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darknet link Anonymous 04/04/2022 (Mon) 18:48:02 No. 8025 [Reply]
hey everyone, i want to know if someone get some cool forum to chat with another member ? :) because hiden wiki links are shit
>>8025 Our tax dollars at work.

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PS3 webserver? Anonymous 04/18/2022 (Mon) 12:20:08 No. 8175 [Reply]
So, I want to use my PS3 Slim as a web server, maybe also install an SSH daemon on it. Is it even possible? If so, how can I do that? (It's already modded with PS3 Hen) Inb4: why don't you just use a SBC? I also have a PS3 collecting dust, and I want to make it do something useful while connecting dust.
PS3Hen is not what you want for this. You're gonna want to do PS3xploit, use the flash writer to install the patch file to NOR/NAND Then install 4.87.2 Evilnat and use OtherOS++ to get whatever the fuck you want from there (some PPC arch *nix)

webcam leak Anonymous 04/18/2022 (Mon) 17:23:12 No. 8177 [Reply]
does anybody knows wher could i find some ip webcam leaks.... i already searched around insecam but it is not what i am looking for.

Anonymous 04/05/2022 (Tue) 04:00:07 No. 8033 [Reply]
https://www.gentoo.org/downloads/ New gentoo live dvd released yesterday for those uninterested in minimal installation image.

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Apple M1 arm-linux-gnueabi Anonymous 03/30/2022 (Wed) 12:08:25 No. 7961 [Reply]
Has anyone used?
Fucking die bozo

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https://odysee.com/@NatTuck:9/nat-mnt-reform-unboxing:9 >>7961 >Has anyone used? Can't say I have because out of principle I'd never give ///cr-Apple\\\ my shekels directly but if I was given one for free I'd be willing to try Linux Gnueabi out. But I'd rather hypothetically support less shitty companies and get a MNT Reform made by autistic Krauts if I ever really needed an ARM CPU thing that badly for whatever reason but I don't really need it and as shit as what I have now (((Intel i7))) is it does what I need it to do for the most part. Hence directly though, I do actually own an old iMac because the school I used go to was going to through a bunch of them out out and they allowed me to take one home with me so I lugged one on the bus. But yeah just keep that in mind, Apple isn't the only company making ARM based laptops in fact there's quite a few. https://www.slant.co/topics/15760/~notebooks-based-on-arm-processors#2

Where can I download or learn how to create android malware? Anonymous 04/01/2022 (Fri) 08:22:42 No. 7984 [Reply]
I'm mainly looking for something that uses steganography or otherwise gets installed silently. I'd rather learn how to create it or find opensource code as I'm sure a lot of sites are just stings. It's just hard to find redteam stuff on the web these days.
It's not hard man you just have to do it the proper way and stop believing this "tutorial / stackoverflow is the way" bullshit. you learn your shit, write code, read code. Learn OS, networking, you see as much shit as you can see and then maybe you'll be able to actually read papers on new programming techniques or reports on exploits, reverse engineer malware, etc. There's a fuckton of info out there you just have to be prepared to eat shit and be confused for a lot of time and do it properly. Good luck and don't be discouraged.
I know. I found a github with a bunch of malware samples. What I'm trying to figure out is if there's actual guides out there. I know I should start with Android programming and I've done it before but it's very basic stuff. They tend to keep that stuff under wraps, it seems. It's not very common.

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Anonymous 03/30/2022 (Wed) 19:52:34 No. 7969 [Reply]
SpeakUp: Silent Speech Interface; Low Cost; Arduino; Machine Learning Project Summary by Varun Chandrashekhar: "I have designed and developed a speech interfaced for the paralyzed, which they can use to communicate without speaking. This device detects speech-related electrical signals from the throat and converts them into letters or words that we recognize using machine learning models." SpeakUp - ML Based Speech Aid to Enable Silent Communication https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/Varun_Chandrashekhar/speakup-ml-based-speech-aid-to-enable-silent-communication-ffd9f8 My comment about the project: easily replicable by anyone with computer science knowledge, different from what is being done with the silicon trojans in the 3G/4G/5G equipment only on it needing physical probes. Anyone doing research on this area be cautious of sabotage when using US designed CPUs (AMD/INTEL/QUALCOMM/APPLE/ARM), as the microcode, SMM and firmware of your system may be manipulated to mess up your computations. Ask your own Nation to stop trusting Silicon Valley and make your own silicon supply chain and tech services. Meanwhile, mitigate this situation by moving to an area away from any cell radio transmitter (check coverage on OpenCellID.org) and shielding yourself and your devices from electromagnetic eavesdropping and interference.
the electrolarynx is over 70 years old put your bloated shit in the bin its garbage

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i need money Anonymous 03/09/2022 (Wed) 05:15:29 No. 7754 [Reply]
im poor af and i would want to make money in the internet, give advice and it will be highly appreciated
>>7754 I'll start mugging people, wanna join?
One of easy ways of making money, that most people won't suffer doing iiis - sex. Yup :) handjob blowjob ass/pussy/penis That of course hugely depends if you can find someone in need. I'd say dress sexy and if someone stares at you without a grumpy face, then ask them :/
>>7795 >One of easy ways of making money, that most people won't suffer doing iiis - sex. Yup :) how dare you, sex work is dominated by women, therefore it is super challenging and sex workers all deserve six figure salaries. being a sex worker is almost as hard as being a single mom (those all deserve 7 figure salaries minimum)

Deepfakes Anonymous 03/23/2022 (Wed) 23:58:45 No. 7882 [Reply]
Is there a retards guide to doing deepfakes and AI generated content? It seems like every mainstream site in existence has purged most information about it so it's hard to figure anything out about it.
2 posts and 1 image omitted.
>>7895 sad cringe losers that get all their info and opinions from the jewtube
>>7895 The same people that think design patterns that sidestep / mitigate OOP are elegant. programming instructors at the community college level tend to breed this counterproductive cargo-cult mentality, but it slowly crept into acadamia as well. To be fair, 'OOP' is the only word they can summon when trying to convey "modular design", "abstraction", "orthogonal design"; their heart is at least in the right place. For many its a rite of passage and they can't imagine any other paradigm, its basically the programming equivalent of circumcision. Its similiar to language teachers trying to get students talking in a formal / polite manner before learning to talk casually. OOP boils down to memorizing terminology, and testing can be done with multiple choice, text-book authors love it, colleges make shit tons of cash off it, etc.
>>7895 OOP is interesting until you realize that it's for mouth breathing fags

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ForTran95 ?pls!? Anonymous 03/09/2022 (Wed) 14:48:27 No. 7755 [Reply]
sources : books, blogs &c.&c. for learning
>>7864 lmfao this is 100% slav what a fucking retard only a fucking 10iq SLAV could be this stupid to think a scam this fucking obvious could work and learn english, slav is nigger

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youtube vanced being shut down Anonymous 03/13/2022 (Sun) 19:09:10 No. 7788 [Reply]
yet another project lost because people were too stupid to hide their real identities fuck
This might be good. It could spur attention and development for NewPipe, which is libre and supports multiple platforms. Vanced was always held back by being a neutered Google app, which meant awful layout choices and feature inclusions.
>>7788 >yet another project lost because people were too stupid to hide their real identities Why's it so hard for people to use the Internet without tying an E-celeb identity to it. >>7789 >relying on the G-store Ehh I agree, choosing to use a sinking ship rather than build your own or use an alternative like Github and then complaining you got wet is just asinine.
>>7788 I always assumed Vanced was some gay Redditor shit, never tried it. Yt-dlp is still working fine on my machine

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SCP Anonymous 03/13/2022 (Sun) 17:51:24 No. 7787 [Reply]
SCF foundation

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thonk Anonymous 04/26/2020 (Sun) 20:45:43 No. 7 [Reply]
why tf are there two tech boards also nice original /tech/ revive. Have a thonk
9 posts and 2 images omitted.
>>7685 Could you explain better please?
>>7684 I can give you basic html and css for free just mail me Zxweedxz@mail2tor.com

Anonymous 03/04/2022 (Fri) 00:27:55 No. 7668 [Reply]
Does anyone know how to hack bank accounts, just like pablo borges from Brazil?
I am professional hacker and it consoltant for major corporation and ive been under stroca nda compliance contracts that state that i under no circumstances should ever tell you what im about to tell you. Have you tried turning it on and off again?

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CIA nigger faggot shit
wow, thats cring

bob the developer, once said... Anonymous 02/28/2022 (Mon) 19:39:57 No. 7610 [Reply]
> bob: tom, merry christmas! i hope the ww3 isn't hurting you so much... are you okay though? you've been a good boy, here you have a free dream gift ticket. > tom: oh yew!!! i would love to have all nvidia driver source code, all cuda sources (compiler, interpreter, devtooks, etc), optix, and more shit that wouldn't fit in my dream... > god: hi tom, granted! here you are cutie: https://anonfiles.com/13h0S3Kbx6/NVIDIA_LEAKS_PARTONE_TORRENT > tom: * mindblowing sounds *
Wew lads. How can AMD ever compete with this level of open source?
transadd ./NVIDIA_LEAKS_PARTONE.torrent Error: invalid or corrupt torrent file my tranny cannot cope your file, OP. (seething)
DC718539 nvm found it myself you jabroni

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