>not equating privacy and security for the average anon
If you don't, then OS doesn't fucking matter because you could have each computer exist on its own private goddamn network and unless it's TempleOS it's going to be secure. Governments do this to take advantage of the support microshit gives to windows without dealing with it's massive flaws.
They also get a modified version of windows/related software too to boot.
Effectively for the average user, security equates to privacy. The non-average user should have a closed system work computer loaded with Debian as a baseline anyways.
(Medicalfags, any sort of lawyer/attorney, any high profile govt work without provided computers (rare), any high profile business work this means (You).)
Essentially what
>>>/t/3162 said, anyways.
see 270968. Also there was more on it too, it's still in but there's worse telemetry than even that.
Windows 7 is not a bad OS if you get rid of the telemetry updates. It is, however, aging unfortunately. I guess what you'd really want to do if you like Win 7 so much is to utilize GPU passthrough and virtual machines on a linux distro to achieve a win 7 install that is both secure and convenient. If it can't be used in Win 7, maybe WINE would work in your outer linux install in that case.
>>>/t/3159. Also
Five cent army, it's just a bunch of paid retards and wagies who can't into any other OS. Some securityfags will swear up and down that it's extremely secure. Until more laptop scandals come out and prove them wrong, of course.