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First post on 4chan Anonymous 02/03/2024 (Sat) 03:48:03 No. 14540 [Reply]
This is my first post. It's a pretty funny meme I found.
1 post omitted.
The real reason is that it is harder to pirate a 700GB game than a 700MB one.
>>14540 welcome to the dark side.
>>14935 The irony is that games are so shit these days that it causes of the qustion of who would even want to pirate them?

DREAMLAND RESORT WEBSITE ARCHIVE.zip 1.6 GB Download Anonymous 04/28/2024 (Sun) 00:22:14 No. 15061 [Reply]

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i hate xiaomi so much bros Anonymous 07/22/2022 (Fri) 07:33:20 No. 8927 [Reply]
>xiaomi says that you can unlock bootloader with their tool >make xiaomi account and do all the stuff you must do to unlock device >download windows because the tool is only available in windows >device not getting recognized >connect xiaomi device with 3 different pcs (win 10 and 11) and download a bunch of drivers >still nothing >a guy in a forum says that you must do it in win 7 and it will work for sure >download win 7 >install win 7 in my pc

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

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>>11688 It's not about your formatting per se, it's about you not conforming to imageboard culture. The locals think you're an annoying tourist and want you to either assimilate properly or go back home.
>>8927 > He bought chinkshit You fell for the meme. Sure you can get lucky sometimes, but mostly for anything that needs to be reliable, chinkshit is shit. Plain and simple.
>>8927 Did you get the right drivers? Also I why not just use a VM? Or buy a temp sim.

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How To Bypass Jove Subscription? Anonymous 04/25/2024 (Thu) 06:08:27 No. 15045 [Reply]
Anyone know if there's a way to bypass the subscription requirement on this website? https://www.jove.com/ 99% of the videos there require you to be a member of a school that has subscribed to Jove, and you need a school email and proof you belong to said school. There's things I really want to watch on there, and I haven't found any way to bypass it for years. This is closest board I could find to ask about this.

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>>12916 plebbit solves this https://plebbit.com/
>>13934 shut up retard
censorship is a good thing

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Colombia .gov.co websites source code Anonymous 06/27/2023 (Tue) 16:31:44 No. 12449 [Reply]
Hello, this is Alpha OP, the cyber security group. If you are a member of a large corporation or a government you have most likely heard our name before, and you know for sure that we don't joke around, but Colombian gov didn't think so. After trying to help them out and offering detailed vulnerabilities report to micrositios.net the developer of most if not all Colombian governmental websites they have simply refused to respond to our emails, we have then contacted every Colombian minster warning them about the risk of using such vulnerable websites and they as well ignored all the emails. So here we are doing our responsibility - to fulfill our ultimate goal of building a more secure internet - publicly disclosing all the source code we have collected, which if analyzed is very very vulnerable. Don't blame US Colombia, we had no bad intentions, we tried to help, but you refused to listen. Link to download: https://anonfiles.com/n3L8Oby9z2/Colombia_Micrositios_Source_zip You can download the file, the directory listing is not encrypted but the files are password protected, we have spent 4 months collecting this and we need compensation for our efforts, if you are interested contact us. HEAD OF ALPHA OP TEAM
4 posts omitted.
>>12890 >I care ha, what a fag lmao at your gay life kys, loser
>>12945 what would you advise? onionshare? >>13041 no u
>>12449 I'm not OP but a few months ago I downloaded the archive shortly before Anonfiles closed, so I took the opportunity to reupload it at https://big.fileditchstuff.me/b26/TzdHRVXSuBkyWatctuzR.zip (if someone can re-upload it in other places so it doesn't get lost, I'd appreciate it). Unfortunately I have not been able to obtain the password since the programs I was trying do not work with it because the archive was created with a special compression method used by Windows Explorer (or some shit like that).

App Dev Admits TikTok and his App Use Data Stolen from People's Minds Anonymous 10/09/2021 (Sat) 15:26:06 No. 5640 [Reply]
Author of the Randonautica app confirmed on a livestream that both his app and TikTok are using data they steal from user’s minds with hardware backdoors. Host 1: https://www.bitchute.com/video/kUIfnbFORViS/ Host 2: https://kraut.zone/w/bmaWSdr5EStn172JqKZYL4 Host 3: https://old.reddit.com/r/randonauts/comments/pxcnd3/dev_admits_tiktok_and_randonautica_use_data/ His naivety is thinking the military isn’t using this for terrorism. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cn77LzVhous [38:50 – 42:59]
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>>5640 wut? explain, i still don't get it.
>>14820 also, tiktok is actually an american-owned program. i find it interesting that china keeps playing along and doesn't say anything about this fact.
>>14821 tiktok is owned by a chinese company, retard.

anonymity_test Anonymous 03/14/2023 (Tue) 01:11:46 No. 11781 [Reply]
Does anyone know how I can increase my score, if possible considering all variables are no even though I am actually using a VPN over a VPN router with a SOCKS5 proxy? And can someone please explain to me, if it's an anonymity test, why do you lose points for VPN and TOR? It's taken me a bit of perfecting and tweaking to get this score, but how can I boost it to 100% clean? Cheers cunts :)
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>>11884 Yeah, I don't get it I'm just using Vivaldi with uBO and uMatrix and I got 100%
An explanation on VPNs: A VPN does not anonymize you. All a VPN does (in simple terms), is route your traffic over their server before routing to its destination, and vice versa. So if you use a VPN, The VPN provider mostly is easily able to uncover your real identity in case he needs to (that is, if he keeps logs, which some providers claim to not do, but we all know the PROBABLY do anyway...) A better way of using a VPN would be not linking it to your real identity by any means, such as paying in a mixed cryptocurrency, giving a fake name, E-Mail etc.

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OPENSOURCE MEDIAWIKI IS USED AS THE UNCENSORED HIDDEN WIKI Anonymous 03/28/2024 (Thu) 08:57:44 No. 14887 [Reply]
An instance of opensource mediawiki is used as the popular Hidden Wiki. http://rk56xqf2gjses2o2wop56qw4rlonaor33s7c6nyqc6xqndpmar47acyd.onion This Hidden Wiki is specially created as a copy from old and outdated hidden wikis, and serves as a resource to provide real and original onion links. The Hidden Wiki is a dark web MediaWiki wiki operating as Tor hidden services that could be anonymously edited after registering on the site. The main page served as a directory of links to other .onion sites. The first Hidden Wiki was operated through the .onion pseudo top-level domain which can be accessed only by using Tor or a Tor gateway. Its main page provided a community-maintained link directory to other hidden services, including links claiming to offer money laundering, financial services, documents forgeries, contract killing, cyber-attacks for hire, contraband chemicals, and bomb making. The rest of the wiki was essentially uncensored as well and also offered links to sites hosting drug dealers. http://rk56xqf2gjses2o2wop56qw4rlonaor33s7c6nyqc6xqndpmar47acyd.onion http://rk56xqf2gjses2o2wop56qw4rlonaor33s7c6nyqc6xqndpmar47acyd.onion

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Anonymous 09/20/2020 (Sun) 11:53:54 No. 1374 [Reply]
How are the cool kids making nitric acid at home these days? All the commercial sources are illegal because of McVeigh.
Well, since the chemical formula is HNO3, then you must grab Hydrogen, Oxygen and of course nitrogen out of the air and squeeze them all into a bottle to get nitric acid.
>>1728 sounds like a lotta work.

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Anonymous 10/10/2022 (Mon) 17:15:23 No. 10047 [Reply]
I really want this photo without the watermark and in original resolution (to print it out and get it autographed). Is there any way to dig it out? www*nordicfocus*com/ski-jumping/event/sjwomen-202122-12/view/491683
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In fact, if you want to print it at HUGEASS size, here's an upscaled version.
>>10360 just tell him how you did it, instead of mocking him, smart-aleck.
>>14818 he did, use your brain nigger

Gatekeeping Anonymous 08/21/2023 (Mon) 17:58:51 No. 12859 [Reply]
ITT we brainstorm about how to prevent unwanted influxes of newcomers that change the culture of imageboards. Preferably ones that can be implemented in a P2P way. For example: they could require a quorum of existing users to approve new users. This would probably require some sort of identity based on i.e. asymmetric crypto. But users could stay anonymous using ring signatures.
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>>14283 Thinking that the material conditions (especially the software) and the culture which develops on top of it are completely distinct is dumb. This is a /t/ech issue, even in a code sense.
>>13974 >idk why you'd go with ring sigs. theres other asymettric crypto schemes that aren't just sucking xmr's dick. Shamir sharing among users would be cool Those are not even remotely the same thing lmao. Shamir's Secret sharing is a way if splitting up private keys so you need m out of n "shares" to sign a message. Ring signatures are a way of hiding in a crowd by only revealing that your signature was made by one of a number of private keys, and not a specific key. So you could use your private key to sign posts to make sure you were allowed to, but you would still be anonymous.
>>12859 well, i'm a newcummer. what ya gonna do now, goy??

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Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 18:41:32 No. 14724 [Reply]
anyone know how to completely delete goguardian from a chromebook, allowing access to everything it has blocked w/out having to use github? Im new to this site i was recommended to ask for help here by a peer.

Anonymous 10/15/2021 (Fri) 06:36:16 No. 5751 [Reply] [Last]
In the market for a new laptop. Privacy-wise, is there any benefit to going with AMD intead of Intel? I know Intel's (((Management Engine))) is cancer, but is AMD's version any better?
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>>10725 Agreed
Trump won.
>>10825 You can disable the PSP in bios because itcs on the mobo, I'm sure someone audited if its actually off.

3D Printing Thread Anonymous 02/03/2024 (Sat) 15:11:23 No. 14541 [Reply]
General thread for 3D printing inquiries, questions, advicd, etc. I'll start by saying I'm in the market for a resin 3D printer. I've only got experience using epoxy printers. Does anyone have any recommendations for a make & model? General resin advice? Nobody I know personally has one.

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Cloudflare Alternatives Anonymous 01/12/2021 (Tue) 03:46:57 No. 2154 [Reply]
What are some alternatives to cloudflare for CDN, DDOS Protection, and DNS management. I am planning to create a website and it seems cloudflare is a great one but I know there shadiness and I know that cloudflare is just one big MITM.
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>all I wanted to know of there is an alternative to buzzword for my business site Looks like you're the inept one here, webshitter. >What are some alternatives to cloudflare for CDN, DDOS Protection, and DNS management. >CDN not needed >DDOS protection use a DDOS protection service. if it uses a captcha at the application layer like cloudflare, throw it in the trash >DNS management sounds like some retardation as a service. just get a domain from a registrar and setup some name servers or use one of the 10 billion services that host name servers for you, just not cuckflare
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>>14442 >bumping a three-year-old thread You stupid FAGGOT.

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