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Dream journal GWF 04/14/2023 (Fri) 05:44:38 Id: 2664fa No. 69
Previous thread >>>/india/531 >be me in a temple with and old couple by my side >they're talking nonsense into my ears >slowly sneak out of there >I'm trying to escape away from them and end up inside a building >open one door and hide inside >doja cat enters the room and goes to bed as if I wasn't even there >I feel uncomfortable and get into a new room >the AC is on and the bed is super comfy >take off my clothes and just lie there >suddenly the door opens >it's the old couple's daughter >I run away naked and get into an old dark creepy house >a woman there serves me some wine in a steel plate >it was thick like honey so I lick it with my fingers >she then adds roti and chicken curry to the same plate before I could even finish the honey/wine >I hear someone coming through the door and run away with the plate from the back door and hide behind an old rusty bike
>at the top floor of a school >everyone is climbing a ladder that takes us to the roof of the school >me and my friend didn't want any of them to reach there because there were stacks of ₹500 notes up there >friend gives a false alarm that the teacher was there and everyone runs away >I try climbing to steal the money but there's already a tall guy on the top rung of the ladder >when he sees me climbing, he jumps to the ground >the impact makes him very skinny, with absolutely no muscle or fat, just a skeleton with skin and a mangled face with a rooster's crown (picrel) >he starts jumping like a pogo stick and lands on a branch of the tree >he falls off the branch and dies >me and my friend are panicking and trying to run away but a jester tries to stop us >jester moves only when we move like he's a mime >take slow steps towards the door and he does the same >sprint quickly and lose his tail scene change >inside a classroom >a ppt is being projected on the wall and everyone is dancing while some music plays on a small speaker >a teacher sees us and tells us to join the "concert" >students are standing in rows while dancing and having fun >me and my friend sneak into the other classroom where they were serving chicken and rice >grab some on a lunchbox and go back to our class to eat >i look at the clock while eating and see only 5 mins left for the class to start >quickly run outside to wash my hands >stop at the next classroom and throw out the remaining food in my lunchbox outside the window >a girl sees me doing this >tell her "this is what god wanted me to do" >run back to my class >the girl who caught me throwing food is writing a letter to the teacher >ask my friend for help >he takes out a real bullet from his pocket and gives it to me >throw it at the girl >she's visibly scared and thinks we might also have a gun (we didn't) >she writes a new letter with deliberate spelling and grammar mistakes and gives it to the teacher
>government announces to provide free anklets to dancers in honor of lata mangeshkar's death >there's festive environment all over like it's diwali >a futuristic suv with tinted windows arrives in front of me >it stops and the lady driver gets off >help her take off all the luggage >all the doors are open and lie in the back seat with the feet dangling outside >she starts driving >i panic and sit inside >she tells me she has to find a majdoor and pay him his wage >we look around for him and finally find him outside a huge mansion >he approaches us >girl takes out 500rs but the majdoor says his wage was 224 >she gives him 200 and we leave >she says she has to stop at a super market to buy some stuff >i say it's very hot here sp she takes me to a small hotel >we get served onion bhajiya >i tell the waiter to add some sliced raw onions on top >he grabs a whole onion and slices all of it and puts it on my plate while cursing me under his breath >there was a TV in the corner and some new Indian cartoon was on it >kaka from my name is raj makes a cameo and wears lata mangeshkar anklets >"Payal ho aur kaka dancing nay karega, aysa impossible hai" >he wears those anklets on his bird feet and starts dancing to drum beats
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had this one 2-3 days ago >sitting in a small-medium hall >smart looking, tall guy walks in, with a woman and a couple of kids in tow, his face has something about it that says he is a scary person >apparently I am here for army selection >"I am colonel* xyz, you are here for the army selection process, we will begin the process tomorrow. *points at one of the kids* this is <name> he is my son from my Greek mistress and that is my son from my wife, that's my wife" (*i remember remembering his rank and his kid's name but forgor) >greek mistress absent >cuckquean wife seems very happy for a woman who openly flaunts his son from his mistress >think to myself, holy shit these army people live like actual royals with their dasis n shit >dismissed, go home \ >next day, roaming around a place that very closely resembles my school with a guy i know irl >see colonel saab walking in front of me >he turns around >wish him good morning >his neutral expression turns to raging angry face >starts screaming something at us in army voice >oh ho thinks we are responsible for something that happened the previous day >talk back and tell him we don't even have bikes, we aren't the chhapri riders he saw yesterday >he calms down somewhat but his eyes are crazy still >takes us somewhere >with those crazy eyes he shoves us both in a box >"remember, number 22" >realise he's after some really really heavy duty explosives that are on floor 22 of the armoury >realise this box is a box they use for weapons and such so it will be taken into the armoury so we can get in undetected >realise we are 2 pawns in his grand game >decide to play along >open the box from the inside >we are on the ground floor >we have to get to floor 22 under heavy security >literally feels like doom/wolfenstien/Max Payne/Hitman >picrel NPC at the bottom of the first staircase >spots me >i do something weird dance and he ignores me that's all i remember
>wake up and see 2 parrots knocking my glass door >they open the door and enter >extended my hand and the green one sits on my hand >it says "good morning" and some other english words >surprised as it's my first time listening to a parrot speak irl >parrot says "feed" and I pick a rice plant from the corner of my bed and start feeding it >the plant had a sharp bit that pricked my finger (this detail is important) >walk out with the parrot in my hand and see an old woman doing a videocall with her keypad phone turned around so the camera is facing her >skip scene >cops have arrested me and thrown me into a crate of fruits and vodka >apparently I was falsley being taken away for a murder and the parrot was the only witness Woke up and had a sharp pain on the same spot that was hurt in the dream. Also i think the parrot being the witness was a plot of some movie.
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>on top of a tall building with just open land all around >with a bunch of guys >we are flying a kite kind of thing >red plane like picrel flying around, these are our friends in the air force (we could talk to them over radio) >for the lulz we would fly the huge kite in front of them and as they are about to crash we move it >one time they actually crash into it and onto the ground >fuck >there is scaffolding on the side of the building, use that to get to crash site >apparently they are unharmed but the other air force people would definitely like to know more about this >fuck >they arrive on the scene they already know we have done something >want to question everybody >ok I will take a piss >guy who was in my class in 8th grade appears we're both wearing school uniform >go to the toilet and come out >everyone is walking in 3 files to the air force location >we canr find the group for our school, think it would be bad to just show up with random peeps >walk to a mountain and hide behind a small cliff with the guy for the time till the questioning is over >bach gaye >friend points out we are very close to "the border" >camera starts flying over the land, the scenery getting lusher and lusher >there is a small shack and I am inside it >behind it is a large stream of water >there is a different country beyond this stream >a dog appears and jumps into the water trying to get to that country >goes halfway and starts to drown >call my mother from the inside, ask for rope to save him >female dog appears, takes rope tied to a pillar, swims to dog 1 and saves him somehow >nice nice scene change >in electric bus early in the morning >standing beside driver >approaching intersection >bus beside us collides with something >we go collide with a biker at the signal >it's a small accident r-right? >on the opposing lane a bus ploughs into stopped cars throwing them all over the place >fuck >suddenly find myself on top of the bus >hope to myself it didn't damage the battery heh, batteries and dangerous, lucky we just got hit on the bumper, huh let me check just to be sure >look down on the left side of the bus >ominous sparks and smoke >fuck >run towards the back of the bus and jump off don't remember the rest I love dreams with a lot of natural wealth
>an episode of chor police >the police arrests a watchman who looks like anthony >anthony sees the watchman's children (5-6 boys) crying as their father is sent to jail >anthony takes responsibility of the children's education and starts teaching them how to cheat and hide chits in exams
>final exams >few children are collecting everyone's textbooks >they ask for mine >i didn't have it so they leave >it was almost 1pm, tell me friend that we better reach the exam hall >he tells me the exam's from 4:15pm to 8:30pm >hmm i have a lot of time then >walk around randomly and reach a room where all the kids were decorating the textbooks they had borrowed with DIY paper flowers, glitters etc. >kept walking >now outside and it starts to rain >run a corner where there were a few people taking shelter from rain >one guy spins his umbrella towards me to splash me with rain water >kinda annoyed, take out my bottle pretending to splash him back >he's scared but i do a gotcha and just drink the water >girls laugh at him >he's angry now and threatens to complain to the teacher >tell him I'll blackmail him with a deep fake video of him if he complains >girls laugh again >walk back into the building and it's still 1pm >annoyed that I'll have to write my exams at 4:15 pm everyday now >wish i could fast forward this <wait I'm probably dreaming <try fast forwarding myself into the end of last exam <it worked <everyone's leaving <walk around and see a hot girl sitting on the side <grab her boobs and play with it a little <wanted to have sex but didn't because I might wake myself up <patted the head of the guy who was sitting next to her and walked away <see my friend on the first floor and try to walk up to him <a guy was holding a plate of fried chicken on the stairs <grab one and eat it <it was glazed with honey, tasted pretty good <walk up and reach a stage with it's front open to the outside <sit with some other guys on the edge <one guy tells how he once ordered a tea and the waiter delivered the milk, sugar, tea leaves and water separately <I walk into the other side of the stage and see a girl in hoodie hiding in a box <i recognise her <ask her what she's doing while trying to undress her carefully <she tells she was getting chased by a guy and hid in the box <she was crying too <leave her alone and keep walking <scene changes to my room <mmm i should try flying <get on a table and try to jump upwards <scared cause i might just fall down <imagine a new scene where i start from the top already <it's a cartoony village from bird's eye view
[Expand Post]<fly down towards a dwarf village <narrator points me to the hidden opening to enter the "underground dwarf molt" (molt was their word for a clan) <enter the dwarf village <didn't feel underground because I could still see the sky <there was a line of cartoony dwarfs entering the village <buff dwarfs were inspecting their penis before letting them enter <i avoid the queue and try entering from another point <buff dwarfs tell me to get on the line <didn't want to show my penis so try walking to a queue of dwarfs whose penis inspection was done <the buff dwarfs force me to get on the line panicked and woke up
had another short dream after going back to sleep >at a buddhist temple >a guy tells me a story about few researchers who were researching the dust in the area and how it matched the particles of tibet, proving that this land was connected to tibet in some way >he gives me a bag of fish and I walk away >reach a platform in the temple where a guy from my college was getting married alone >guy from my school was the monk officiating the wedding >gift the guy getting married the bag of fish >a massive grin appears on his face
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>first person view NFS Most Wanted (2005), like actually inside the game I guess >free roaming >pass a few NPC cars >realise they are waiting for a challenger >turn around and challenge them >one of them is a white corvette (this detail doesn't really matter though) >start racing >not at the lead, not at the tail either >go reeeal fast on an incline, launches the car into the air quite high up >see that I'm not landing on the road, rather somewhere beside >there is something that looks like a really big tunnel in the surface, but you could see the sky through it (at the "bottom" of it) so it looks more like a portal >it's really out of place because it is just made it different graphics >I curse the developers for fucking up the texture and also realise I'm going to lose the race >falling into the hole, fuck fuck fuck >finally fall in >I realise the entire tunnel is made with NFS 2 graphics >falling through, feels surreal, like floating in space >see something in the distance, it gets closer >it's a white Ford GT90 from nfs2, rendered pc98 kind of graphics making a cameo appearance, as though keeping an eye on my from the heavens >realise this is in fact an Easter egg in the game as a tribute to the ancestor of this game >sugoi >fall into the front yard of a home >that's the finish line >hear opponents on the mic screaming, accusing me of cheating >"Pick up the emblem to end the race" >I exit the car, it becomes GTA VC now Some other shit also happened afterwards but I think this is god's way of telling me I wasted too much of my childhood playing games.
>inside a temple at night >the gold inside the temple walls is reflecting there lights beautifully >the host announces on the mic that the opening ceremony will last 2 more days >switch scene to the darker, inner part of the temple >a girl is set to perform next >she says she's nervous but others say they cam announce that she's nervous beforehand to reduce the awkwardness >she refuses that idea and decides to perform anyway >back to the temple scene >she's on the stage as a turtle >she says she turned herself into a turtle to block the hole in the temple tank >a woman in the crowd goes crazy thinking that she's kurma avtar >there's slowly water flowing into the temple floor >realise that there turtle is busy on stage so the hole must've been exposed Next dream >climbing a building through stairs >notice a portion of stairs missing >it was missing on purpose so that only the people who are aware that it's a dream can get to the next floor >i reach the top and enter a lab >there's people sitting in 2 rows >few of those people have their face tied to a tube as if they're being forced to inhale something >i sit at the far end of the row >a girl next to me passes me a tube like picrel >when i hold it the liquid inside starts boiling >realise I'm supposed to not the let the liquid flow out >quickly pass it to the guy on my other side >realise that anyone who spills the liquid gets that tube locked on theor face >suddenly notice some gas leaking from the pipes on the side >i sniff it and recognise it as oxygen >"I wonder if there trying to burn us" >girl next to me hears this and says "what if it's some poisonous gas and the people who are locked to the tubes are getting oxygen from it" >panic and run away >... >climbing up the same building with missing stairs >I'm with another guy now >tell him that we should probably head back since the stairs are missing >he smirks at me and closes his eyes and stairs magically apepar in the gap >he walks up >realise he's also one of us
>>69 I only have hardcore porn/cuckold fantasies based on the porn I watched before sleeping, followed by a nightfall. is it over?
>>457 I had a dream where I tried having sex with a girl but she kept struggling too much and I couldn't even undress her. Just made me realise how hard it is to rape
>black panther jr (son of black panther) who has the power to implode things, implodes earth >now the earth is 1/8th of a sphere with the map looking like picrel >notice that all first world countries are gone >that means we can now live like stone age people doing hunting gathering etc. >see an ocean appearing on the horizon >realise the water level is rising and the entire world will drown >there are people running away >the ocean of water gets closer >try finding a tube to float but the people had already taken all of it >the water is right outside my home >start crying thinking about how I never cared about living but when the world just became livable I'm going to die
Weird lucid dream. I was aware it's a dream but was feeling too sleepy and just stayed there as a spectator. >in a ricefield with some people who had killed an ankylosaurus >a local man was willing to buy it >I get on a cycle and try to find that man's house this is where I gained lucidity >the trail was very rough but it was a thrilling ride >finally reach the area where he's supposed to live >keep cycling through houses and see my teacher standing naked outside her house >keep cycling and stop outside a different house >a lady walks out the gate >she laughs at me >notice that my pants had a hole and my dick was hanging out >quickly run to the bushes and try to fix it >my underwear only had it's elastic and rest of it was missing >use the elastic to fix my dick's position like hiding a boner >go back to her house >she offers me a bucket to sit in so that I don't feel embarrassed >asks me to wait while she cleans her chappal which were covered in dirt >I'm sitting naked inside a bucket which also had water in it >a guy from school walks in, sees me and runs away laughing
>in school >math teacher gives us questions to answe by the end of the day >everyone's struggling to find answers >bronn breakker finishes answering everything >everyone praises him for being a good balance of brains and bronns scene change >outside the school >see a box with a long tortoise inside >it was actually a normal sized tortoise covered in slime, living inside a longer shell >few of its eggs were hatching >start filming it with my phone >wanted to take one home as a pet >but left it with its mother because that was the right thing to do woke up and saw the quote from picrel in my vision
2 dreams I don't remember either of them fully >... >walk from somewhere to a lake in search of something >look at the lake >sand on the shore like a sea beach >pehelwans wrestling in the very wet, grey sand in nothing but their lungoots >it looks very gay because they are all on the floor one on top of the other >ignore them, and think of the destination, which is on top of the mountain next to the lake (geographically inconsistent, didn't expect this from brain tbh) >friend goes up a small trail >when I try to go I find a small climb made of natural vegetation, can climb up it like a ladder >go up top >can't figure out how to make the last climb >feel a huge sense of dread >try to climb >fail, and start to fall >camera switches to 2nd person view to show me "my" own face >see picrel face with mouth open, complete with sunglasses and sky in the background >wake up this second person view has me thinking we are not the protagonists of our dreams it is like a gayme where you control a different guy. >near a church >The sides are absolutely lined with garbage >there are chakkas and whore looking women all around the place >leave, the rest of the place is also like that sans the chakkas and whores >go up a small hill >there's a shack there >go in >someone senior to me is there asking me what I want >I give him the answer I know will make him let me in >go in sit at a table and someone brings me something >it looks tasty, like mutton or chicken, but it is mixed with what looks like ground up rotis >the surroundings are dirty so I am not sure about the food >the food feels really sinister despite looking tasty - it could be any animal, it could be meat gone stale, it could be meat from an animal that died of suspicious causes, disease etc >start eating anyway >the gatekeeping guy talked to someone, came over and said he was a fool to have let me in >ignore him >he walks away idk what happened after this but I woke up too late. >>462 Kek it's trippy when you remember random shit like this
>at ambani's wedding >sitting alone in a tiny basement room >only way to enter the room is through a small square hole in the middle of the wall >table had a lot of fancy stuff like candies and cereals in unique casings >try to grab one >I'm interrupted by a family of 6-7 people speaking in Tamil >they fill up the entire basement >there man of the family sends me to get some extra chairs >(they think I'm a worker but I was a guest too) >whatever, go out to get them some chairs >pick a stack of 3 chairs >as I'm bringing them to the basement something black leaks from the chairs >a different man gestures to how bad it was stinking >leave the chairs to pick different chairs >same man tells me to take it away from him >(he thinks I'm some worker too) >I'm pissed and don't want to bring anymore chairs >run away from the building and end up outside >it was dark and I kinda lost my way >somehow end up on a different building >this was my school but the wedding lunch was being served here >grab a plate to eat something >a girl with grey eyes writes something on the cylinder that was next to me >she wrote something like "make sure to only use android" >tell her i already use android >something clicked inside me like she knew something about me >follow her as I'm asking why did she tell me that >she keeps walking faster to avoid me >grab her hand to stop her >butterflies in my stomach >she looks at me with her grey shiny eyes and tells me how her brother died in a fire right in that building >she takes me to a spot in the building where we can see where that burnt room once was >i sit on the edge and leave some space for her to sit >instead she sits on my lap I was so in love > >>463 >the food feels really sinister despite looking tasty - it could be any animal, it could be meat gone stale, it could be meat from an animal that died of suspicious causes, disease etc Was it perhaps a liver
>have an exam or something >go to college >gatekeeper asks for id proof and hall ticket >show him >lets me in >turns around and calls me back >"id proof doesn't match saar" >confused I open my notebook where I had kept my documents >the hall ticket and aadhar card fly away and land on the street >as I pick them up i realise i showed him my brother's aadhar card instead >show him mine >he says he needs more proof >get into an argument with him >he says show laptop >I ask if he would carry a laptop for no reason to a location he will be forced to leave his bag at the door >he goes away somewhere >I just walk into the college and to the exam hall >there is no exam they just ask us which college we would like to go to just for survey purposes >they form a line >find roll no 24 and get behind him >but they dissolve that line >go somewhere else and come back later now there's a counter at the door >they give me a form asking the same question as before >I just write "IIT Bombay" on th form >girl beside me "you like IIT Bombay? I went to that college" (I rarely remember faces from dreams but I remember hers cleary, she wore rectangular lensed glasses, was fair and her face had a bunch of baby fat, I think she tied her hair in a ponytail) >can't decide what I should say, congratulations? >"nice nice" >"why do you want to go there?" >"I guess because the girls there are beautiful like you" or something along these lines >she smirks, looks at my arm, presses it, says "not big enough,not enough muscle" >flustered, look away and try saying "yes I'm working out these days" but it comes out as garbled gibberish >time to go >meet with friends >IIT girl also there >come lets go she says >gets on her scooter, i get on my bike, we decide where to go >"follow that tempo" she says >im a local so I know the directions but she blindly follows that tempo of hers because she's outsider >we end up going different routes >somehow end up in a weird place behind a building >she's there in an office says she's buying movie tickets >whatever those outsiders are weird, wait for her on my bike next to her scooter >she comes back we ride some 100m or something >there's a petrol tanker driving weird ly we both stop >it falls into a deep pit next to the road (the pit has really dirty water) >take out my phone >"yaar fire department walon ka number bata jaldi,bata na jaldi"
[Expand Post]>she's in shock, can't say anything >eventually says 108 >dial 108 they don't pick up >search for landline number of local fire dept with no success >call 108 again >this time I hear a callertune song >disconnect in disgust iss desh ka kuch nahi ho sakta even emergency phone numbers don't work >besides the bimarus driving the truck seem to be coming out anyway
>>465 >Was it perhaps a liver No it was keema but with a weird poha like texture, very dark in shade with a curry that was similarly dark in colour
Here's one after a really long time. I thought sleeping in AC has fucked with my sleep in some way but it was actually my baap turning it off at 2am. It was on till 6am last night and had this. >at a chinatown in america >waiting for a table in a crowded restaurant >friend is doing some card tricks to impress the foreigners >he proceeds to slither between the chairs, tables and feet of the people >everyone cheers for him >a table clears and we sit >there was also a couple (fat redneck husband with grey stache and hot a thai wife) sitting on that table along with us >we're deciding on what to order as the thai lady suggests us some soup >we order it and wait >they leave >tell my friend that since this is america we can try beef >i was hoping a no from him but he was too excited to try it >i say steaks probably suck so we should get a burger >friend tells me to ask a guy sitting behind us about some good burger place nearby >turn around, it's a black kid >ask him >he doesn't understand my accent >nervous, ask very slowly >he still doesn't get it >turn around >an Indian guy sits on our table >ask him if he know where we can get good beef >he does some weird gestures which mean that's he's a vegetarian >he had a soggy dosa on his plate >i take a bite and leave > >we're outside and hear some gunshots from far away >we were excited to hear real gunshots >happy that our tour to america didn't go to waste
>in a junglee road >see a biker riding in reverse >weird >notice a guy next to me smoking >as he smokes his cigarette gets longer >realise that there's some people stuck in reverse time >feel really scared >a girl comes running and hides behind a tree >i think there must be spirits trying to reverse people's times >run away >reach a road in the middle of the city >it was an asphalt road covered in wet soil that was carved into looking like walls of temples >walk on it trying not to step on ur sculptures >the road leads to the top of a building >get in and it's pretty dark >there's bald priests >it was tirupati and everyone was speaking in a language i didn't understand >explore other rooms and notice stairs leading to the bottom in every room >looked very eerie >come back to the first room and sit along with my school mates >egg pulao was being served by some workers of the temple >i was kinda shocked to see eggs in temple >one lady yells at me to get a plate in broken English >go to the back of the room to grab a plate >walk into another room to wash the plate >see two 10rs coins in the sink >pick it up and put it in my pocket >going back to get the egg pulao >friend tells me it costs 150rs >and the whole prasad combo costs 500rs >somehow it makes me realise that the 10rs coins i picked was the donation to the temple >feel bad
had dream today can't remember much else but a weird machine to sharpen knives it was a very big wheel at a tilt of some 60-70 degrees a woman and her daughter were running the shop the daughter would spin the wheel up by hand until it has enough momentum and the mother would stand in front of it and hold her knife at an angle to sharpen it the sparks and sounds were exactly like angle grinders cutting metal the surface was like that of a cutting wheel picrel, and the machine was entirely powered by hand.
>sitting to get a haircut >barber's mom who's a middleaged women decided to cut my hair >she grabs a straight razor and shaves off the edges and she's done >still sitting on that seat >barber walks up to me and says he has a new website >he opens chat gpt and writes something, clicks on the result, hands me his phone and walks away >I'm looking at his phone and it's a long video compilation of my school crush >she was also sitting right infront of me >starts walking towards me >panic and open a different app >it was full of porn pdfs >she sees it and gets mad scene change >at her home >she's crying and praying to god >hug her tight from behind and apologize constantly >she finally forgives me and turns into a massive cat >she tells me to follow her as we're going to naked jungle >excited, follow her >she jumps out of the window (as she's still a cat) <try to penetrate through the door <fail <shrink myself and jump through the window <end back inside the house <try to penetrate the door again and imagine myself directly at the jungle >success >she's now back to being a girl >the jungle was at a lower level than us and was completely submerged in murky water >there were elephants swimming around looking like crocodiles >one elephant walks closer to us and cracks open a tree bark with its tusk >(the tusk of the elephant was inverted, i.e it was pointing downwards like a walrus') >when the bark crcaks open fresh water starts pouring from inside the tree >entire murky lake goes crystal clear and we could see the green vegetation and the elephants >feel romantic and say "maybe this is when people feel like taking pictures"
>at a highway motel >break something >wtf they will make us pay for it >decide to leave QUICKLY, i.e. before they have a chance to notice, take the deposit money and go away >it worked and now we (me and family) are feeling like bank robbers who are making a getaway >family gets into our car, I get into a Polo for some reason, definitely wasn't ours >start and leave >it's a canyon road, downhill >take a corner at moderate speeds >car understeers I barely make it >wtf I thought polos were supposed to be good handlers? >next corner >decide to go slower >brake >brakes are hard and soggy and spongy, barely work >go into the corner, understeer are barely make it out >wtf I thought the Polo was supposed to have decent brakes? >decide to keep braking all the time >works a little but in the next corner there is standing water on the road >also use the handbrake but >no way I'm making it out of this >stand on the brakes >go into corner >car hydroplanes >helplessly grip the steering >accept my fate >don't even flbhanginch as I crash through the railing and down into the valley
>in an exhibition in Russia >I'm sitting at a booth explaining how to cut fish to foreigners >2 strange looking people walk up to me >one guy asks a lot of questions while the other one scouts the entire area >quickly realise this is a plot to steal something >one guy grabs my bag but i hold it tightly >a little tug of war and the other guy pulls out a gun >release the bag and back out with my hands in the air >guy asks for my wallet and phone >give it and walk away thinking I'm safe >guy shoots me in the back >another shot and I'm angry >somehow I'm still alive and walk to the management to report this skip time >the guys were caught and have their face covered on the stage >kim jong un promises he'd execute them >suddenly someone whispers to me that the guys in the mask aren't the real culprits >the real ones were still outside looking for me >a random russian girl gives me a beanie and tells me to run away from there >we escape through the crowd and reach outside the building >she then starts running away and I follow her >finally reach her home >she plans to hide me there >she also had plans to get me blue contact lenses, a brown wig (until i grow out my real hair) and to dress me as a girl >her mother was a bit annoyed by me
>talking to someone about doraemon >she says sunio is the only realistic character and everyone else is way too fake >my mind was showing me a picture of tongari when she was saying this >.. >an episode of doraemon >gian, sunio, nobita, shizuka and doraemon are in gian's room >everyone was secretly mad at gian >nobita and sunio signal something in stereo >they get up, punch gian in the face and signal shizuka to scream >before gian could retaliate his mother hears shizuka's scream and comes running >she beats up gian and tells him to go downstairs andcook >.. >gian has a tray of grass in his hand and was wondering where everyone else is so that he could beat them up >they're giggling and laughing in his room
>in a dimly lit bar counter >everyone is answering some questionnaire >teacher tells us to answer all the questions >almost done just 2 questions left >girl wearing picrel walks upto me and offers to help me >hand her the questionnaire and she takes it away to another room >follow her >this rooms is full of smart people >she checks the question i left incomplete and there was no options in it >i check again and now there were options but no question >(the question was something related to mahabharat but the options were pictures of cadbury gems ball, kinder joy etc.) >she says she'll have someone else answer it and that I can leave >thrilled, I'm ready to go >she gives me a side hug >the warmth makes me realise that it's the last day and we might never meet again >she asks if i have a helmet >offer her to ride with me >.. >at her home >we're looking at an aerial view of her property >there were lots of trees >she says she gets them transferred from a forest nearby
>in a house party with some strangers >really need to pee >people there are suspicious of me and didn't let me go to the bathroom alone >they send a girl to keep an eye on me >go to the bathroom and try shutting the door >she blocks and says i have to keep it open >fine whatever >pee with my back turned against her with the foor open >she quickly snaps few pics of my dick with a nikon coolpix and runs away >panic and start chasing her >wrestle her and take the camera away >other guys see me steal her camera and start chasing me >run outside the building and reach a slum like area >they're still chasing me >try really hard to delete the pics while running before they catch me >after a lot of struggling finally delete the pics >finally lose them >bury the camera in a pile of sand and run away >climb a small building with scaffoldings attached to it
>young lady adopts me as her son >unbeknownst to me, she was gonna put me in jail for some crime her son had committed >many people are warning me but somehow i was okay >new maa looks me in the eye in, holds my face in a comforting way and says "does it feel like you're in a place where someone's face was doused with acid?" >"No...." >a lawyer walks in and says "guilty until proven innocent" with ang ugly smirk >i put him in a choke and say "guilty of one murder until I commit two" >everyone get involved and separate us >new maa tells me to take her son's car and leave >get on this futuristic looking car and drive into a village >meet her real son who was in a bentley >we admire the nature around us >some trees had weirdly coloured leaves (blue, yellow etc.) >think that some kid coloured the leaves >actually they were feathers from macaws
>end of the world feeling >cloudy skies, lush green surrounding >see a large tsunami wave rising on the horizon >a massive flood on the opposite horizon >a tennis ball rolls near my feet >raju (from mighty raju) asks me to pass it to me >when i bend to pick the ball, there's an apple shaped ball right next to the actual ball >pick the apple shaped ball up and rip it open with my hands >it was soft and squishy and was just a chikoo on the inside >raju laughs at me and says "chikkle" and runs away >i follow him and he takes me to a massive suv >sit on the driver's seat and instead of a steering wheel there was just one lever (like the ones in valves of a pipe) >use it to drive and reach a pakoda shop >it looked dirty but i just wanted to try because it'll be the last time >an old man starts frying the pakodas and an old woman brings some water in a mug to wash our hands >i really wanted to pee so i just get up and pee right there woke up with intense heartbeat thinking i had peed my pants
2 dreams >mother tells me she needs a painting from a museum/memorial kind of place >thought I'd need to steal it >go there >find a ventilation shaft kind of thing >go in and descend to the floor >receptionist is there >tell the lady i need the painting >looks like my mother already informed her >the painting in question is hanging off the ceiling by means of a string or a bar or something >lady gets me a huge stool kind of thing to stand on and remove the painting >i do and take it to my mother >now she needs another one >she needs it urgently >quickly drive down back to the same building, it is night by now >the small structure looks to be of about 1 story tall and is surrounded by nothing but paved ground for a long distance ie. No buildings around >but the museum is closed >roof is shaped like a wave with places to sit down, and there are a lot of college-aged people hanging out on top >this time I really have to steal it >loiter around the building looking for entry points >don't find any, plus I look suspicious as shit shining my flashlight randomly >decide to try a different way and climb the roof >still look suspicious as shit >find an exhaust fan, i decide there must be a ventilation shaft behind >there is but it's a narrow, sheer 20+ feet vertical drop >start walking back but a security guard approaches and asks what I'm doing >I tell him I lost my car keys there earlier in the day >he says he will help me >takes me to the same exhaust fan I'd seen and somehow there's a hole beside it in the wall now >crawl through it >looks like a mezzanine floor or something, workers seem to be sleeping there >fuck i should have seen this hole now I'm stuck with this security guard >he takes me around and wastes time telling me about the museum >it's nearly morning by now >look outside through an exit of the bulding >see 2 aadivasi/gypsy kind of guys <they have big cheetah type big cats with them >me and watchman hide behind pillars >a small cub approaches >watchman lowers a net so he can't come in >cub leaves >somehow get the painting don't remember how >go out there's a commotion >some bhondu baba kind of guy hands me a brick saying it's blessed or something >yeah sure thanks >also meet the curator/manager/main guy and have a conversation with him >ok bye sir >get in the car
[Expand Post]>start driving >there are nails between lanes so people don't cut lanes?? wtf >car drives over the nails but the tyres hold on >find my parents at the corner shop near my house >hand over the keys to the car and walk away the dream continued i think but this is all I remember Also had another dream the same night involving having to transport a big huge CRT from an underground hospital to someplace else, on a bicycle where I sat on the carrier holding it and my elder brother pedalled the bike, and stopping in a truck garage on the way. It was weird. As you can see i slept very nicely the last night.
>at ranthambore national park with my cousin >we were there to see the tigers >notice a little calf of a cow pass between my legs >it was as small as a cat >surprised about it's size, tell my cousin about it >he ignores me >whatever we keep moving >bushes on the left of our trail starts moving >a massive tiger walks out >it's back was towards us so it hadn't seen us yet >we stay still hoping it walks away >it turns around >FUCK >it had canines like a saber tooth and stripes of a tiger >it quickly charges towards us >freeze in fear accepting my fate >it jumps right behind me and grabs the little calf from before >we see this as an opening to run as fast as we can >finally at a rice field >there's a huge auditorium with massive speakers nearby >looked like whatever the program was, was over and people were packing up >blend into the crowd <somehow feels dreamy <start looking for any hot girl nearby <find one, but she's with an old woman >old woman was a waitress >give her a bill and tell her to bring my order >she says she can't read >give her a hand written bill >she still can't read >angrily tell her if there's any word she should know how to read, it's tea >leave because the hot girl wasn't even there anymore <still looking for a hot girl >look at my hand and my vision starts glitching >I'm switching between a girl a boy rapidly >nailpaint on my nails, bracelets and rings <lowkey panicking but the glitching stops <in a backseat of a cab now <look at my hand and I'm finally myself <trying to spawn a hot girl next to me <can't decide who to pick <think too hard and wake up
>grilling a massive fish made out of clay on open flame >guy helping me says that the best way to grill it is with cow dung cakes >but modern day cow dung cakes are adulterated with bugs and used oils >time to take the fish to the dinner table >it was a white couple's wedding >all of us start eating the fish with forks and knives >I feel awkward and leave after a few bites >go back to the hall where there was another couple on stage >bored >decide to leave >notice roman reigns and paul heyman walking through the crowd >the spotlight was shining on them and they were followed by two umagas >hear an announcement that some woman got shot >chaos ensues >a girl had her wrist crushed in the stampede >her parents are trying to help her get up >her mom starts yelling "call 911" >with my phone in my hand I start looking for it people who can call 911 >she looks at me and says "call 911" >with hesitation, tell her that i have and indian registered sim >she just says "call 911" >give up and call 09118 >dispatcher picks up the call >tell him that a girl broke her wrist and needs help >he asks me for address >no idea >the girl's father starts telling me the address as i walk towards the gate >"1.2 lane main road connecticut michigan US of A" >repeat it to the dispatcher >notice the board on the gate saying "AUGBENINE" >tell the dispatcher that the name of the building is aw-buh-neen >he laughs at me and tells it's actually aw-buh-nine >he starts doing small talks with me in a aussie accent >he asks my name and how to pronounce it >he then tells me that his name is lovely smile and hangs the phone >the ambulance had already arrived and the girl was getting treated Woke up and quickly wrote down the address and name of the building, but couldn't find anything that matched it
>watching a movie in an old crt tv with a weird color palette that looked black and white but felt like coloured >movie title was वज्र~ >the movie goes like this >a young woman is obsessed with diamonds >she has a lot of diamonds stashed in her cupboard >she was a forensic doctor who lived with her only son >there's a flashback like scene which shows her stealing diamonds with another person who was only shown as a silhouette >it appeared that they stole it from a very rich villa at night >back to present day, the lady is examining a dead body >she notices that the body has an expensive watch on >the watch had 4 real diamonds with a slight golden shine attached to it >she thinks of stealing it but it was recorded by other investigators on paper >yet she sneakily takes one and plans to replace it with a cheaper one from her stash >she returns home and looks through her cupboard to find a similar looking diamond >she can't find a similar one >she's conflicted if she should place the original one back and just place an obvious cheaper one >her son is watching this as his mother is having a little breakdown >she calls her friend (with whom she stole from a villa in a flashback) to ask her help >friend doesn't pick the call >next day >senior doctor (who was a lady) calls in our woman alone into the operation theatre >it was early in the morning and pretty dark >senior doctor tells her to lock the door >senior doctor opens her coat wide open revealing her diamond studded necklace >there were 100s of tiny diamonds on it >she uses her power to shoot those diamonds onto a hospital bed >our lady is ecstatic and overwhelmed with all these diamonds >flashback to last night when she was having a breakdown when she couldn't find a duplicate diamond >she starts thinking of the time how this obsession first started >flashback in a flashback >when her son was little and husband was alive, the son always asked for diamonds >and the parents always listened to their son's wishes >this somehow got converted to an obsession with diamonds for the mother when her husband disappeared (not sure if he died or got divorced) >back to current time, in the hospital >senior doctor isn't in the room anymore >diamond obsessed lady's face starts shining >her face is covered in tiny diamonds >almost like shes transforming into naagin >all her body is covered in diamonds except her forehead >a third eye opens and something gooey Congress out if it >the end
>sitting behind a woman in a scooter >she drops me at am old factory and waits outside >enter inside and a group of anime characters take me to a long hallway >we sit on one end of the hallway and build some defense with sandbags >on the opposite end, there's more aniem characters doing the same >the war begins >our side is trying to load a cannon ball into a cannon >but the cannon is just a pipe and has opening on both sides and the ball keeps sliding out >one skinny guy tells the buff guy to use his leg as a rammer >buff guy breaks the skinny guy's ankle and uses his leg to push the cannon ball in >another guy offers a chicken bone to prevent the ball from rolling out the other side (like sticks are used in cartoons to keep the gator's mouths open) >cannon fires begin >one from enemy side barely misses me >I'm scared shitless but notice a guy from our side writing something on a paper >realise that he's using a paper from death note >sigh in releif that we're going to win >light yagami was on the opposite side >our death note guy writes that light should get stabbed with multiple arrows and die after he trips on a tiny pebble >i just leave the place and go back to the woman who was waiting >she was actually my cousin >had to pee, but no matter what direction I faced, she was always in front of me >give up and leave
>come home >need to park the car >family gets out of the car >there is a slot demarcated by 3 bamboo lying on the ground at right angles >reverse into the parking slot >wonder why my reverse parking sensors are making no noise >become frustrated >something or the other keeps going wrong with the car wtf >suddenly remember that my car actually doesn't have parking sensors >sense of relief washes over me

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