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Star Wars: The Empire did nothing wrong. Anonymous 09/10/2021 (Fri) 03:44:46 No. 17647
Last thread is dead and I need my Star Warswholesome dose.
>>32021 >>32022 >>32023 >>32202 Got the magnet/torrent links to these? It be nice to watch the whole thing at not Tor levels of speed. If not well thanks for sharing non the less.
(11.76 MB 1920x1080 The Bad Batch Zillo Beast 2.mp4)

A blast from the past.
>>32669 You dont even need a torrent, all these streaming shows have become so accessible, just slap on a cheap vpn and watch them through a google search.
The moment we all, well me at least, have been waiting for finally happened. Crosshair reached his breaking point.
Season 2 of The Bad Batch just finished today. Man.... it's a good show & absolutely the only thing left of new Star Wars content worth watching. Fuck the live action shit Disney's doing. Filoni's not perfect but The Bad Batch is really something special.
>>33336 Indeed. Fat Fortuna is the only good thing to come from The Mando-Bobian-Book.
They've announced a new Rey trilogy featuring Grogu, the baby Yoda. At this point in the game, George Lucas should be using that $6 billion to raise an army to storm Disney and execute every single person except Favreau and maybe Filoni if he promises to stop making that "smug jew" face all the fucking time.
>>33581 You can tell just by the look how his smile is not real.
>>33581 >George Lucas should be using that $6 billion to raise an army to storm Disney Why?
>>33581 Rey is one of Disney's princesses now. So of course they're going to do this. But it's George's fault in the first place, and if Filoni had any balls, he would have demanded that they went with the Nyx Okami arc.
>>33581 >except Favreau Why? Favreau is a shitty yes man who hires the right people.
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Presented without comment.
>>35799 Even the artists are aware
(3.50 MB 1280x720 02letxgvsENUSJH3.mp4)

(8.89 MB 1280x720 EPtY-uo0tnA0ePHC.mp4)

I hate Blahsoka. I hate the Blahsoka show ruining what was a fuckable likable character from a good series. I hate Rebels establishing multiverse shit. I hate them bringing it back to justify member berries. I will give them SLIGHT props for trying to recreate the Clone Wars looks in live action. BUT that's ruined because Blahsoka has to be black mystery meat in the past too. This live action version is completely unrecognizable from the animated original. I don't know who to blame for this. Filoni for willing to do anything to bring Ahsoka to life or Disney as a company for all the horrible decisions that ruined Star Wars in live action forever.
>>36589 She really should've died in Rebels. They had a perfectly good end point for her character and they got rid of it because either Filoni or Disney wouldn't let her die, whether it was because of Filoni's attachment to her or Disney wanting a stronk female character to market in the hopes of regaining some of that popularity they lost.
>>36590 Technically she did. They had to retcon her survival through time travel but also technically multiverse shit. That's how they're justifying this thing with her fighting Anakin Vader. It's Anakin from another timeline. You're right though that Filoni's favoritism & Disney's stronk womyn narratives kept her alive.
(16.55 MB 480x320 yoda-vs-palpatine.mp4)

>>36589 The fuck is going on with the sound in the second video? It sounds like someone is imitating the Jaws theme. And, after looking up clips from the fights from the films, I noticed two more problems. The first is that the actual fighting is so low-energy that they look like they're elderly people. <For reference, here's how Yoda and Palpatine, two actual elderly characters, fought. The second problem I found stems from the fact that the Asoka clips sounds like it's using string instruments for the music. Meanwhile, all of the films used precussion or singing. It adds a completely different tone to the scene. >Disney as a company for all the horrible decisions that ruined Star Wars in live action forever. Why are you restricing it to just the live-action part. Star Wars under Yidsney has been a disaster in every way possible that has alienated the people who enjoyed the films, the show, the comics, the video games, and even the fucking toys.
>>36595 It's a recording of a TV, that's why. Hiring composers with orchestras is expensive. Because I liked The Bad Batch. But you're right that everything else has been shit.
>>36591 God, I forgot about the time travel. That just brings up so many issues- why not use it to go even further into the past and prevent the Empire from existing? Why not save any of the other characters that died throughout Rebels? Aside from the meta reasons, why save Ahsoka instead of pretty much any other jedi?
>>36597 Almost like it's a get out of jail free plot device that kinda devalues everything bad happening if you could just prevent it through this random ass dimension. Unless it's really just the multiverse like I think. Then it's essentially fucking with another universe to make yours better.
>>36597 >why not use it to go even further into the past and prevent the Empire from existing? Why not save any of the other characters that died throughout Rebels? Aside from the meta reasons, why save Ahsoka instead of pretty much any other jedi? Because time travel is complete bullshit on several levels and it seems like the only works that even come close to understanding it are all comedies.
>>36599 Currently there's no set limits to it so the can of worms is open.
>>36589 They're trying to make Ahsoka into a family friendly Xena, but Star Wars, and it's not working. Just like their Book-of-Hercules-Mandalorian-Beast-Master-Fett.
>>36696 >a family friendly Xena But, Xena already was family friendly.
>>36696 That's not the problem. The problem is Ahsoka is already an established character with an established personality but Rosario Dawson gives her none.
>>36697 I meant modern family friendly; no cleavage, no legs, no midriff, no nothing. >>36698 Who else could they have beg to do it?
>>36699 Maybe the actual voice actress would've worked. But ideally there shouldn't have been an Ahsoka show at all. Especially when they've shown they're horrible at translating animated designs to live action.
>>36698 Didn't her original voice actor get butthurt because she wanted to be Ahsoka's live action rep?
>>36770 They buried it if that was the case. Never heard her even mentioned.
>>36785 That sucks, she could've been a pretty decent live action Ahsoka.
I unironically feel bad for Zahn. He made 2 book triology to unfuck Rebels Thrawn. The Ascendancy Trilogy was a real treat to me. Then we got Ahsoka's Thrawn who is a dumber down Rebels Thrawn. Even worse, this watered down mustache twirling villain in the last episode literally losing all his remaining iq and do the most stupid things. Technically making his "big win" a big fat L. Zahn probably died inside when he seen this shitshow. And i feel awful for him. Atleast Mara will be forever safe from Disney.
>>36700 It's not the designs inasmuch multiple spin-offs for the one series. But, true. Ahsoka didn't need her own show.
(9.28 MB 854x480 Ahsoka Tano.mp4)

>>36791 >But, true. Ahsoka didn't need her own show. But, if they didn't give Ahsoka her own show, then all people would remember of her is being an underage half-naked cumslut from a silly cartoon. All elements of her character that Lucas demanded.
>>36798 I'm glad that characters like these will never be created again.
>>36798 Pepperidge Farm will always remember... the good old days.

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