>convicted commie.
I had no idea who the current president of Huezil was so I look it up and it's literally called the
///Workers Party\\\ so this Lula fella being a commie wouldn't surprise me in the slightest especially since former president Dilma Rousseff
(The woman so corrupt they actually threw her ass in jail which is saying a lot for Huezillian standards) was also a member of that party.
Bolsonaro wasn't perfect sure, not by a long shot but he was an improvement to the former PM or any anti 2A commie for that matter.
How the fuck have Huezillians not learned their lesson? Unless they did and the CCP helped Lula get a foothold.
Typically I just assume green eye's = Italian or some Mesopotamian Arab or Kurdish ethnicity but she's mostly green all over and has red in her eye's too so the best way to make an educated guess on her ethnicity would be to make a list of various races and nationalities where her hairline is common and compare.
I believe it, 4Jannies B&'d me for posting Clownpiece a few times meaning not only do they hate Loli but they hate America and Greece too
>Funny then how they quadruple down on doing shit that causes them to have more fefugees and create internal pressure to the point of sending them back to the rest of Europe via Greece then.
Please name an actually example, up until these past few decades Turkey's national policy was damn near isolationist as you can get for technically being the cross road between Europe and Asia anyway. Last I checked the Turk Roaches pleaded with then President W Bush to not go stir shit up in Iraq
(again) which we obviously didn't listen.
>Yes, even those. It was either last year or the year before that, where a lot of shit went down because the EU and the US wanted to start drilling in the middle of the Aegean for oil and the turks started doing their gay "but muh waters" schtick
Well my mindset is if it's out in international waters and you don't build a drill over it first or at the very least have a fleet of boats sitting over those pockets of oil like hens then you don't deserve said oil or natural gas.
>Roaches have also encroched on the african coastal territories of the Mediterranean and it won't be the last time something like that happens
Now that's something I have a lot of mixed feelings about, if the Turks don't recolonize Libya than France and Saudi Arabia most certainly will take it for themselves, in everything but name of course but France is technically still an empire though it's one that's faltering. And if it's neither the Fagguettes or the Saudi's then the Chinks would be setting up shop there and whipping the locals for all their oil and lithium to then ship back to the mainland.
So in other words Libya is fucked regardless of who steps in. In an ideal world our Sweet Prince Gaddafi would still be alive and achieve his goal of sticking it to
(((Central Banking))) with his gold backed Libyan Dinars.
But yeah Turkistan is definitely a wild card in the N.A.T.O. and a very self serving country to say the least for better or worse but at least they're honest while everyone else is full of shit with their whole
"muh global community" nonsense that only soy chuggers buy into. Hell I say this as someone who does believe a Kurdistan should exist to some extent but that's a whole different conversation and Turds especially the commie ones do plenty of shit that frustrates me too sometimes.