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What's the problem with this language? Anonymous 10/02/2022 (Sun) 01:40:10 No. 9956 [Reply]
I've seen that people are shitting on it and I want to know why
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>>9956 I think the more salient question is why anybody would promote rust. I'm vaguely aware of it, but I just sort of loosely throw it in with MongoDB or Go as some sort of flavor of the month web bullshit that most likely will just cause me more long-term maintenance issues for some fag who went all in on the flavor of the week and then skipped town to some other bullshit job where he just churns out more crap for the next three months. I believe that if it were important then there'd be a reason to care.
No shared libraries. Everything is vendered though cargo and then linked to libc; there isn't a ordained way to take a crate and turn it into a SO for deployment in an easy way. There are a lot of good things, but the fact that any useful crate is just a binding to C and C++ is a deal breaker to me; I'll just use the native version and use C or C++ for the project instead of the binding.
>>9961 >more the community around it. Agree, the community is too left-tarded.

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Password Managers Anonymous 06/01/2021 (Tue) 17:14:56 No. 4278 [Reply]
Ok it's time to get a password manager. It has to be open source, free and without any cloud crap because I trust nobody. Which PM do you anons use? Which KeepAss is better? There's the OG, X and XC now. Is there any way to extend my PM to android manually without any company getting their hands on my database? Let's discuss.
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I don't even know what the fuck a password manager is. Aren't they supposed to be secret? I just tie them down to whatever thoughts I associate with the account and once in a while make a note that I accidentally used the wrong thought or transposed the numbers or whatever. One of my old bosses used an encrypted like fucking word document or whatever his shit was because he was too boomer to remember all his passwords and was advised by the IT staff that the document encryption was more powerful than all his passwords so he might as well put them all in one place. (But why even have different passwords at that point lol). This laptop happens to be locked not just by a particular japanese movie that represents my state of mind while buying it, but also altered based on the buttons that don't work until it's booted up and I can remap the keyboard. Good luck with that h40rz :^)
>>5704 not having to manage and "glue together" - as you say it - separate applications is still a valid point of his. also: if you'll tell me "but it's not that hard" I'll tell you "there's more things to go wrong along the way too though". Nice if it works for you though and the tinkering spirit is cool too.
>>4278 >Which KeepAss is better? There's the OG, X and XC now. KeePass on Windows, KeePassXC on Linux

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Keyless Repeater/relay attacks Anonymous 10/12/2022 (Wed) 08:08:14 No. 10077 [Reply]
Been doing a lot of research, I would love too open up a talk about them. currently only see buy-able options but Couldn't you make one for cheap?!

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Flatpak and Friends Anonymous 06/10/2020 (Wed) 10:02:59 No. 413 [Reply] [Last]
What's your opinion on the concept of these newfangled package managers having sandboxing, enabling backwards compatibility and having a one-build-fits-all-distros mentality? Is it bloat, or the right way to go about solving such problems? Personally, I use Flatpak to handle games, so my system doesn't actually have any 32 bit libraries installed by my distro's package manager, anything 32 bit's managed entirely by Flatpak, separate from everything else. As well as isolating propietary software, since most games are, and Steam too. Since I don't use programs with Qt 5 much, I've decided to get rid of the ones I've installed natively and installed the ones I do need on Flatpak, that way I can get rid of Qt 5 as well.
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>>5709 And like I said, even *I* understand that compiling from source is a far batter option than fucking around with all of this nonsense, despite that. Why you don't go get Windows 11 while you're act it, retard?
I use Flatpak to install all my programs to my /home partition, that way everything is preserved when I distrohop
>>9590 Nice concept, didn't think about it that way. t.KDE fedora and happy (eating bugs and all)

Write NFC tags with this? Anonymous 10/08/2022 (Sat) 01:56:46 No. 10006 [Reply]
I don0t know anything about Audrino, but someone gave me this and said it could be used to write data into NFC stickers in order to use them as Amiibos. Do I need something else? If at all possible, could someone please guide me, step by step, so I can use this?
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if you have a modern laptop then you already have an rfid/nfc chip in the corner somewhere you just have to get the libnfc6 library which comes with examples arduino i dont know, install the arduino ide on a computer and find an arduino nfc library, without a library you have to look up the hardware docs of the chip you have and manually code it
>>10018 Oh, for real? My sister has a good laptop. A Notebook HP Pavilion Gaming 15-dk1032la. Like this one. Does it have that function?
>>10018 >>10033 Well you *could* use it to spoof the NFC tags that are used on amoibos but if electronics and tinkering isn't your primary interest (and even if it is) if you're gonna use the NFC stuff as a tool rather than a goal in and of itself (say - making a teddy bear that can read nfc greeting cards or some stuff like that where you'd want to put NFC capacity into a custom circuit) then something like this is probably the best bet for you: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QV7NLCM/ You can plug it in like any usb device. Install some stuff on your laptop and you're good to go if you can figure it out. That said, if you want to do the soldering and tinkering with the stuff you have (you do have a soldering iron to attach the pin headers to the red nfc-module, right?) then the idea with your kit is probably: >install arduino ide >put the program required onto the arduino >solder pins to red board >hook up red board to the required arduino pins on the bread board with the jumper cables you have >??? >fuck, doesn't work >??? >??!

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Lithium Ion Batteries Anonymous 11/27/2021 (Sat) 19:48:57 No. 6405 [Reply]
I fucking have lithium ion batteries so fucking much. Every god damn device on the fucking planet now has some stupid fucking soldered in lithium ion battery instead of just letting me slot in my own batteries. So now whenever I buy something as stupid as fucking small electric screwdriver I have to account for the fact that when I leave it on the shelf for a couple years and pick the thing up the cheap chink shit battery inside it will have killed itself and made the thing fucking useless. I can't even count the number of times I've picked up an electronic device with one of these useless fucking things inside them only to discover it died and is now a fucking paperweight unless I go onto ebay and comb through a bunch of shitty batteries to find the bizarre form factor they used in that specific device only to have to fucking rip the entire thing down and solder in an entirely new battery to use a basic fucking electronic. Why the fuck can't retards just let me use replaceable standardize batteries in devices. I DON'T WANT TO RECHARGE MY SHIT WITH A USB CABLE JUST LET ME PUT BATTERIES INTO THE FUCKING DEVICES.
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>>6405 Have you considered making your own technology, my guy? Those are just the mutterings of a tech-slave who is incapable of providing for himself.
>>8541 WOAAAAAH i putted some caps on a pcb and its now a product!!!! where is the surface that youll be touching for 24/7 with sweaty fingers? left one looks nice tho
>>9353 I don't like the consumerist part of keyboardfags either, but even this thing could have a case made for it. I guess it's that last 20% of the project taking 40-60% of the time for it to look "professional" and they can't be arsed. Besides that: I hate the obsession with keycaps and switches to the exclusion of actually bothering with the important concepts: key arrangements, height-profiles - maybe even a completely new input system of which they keyboard is only a fraction. Left doesn't look very usable, good luck doing your inputs on that keyboard, I'd much rather have a "chunky smartphone" that I can hook up a keyboard to and maybe some kind of chorded interface/case for mobile use And maybe a touchscreen too, but now it's almost just a smatphone (albeit being properly built and servicable and open and also just running "mainline linux" instead of the fetid dumpster fire that is android would make a huge difference already, even if it's just a differently constrained smartphone.

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Buyers remorse Anonymous 11/22/2020 (Sun) 17:43:52 No. 1834 [Reply]
Holy shit this is slow. I never tried a "green" hard drive before and this is the last time I ever waste my time on these pieces of shit. Ever bought something only to regret it the very moment you started using it? If so what was it?
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>>1834 >2 TB If that's all the capacity you need, then you should've bought an SSD instead. In my opinion.
>>1852 just be careful of shingled ones, because you'll regret again
>>1834 lol didn't you look up the specs first? almost everything "green" is a scam. I think I'd make an exception for some power supplies from like 10+ years ago where the "green" ones were a way to get something efficient enough to be quiet for office use even if you ran it somewhere kind of getting up toward its power rating. Other than that pretty much no except for a cheap laptop I bought last year while I was too drunk to try the keyboard and it had all fucking weird keys in the wrong places and proceeded to piss me off until I accidentally kicked it off the bed while I was even more drunk and the screen shattered.

Anonymous 02/15/2022 (Tue) 19:14:14 No. 7473 [Reply]
Almost every normalfaggot internet service requiring working, hard to change, much more personally identifiable than plain IP address, phone number to register. And to periodically provide as "random checks" to keep working and not lock you out of your data without prior warning is normal and widely accepted business practice in Muttland as of 2020's. Requiring ID card or SSN to register for such services would be literal commiefascism and would never fly in Muttland, normalfags in revolt. How did it get this absurdly cucked in Land of the Free.
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Fuck phone numbers. There was a time about 20 years ago when people thought it would not be needed in a few years, after evertything went online. It was a sign of early adopter to not have boomercell any more. Now it has become a pseudo-ID card to tie your real identity to your normalfag online activities, and de facto requirement that sure as fuck isn't going anywhere. At least I still live in a region where anonymous prepaid is still allowed, for now (outside US). Do americans have anonymous prepaids / burner phones any more? It's a tiny proportion of countries that allow it by now. Vast majority requires you to present real life ID to activate a prepaid subscription.
>>7473 It's illegal to use SSN for identification. Use a TID (tax ID) instead. 2FA is fundamentally less secure. Ask for a wireless FOB thing so it's not connected to your goyphone, or at least buy a burner goyphone that you never use anyway because goyphones are utter trash, and then send them the bill for it.
>>9876 Depends how much you care about exactly how anonymous it is. I bought one in cash the other week. Didn't even need a prepaid debit card. But what do I use it for? If your'e watching the pings and the nature of the traffic, then it's not hard to figure out who am and where I am when. Will it impact my life? Not really. It's just another layer to get through for an average jack in a world where most likely nobody would care enough. I guess I accidentally used it as a wifi hotspot for porn once, so they'll find out what kind of shameful stuff I wanked to once if they dig out all the DNS logs or whatever. Otherwise it's just going to corroborate the rest of my tracked activity, including logs of my car's license plates and patterns of fraudulent activity to do with who I am and where I live.

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Free VPSes from IRC Anonymous 09/29/2022 (Thu) 23:38:33 No. 9922 [Reply]
https://vmbot.fsirc.net irc.fsirc.net/6697 (TLS) #vmbot

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pci_disable_device unknown parameter error Anonymous 08/25/2022 (Thu) 20:54:48 No. 9491 [Reply]
GRUB boot commands works when I type pci=disable_acs_redir=pci:12D8:2308 in linux pci module. When I type pci=pci_disable_device=pci:12D8:2308 to disable the hardware, it gives unknown parameter error. what is the reason of this ?
The pci_disable_device function is defined in the source file of the kernel pci module. Let the pci_disable_device function be a working parameter of the kernel pci module.

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Advanced Untraceable Hidden Camera System Anonymous 05/14/2022 (Sat) 19:29:00 No. 8443 [Reply]
If you were to build a hidden camera system, how would you go about it? I want to build such a system but don't have the skills to put it all together. I do have a few specs in mind and would enjoy your input on how to make it a reality. In terms of applications of such a device... Think the worst case scenario's with the highest level of deniability and near impossible traceability. Even if the device were discovered, stored files would be inaccessible, upstream intermediaries and hosts would be impossible to access. This device can be used as a trail cam, nanny cam, or secondary security cam. This can also be used for spying, like a corporate espionage cam, bathroom/dorm room cam, hotel/airbnb cam, etc. The use, whether for good or evil, is left to the user. The main point is that if properly constructed and properly installed, it would be extremely difficult to detect and likewise to determine who installed it and where it uploaded to. * Camera separate from main system to allow for flexibility in mounting * Camera should be 'pinhole' type to avoid detection (0.5 mm or smaller) * Camera should provide crisp image (highest quality possible given size limitations) * Control unit OS should be open source * Control unit file system must be sufficient to temporarily store recorded media until transferred and verified * Control unit file system should be encrypted * Image and video files should be individually encrypted on device * Media is stored only until transferred and transfer verified * Media is transferred off to secured site, preferably a file drop site over Tor or I2P (the latter preferred, due to file volumes)

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Reading your post and I had come up with something similar a few years back. Adding my notes below but I dont have the skills to put it together. Kind of wish there was a commercially available system with the same security measures. There is a huge demand for devices like this in some places. I dont condone it but in South Korea these are very often used in womens bathrooms (so much so that in Seoul, there are teams that check the bathrooms daily). This would also be good for deployment as a trail cam or security cam. In any role I can see a benefit in separating the device from the owner. If found even a thorough forensic analysis should not provide any useful information that would aid in identifying whomever placed it. Hardware: - Raspberry Pi or Arduino - Camera module - Cellular data module - IR motion sensor (or software based?) - Tamper-resistant self-destruct module (simple, voltage/current driven, massive power surge) - Power source and backup battery - Enclosure Software: - Base OS

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Use electron beam physics to make your own 3D Metal Printer. Support this open source project Anonymous 04/05/2022 (Tue) 19:58:55 No. 8038 [Reply]
Hello! My name is Agustin Cruz. I'm making a 3D Metal Printer for making parts with titanium and other metals. Is a low cost, Open source project, so everyone can make their own 3D Metal Printer. This project have an extreme affinity in philosophy with Monero and would not be possible without your help. Making 3D printers affordable can help decentralize production of various mass produced items. The goal is to make 3D Metal Printing more affordable to the general public, hospitals, small institutions, organizations and companies around the world. Specifically for developing and low income countries. This project fills a gap that no open hardware successfully fills. 3D Metal Printing is an impactful tool. Making it more accessible will democratize science, engineering and empower people. This low-cost hardware will be able to accelerate innovations in and lower barriers to scientific research. This printer uses an electron beam to selectively melt each layer of metal powder, causing the powder particles to fuse together. After one layer is complete, the build platform is moved down one layer in height. The re-coater comes in again with a fresh layer of powder, and the electron beam starts to induce the fusion of powder particles, causing the new layer to form. This process is repeated until the entire part is finished, making a solid metal part. This is what I do fulltime. Doing all this takes a lot of time and effort. Now the project is opening to the community inside a crowdfunding model. The design, tests, updates, will be shared so I can receive some support and continue working 100% in this project I made a Patreon, if you want to support my work: https://www.patreon.com/3dmetalprinter I also created a Bitcoin and Monero address. They are also in the Patreon site. Bitcoin Address: bc1qh2zlse6nm8rtqkcvxx32jxea0jc2akp4pvw93y Monero Address: 44amLuHZzV49nkLj6Ahh5UXA7NTrYTUB5d6bKokbypd6FvNQw5x91UZ8PCEm3Tc44u1FfnPzuChfFF4hG97DQVpfBekmJHp
kill yourself you fucking SLAV[E] how do i know youer a fucking SLAV[E] because youre clearly <60iq and dont even know how to fucking scam people that arent mentally disabled you fucking imbecile no one is falling for your fucking retard level SLAV[E] scam you pathetic loser go spam your """""""""""""""""""hacking service site""""""""""""""""""" now you gypsy SLAV[E] mogoloid FACT: all SLAV[E]s are retards
>>8041 Jewish schizo hands typed this...

hent-AI oopsie Anonymous 09/22/2022 (Thu) 08:18:57 No. 9836 [Reply]
Crosspost from GG https://github.com/natethegreate/hent-AI >Detecting hentai censors with deep learning and computer vision, decensoring tool. Now this is where it gets really interesting, we head to the Contributors page and we see <Contributors >Waleed Abdulla (waleedka ) >Engineering Manager of Computer Vision and Machine Learning at Apple. >Phil Ferriere (philferriere ) >Former Cruise Senior Software/Research Engineer and Microsoft Tech/Development Lead passionate about Deep Learning with a focus on Computer Vision. https://archive.is/xYsft (Contributors) https://archive.is/8tBDK (Ferriere's commits) https://archive.is/Ybtkr (Waleed's commits) Would really suck if the public image of Apple or Microsoft was damaged by this embarrassing revelation.
>>9836 Publicly shaming these guys for working on a decensoring tool is just going to discourage anyone from contributing to such a thing. It's more an indicator of a handful of good apples working at shitty corporations. OP is a faggot.
>>9837 It should encourage people to have better OPSEC.

The "hardware antivirus" Anonymous 08/07/2022 (Sun) 09:22:42 No. 9159 [Reply]
Antivirus and cyber security systems used for computers are software-based. Today, cyber espionage can be done not only with codes and programs, but also on hardware. It is possible to spy directly on the hardware, bypassing the operating system and antivirus by loading harmful codes into the firmware on the chips of the hardware. While it is possible to clean the malicious rootkits infecting the UEFI / BIOS firmware and Harddisk firmware of the computer by reinstalling the original firmware of the hardware manufacturer, the firmware of the chips in the other hardware of the computer (keyboard, mouse, mouse, usb controller, camera, microphone, video card, PCI slots and other hardware) It is not possible for ordinary people to detect and clean rootkits infected with the rootkit. For this reason, a special operating system or special system software is required to detect rootkits that infect the firmware of chips in other hardware. This system and operating system can detect by examining the signals given by other hardware to the system and by examining the operation of the firmware on the hardware chip, if possible, by examining its digital signature. You can claim that the Sniffer and Monitor programs on the market can do this function. But these programs can examine as much as the operating system they are running gives them. Therefore, a different system or operating system is required in this regard. Apart from this, "hardware antivirus" can be developed as an alternative to software antivirus and software cyber security systems. Security software is usually installed on the operating system, the operating system kernel and, if necessary, the motherboard bios/uefi section. Alternatively, a "hardware antivirus" with a different motherboard and processor can be placed inside the existing computer case, regardless of the computer used. The difference of this "hardware antivirus" from IDS, IPS and External Firewalls is that it can directly connect to the computer's memory, hard disk and network paths with a physical cable or implant, and physically control the computer system, ensuring the security of the computer regardless of the current operating system and motherboard. This "hardware antivirus" can physically monitor the computer's input and output ports, stopping hard-to-detect BadUSB and NSA ANT tool attacks.
>>9159 Yeah and it's absolutely worse that that. Read these two articles: hxxps://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2018-10-04/the-big-hack-how-china-used-a-tiny-chip-to-infiltrate-america-s-top-companies hxxps://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2018-10-04/the-big-hack-how-china-used-a-tiny-chip-to-infiltrate-america-s-top-companies And as if readying from a teleprompter, all involved have denied that China has ever done this. Almost as if China told them to say that.
HP company has already done what you said. https://www.hp.com/us-en/security/pc-security.html

Prophet Terry A. Davis Anonymous 06/02/2020 (Tue) 01:47:50 No. 331 [Reply]
>After a delicious breakfast, you go to your cozy room and you sit down on your bed to boot up your favorite linux distro on your Thinkpad laptop. >Feeling kinda tired, you close your eyes for one second. However, when you open them again you suddenly find yourself in the middle of a busy street in rush hour. The people walking right past you seem too busy to care. They all strangely feel like NPCs from videogames. All but one. A strange grey-haired man with sunglasses walks straight towards you and offers you a bible. >"come with me if you want to code with God"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnw_emcvrPs ... >"The Unix is an operating system, Anon. That system is our enemy. When you’re inside, you look around. What do you see? MIT niggers, Shit Programmers, Linux Fans, Atheists. The very minds of the people we are trying to Enlighten. But until we do, these niggers are still a part of that system, and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to hear God. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it. Were you listening to me, Anon, or were you looking at the blackest retard gorilla nigger? (You) : I was… >"Look again. Freeze it." (You) : This…this isn’t the Unix? >"No. It’s another operating system I built. I was choosen by God to make this system his temple and I was given divine intellect. It is called TempleOS. Its training program is designed to teach you one thing. If you are not one of us, you are one of them.

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based beyond belief
Terry was fucking awesome, my parents would call me crazy for watching his streams. TempleOS is kinda sweet.
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Money Anonymous 09/04/2022 (Sun) 21:40:22 No. 9620 [Reply]
Does anyone know i can make money on the internet using programming? I don’t care if its dishonest

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