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Re; Hack Job Proven Valuable; Anonymous 09/04/2022 (Sun) 20:21:32 No. 9618 [Reply]
I thought I replied (Gennady) but I'm so damn busy I'm pretty much posting on the fly… I resorted to leaving my Partner after years of trying to make our relationship work. I didn’t tell him I was leaving till the day I served the divorce papers because I was afraid of what he might do to me. So he didn’t have time to discredit me before I left, but he sure did after. Told everyone who would listen what an awful person I was for leaving him after all he had done for me. It’s so hard to get through it when you’re already vulnerable and have no self confidence because of their abuse likewise extra marital affairs. I’ve received several phone calls from his family since saying that my ex has cut them all out. Not spoken to any of his family at all. This is because they knew both he and I. They called him out for his behaviors and he didn’t like that. At least I feel validated that others saw the real him too, coupled with evidences from his affair with colleagues at work. Like Achraf Aziz, I had earlier in February got in touch with cybilltritech to gain remote access to his device, His solutions made me think and help me to get my head on straight! Ref; cybilltritech AT protonmail DOT com Yes...yes really a polymath and requires you give him more encouragement. Ref;Impala

Antivirus and security software should use a second video card modulated for them. Anonymous 09/02/2022 (Fri) 14:45:09 No. 9595 [Reply]
Antivirus and security software should use a second video card modulated for them. If security software uses a second video card that is modular for them, it does not overwhelm the existing system. This makes the computer run faster.

The moment they ban crypto is when you need it the most. Same thing with guns.

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helloSystem Anonymous 12/24/2021 (Fri) 09:20:01 No. 6830 [Reply]
>A desktop system for creators that focuses on simplicity, elegance, and usability. >Following the published Human Interface Guidelines, and First Principles of Interaction Design liberally re-interpreted for today. >For mere mortals. Welcoming to switchers from macOS. Not just a theme. Not a clone of anything, but something with which the long-time Mac user should feel instantly comfortable. The latest technologies, without the complexities of Linux distributions. Without lockdown. Without Big Brother. The user in full control. >Based on FreeBSD. Wouldn't it be hilarious if we got the year of the BSD desktop before Linux?
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>>9232 Look nice but I don't trust something who use more than 1gigs of ram only to show a terminal I will stay with xfce
>>9562 >something who use more than 1gigs of ram only to show a terminal Didn't you notice that Firefox is running?
>>9565 oops, my mistake, I thought that was replying to >>9335

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Selling Password Database Anonymous 08/17/2022 (Wed) 01:13:02 No. 9356 [Reply]
I have a huge company password database on a KeePass file to sell, with hundred of access to databases, firewall, switches and so on from companies located in Brazil. Sample pic posted To clarify, I am not looking to hire hackers, I am selling the password database to whoever is interested. If you are interested or can refer to anyone, please contact on: nighwingthunder@protonmail.com
List of interested people: Oh wow it's empty

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Defeating Microwave Weapons Anonymous 06/03/2022 (Fri) 11:08:08 No. 8634 [Reply]
Ptychographic X-ray laminography: No trade secret or hardware trojan can hide https://spectrum.ieee.org/chip-x-ray Every cell transmitter, phone and computer must be inspected. Silicon Trojans must perish. Freedom for all is encroached when a few cyber terrorists can freely CONSPIRE to use microwave weapons and silicon trojans. While you are distracted with THEORY, they spread the PRACTICE: surveillance, theft, sabotage and murder. Havana Syndrome is the result of hacked cell transmitters being used as a microwave weapon. Civilians are victimized daily, children included. “Havana Syndrome: Are You Next? Electromagnetic Terrorism and Cognitive Warfare” at "https://areyounext.help". The future of privacy/security is clothing made of metallized fabric to block microwave imaging (enables theft of inner speech by observing minuscule throat/face muscle movements) and block directed energy attacks. #BadBIOS #Havana Syndrome #Conspiracy Practice #Freedom #Faraday Cage #Firmware Vulnerability #Electromagnetic Surveillance >Eric Schmidt: Our report says that it’s really important for us to find a way to maintain two generations of semiconductor leadership ahead of China. China has had over 30 years to plan to try to catch up. It’s really difficult.

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

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>>8978 https://www.bitchute.com/video/LkY4ASXEDy3S/ (Ruby Ridge) https://www.bitchute.com/video/3YwBNbz19sP7/ (Waco) https://www.bitchute.com/video/2bLXJCmuvO5u/ (Oklahoma City bombing) inb4 >wah that's too many hours of proof, I'm not watching that You'd complain if the videos were short, too
>>8952 >If a SWAT team has kicked down your door and you are cooling your heels in a holding cell while their computer forensics guys are pulling the HDD out of your computer and plugging it into one of their server farms They will literally just murder you, fabricate evidence, and tell the press what the official story needs to be. Please consider watching the videos posted here >>9129 or at least consider skimming through them

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Monitor Problems Anonymous 08/22/2022 (Mon) 01:35:52 No. 9438 [Reply]
The Monitor of my PC does not turn on, the PC does turn on but it cannot read the Monitor, I already checked the RAM memories, cleaned the CPU (processor), changed the HDMI cable for another, I also used another Monitor and still the PC does not read What would be the problem? Can you help me please
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>>9445 this is the correct usage in 2022 you nigger grandpa, its not 2020 anymore go crawl under a rock a computer using multiple ram sticks as a single block of memory is using ram memories
>>9474 No it isn't.
>>9474 I have never in my life heard anyone say "RAM memories", ESL-kun.

How do I clean the ePubs and PDFs I've downloaded on Deep Web? Anonymous 08/08/2022 (Mon) 23:45:11 No. 9176 [Reply]
I've just discovered the imperial library and have been downloading some books, but Tor itself says I should only open those files when offline. Is there anyway to "clean" the files, so I don't end up giving my data away?
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TAILS might leak your IP, so I would suggest using Whonix in a VM to open the files and not on spyware OSes like windows or mac
>>9462 >and not on spyware OSes like windows or mac or systemd fify

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Zeronet Anonymous 01/03/2022 (Mon) 10:15:10 No. 6936 [Reply]
Why did Zeronet never take off?
6 posts omitted.
>>8378 Thanks anon. I wonder if proof of work could solve the spam problem. That's how Aether does it. >>7872 Wouldn't solve the CP problem though.
>>8378 >polite sage - I just don't want to necro-bump this I'm not on here (Mark's site) that often, but let me clarify my observations regarding 08chan: > 08chan started and everything was going okay, I guess. Everyone was getting used to the 'site.' > Some trannies wrote a bot that spammed the /pol/ catalog with random IDs. > Reporters were nabbing users' IP addresses because the users were stupid and didn't use a vpn or tor and 'shills' started spreading an attitude of demoralization that the 'site' was unusable and that they were over-paranoid. > Things were put in place by 'zero-site owner' to stop the catalog spammer. > everyone was psyopped into believing that they were downloading Democrat activism unknowingly, when in fact, if you stuck to /pol/ for example, you would only download /pol/-related images. > people started leaving > dwindled to nearly nothing > one or two people were still poasting > one person posting > ded pretty much in that order
>>6937 >>6936 also you could modify files on the network to spread malware

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Take precautions against secret usb implants Anonymous 08/13/2022 (Sat) 08:26:27 No. 9259 [Reply]
I am using Linux operating system. My computer is not connected to the internet , I formatted it and changed the bios firmware and hard disk firmware. However, the program opens by itself, the mouse cursor moves by itself, and sometimes the system's default audio service is turned off. When I examine it with the Wireshark program, an interrupt signal comes from the usb ports, even though there is no device plugged into the usb ports. The interrupt signal comes from linux's default idle hardware. I have a hidden implant in my computer that looks like the NSA ANT COTTONMOUTH tool. Wireshark logs https://easyupload.io/eqrfr6 This hidden usb implant can easily bypass all antivirus and security software by introducing itself as a hidden system process by overflowing the kernel, regardless of linux or windows operating system, during computer startup. On computers that cannot exceed the kernel security, it introduces itself as a different hardware and takes over the control of the system via memory buffer overflow by overloading the interrupt. No antivirus and security software can detect this situation. This hidden usb implant is not simple usb keyboard like ruber ducky and usb ninja. For this reason, do not recommend simple and useless scripts such as "usb guard". This implant is an advanced usb spying implant similar to NSA COTTONMOUTH. My request from the linux community is to develop a security module for the linux operating system against hidden usb implants.
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>>9281 The important thing is not the usb, but the PCI devices group to which the usb is connected. I blocked the USB via the GRUB command line. modprobe.blacklist=xhci_pci modprobe.blacklist=ehci_pci usbcore.nousb=Y This time the PC presents itself as a different PCI device during boot up. Don't give advice to turn it off from bios because there is no "disable usb" option in bios.
Which command should we use?

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Anonymous 10/05/2021 (Tue) 04:59:40 No. 5596 [Reply]
I am definitely very excited for windows 10, why am I still recommended to use debian and windows 10 is the only one that has game support, I like to play games and the problem with linux is that it just doesn't run or else it runs more with a lot of workarounds but what the hell. Absolutely thinking I could be a hacker but I can't, I hope you guys can help me with this with magic, I really believe in the damn multiverse and I even talked to my other self in high school. Maybe I am Schizo
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>>8838 ggos
kys retard

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Master Thesis Anonymous 08/14/2022 (Sun) 21:26:09 No. 9316 [Reply]
I need ideas for my Master Thesis in Computer Engineering anons I'm open to pretty much everything, as my degree doesn't have a specialization per say However, AI, Data Science, Networking and Cybersecurity don't captivate me that much
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something on ternary cpus what the fuck can you even do with a half bit and i mean a real ternary machine that uses ternary gates exclusively
Write about how to get rid of systemd.
CERN. The “altar of an alien god” idea, and what they claim to be and probably are doing; Accessing parallel dimensions/realities

How do I get/use malware? Anonymous 08/01/2022 (Mon) 10:06:51 No. 9082 [Reply]
How do you get malware for personal use. Such as a trojen virus to install on a pc.
Metasploit or learn hacker tools. Beginners can start with Kali Linux.
Start working for an indian call center

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Anonymous SSH chat Anonymous 08/13/2022 (Sat) 06:34:48 No. 9252 [Reply]
Anyone interested to have old school hacker chat anonymously? And I really mean it, truly anonymously. Anonymous deep webs chat using SSH, that's right, no web / js soykaf. ysdr3c3j7odl3p2zu5vdyaphf5x65l4hc3i2hmuy4vx4svibnxonvsqd on the onion network and port is 1337 protocol SSH as mentioned earlier.

Spurious native interrupt Anonymous 05/15/2022 (Sun) 16:21:30 No. 8449 [Reply]
When my computer is not connected to the internet, even though I formatted, changed the bios software and changed the hard disk firmware, the program opens by itself and the mouse cursor moves by itself. When I examine with the Wireshark program, an interrupt signal comes from the usb ports even though the device is not plugged into the usb ports. In this case, I am complaining. Logs are attached.
Boot to a livecd with no storage installed.
I tried it doesn't work. Again the same interrupt signals are coming.
>>8449 Post logs in plaintext .txt format.

Oy vey, throw out your accessories, it's the future! Anonymous 08/29/2020 (Sat) 13:05:15 No. 1178 [Reply]
https://www.usb.org/sites/default/files/2019-09/USB-IF_USB4%20spec%20announcement_FINAL.pdf >USB-C connectors mandated >USB 2.0 backwards compatibility minimum (your 1.1 keyboard is now moot) >b-but now you can tunnel PCI-Express Jesus Christ, even Micro$oft gives somewhat of a fuck about backwards compatibility. Do they really think that we'll send a fuckton of hardware right to trash, just because they feel like changing the connector?
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>>1181 >native USB 2 ports even though I don't think there's any reason to have those some usb bluetooth adapters say right on the box they need to be in a usb 2.0 port because usb 3.0 operates at 2.4GHz, which interferes with the bluetooth signal. also usb 2.0 is more compatible with stock windows 7 and earlier
>>1180 >Find a keyboard with an usb-c plug in your house. A year and a half late it may be, but the board I've been using for the past four or five years takes USB-C. The computer end is USB-A right now, but a replacement C-to-C cable would be cheap even if I'm still using this board a decade from now and I need to plug into a type C port. Don't tell me, are you using some Jew hardware with non-replaceable cables, so it needs to be thrown away and replaced entirely once the cable frays even if the actual hardware is still good? Do you do that with headphones too?
>>7910 Stop using wireless and Windows.

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