh mopped floors with the rest, now letting things air out before cracking open the special grout and tiling sprays not sure what I can do about filler/sealant or whatever the plastic-y shite is, might end up melting it away or something
shnight lads >>441662 sounds like you need to be using agent orange tbqh
>>441663 shnila probably no downside to trying that tbh not as if i'll have any children to be born as horrific mutants
>>441671 fake ai generated image indians would never use toilets like that
>>441671 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>441674 what are they doing with it?
>>441663 Night lad don’t let the Finns bite https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVhRm0eJ4A4
>>441675 Final quality check involves shoving it in their buttholes
>>441678 that one lad saying israel dropped more bombs on gaza in the last 2 months than all the bombs dropped during ww2
>>441678 he definitely flashes his knob and then says it was an accident.
Anti immigrant turk politician posting AI BBCslut cuckbait
Forgot the translation: We will come and kick you all out! I swear to that! The dishonorable people who commit this disgrace to make immigrants look cute are not from us! Let's take care of our daughters!
either the mould spray was so toxic or I scrubbed so hard I wore holes through the sponge not sure what to do about the worst of it at the back of the airing cabinet smh mould on paint on brick interior in the least accessible place possible that to even start trying to remove would require climbing inside and inhaling all the lovely spores
custard doughnut break tbh
>>441684 You need to stop buying this kak lad.
>>441685 yeah smh it's back to starvemaxxing next week managed to get back to under 21st again at the least
>>441686 Eternally harassed by the carb goblins.
>>441687 they're just so comforting and familiar think a couple days of next weeks menu will be another try at lasaga smh saw some good mince on sale and it's against the hunter-gatherer instinct to let a deal go
>lovely blue skies out my window >room is cold as heck! CCAAMMMEE ON SUMMER! HEAT SUM FOOKIN' HOUSES!
>>441690 spring has only just sprung lad
>>441671 keeking bigly at this and only 13 minutes in
>>441692 I got 40 minutes in. It's mostly just gratuitously grotesque
>>441693 an accurate summation of india then smh whenever any furrin wrongdoing comes up around the boomers grandad is quick to mention his best friend, best man and fellow engineer who was a jeet and therefore let em all in
>>441694 How about just sending him to india instead? assetless of course, can't have them wasting your inheritance.
>>441695 keek they already send their money there and sponsor at least two wogs from nogfrica and pooland as well as amnesty international literally subsidising our replacement to feel good wish I could just assume control of their assets on grounds of mental incompetence
>>441671 fucking copyright strike already. Didn't even get to watch more than 10 minutes
>>441696 Would like to see banks unbank these wog charities like they have for the deaf and blind
>>441697 Pity it’s a 5 gig download as well I’m sure it’ll get reuploads
>>441697 smh was hoping to finish the rest of it now
He's a breeding b
>>441701 that smuckle... he's too powerful
>>441681 fr Sargon was right
>>441700 Did you catch this bit >silent and deadly it can strike at any time >unstoppable, undetectable and almost invisibile to the naked eye the mighty train stalks accross india
All that money on costumes, sets, ships etc. and they can't make a compelling story at all. Apparently a remake, but if that's the case, what made them remake it when the story obviously isn't that great, or worth being stretched into a whole series rather than a film
>>441671 >In response to a complaint we received under the US Digital Millennium Copyright Act, we have blocked access to this content from our applications. Fuck's sake >>441705 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>441701 Unfathomably based.
>>441706 >it's... orange.... >like.... a FOOL! AN ORANGE FOOL!!!
a spoonful of dried crispy fried onions, as a treat
>deep sea whales deel with high pressure environments by not fighting them and just embrace being crushed
>>441715 keeeek
>>441714 >deel fuck's sake I'm becoming retarded
>>441712 good but also bad lad
>>441712 What were you planning to cook with this Wessex?
pajeet Codex links D/l 5gb https://sendgb.com/NIbJ0rtvzSF
>>441719 just trying to add flavour to stuff but couldn't find granulated onion this week it'll be in the lasaga and I might do some kind of low salt pizza since I got yeast also
>Russian Aircraft Takeoff Alert: A fleet of >Russian aircraft, including 14 TU-95 and 12 TU-22M3 bombers,has taken off Biggest strike package of the whole war just took off 30 minutes ago
he's not gonna save the white race bros...
the entirety of the jeetnet is working to destroy it
>>441724 he should race wews in a sonic 2 speedrun
>>441707 Not a remake; a new adaptation of a novel which was already adapted into a miniseries once before in the 1980s
>>441729 I snee
>>441731 You can't really complain about any society when you had pride parades, and elected a jew famous for playing the piano with his circumcised bellend on tv.
>>441733 whatever happened to shartwinsneed? I remember he was exposed as being a larping neet and spent many consecutive years trying to rebuild identities and getting btfo each time including by a toilin' breeder labour supporter or smth did he just give up on eceleb drama entirely?
>>441734 Yeah, I think he just gave up. It happens.
>>441707 It's quality. watch it with the half japanese gf.
goon, carbs and aspartame detox happening
>>441736 no. you are a lower being
>Pooskin crying about Steve laws and saying it’s ok if country turns brown just not too fast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVOXQmkm7wU
>>441738 stop wanking.
>>441740 keeeking at stephen's crackhead phenotype tbh
>>441744 he was part of the wef gang and a un young leader or something all along lad
>>441740 had no idea that there are still mountains of mongs out there that support tommeh zoginson
>>441645 isn't that a thing, where people become strong and seem fine before dying?
>>441742 My country: 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇬🇧 Five countries and one Special Administrative Region I like: 🇲🇫🇮🇹🇩🇪🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🇯🇵🇭🇰 Fifteen I dislike: 🇺🇸🇺🇦🇵🇭🇨🇮🇮🇳🇿🇦🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇦🇷🇮🇱🇲🇨🇹🇩🇦🇱🇰🇷🇹🇼🇹🇷
>>441748 Bit optimistic to call Hong Kong a country at this point.
>>441749 That's why I said five countries and a Special Administrative Region.
>>441659 holy keeeeeeeeke
I should've put Singapore. I like Singapore too.
>>441750 My bad lad. Why do you like Japan? It's just a worker ant shithole.
>>441740 >The comments
Scotland is based despite the SNP.
>>441747 yeah smh however mummy said my sister who already went through this had the opposite when things got really bad and could barely walk 50 meters out of tiredness so might be something else, not that I can think of any other reason maybe deficiency in something since all I eat now is small amounts of fruit and meatslop, basic carbs and the same mix of 3-4 different kinds of boiled vegetables
>>441753 They're our brother nation, an island-based monarchy and former Empire, debased culturally by America.
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>>441759 Have you been there?
>>441732 errr source on this?
>>441756 was your sister ok? also i strongly suspect you don't have any illness and mummy has just told you you do and now you're all fucked up from unnecessary meds and carbs and gooning
>>441761 >errr source on this?
>>441754 It's so fucking over.
>>441762 no it's definitely there smh she was actually very smart and intentionally didn't take medication in her early 20s so she experienced failure faster and got an early transplant meanwhile I got handled like shit by the based NHS and experienced enough function decline to be too far gone to avoid a transplant (in recent years new medication was developed, my other sister is on that and it's looking like she'll never need a fresh organ).
>>441760 To mount fuji? No
Get it while it's still up https://rumble.com/v4l8ys3-codex-ii.html
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHCaIvPN2rY Legitimately an informative documentary.
>>441766 I meant been to Nippon at all? Want to meself tbh
>>441768 competition for "most polluted" must be extremely fierce tbh
this india doc is actually pretty important tbh
>2:10 Thank fuck I've never eaten in New Delhi. Shit water vegetables.
>>441768 >showing them poo as he claims river has human rights kino
>>441769 No, never been. I know a few people who have, but just in the cities. I don't see much point in that, especially with how expensive it is. Same for Hong Kong and Singapore. Mainland China has the Forbidden City, Great Wall and Terracotta Army, so I might do that and Hong Kong at some point. If I were to travel to Japan I'd want to go to a Chisato Moritaka concert. That, a couple of shinto shrines and Mount Fuji.
Tempted to buy a Chisato Moritaka 2024 calendar.
for me it'd be the overland route by the silk road to check out all the cool forgotten central asian basically huwhite nations, see the big golden dog statue, the tarim basin ancestvrs etc >ywn bee free and roam the grass sea and shitpost under the stars
Can't imagine living in that trash filled hellscape and having no choice but to drink unfiltered trash water until it deteriorates my health to the point where I go blind and lose the ability to walk. Then the only job left available to is to scour the river for trash to sell on.
other interesting places would be seeing sikkim (brutally despoiled and pooed all over and absorbed into the jeet collective by india shortly after they sharted us out) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFECn9zZ5ws
elba too tbh
forgot what napoleon's second and last island prison is called tbh elba is the first st helena
>they sikh him here >they sikh him there https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxTnJPIl20U
might as well go on a tour of hortler's properties also or smth smh mummy only offered to do a few of the d day landing sites but I didn't care to snee whatever has been done to them in the current year
wewelsburg for sure even though it's been turned into a poz centre smh
time to lie awake for a bit and hope whatever manic or possibly deathly energy dissipates zni
I miss SA and the way the board used to be when it was still yoomeryears, i wonder if he just outgrew this place and became le normie like probably should've
2 more days before freedom
>>441778 woah this is beautiful i didn't know about this place. fucking jeets
>The Kingdom of Sikkim was founded by the Namgyal dynasty in the 17th century. It was ruled by Buddhist priest-kings known as the Chogyal. It became a princely state of the British Indian Empire in 1890. Following Indian independence, Sikkim continued its protectorate status with the Union of India after 1947 and the Republic of India after 1950. It enjoyed the highest literacy rate and per capita income among Himalayan states. In 1973, anti-royalist riots took place in front of the Chogyal's palace. In 1975, after the Indian Army took over the city of Gangtok, a referendum was held that led to the dissolution of the monarchy and Sikkim joining India as its 22nd state.[12]
>>441785 if i recall correctly he claimed to have turned into a bazza before he abandoned us
>>441777 sounds vibrant
>>441790 you can't dewilliamise yourself like that it's not how it works. i can't just go to the woods and burn a ford fiesta it wouldn't be the same
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It's time for the Sensible Centrists.
>>441792 tbh he was still poosting williamoid memis up until he decided to hide his twatter
>>441794 did he really leave though?
>although the pajeet considers the rivers holy, perhaps he also considers the trash he dumps into it equally as holy afterall it is just as much a part of india as the pajeet is himself lol lmao even, holy keeke i am dying. pajeets irredeemably scorched after this documentary
>>441798 thank you based syrian arab nationalist
>>441796 i think he just interacts with the people he knows on there in addition to his bongo mates
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>>441798 >British accent
>>441797 >The relationship between the pajeet and his propensity to spread squalor and filth around himself makes this trash almost symbiotic in nature >In some cases it is difficult to know where one finishes and one begins Keeeeeek it doesn't stop
>>441768 Disgusting
>>441802 Wait ‘til you get to the train part
>>441802 unending top tier banter, i forgot things could be this funny with how sanitised the internet is now
>>441804 Struggling to get past the cow shit. Filthy creatures.
>>441806 yeah i had to take a break there, it's good he's showing this but it's almost too much shaking my head
not doing good lads hope doctorberg reads my email first thing in the morning when he gets in to toil at the crack of 10am or whatever hours they keep
>>441809 fr lad? i know emergency is a mene now but don't take any risks with your health, did you just wake up after a couple hours sleep? what are your symptoms i'm a yoomer and have watched some wim hoff videos about cold showers so i'm basically a doctor
>>441810 on the 20th I started having breathing difficulties again they stopped yesterday night but I don't think I've slept since two days ago when I got about 3 hours I don't feel tired, more energetic than I normally have been in years I think I might have an irregular heartbeat potentially hypo/hyperkalemia or kidney failure but I can't find direct correlations smh searching for symptoms is useless
>>441811 dont die wessie
also potentially loss of feeling/temperature sensitivity and low body temperature really hoping it's some sort of extended anxiety induced hypochondriac shite but I just don't know >>441812 hope not but no idea how to fix whatever's going on smh might take some years expired melatonin or smth
just in case, /brit/ gets my shitposting folders family gets my physical belongings and should sell what they don't want savings and proceeds to patriotic alternative so long as mark promises not to spend it on videogames
what if the only way for you to get cured is to become a tranny? one chance. would you do it or let it slip?
>>441814 keke but sort yourself out somehow, you shouldn't really enjoy the diet you do if you have dodgy kidneys. do a long water fast (at least 72 hours) and try to eat a more keto and less carby diet. is your pee the right colour?
>>441815 keeek what a horrifying dilemma >>441816 the diet I'm on means I can't do keto, it'd be actual starvation since more than one portion of meat has too much potassium I do normally limit things to under 1000kcal a day, just been stressing recently because of whatever's going on smh
also I piss bloody foam smh think it's because nothing gets filtered out, or the kidneys are literally falling to pieces and getting pissed out
>esoteric steinerism has reached westoid anime skin suit wearing thots https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0m6QqW0jVQ don't care for them tbh it's all sexual "humour" all the time despite an audience consisting entirely of incels. at least the jap ones aren't as uncouth
the poojeet documentary was kino hope polfaces produce more of this in the future
>>441822 sick of westoid vulgarity and cynicism tbf
>>441823 >>441824 tbh tbh I keeked albeit
wish my IBS would fuck off
>>441826 truly one of the worst afflictions for an upstanding /brit/lad to have
>>441823 did it come from 4/pol/?
>>441828 I think so but it may have also been produced by multiple chuddies working together
>>441829 concentrated autism is the greatest asset of the alt shite tbh if mark was smart he'd be sponsoring cells of NEETs to make propaganda and spam social media with it
>>441830 tbh wonder if he still reads whatever odysee calls superchats
>>441831 he does even if they are schizo or retarded because the grift never dies even if they are worth a mere 0.00001 lbrycoins
>cow dung is indispensable to the pajeets diet, almost as important as oxygen or water keeeeeeke
Sure hope bossman rewards me or acknowledges tonight's goodboyry... oh he won't even notice? :suicide:
>>441832 suppose I'll have to try and catch one of his streams so that I can relay the information too him for the future of the shite race
>>441834 not familiar with this, i usually show up to toil hungover and on 2 hours sleep. you want to be visible enough that toilberg knows you've shown up but basically invisible after that for all of monday. really mondaytoil is an art
>>441836 Yeah ulike you I am a goodboy, but no good sneed goes unpunished
i can't get over this documentary. i don't even care about looming mondaytoil like i usually would. had to rehydrate from crying
>>441833 >Whoever controls the cows, controls the dung. Whoever controls the dung, controls India. >>441838 it's pretty brutal. I still don't actively dislike Indians but I think I have underestimated how subhuman they are
any toilman still up?
>>441840 just got back from my course tbh
>>441841 monday is already over for you?! smdh
>>441841 did you see the pajeet documentary yet? >>441725
>>441842 yeah lad been toiling all day >>441843 not yet lad got it downloaded but just started gooming when i got back
>>441828 >>441829 It was Moonman who made the pajeet documentary
Also morning lads
>>441846 smorb lad
made the mistake of checking my bank balance
managed to get a few hours still fuckt up albeit fresh russia xoomer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-TzEjP2nUg >>441849 rip lad I get weekly text updates for some reason smh can literally see it draining day by day
>>441850 grim smh
>>441850 I'd pray for you but I'm atheist. I'll tip my fedora to your health.
twice now I've had random texts from an unknown number containing what looks like AI generated proselytization I think the cyber division of the JWs is targetting me >>441852 ta lad, not sure mtn dew would improve things unfortunately https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlxfDvSyPKA
>>441853 better than pajeet scammers at least
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>>441855 morbing chud
>>441856 how's it going, big guy?
>>441857 keeeeeeek he looks so smug
>>441859 >pakidemic (state) agent Sneedma Pervertini
>>441860 Him being thoroughly against liblabcon and torylite reform and sticking up for PA and Melia doesn't seem very state agentsy.
>>441861 good if true just don't like him because he's not bri'ish then always thought he was more part of that clique with the panama hat and the tranny that woes shilled for rather than the real based lads
rentberg inspection complete passed as usual with the emailsenderlass barely caring despite my toil and despite their poor ventilation ensuring the ceiling mould continues to slowly spread
>>441859 need more of this
the idea of wessie dying is literally too much for me to bare.
>>441865 if even in jest, the sentiment is appreciated
Some white pilling scenes out of Ireland. The scally riders
>>441868 I really want to be enthusiastic about their chances but presumably even if one site is prootested down the invaders will just be moved to another smh
mild keek tbh >just go out for a walk through town with le flags and that's a prootest https://odysee.com/@PatrioticAlternative:f/Patriotic-Alternative-in-Oxford:1
>>441869 tbh not being on the ground there or consooming the local media its difficult to tell what the current mood of Ireland is. but there does seem to be a lot of energy on the anti immigration side at least, with multiple protests accross different sites. Wasnt so much as a peep when my local hotel got taken over. I sneed all the cope i can so I will take any white pill at the moment
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>My wife went out to get fire wood and when she collected the wood a snake bit her >We took her for local treatment >A snake charmer advised us to get some cow dung and cover her with it >She was buried in the cow dung for 75 minutes and died of suffocation What a way to go.
>>441873 baffling tbh surely such scatological experts as jeets would understand she couldn't breathe through poo
They are even allowing comments. Starting to realise the masses need to vent before it boils over perhaps https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-68626430
>>441875 started reading and actually got my hopes up a bit but then they got the paki OAP abuser and his scam business and how we need vuh immigrants to do jobs britons won't do (even though it's just greedy business cunts not being willing to pay proper wages)
>>441876 Yeah that made me sneethe. How can that person even exist here let alone be paraded around fucking AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>>441818 >keeek what a horrifying dilemma tbh what harm could an extra puss-hole do?
>>441878 *thanks xir for xir mcservice*
>(you)s for a david davis over two years old /brit/... has fallen....
toil done, I think I made 300 today.
>>441882 what fund or crypto are you putting it ito?
>>441882 goola >>441883 vintage beanos
>>441883 wank coin directly transferable for NFT's of your favourate porn star
tfw you literally gain money by the second if you put NOK in any crypto since nokcoin keeps going down
>>441887 What a grim fucking future, I need to get out of this city.
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been listening to that vax-shanty so much I'm considering getting a booster
>>441889 I keep falling for it
>>441890 You jest, but sometimes people only got serious side effects from their booosters. Each new jab is like playing Russian roulette. Smh. Resigned to the near certainly one or two mongs in my family will die because of this.
near certainty*
>>441892 worried my family has spiked me with their vaccies. Got some horrible chest pains sometimes
Vlach and Welsh both derive from the same proto-Celtic term for "Foreigner" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vlachs wow
>>441895 what about munster (ireland and germany) tbh
>>441866 >We lied and those people who point it out should be rounded up with Hamas and killed Wew Also this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95X6uWZ9k9Q
keeeeeeeeeek jeets absolutely seething at Musk ITT https://nitter.poast.org/elonmusk/status/1772178966448664762#m
>>441900 The Jeet Internet Diarrhoea Fart is extremely unsubtle
I had three vaccines and I'm perfectly healthy.
ELON SAAR!=!=!=! WHYY!?!?
>>441902 Somerset....
>>441894 It's nothing. I used to get chest pains. It can just be caused by stress/anxiety/depression. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/chest-pain/
>>441905 Yeah I was very stressed for a time tbh probably it since I haven't had it in a while
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek fucking jeets
Pearl Harbour etc incoming no doubt. US have bigly pissed zionists off https://nitter.poast.org/narrative_hole/status/1772335787154997724
>>441908 They are on the ropes this is gonna get good
Landlord tips #272 for any landlordlads out there
>>441909 They really are though. Wonder what their game plan is? They’ve gone full psycho
>>441910 Fucking keeek smdh.
Diddy or Diddyn’t he? Nonce raid live https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELSepg3Zrbg
>>441917 smh, somebody needs to make some replicas
>>441916 He's had more than enough time get rid of any evidence.
>an israeli general said he was “shocked” when, during a private meeting, a US official accused the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) of systematically sexually abusing Palestinian women. >General Amir Avivi said “we sat there, talked about the situation, and suddenly” the head of Israeli-Palestinian portfolio at the US State Department “accused Israel of systematically sexually abusing Palestinian women” >The US official cited evidence presented by the UN to the Israeli government, to which Avivi responded: “Does it make sense that phenomenon would exist and the media would never have reported on it?” >the Israeli general said in an interview on Israel’s radio network 103FM that he considers the allegations as the official US position. >”When we meet with a State Department official holding the Israeli-Palestinian portfolio, every word she utters, as far as I’m concerned, is an official US position. Ultimately, she is a government official” https://jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-793420
>>441919 FBI could be doing a clean up of Penis Diddler’s place tbh
God I love Yandex search engine.
>Pakidemic Agent getting airtime on GBNews
>>441908 >>441909 zognald chumpf will save the day when he returns
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The charges, officer?
>>441931 thats what she does right after you put a ring on it
>>441930 Obese people don't look human.
what was the point in america defeating the spanish in the last of their colonial vestiges, the philippines and cuba, only to grant those former colonies independence afterwards. what difference dis it make to america other than to destroy a cool empire on its last legs
anyway too late for posts like that, need to get some rest to produce for toilberg
>>441934 wow that's a big section of map painted the same color never mind that it was a big slave plantation with no industry but 1 billion wall to wall miles of illiterate barefoot peasants eating beans off the floor with their hands = cool empire bc a handful of criollos got to have stately portraits of themselves and their estates taken i guess
People who are rude for no reason should be executed tbh
shartflix publishing something slightly less pozzed? maybe part of pushing weimart into ww3 w/chyna https://nitter.poast.org/MsMelChen/status/1772240095480836254#m
Countersemitism. 😎
>>441940 bit antisemetic that
HAPPENING >On March 26, 2024, at around 1:27 a.m., the majority of the bridge collapsed after the Singaporean container ship "Dali" collided with a tower. The collapse has been called a mass casualty incident; an unknown number of vehicles were on the bridge at the time of the collision and subsequent collapse. >On 26 March, 2024 at 1:28 AM, Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, Maryland collapsed after being struck by the container ship Dali, registered in Singapore.[1][2][3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_Scott_Key_Bridge_(Baltimore)
>>441943 IQ decline on full display smh fucking journalists >key bridge in baltimore collapses after hitting large boat so the bridge is the object in motion and the one at fault for impacting the ship? Awful command of the language smh
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>>441945 keeeeeek
>>441946 is the joke that it's not actually a key bridge either but a defunct part of an outgrown ringroad
Morning lads
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>>441947 nah this was a huge bridge, I'm just keeking at their grammar regarding the bridge striking the boat. wonder what happened to the ship, it was probably destroyed too
>According to /pol/, the ship crashed because it was having electrical power issues which caused it to lose steering control.
>>441950 would expect it to be dragged under by the bridge yeah shame the smoke obscures it in the wbm >>441951 based infallible technological progress this wouldn't have happened if there were manual steering linkages as god intended smh bet the victorians could have produced gearing up to the task
>>441953 smh making things that aren't cheap shite is a lost art
White rice saved
>>441955 keeek based tbh would volunteer for the kenyan snow nigger breeding camps
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He's a laying down pipes b
Have sex yt boi i aint axing again
Keeeeeeeeeek >Irish rebel >deebly gobcerned Women smh https://nitter.poast.org/IrishRebel1965/status/1772047331392684521
>>441962 >didn't make the funny sound disappointing smh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Euq7uTeYCP0
>>441962 >helping to build foundations for his replacement
>>441955 keeeeeeeek
>The captain of the Singaporean container ship "Dali", which crashed into the Fancis Scott Key Bridge, causing it to collapse, has been identified as Sameet Hyderabadi.
>>441968 smh he can't keep getting away with it
>>441955 That can't be real.
>>441953 Every boat should have auxiliary back up steering like warships centered somewhere in the aft of the ship. Remember going through HMS belfasts auxiliary control room.
>>441971 not cost effective
>>441972 I suppose now there's an insurance claim and a building project to skim now. You really can't stop winning when you own the money supply.
they're destroying the bridge the White man built now. smh.
>>441973 based keynsians making everybody rich by breaking windows
Now this is politics
>In 1968, 38 people in Wuxuan County were eaten, and 113 officials of the county participated in eating human flesh, hearts and livers. Chen Guorong, a peasant from Guigang County who happened to pass by Wuxuan, was caught and killed by local militia because he was fat; his heart and liver were taken out while his flesh was distributed to 20 people. A female militia leader ate 6 human livers in total, and cut the genitals of 5 men and soaked them in alcohol which she would drink later, claiming that these organs were beneficial to her health. The behavior of eating human flesh, hearts and livers occurred in many counties of Guangxi including Wuxuan, Wuming, Shangsi, Guigang, Qinzhou, Guiping, and Lingyun ... After the revolutionary committee was established in Shangsi County, a "killing conference" was held at Pingshan Square (平山广场) on September 1, 1968, during which more than 10 officials and civilians were beaten to death. After the conference, a committee member, Li Hao (黎郝), removed the hearts and livers from the corpses, sauteing them and preparing them as dishes for other representatives who attended the conference. >There were reports of cannibalism across 27 counties in Guangxi; that's two-thirds of all the counties in Guangxi. There was one man who was said to be in the so-called fifth category, who was beaten to death where he stood. He had two kids, one of 11 and one of 14. The local officials and armed militia said that it was important to eradicate such people, and so they not only killed those two children: they ate them too. This took place in Pubei county, Guangxi, where 35 people were killed and eaten in total. Most of them were rich landowners and their families. There was one landowner called Liu Zhengjian whose entire family was wiped out. He had a 17-year-old daughter, Liu Xiulan, who was gang-raped by nine people [for 19 times] who then ripped open her belly, and ate her liver and breasts. >Throughout 1967 but also '68, there are factions in the countryside that start not just eliminating each other physically, but literally in a couple of small towns they start ritualistically eating each other. In other words, it is not enough to eliminate your class enemy. You have to eat his heart, so there are very well-documented cases of ritual cannibalism.[20] There was a hierarchy in the consumption of class enemies. Leaders feasted on the heart and liver, mixed with pork, while ordinary villagers were allowed only to peck at the victims' arms and thighs.[21]
>>441976 ignoring the ridiculousness of it why not just produce them domestically? >>441977 smh why are they like this?
>>441978 It's fake news in all likeliness, Bryson is a notorious shit-stirrer and he's probably just misrepresenting something benign like "not for EU"/"not for UK" labels that have been added to packaging for clicks >>441978 Smh maybe if they opened their eyes they'd be able to see the difference between a man and a cow
>>441980 there's a music festival holocaust grift now then.
>>441981 Meanwhile how some Palestinian American got hassled at both ends Also slandering border force coming out with an unsubstantiated “quote” Nige can do one as well. He must have had ‘the talk’ https://nitter.poast.org/stairwayto3dom/status/1772600812050526640
>drawing conclusions from a 14 second video that starts at a very convenient time Israeli's are arrogant as fuck, they will have been acting like they own the place.
hate farage
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>>441985 She needs a paypig, go for it lad
>watch the clip and it's the most tame thing ever Was expecting them to be yelling "Hitler was right" at them. Fucking keek.
The Holofestival where Apache helicopters indiscriminately gunned hundreds of unidentified civilians down https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFxrl8nUb7Q Looks like they’ve censored the videos where even Israeli pilots said they didn’t know what they were firing at and spammed the results with “hero if” “tragedy” “Hamas killers” etc
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>schoolteacher mummy talking with a Muslim Moroccan mummy who came over with her kids post brexshit, taking up school places, public services etc. in our green and pleasant land
Bet they made this up just like everything else - beheaded babies knives in vaginas babies in ovens https://nitter.poast.org/GBNEWS/status/1772398083201986571
>nose hairs tickling again
>>441910 >2:52 fucking lost it KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK >>441942 mein shart, just think of all dose hamboigahs has the pajeet documentary been mirrored anywhere? sad I missed that
Fucking ship should have been called Dali-T
>>441996 It’s everywhere Funny thing about Odyssee is it blocked it but can’t remove it because apparently it’s only a frontend for some other tech which doesn’t enable them to keeeeek https://player.odycdn.com/api/v3/streams/free/Codex-Pajeet-II-FInal-draft/99d2b76a2927aa387967c3a001844239271c5753/9077c3.mp4
>>441994 hope somebody told him he looks like an inbred troon
>>441994 >a christian palestinian no less
>>441910 If it's a HMO property she can probably legally invite her family to conquer the house. Since he only has tenancy rights to his room.
>>442001 Given he has a ring doorbell up I'd say it's h is house and what she's doing is absolutely illegal.
>>442002 Anyone can put a doorbell up. I just know from experience that if you're in a retarded contract then the landlord really does own the house that you're living in, and can do whatever they want including loudly tearing down rooms and bringing in strange people. Never ever rent from a pajeet.
>>442003 I think even with an hmo they have to notify for entry.
>>442004 Only for entry to the room I think.
Feel for Wessex living with mould. When I rented in a mouldy room I got sick all the time. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-67971225
>>442006 he only has himself to blame, like many of his failures.
>>442005 Even if it's a communal space it's still a rented space from what I remember I should ask a lawyer that specialises in property.
>>441998 based blockchain video platform putting in work I was surprised (but shouldn't be) that they allow bigeon posting but ban pajeet posting https://odysee.com/@eZaF:0/ it says a lot about the faggots who set up the website >>442003 >Never ever rent from a pajeet. but that's a kikess we're talking about lad... got a story you want to share?
hmmm DON'T look up baltimore demographics
Imagine all the money finding it's way into nigger hands when it comes to rebuilding it and going over budget. keek.
>>442012 Imagine all the nigger and spics hands working on it
pov you're bossman rewarding your strongest worker with more happy go fun work on a short notice
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>>442016 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>442016 People have died, lad. Show some fucking respect.
>(1) with a brown id KEEEK^2
>>441756 Yes, could be a mineral deficiency Are you getting cramps, and unable to relax? If so it’s magnesium deficiency But don't just supplement that and carry on, you should get some decent nutrition and rest before your system completely collapses
>>442019 Only niggers lad, it’s fine
>>442021 good advice la done a bit better today and managed to get some more hours in bed over a couple different sessions not really sure how to balance good nutrition when I also have to purposely be malnutritional in certain areas and also at calorie deficit vuh based nhs just shits out loads of different advice instead of a basic meal plan that contains the bare minimum smh I will persist at any rate
https://youtu.be/b-m1DHDdepY Sargon has come a long way. Being a woesbro kind of hurts
State of it
>>442028 I hate this country so mf much
>>442028 How does Baltimore function at all with those demographics and leadership tbh. Wasn't the wire tv all about how shit that city was? And that was over a decade ago smh
>watching le based vpoober >cries about minor inconvenience (artist not producing art) for a minute >simp gives her $200 worse than real women ACK
>>442031 which vtubber ?
>>442031 at least my donations go to saving the white race. I'll never understand simps
>>442027 >Several Telegram channels report of a suspicious activity carried out by "muslim-looking" men in residential complexes. In particular, they measure parking pillars, take pictures of surveillance cameras, sabotage fire suppresion systems.
>>442032 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nruN04XfXxM https://nitter.poast.org/KirscheVerstahl pro-GG, talks about DIE agenda, poz etc downside is that xhe is just as degenerate as other westoid vtubers and the other 40-50%+ of the content is le degeneracy sexo and stuff think it's all ironic brainrot from being on 4chungus albeit >>442033 tbh tbh
imagine having a cavity meant for insertion. Imagine having two holes down there. Wew. Must feel odd, and for then the surrounding flesh to be displaced and get pressed against your pelvis' bone hole. I'm getting sick.
bit troonish to even think about it tbh
still keeking about the crew being indian keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek no hecking way
>>442038 weren't they behind this one too keek
>>442039 The Suez has it's own pilots I believe.
>>441925 >Pakidemic agent on GB News Guess he’s the containment now then Never trusted that fat smug twat tbh
>>441860 > pakidemic (state) agent Sneedma Pervertini tbh, it was when he started telling people to vote Labour for a more competent government I just stopped listening to him
>>442042 AA is to /brit/ what Spic Fuentes is to Steiner; I barely know either and wouldn't care except for you make absurd shit up about them as a reason to insult them.
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everything is sex smh
>>442045 Would
meanwhile on r/jevvish
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>(((ZOGnald Blumpf))) the golden goy wants to send white bodies to their deaths in an Iran War for the Jevvs t. /pol/ >SS-Sturmkommandant Drumpf the alt-right Chudfuhrer is actually pretending to be a Zionist so he can get elected and Holocaust the poor Jevvs t. Jevvs so which is it then? Spic Fuentes seems to want Trump to win but I think the worst possible scenario would be for Trump to win and then sell a war to the Middle American fluoride drinkers. I'm inclined to think that if a Democrat President went to war with Iran the US would lose but a Republican President would win... I don't think Trump is going to do a damn thing to resolve the demographic issue or really anything, I think he is a controlled golden goy that flew on Epstein's plane...
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>>442045 >gentle femdom
>>442050 unironically 4 more years of the senile child molester golem over the senile orange golem
Only because it will cause more problems for the democrat machine and the Israeli lobby.
been watching wwf full wrestling matches for a while now instead of politicscancer. didn't know that hulk hogan did monster truck sumo wrestling on top of cobo hall
>>442052 >>442053 the diaspora Jews want the Democrats (to destroy whites) and the more aggressively Zionist Jews want the Republicans (to destroy the based Moslems) see if all the leftoid fears came true with the "Project 2025" bs- basically the idea that if the GOP wins in 2024 they would actually do something for once- that would probably be the last opportunity to reverse the demographic crisis in North America. but I strongly doubt that that would even happen, even if it were what Trump personally wants, which I'm skeptical about as well. and if the price of even being fed that hope is more war for Israel, then fuck that. I've long held the opinion that America becoming an irrelevant unstable brown shithole is probably for the best because then it can't bully the rest of the world as effectively, including Europe which is the only place in the world that ACTUALLY matters
This is what Westie used to be about
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>Trump wins >Israel/USA starts war with Axis of Resistance, loses >Israel nukes everybody as per the Samson option. Beirut, Damascus, Cairo, Baghdad, Tehran, Ankara, Istanbul, Riyadh, MECCA, Medina... >the Moslems in Europe chimp out like crazy >the ensuring chaos results in the masses demanding their removal, Ireland-style WHITE MUSCLE becomes the new normal maybe this is the plan Q told us to trust?
thing is, supposedly Israel plans to invade Lebanon in the near future- before the election. Hezbollah has hundreds of thousands of missiles which could supposedly turn Tel Aviv into Dresden. there could be massive happenings before the election even
>get notification someone is using their phones on the tv >i now get notifications when dad watches porn
>>442059 you haven't got a monopoly on rubbing one out, lad.
>~50% identifying as 'very liberal' agree with the statement: "I wouldn’t want to be friends with someone who supports the existence of Israel as a Jewish state.". https://jimjosephfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/part-3-The-Complicated-Relationship-between-Ideology-and-Attitudes-about-Jews-and-Israel_2024.pdf
>>442059 Why are you living with your horny dad?
>>442061 common ground at last.
>>442063 Why not? Are you suckling on landlord toes?
>>442043 > you make absurd shit up about them as a reason to insult them. Not making anything up tbh, he literally said he wanted a Labour government, because they would make a more stable future for his daughter to grow up in
>>442056 He’s a sneepin’ and a snorpin’
>>442057 > maybe this is the plan Q told us to trust? A plan we can believe in
>>442045 Don’t remember this bit from the films tbh (Also she should have made her snatch look prettier)
Entering thread after doing a BIG POO
>>442066 What he's saying now is don't voot at all. Still haven't posted any proof he endorsed lab. Inb4 he said something like Corbyn wouldn't have pushed the lockdown bs like Johnson or something else reasonable in context.
>>442070 Well done lad, we’re proud of you
>>442071 Okay here’s the stream he said it Skip to around 56 minutes in https://youtu.be/vFqRcZlrDak
>>442073 Oh the twat has made it members only Typical grifting it is then…
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vooting will never do anything. the only thing that has any effect is for the normalcattle boomong whitoids to actually get outraged enough to get off their arses and start chimping out, like they have been in Ireland. they have to hire security companies to guard buildings used to house migrants now. at the end of the day we are just hairy apes slightly more evolved than niggers, and if this troop of apes is too cowardly to smash stuff with their ape muscles then they're just going to be devoured by those that aren't
reminder that the average whitoid has 100 IQ. 100 IQ is only 1 standard deviation above the smartest gorilla, these people can hardly concern themselves with anything more complex than meeting their daily caloric allowance and masturbating their genitalia
>>442075 If voting didn’t make any difference they wouldn’t bother rigging elections
>>442076 fr wasn't that gorilla thing a scam though
ship looks relatively fine
>>442079 >the jeets got away with it
>>442079 It would be the weight of the bridge section is nothing on the carry capacity of those mega container ships.
>>442079 what a fucking shithole
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>even on /shit/ people are falling for americancer election kayfabe
>>442083 Lad you've called everything for the last 4 years kayfabe, i think covid got to you.
>>442083 think it's just bins he's the only person old and dumb enough to think vooting matters beyond spoiling it
>>442083 well it's geopolitically relevant because it's a question of whether or not those in charge of US foreign policy are going to change or not. currently there are 'moderately Zionist Jevvs' running US foreign policy- they support Israel but they want relative stability in the Middle East for the time being because they are worried Russia/China- but if Trump wins then you would have aggressively Zionist Jevvs running it instead. and for these Jevvs, Israel is the absolute priority, they want to pull out of the Ukraine and go to war with Iran
>>442085 A government is still made up of people and you can make it dysfunctional through infighting.
diaspora Jevvs want war with Russia Israeli Jevvs want war with Iran deep state Tucker Carlson people want war with China this is the only meaningful disagreement in American politics. the great replacement goes on unabated regardless
zognald will win by design
>>442085 can't believe that people care about 2 geriatric puppets
>>442090 Did you buy Trumps Maga God loves a America Q-ntisential word of the Lord Bible, lad? It has the constitution and a song in it too.
>>442091 the trump phenomena is just the last gasp of the traitorous boomer generation.
>group of new hires get shown around today including the usual drill about no smoking except in the designated smoking areas with it emphasised that there are sensitive alarms absolutely everywhere including each individial toilet cubicle >2 hours later stupid YOUT FROM DEM ENDS sets off the alarm by smoking a joint in the outside toilet >>441955 wew where do I sign up? >>442016 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
the problem is not that whitoids are not breeding, its that there are far too many brownoids on earth
>>442094 tbh snebolution would take care of the breeding problem
>>442094 tbqh >>442095 good lad
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so is /brit/ still majority Christoid or no? and if so why do you believe it is true? and also Catholic or something else? >>442094 ngl even the brownoid birthrates are dropping, I think with the exception of Afghanistan where the Taliban is literally stoning roastoids to death it is only niggers that have above replacement birthrate. tbh if whites had above replacement birthrate we quite literally would not be dying out despite everything I used to make the 'birthrates are not the problem, immigration is' argument, and it's true to an extent (if you have 0% non-whites then birthrate wouldn't matter at all), but the combination of the two does matter quite a bit. if Aryan roastoids actually wanted to breed and we had 3.0 birthrate then it wouldn't be so bleak. but it's like 0.7 and dropping further and further, the cultural Zeigeist among women is so rabidly feminist and antinatalist, they don't even belong to white nations anymore, they consider themselves citizens of the global female nation whose goal is for mankind to die out to save the animals or something even though what would actually happen is that the niggers would be roasting whatever critters they can find over an open fire to feed their hungry bellies after all the white men that knew how to grow food have had their brains bashed out with an ice pick
Mentioned how reporting damages, accidents etc. at work only brings me more trouble. It happened again. Three weeks ago a colleague lost the top of a lid of the adblue tank on the truck. I report it missing, tell bossman and other workers to get new one. The next week I have to drive another truth for two weeks. When I get back the lid is still not there. Apparently it was expected that I should have gotten a new one since I lost it(which I didn't), despite me working nights and not having the ability to even buy a new one, and now bossman is angry with me since it could have cost us a lot having driven for so long without a lid. Just so sick of bullshit. Individualist society makes whites into niggers and I'm sick of it ngl. Every single job I have ever done is always rife with backstabbers
there are actually more whitoids alive now than when "we" (anglos) were at the apex. the problem is that niggers and other subhumans have bred outside of their scale as per relevance to the balance of the "true multiculturalist" schema. don't have a problem with asians me. wogs and jeets need to be sterilized in order to preserve diversity and save the climate
>>442101 >there are actually more whitoids alive now than when "we" (anglos) were at the apex idk about that, ever since birthrate has dropped below replacement our population has been dropping in absolute numbers as well as by percentage if we could just change the demographic trend so that whites are increasing in EITHER percentage or absolute numbers, then we would be in a much better situation. the problem is that we are dropping in BOTH percentage AND absolute number
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>>442095 wew I thought this one was lost to time since I deleted my brit folder. >I made this 7 or possibly 8 years ago
disappointing that spic has returned smh >>442100 tell him to fuck off lad
>>442104 man why do you have to such an ass, I've been posting here longer than you. hell I even said "arse" to try to disguise my presence >>442075
>>442104 coomleague just quit because of this shit tbh. I'm too much of a loyle goodboy to quit. Took me 4 years to quit last time smh
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>spic has returned
>>442106 just start looking for new toil then lad don't say anything to bossman just give him your two weeks notice one day and leave him high and dry
>will attempt to blend in by using the occasional anglicism >won't stop referring to "jevvs"
>>442109 smh tfw you realise the bossman trying to be your friend just so y ou'll feel guilty for doing stuff like this... and it's working
>>442111 bossman is never your friend lad
>1:00:01 >SA joined the group via invite link I hope you bantered the pajeets hard you dross cunt >spig at large really brings up the poos per hour >>442109 tbh
feel so uneasy whenever I see this creature
>>442114 tbh something off about him
>>442105 spic what light do you use to blast your bollocks with
palestinians keep crying about genocide but never see them pay any lip service to white genocide
>>442117 tbh bit hypocritical of them
business idea: a waffle-iron like device which acts as a miniature tanning bed induce super male vitality in neurotic spics with this one simple product
>>442114 uncanny fellow
>>442114 >>442115 >>442120 his jewish shapeshifting powers are failing and the lizardkike is breaking out from beneath the surface also, looks homosexual
spic has been behaving himself and trying, albeit not very hard, to blend in give him a break
>>442116 https://hoogahealth.com/products/hgpro300 use a coupon code if you get one it definitely works to increase testosterone, has lots of other benefits too. I aim to use it ~3-4 times per week, about every other day basically. I do 2 minutes with my face about a foot away, angled so it will hit both my entire face and my scalp. yesterday I even opened my mouth to help it hit my gums, supposed to help them too. then I do 3 1/2 minutes on my penis and testicles lately my skin looks great. every one of you should be using TRETINOIN, it makes your skin so nice and basically you're a mong if you don't use it. super smooth, no blemishes, you will have girls ask you your skincare routine. helps hair too if you rub it on your temples. then you want to take FINASTERIDE 1g daily to prevent hair loss, and if you have had some hair loss already then you should also take ORAL MINOXIDIL 2.5g daily to stimulate hair growth. I see my temples beginning to make a recovery, and also my beard is fuller on the cheeks to the point where it actually looks good and my eyelashes are so lush it looks like I use mascara or something
I take back my previous post
>>442117 wonder how much it would cost to get the pali lobby to cry about white genocide on university campuses >Britain begs save 60 million eternal Anglos from annihilation ... it actually spicposted on cue, how disgusting
if I get CLL and become 5'11 and have good skin, hair, and get lean muscular (I'm already pretty lean but skinnyfat because haven't been working out) I think I will actually become pretty attractive, 7/10 at least >>442124 >>442126 >it actually spicposted on cue, how disgusting rly? I offered such valuable advice. lads will bitch about >tfw no gf, but then you give them actual actionable advice that will legitimately improve their chances and they lash out. am I wrong? should you just go bald and let your skin age? is that going to get you a gf?
no I won't, it's too easy the jokes write themselves
telling you lads, you're gonna get mogged by mewing skincare zoomers. hop aboard the wagon or you're gonna get left behind
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the red light therapy plus the finasteride makes your test epic, my traps are popping off even though I haven't been lifting. traps are sensitive to test, that's why roiders have such massive bubble traps. if I had my diet and exercise routine dialed in I would be making rapid progress...
>>442131 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek smh this is me in the future where I actually did get with the 16 year old lass smh
>>442123 keeeeek thanks lad
>>442131 keeeeek
he is so handsome
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>>442136 Keeeeeeeeeek that's beautiful
>>442136 keeeeeeeeeeek
>cryptocurrency gloaters on the timeline Rather just keep my head in the sand me
>>442136 keeeeeek >>442140 lad I literally told you guys to buy crypto back when bitcoin was under $40k. I think 22st actually did buy crypto and he must be up a lot, like I am some Finn on KC said to buy Filecoin and I did and it performed well, then he said this is the next 100x https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/hydranet/
holy fuck I just looked at his link >$270 for a panel of LEDs
>>442142 that brand is supposed to be a better deal than the others. you CAN get a $40 one but that one is nice. also remember I said use coupon code, you can definitely find at least 10% off if you look
smh soon smartin will be wealthy enough to buy his own island
spic can you do one giant unhinged post about looksmaxxing and crypto and put in all of your spiccisms? i want to screencap it to post in a schizo rant thread
or perhaps as a copypasta
>>442144 smh no lad shartin(me) still hasn't bought any. Too busy and tired from regular dead end toil
describing how you live in a basement permanently darkened by blackout curtains and are served high quality meals by your suffering mother is also a must I think it'd go down a treat
>>442148 KEEEEEEEK no lad if you just invest one shitecoin in my new spicAI project, you can have all the unhinged looksmaxxing schizo posts your heart desires
lads am i going completely insane or was there already a screencap or webm of a spic version of the bateman routine?
Rare westie Varg interaction
>>442151 >a take so low IQ varg btfoed him impressive
>>442145 >>442148 I'm kinda busy rn but a full looksmaxxing guide is a pretty good idea. blackout curtains help prevent sun damage and mooching off your parents (including exploiting your mother's unpaid kitchen labor) is a powerful moneymaxxing tool if only I did some sort of intelligent thing to get an income to buy crypto with, was thinking about becoming an electrician years ago and if I'd actually done that I could have had a house by now
>>442152 yeah well westie is BTFO some bussy right now, what are you BTFOing?
>>442154 he's got himself a replacement for p*mbs?
My name is Spic Poster. I’m almost a wizard. I believe in never seeing sunlight, and a meaty diet and a rigorous wanking routine. In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I’ll sun it with a red light while doing my penis jelqs. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the red light I use a hair-loss microneedling device. In the bathroom I have a Brazilian shower head, then a chalk and bleach whitening body scrub, and on the face my exfoliating cum scrub. Then I apply another facial coating which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I never shave, because shaving infantilises my face and makes me look like a baby. Then breakfast surved by mummy, then an anti-ageing eye irradiation followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion on my grotesquely extended shins. There is an idea of a Spic Poster. Some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me. Only an entity. Something illusory. And though I can hide my narcissistic gaze, and you can avoid shaking my hand and feeling a pallid cum slime gripping yours, and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are utterly incomparable, I simply am not white. >>442154 spic
>>442155 Yep, sadly he got addicted to the poo juices smh
can't believe I met westie irl smh seemed so normal >>442157 should be doing this to deter migrants smh or preferably fitting defensive weapons such as flamethrowers and concealed spike traps
been trying to build up the courage to tidy my room for 4 hours now. Short breaths smh. Even if it'll be done in 10 minutes smh
>>442159 >or preferably fitting defensive weapons such as flamethrowers and concealed spike traps Just force NEETs to work as guards on trucks smh. Deadly force allowed of course
>>442158 smh thought he might have sorted himself out. i suppose the same fate awaits dorsie
should force groids to do scrapheap challenges where they have to build vehicles capable of reaching the UK from northern africa and if they win they get to go back to africa but with the coveted white man's leadership and technology with them
a comical tv show with many sound effects and humorous noises as nogboats slowly sink into the ocean and ghetto heli blades pop off their rotors and decapitate other nearby genius engineers
>>442156 >doing my penis jelqs smh I need to hop aboard the PE wagon full-steam. lately I've just been doing 2x5m sets in the penis pump. I have an extender too I should be wearing, it's such a pain in the ass though I might just get a hanger, supposed to be more effective anyway. also I should probably do like 2x5m sets of clamping then 2x5m sets of pumping, soon I will upgrade to this >I use a hair-loss microneedling device I forgot about the microneedling! yeah, I do that once a week, 1.5mm, might drop to 1mm and see what happens, maybe I could get better coverage if it's less painful. important tool in the anti-hair loss arsenal >exfoliating cum scrub I should try exfoliant instead of tret next time I shower 2 days in a row... tired of wiping white globs of dead skin off my face after a shower >my narcissistic gaze yeah I've realized that recently, I have Type 2 Narcissism. Type 1 is the typical extroverted Chad narcissist jackass you think about when you hear "narcissism", Type 2 is the 'loser that has intense self-loathing because he feels genetically entitled to be the epic Chad that drowns in pussy juice but isn't because of his own failures'. though I'm not sure that's actually illogical at all because if my actions were different I could have been, for example I could have bought Bitcoin at $10 and gotten rich or got on HGH as a teen and grew to 6'+, and mewed with vitamin k2 to have a chiseled facial bone structure. but I didn't so now I'm still poor at the age that I am and also I'm manlet with closed growth plates so I have to get my legs sawed in half to become tall enough for women to recognize me as a valid sexual object
>>442164 would watch tbh
urge to make lasaga at 2am
>>442168 It's easter, lad. Basically a long weekend. Treat yourself.
>>442169 tbh might be really naughty after toil at the end of the week and have another 500cal cronut it's all a bit hazardous at this stage, I'm only a few percentage points away from complete organ failure or something smh, doctorbergs talk among themselves but never tell me outright
the latest letter is praising my weight loss journey so I must continue to be a good boy and not vore everything in sight
>>442168 last time I ate lasagna I suffered constipation for the first and only time in my life, it was traumatizing, don't think I'll ever eat that much cheese in one sitting ever again. the stool was stuck, it just wouldn't 'go' despite my intestines being full of it. eventually some sort of involuntary somatic response got triggered and my body just forced it out all at once while I roared like a caveman and then there was by far the biggest shit I've ever taken folded in half filling the entire bowl, took two flushes to get it down despite there being not much toilet paper. then I didn't have the heart to look but based on feel in the shower I think my anus was not the same after, it was like gaped for weeks and I'm still not sure it went back 100% to normal. can't believe people would do such things to their anus voluntarily, it's fragile and not a sexual organ... I was seriously traumatized after, just lying in bed hugging myself, I asked the mummer for a hug which I never do... fortunately no problems since then and I really hope it stays that way
>>442173 finally a post that /brit/ can be proud of think you might be nonwhite and have lactose intolerance or have used way too much cheese tbh
>>442172 good lad
>>442174 I still don't know why it happened, maybe the lasagna was dry or I ate too much or didn't chew enough. used to have it often and never had an issue
mother, my anus is loose I require close physical contact
Wonder if Woes hid easter eggs around Britain when he went on that trek
>>442177 keeeek made me choke on kale
just want my future family to sleep in a big pile tbh and I can breed the sows out in the field
>>442181 hope my future gf allows me to call her "avlsgris"
>>442182 don't know of what you speak tbh
reading about early british indian relations poos are so retarded the thing they respect the most is "iqbal" which is just luck. So EIC officials would set up affairs to make it look like all their hard work was just luck and so they were the most respected foreigners. It fits the jeet mindset to a tee >you are respectable and venerated if you just get lucky and put no effort in yourself >extra points if you are as gaudy and wasteful as possible explains all the rubbish tbh >>442184 keek smh
>>442185 no wonder they got conquered
SAAR HORN OK PLEASE!!! >tfw so low IQ you need instructions for every action
always keeek imagining an indian saying things in a pleading way
>>442160 3 hours later
And he sneep as he snorped and waited till his willy soiled(his briefs)
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Post nut regret that my father ever nutted in my mother.
>>442192 smh lad
Smorbin lads
>>442178 Easy tbh. Don't look anywhere higher than a garden gate.
Paki flag flying at Westminster Abbey Just a completely conquered people.
>>442194 smorbius lad >>442196 smdh sick of this shite
>>442196 In similar news, the old church graveyard nearby still has the Weimshart national flag (intersectional pride flag) up after about 2 years. Thinking it might fall to smee to take it down. Would probably get charged with a grave (un)desecration hate crime and get 8 years in prison. Smdh. Almost as bad as having the paki flag up all the time in R*chdale.
>>442198 Depends how easy and swift it would be to take down tbh.
>>442198 capture the flag is a time-honoured tradition for good lads lad
>toil trying to bilk me out of my overtime last week even though I booked my day off as a holiday
>>442201 don't let bossman get away with it lad don't put up with any funny business
>mother hold me my anus is loose and sore poosting aaaaaahhhhhhhhh
I tugged my weenus today... to see if I still coom 😳 I focus on the hoes... the only hole that's real... 😜 The tissue tears a hole... the old familiar slop 😔 try to pump it all away but i remember every seed... 😭 what have I becoom my coomest coom every coom i coom goes away in the end 😨 and you could have it all my empire of coom... 😉 I will let you down I will make you... coom 🍆💦
They are transing the fish and turning the frogs into Deanos
>>442206 no problem yeah just keep bringing in an extra million people in every single year and yeah it's grand mate we'll manage yeah infrastructure copes just build more bro
>>442206 clearly the answer is more immigration to solve the problems of overpopulation!
>>442207 think of the gdp though
>>442150 Yeah isle of man made one with William Luther Pierce voice over.
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>>442207 Was listening to someone recently who said that our sewage management estimate the population to be much higher than the government say. That's already on top of the extra 100k+ they quietly added to 2022 numbers. >>442209 >line doesnt even go up now AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>>442211 Same with measurements of food shopping, they estimated it at something like 77 millions about 15 years ago.
>>442212 >>442213 sorry lads that was all me
>>442214 keeeeeek
>>442192 smh many such cases >>442205 a small, but solid keek
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGNqvH9ykfA Only just listened to the newer slipnog and it's bringing teenage edgelord steinarian Iowa nostalgia, lads.
>>442217 This stuff was never really my thing.
Too much dad rock in my youth, this was edgy rock for me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMrImMedYRo
>>442218 Good lad. >>442219 >expect guns n roses, meatloaf or whitesnake >The Who Wew.
>>442220 My dad is old.
I always found meatloaf to be fun rather than edgy.
Wait meatloaf died?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTP2RUD_cL0 This is my idea of dad rock.
>>442224 I like 80's music as well tbf.
>>441785 get out while you still can
>>442228 Everyone.
Including the cats.
How can you hold a cat responsible for the actions of a human?
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It's over Georgebros
>>442233 tbh they willingly admitted to everything after they crushed their bollocks
>>442234 It's disgusting! I saw Jewish man with a concentration camp tattoo!
>another 1+ hour long chuds = OWNED video hope he realises that most zoomongs won't even bother with 10 minutes
>>442228 The cats
>>442233 wew it's still a thing? How are the nazis getting away with it almost 100 years later?
the hell in the cell match between kane and mankind is kino. WWE attitude era was the last piece of non degenerate american culture
>>442233 Wait! Hitler’s not dead!?
So. Now they are vandalising London
Anyone familiar with this? I love the math argument against the holocaust but apparently there is a document that says they had the capacity?
>>442243 there were 15 cremation ovens at Auschwitz, giving the maximum theoretical 360 bodies/day for 24/7 1 hour per body, which is unrealistically high. the entire thing defies logic, why would they put them on trains and take them to a CAMP which is fully staffed with everything you need to keep people ALIVE... just to trick them into "taking a shower" where they would be poisoned with insecticide. just completely absurd on the face of it, not worth addressing with any seriousness
>>442244 Google says 52 though
>>442243 >comes out at 5,207,820 >actual/sanctioned figure for aushwitz is 1.5 million
>>442244 Yeah, just leave them in the ghetto and let Typhus take care of them
*invests a lot of time and effort and money to preserve the lives of a large group of inmates only to be secretly gassy wassing them*
I'm going to kill millions of people and never mention it tbh lads, not even in the private letters of thousands of people involved!
the official story of the holocaust is a fucking joke. obviously the krauts interred and mistreated the kikes but the idea that they had masterbation machines and a holocoaster is a joke. also the autism where they put concrete over the massgrave site is sus. the jews just went over the top with all of it. in shartica we internned the japanese and if the united shits was getting bombed every day and night for years I am sure there would have been starvation in the camps and typhus. however the japanese are not as petty as the jews and they focus on the whole mass bombing and nuclear bombing of their innocent civilian population in terms of their ire against burgerland
>>442246 I looked into the source that the retard was kind enough to link. It's a theoretical number not met by reality and the people had a reason to want it to look higher than it was
>>442099 nobody answered me here so is /brit/ still majority Christoid or no? and if so why do you believe it is true? and also Catholic or something else (and why)?
>>442252 The pagans won the war, lad. It's over
>>442252 also why would the map make Spain green and Portugal orange? umm??? that's like making England blue and France red
>>442253 but maybe if all the right wingers are wearing crosses and calling jevvs Christ-crucifiers and all the left wingers are wearing keffiyehs and calling jevvs baby-genociders, then jevvs will be intimidated and flee to Palestine where the Muslims can finish them off? idk between Andrew Anglin and Spic Fuentes I'm being gaslit, it seems like everybody is Catholic nowadays even though the Pope is a niggerfoot-sucking babyrapist
like right now Jevvs are getting chased out of the Ivy League university system which grooms the future American elite. all of these politicians and corporate CEOs and everything come out of those schools. the problem is that whites have dropped to such a small share of the population and the non-whites are so rabidly anti-white and third worldist that the transfer of power will be from Jevvs to non-whites that will continue the entire Jevvish agenda minus Jevvish supremacy Zionism... they will continue the white genocide and the trannyism and everything....
the answer to the religion question is that everyone is united behind making retards who want to cause infighting fuck off >>442250 my favourite cope wasn't even concrete but they laid ground-penetrating-radar-refractive gravel so that you couldn't look under it without physically diggiing it up which is "disrespectful" keeek yeah we just had to cover this supposed mass grave site with metallic gravel for religious reasons or something DON'T QUESTION IT GOY
>>442257 >the answer to the religion question is that everyone is united behind making retards who want to cause infighting fuck off that's not what I asked though I asked people that believe in it to explain why because I'm curious
>>442252 1. It's majority Christian of various denominations. 2. You're misusing the -oid suffix. This is by far the cringiest chan/incel meme. 3. I'm Catholic. 4. Read Aquinas as a starter. These questions are far too complex to be properly discussed on imageboards.
>>442257 >the answer to the religion question is that everyone is united behind making retards who want to cause infighting fuck off tbh
>>442259 >Read Aquinas as a starter link something? spoonfeed me pls. Thomas Aquinas? like which of his writings? any?
>>442261 https://www.newadvent.org/summa/ The Summa Theologica was written as an introduction to Theology and is one of the most important works of its kind. I would highly recommend it. There are also tons of videos on Catholic Youtube. Everything From Trent Horn (a dodgy Jew imo but for the most part a fine rhetorician), Pints with Aquinas, the Thomistic Institute, Catholic Answers, etc. etc.
>>442252 Confirmed Catholic. Was an atheist as a teenager. I don't regularly attend church anymore, dislike the 2011 changes to the wording of the mass and have no repsect for the Poope with his proclamations on refugees, the climate etc. Catholicism is still far better than standard protestantism, but it's not what it once was. My mum stopped going to church when my nan got cancer. She kept breaking down in tears when someone stopped to talk to her. Nobody I know goes anymore. My sister had a secular wedding, which disgusts me, but hey, whatever.
the US is buildings its "humanitarian port" in Gaza out of the rubble of houses, which no doubt is mixed with the bones of slaughtered children https://twitter.com/Abdulla_Alamadi/status/1772671383358570647?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw >>442265 >dislike the 2011 changes to the wording of the mass and have no repsect for the Poope with his proclamations on refugees, the climate etc. Catholicism is still far better than standard protestantism seems the argument is that it is still 'the rock' and therefore no matter how rotten the central structure is, you're still 'supposed to' be in it
Vatican II is when they ruined it though not 2011
>>442267 I think it was 2008 not 2011 when they changed the liturgy. I can't remember. King James Version is also by far the best Bible. If you read Roman histories or British WW2 memoirs, it's always KJV that's quoted/referred to. New Jerusalem Translation is just flat and boring. It has been pointed out to me that it's easier to understand the modern English translations for those who aren't fluent in English. True. Why cater to the lowest common denominator, tbough? That's just the way things are now, I think.
>Rabbi Shmuley told Alex Jones all his problems stem from God punishing him for not loving Jews enough Keeeeeek
>>442271 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek still can't believe he's real
>>442269 what's wrong with SEAfrens? as long as they stay in their jungle, I have no quarrel with them >>442270 >>442271 the jevvs want this guy to shut up, he's making them look so bad also I've noticed this thing that jevvs do, they say "we are sexy". it's such a cope because they are hideous with mutilated dicklets
>white pills But My troondar is pinging What is this Lithuanian with an oirish accent?
Genuinely thought it was higher kek
>>442276 the US superbowl ads (which are always on the television when American extended families meet on Thanksgiving) are like 60% black, there are blacks in every frame. if you ask the average American they think blacks are 1/3rd of the population when it's really 1/8th
>he's not even been posting openly for a week and he's already back to randomly inserting pornography into the thread fucksake spic >>442276 it is because many adverts won't feature people in them
>>442279 >randomly incorrect, the subject was SEAmonkeys and I posted ans Thai grill >pornography it's don't >>442280 nice, AJ finally growing a ball
>>442276 It’s because the model and ad agencies are only hiring ethnics and booting white models so it is skewing things bigly
>>442274 >what's wrong with SEAfrens? They're abnormally stupid, their food is disgusting, they're short, brown and ugly and they're everywhere online
>>442284 >goatfucker in the replies calling Englishmen cavemen
>>442284 >FBPE nonces and rw lads all shitting on him Big chungus is done
lads... I just realised the holocaust happened :suicide:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ucVvqOVwZI when will steiner apologise?
>>442289 Hopefully never
>>442287 Holocaustdenialbros...
>>442291 So Jews pave Latvian roads?
>>442292 yeah and died doing it before evolving into a super jew they had to put down smh
the bridge that got rekt was strategically important. JewSGay BTFO! not sure I believe it was 'an attack' because it could be explained by Indian incompetence, but it's possible
Spicnigga we ain't reading all that shit
Octoba 7th was the equivalent to 6,000,000 911's, goy >>442296 >nigga
If I said it with the hard "er" that would be racist because you're part black, lad, and as we all know racism is bad
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>>442298 I fell for the DNA meme and it said I am 99.9% European 0.1% North African. White as the driven snow.
underrated car these, if i were a young neet i'd look into one of these. cheap and decent https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbEd6-AUlbs
>>442300 >524,000km impressive
Morning lads
>>442303 smorbius lad
>>442297 Sure. ‘Targeted strikes’. We saw
keeeeeeeeeeek he's getting bigger and bigger.
>>442306 really enjoying how antisemitism has come back in fashion tbqh
>>442307 very rosy pinchable cheeks tbh wouldn't be surprised if this lad had a restraining order against his own grandmother
don't know who he is thoughever
mildly annoyed today because the job shop lass set me up with an eight week paid training course but then today when the course lass called to confirm some details she said i had to have two shots of the coof jab minimum smdh so much for that going to have to explain it to job shop lass too smdh think i'll go for the "vaccines are usually tested for ten years" angle and leave out the part where it's the/a mark of the beast smdh eight weeks of pay could have really used that right now
>>442291 Why did he do it bros??
>>442311 >clot shot mandate in [current year] How would they know if you were to lie and say you are fauci triple boosted cup a lean? Or say you are part abo or religiously exempt from white mans vaccine
>>442311 wew poople still make you take the vax? Just say you have vax damage from the swine flue and randomly fall asleep to prove it
>>442313 don't like lying tbh thou shalt not bear false witness and all that smh >>442314 yeah here in kangaroo land we're all still goo goo ga ga coco bananas over it literally every other job requires it and everybody over 55 still wears a mask to go to the shops people here really got mindbroken
>>442307 He eats one more Big Mac his eyes will disappear so
>>442310 It's Kyle Rittenhouse, lad
>>442317 wew really? he chunked up must be eating good
snail snodin snire snail snodin snire
>>442318 He's fuelling up
>>442320 based the tree of liberty gotta be littered with the wrappers of big macs
if people don't see you eating you don't gain weight
>>442322 to the introspective man every surface is a mirror all actions are seen
>>442324 keeeeek but also smh
>>442326 why are they like this?
wessie spotted
>>442328 have to wonder how an alleged "person" can sink so low probably best not to dwell on it actually
>>442329 think chronic gooners are demon possessed
can't bring myself to have gratuitous anime desktop wallpapers, or neetcel copium products like dakis or figurines let alone openly displaying that amount of degeneracy smh
>>442330 probably right smh >>442331 good lad we'll make a functioning human being out of you yet
>>>/indiachan/6108 >>>/indiachan/3639 bloody bitch you nuke? I nuke you benchod bastard kaliyuga NOW, world is redeem!
feel i must reiterate that like i have said before, if you need it one of my kidneys is yours get me a plane ticket and i'll be there on the operating table waiting you're always bemoaning how you're always over the bennies limit, right? here's something you can spend your money on i'll put my money where my mouth is lad /brit/ would be a lesser place without you >>442333 i believe it
>>442334 nearly there lad i'm at stage 4 (last before requiring transplant) my next checkup is in a month or two, I'll ask you about some details then to bring to the doctor, blood type, age etc and see what he says would like to get you back to the UK permanently also smh a refugee fleeing the vaxxnostate of poztstralia
quick jewgle search makes costs seem quite reasonable tbh, £300 from aus to london depends on how much stuff you'd want to ship back here if you moved
>>442328 Based bwc dildo???
>>442335 >would like to get you back to the UK permanently also smh a refugee fleeing the vaxxnostate of poztstralia would like that too tbh trying to build some skills before i make the leap tbh original plan was to get my degree then fuck off smh didn't quite go as planned that was years ago smh sort of just got used to being here >I'll ask you about some details then to bring to the doctor, blood type, age etc and see what he says i'll be waiting lad i'm sure my gp can do whatever tests and such are necessary and then forward them to yours can tell you right now though i'm A+, 31 years old, and a "moderate" drinker
not a smoker though
>>442338 cheers la start of june is the next deadline, might need to set up some burner emails or a bongo or whatever then to go into further detail and keep the tiniest fig leaf of anonymity on the board will see what vuh NHS says beforehand
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I think 10k is a reasonable amount for the kidney of auslad
>>>/co/39071 HEY STEINER >>442341 I look like this and I say this >>442343 alas it is illegal to solicit purchases of organs smh big government has a monopoly on that
Top rant here tbh >17:55 Like him or not even his enemies the other day said he’s a talented orator https://rumble.com/v4lz4g9-america-first-ep.-1310.html
>>442308 >>442342 You’ll like this rant then >>442345
They're calling them fringe political candidates now
>>442340 let me know then lad keep me in the loop just know that you have options and when your organs go kaput there'll be lads there to tag in so to speak
>>442348 >accused of sucker punching TikTokker He's got my vote.
>>442326 Why are they like this?
>>442344 keeeeeeeek

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