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Anonymous 06/27/2023 (Tue) 00:08:27 No. 12444 [Reply]
Is Yandex Browser good? Thinking of replacing fucking Firefox (that always comes with Linux installation) with it. But, is it any good...? In both: - Technically: It's usable. I can travel on the Internet (don't worry, nothing shady) without technical difficulties. I can't simp to VTubers if I can't use fucking YouTube (why they are not using Odysee, damn it). - Ideologically: Not being shitty, intrusive, anti-privacy, woke shit like Chrome or Firefox I use the Yandex search engine (because DuckDuckCrap is a piece of shit and god-damn Brave censors results).
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>>12444 >Ideologically: Not being shitty, intrusive, anti-privacy, woke shit like Chrome it's literally fsb's fork of chrome, lol. yandex is controlled by kremlin since 2009. yandex search is very good at image/face search. it also seems to index the deepest crevices of internet, but i did not find this feature useful once. ddg's search quality dropped of a cliff early 22, but seems to rebound since. afair it gets most of results from bing. i'm using presearch daily. it was fantastic once, it's good and best nowadays.
>>12613 >enjoying his data being sold by google literally retarded >>13194 > Yandex is a Chrome fork too. sigh what isn't FF/chrome fork anymore
>>13587 >If you don't use yandex then you sucks google's dick This isn't a dichotomy you absolutely fucking baboon. Open source browsers exist, nigger.

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20GB Intel leak Anonymous 08/06/2020 (Thu) 23:49:03 No. 884 [Reply]
Some internal stuff from Intel leaked recently, with the leaker mentioning more to come. Contents of this leak (according to the leaker): >Intel ME Bringup guides + (flash) tooling + samples for various platforms >Kabylake (Purley Platform) BIOS Reference Code and Sample Code + Initialization code (some of it as exported git repos with full history) >Intel CEFDK (Consumer Electronics Firmware Development Kit (Bootloader stuff)) SOURCES >Silicon / FSP source code packages for various platforms >Various Intel Development and Debugging Tools >Simics Simulation for Rocket Lake S and potentially other platforms >Various roadmaps and other documents >Binaries for Camera drivers Intel made for SpaceX >Schematics, Docs, Tools + Firmware for the unreleased Tiger Lake platform >(very horrible) Kabylake FDK training videos >Intel Trace Hub + decoder files for various Intel ME versions >Elkhart Lake Silicon Reference and Platform Sample Code >Some Verilog stuff for various Xeon Platforms, unsure what it is exactly. >Debug BIOS/TXE builds for various Platforms >Bootguard SDK (encrypted zip) >Intel Snowridge / Snowfish Process Simulator ADK

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>>895 names seem boring but dling anyway I like the sound of BIOS reference code for historical purposes.
I'm still wanting for the rest. I always wanted to make my own IntelME so I control my Ring-1

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What happened nanochan? Anonymous 10/27/2022 (Thu) 00:30:41 No. 10381 [Reply]
Haven't been able to access it for a while, is it gone, being DDOSed, something else? It had some of the best technology / privacy discussions and I haven't found anything else like it,
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I think the owner gave up on moderating spam attacks

Torture/Brainwashing - EM Radiation/Voice2Skull Anonymous 09/25/2023 (Mon) 17:00:53 No. 13173 [Reply]
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1DxmzymDIBdhsuzTlUytuYclefcELefsC?usp=drive_link, https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1iLLJoa7D4kUrvxt3qfAAAi61zLAJDNDd?usp=drive_link, https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1UceYrz8dCsozAw0zs_QCTO8kTyW2yWcc?usp=drive_link, https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1PsHCnB4gPqEOhjOXGsLTa4VuhaeLstgC?usp=drive_link, https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/197DwynBiDdJlVVXmY7D3NF7LUcZsknhi?usp=drive_link 11 Months of physical and psychological torture to "get me to eat vegetables" (make better life choices). I found out they were pedophiles and they've ruined my life. Audio files contain all the torture, beratement, humiliation I endure 24/7 and to this very moment done by illegally bombarding me with EM radiation (sound is in the air). Videos, images, text documents contain information I've been collecting, cars that I've seen following me all over the country, etc... it may not all be accurate, but I'm fearing for my life and not sure how much longer I have to live. I most likely now have cancer from prolonged em radiation exposure and have severe PTSD from the trauma they caused me. Patterns emerge over time, and the pattern is clear: I was never supposed to know this was happening, and because I found out, they've been ruining my life in various terrible ways using technology and social engineering. As far as I can tell, they've been doing damage control for months now, perpetuating the whole ordeal while keeping everyone else who is involved in the dark while they tried to figure out what to do with/about me. Now most people involved know that they've been lied to and that I never consented to any of this nor wanted it in the first place. Even to this very moment as I type I'm hearing, "nobody is going to believe. just kill yourself" over and over. I'm not sure if anybody can help me and I'm suicidal at this point, not because I want to die, but because I've been tortured for 11 months now with no end in sight all to emotionally blackmail me into not doing things they don't want me to like leaving my own house or eating sugar. I was literally actually tortured (isolation, sleep deprivation, drugging, shocking, food/water deprivation, and beratement) for 2 weeks straight earlier this year until they coerced a "confession" out of me to both use as emotional blackmail and to shift their blame onto me while others perpetuated the "process" thinking they were "fixing" me or "helping" me. In the end, they were all lied to by a certain few individuals to cover what they were doing. Evidence I have can be corroborated by others involved and literally anyone who may have been recording anything at any time in the area for any reason........ People involved can corroborate my story and the identities of the people involved; some that I have already identified. I have evidence in my body as far as I can tell and as far as I have been told, but every time I get X-rays to prove such, I never get the results. I've requested medical records from a recent hopsital visit and a doctor visit, both of which I had X-rays done, but I never receive the images with the records even when specifically asking for them. They've stolen my identity and have been controlling basically every aspect of my life for years now. I haven't received any mail for years pertaining to SSD, Medicaid, or otherwise because as far as I can tell, they are lying to the government in my name. I can't work regardless because of what they have done and are still doing to me at this very moment: keeping me in a highly distressed state, running my mind in circles, going through the same story over and over for......brainwashing. And because of that, I sit at home, staring off in space, unable to function as a human. All so they can attempt to force me to do what they believe is "right" or what's "better" for me. - As I type this, they are telling me they are going to tell everyone I'm a pedophile and/or paranoid schizophrenic to smear my name and/or discredit me. It seems quite telling to me that instead of denying any of this, they have already planned to smear my name instead of defending from the facts. So be prepared for some social engineering to sway opinions/emotions instead of focusing on the validity of my claims. I'm currently uploading all of my evidence. I have 200GB of data uploaded already and much more is coming. I am unable to review the evidence myself as they have full control of all my online accounts and computer/phone as far as I can tell. - My physical body is failing at this point, so all I want is to attempt to stop these people from doing this to anyone else before I perish. I've lost 60-70lbs since they started doing this to me. I have a lump on my testicle. I have moles and red spots all over my skin. This may or may not be from radiation exposure they've given me, but I didn't have a lump on my testicle until a few weeks ago. They manipulate my emotions by various means to prevent me from getting the help I need - health, legal, otherwise. And I have accumulated severe PTSD which has affected every aspect of my life. "Nobody is ever going to believe you. Just kill yourself." Torture and brainwashing to eat my vegetables. Please help. Please advise. Some of torturers:

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Are you okay ?.... what's happening now ....
>>13173 How and when did all of this even begin? I don't even know what we can do to help this situation to begin with. Any suggestions? Because this kind of stuff cannot be reported anywhere (cops were never useful to begin with).

ALIEN-UFO INTELLIGENCE- Heavy National Security.pdf Download Anonymous 01/22/2023 (Sun) 22:05:52 No. 11343 [Reply]
ALIEN-UFO INTELLIGENCE- Heavy National Security.pdf Download https://archive.org/details/alien-ufo-intelligence-heavy-national-security

System Transparency Anonymous 10/04/2023 (Wed) 22:25:41 No. 13279 [Reply]

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WHAT TO DO Anonymous 05/25/2023 (Thu) 23:27:36 No. 12203 [Reply]
Hi, I am 18. I use linux for 4 years. I run gentoo on my main pc, Void on my x200, and OpenBSD on my x60. I have good experience with security and networks. I like to configure servers and do network programming. I code in C, Lisp, and pure POSIX Shell. I have several servers hosted (with 0% JS, it's evil). What do you think? Am I ready for a sysadmin job or something similar, 'cause I fucking hate employee programming? I don't want to code what I don't fucking want. Please help me! PLEASE HELP MEEEEE!
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>>12203 So you really care what you are coding if it pays enough? Have you considered freelancing
>>12670 >late stage capitalism i think technofeudalism is more apt https://youtube.com/watch?v=Q9lJQONTC7Y capitalism did work for a while as a tool to facilitate increased personal liberty (rather than cronyism and oligarchy that has come to dominate severly today) possibly tangentioally related: I hope ziggers get absolutely mauled for what they did and are doing to ukraine
>>12670 >>13268 Did this board get linked on reddit or something?

There is no such thing as Ukrainian hackers. Anonymous 05/12/2022 (Thu) 18:39:37 No. 8419 [Reply]
There is no such thing as Ukrainian hackers. These so-called Ukrainian hackers are agents of the USA, England and Israel. Cyber attacks are constantly being carried out against Russia.These attacks are said to be made by these so-called "ukrainian hackers". In reality, there is no cyber attack on Russia. Attacks on Russian systems are not made over tcp/ip and udp networks. The main source of attacks on Russia are crypto-Jews living in Russia who have embedded the NSA's Cottonmouth and Bulldozer hardware into Russian computer systems. These equipments are managed remotely via radio signals, not internet network. Attacks on Russia are not cyber attacks but electronic signal attacks
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>>8419 you'll never be a woman btw
while i doubt its really true, mainly the "crypto Jews".. lol
you can smell the schizophrenia in this thread

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Anonymous 09/16/2023 (Sat) 03:04:41 No. 13092 [Reply]
Hello anons, does this computer work (if I don't forget to put a component in it) or is it a tremendous kamikaze? >also thread about computers and drivers for dummies
Get 2 sticks of ram so they run in dual channel, drop the hdd for a larger nvme ssd, otherwise sure.

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The final solution of the document problem. Anonymous 10/31/2022 (Mon) 23:59:25 No. 10458 [Reply]
What is the final document format? Not text file (unformatted). I am asking for formatted text document, with tables and embedded images. What is the final solution? Proposals: -ODF (.odt) -Rich Text Format (.rtf) -HTML -DOC (.doc) -DOCX Considerations: -is the format simple, efficient, small? -is it open source, free, or at least without patents or some other shit -is it supported by large amount of software? for import and export -is it malware? has hidden metadata and other shit? complex and proprietary? -does the format allow for huge documents? -what the format supports? formatted text, embedded fonts, images, tables, embedded files, hyperlinks, what else? -is it simple to open both for viewing and editing?

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>>10458 > formatted text document, with tables and embedded images. > -is the format simple, efficient, small? YOU CAN ONLY HAVE ONE
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>>11288 >t. based niggerbrained Bangalore-politechnic mathematician The suggestion of a file format analogous toa tape that describes itself is not new, it would be any .exe file, perhaps assuming batch files and such instructions could be coded in a more compact manner. This is obviously not a new idea, nor an untested idea, however, parsing an .exe file for instance, compared to any other format takes more processing power and is often on itself a "black box" because we don't know what's inside until we open it, which is obviously not convenient. >muh uncommon novelty opinion >muh boomer RSA encryptiun le couppled with brain-interfacr Intelligence Amplifiers TOTAL NIGGER DEATH O T A L N

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Bypassing bot detection on betting sites Anonymous 12/19/2022 (Mon) 00:39:14 No. 11041 [Reply]
Sup /t/, I dont really frequent chans so apologies in advance if I'm not following the proper etiquette. I'm trying to set up a script which does arbitrage across sportsbooks if it identifies a big enough spread in the odds. While this part isn't so difficult, the real issue is that apparently most sportsbooks will ban you if they catch you doing arbitrage. Is there a way which I can write my bots so that they interact with websites close enough to how a human would where they don't get my accounts banned? Do I even need to worry about this? If anyone has any tips/ experience that would be great. tl;dr how do i not get banned off of sportsbetting sites for botting
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>>11059 Why do you care what random retards on a traditional Austrian painting forum think is "Jewish"? Are you a {{{goy}}}?
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>>11041 >I can write my bots so that they interact with websites close enough to how a human would where they don't get my accounts banned? Maybe with userscripts, but it depends a lot on the site and what you mean by "close enough to how a human would". >>12836 >do you guys think it is real? Not quite, the original image is this and apparently it comes from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1nBJKtSs4E
>>11051 >>11059 >>12863 to be fair: "jewish" has also remained a racial thing on top of the nominal religious thing it's why jews are racist in israel

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Do I need to install JAVA on ghostBSD ? Anonymous 09/16/2023 (Sat) 14:54:21 No. 13096 [Reply]
Hi. I just installed ghostBSD and I wonder if I need to install JAVA on it or what should I install once install ghostBSD is intalled ?
>>13096 For God sake ! I've been asking this question about nearly a month and posted it on 3 or 4 sites and can't get a single fuckin' answer.
>>13096 why not just install Java anyway? it's not like it'll hurt anything

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Learn hacking/cybersecurity from 0 Anonymous 12/22/2022 (Thu) 04:48:17 No. 11081 [Reply]
I want to learn hacking/cybersecurity from 0, what do I need to know? Know how to program? If someone here is dedicated to that, please explain to me, I don't know how to start, I feel disoriented.
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What do i have to consider if i want to use anonymously nmap and metasploit?
How to make a portscan while saying anonmous? Is there a risk of leaking data or is that a stupid fear of mine?
>>12913 >>12968 Use an VPS bought with crypto.

I Built an Air-Gapped Feed Reader and That Unveiled US’ Military Surveillance Anonymous 07/10/2021 (Sat) 23:26:40 No. 4795 [Reply]
I made for myself a feed reader that can visit pages that need JavaScript (with Puppeteer), make feeds from it (PHP script), make full feeds out of it and write the result to an email file (msg/eml). I then take these files to an air-gapped computer (no network ports, no radio dongles) and read it there with a localhost web stack and custom JavaScript that makes it easy to read hundreds of entries every day. The emails include images and even videos, so there is no need to visit the sites manually most of the time. Besides learning what is written in all these feeds, I have come to learn what isn't written: the US military has access to all PCs (even air-gapped ones) by using radio to control all CPUs (BadBIOS). They use this for blackmail, sabotage and theft. All done by state sponsored cyber terrorists. This is the reason the US is insisting that countries don't use Chinese 5G: China has discovered what the US was doing and now can either do it themselves or block the US' radio transmissions - and the US doesn't want to lose their backdoors. I also learned that the big social networks tap into the data mined by the US' military to surface recommendations in their timelines. TikTok was called a national security threat, but isn't the only one that is tapping the surveillance machine: Twitter, YouTube and Facebook are on it too. I am willing to partner with researchers who want to replicate my findings and reverse engineer the malware they inject on the RAM of PCs. There is more that I haven't written here, but ask away and I will reply. For those who don't have the skills or don't want to face the danger of going against a corrupt military, but that still want to stand against the violations of Human Rights that are going on, just spread the word. Thank you.
interesting thought but do you have any actual proof
>>4795 Why wouldn't they just inject propaganda into the files that you transfer or whatever?

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Anonymous 08/17/2023 (Thu) 14:22:49 No. 12791 [Reply]
Need some explanation on how translucency is solved in 3d software like maybe using picture here as reference and some random light source, how is then glasses or marbles are rendered based on the object's form, properties, material and the scene itself? Pls illustrate or draw over for your convenience No.441552023/08/17 07:04:48 Anonymous Also especially when marbles and glasses are located nearby and supposedly create or bounces light thru and to each others

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lightwieght linux for old processor Anonymous 06/06/2021 (Sun) 04:55:17 No. 4355 [Reply] [Last]
Really glad to see this board taking off. I want a linux distro that I can rice for my x41 tablet thinkpad. It's a pentium m, 2 gigs of ram, 1024x768 screen. I've heard some suggestions >void linux >puppy linux >debian I'm a linux noob so I don't know what I'm doing, but I'd like to learn. as far as usage I want to shitpost and maybe doodle some. I've heard some say that my browser is more important than distro as far as snappiness goes. What browser would you suggest that still has 32 bit support.
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>>4355 >I'm a linux noob so I don't know what I'm doing, but I'd like to learn Then you could complete this questionnaire: https://distrochooser.de/ >What browser would you suggest that still has 32 bit support. Pale Moon. >>7327 >https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light-weight_Linux_distribution Another option could be https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_netbook-oriented_Linux_distributions >>7364 >really is a nice lightweight systemd-free debian-based distro. There is also Devuan (although before installing it, it might be better to wait until Daedalus is released as stable).
>>4355 I've installed and used debian xfce on netbook 2gb ram and goes fine, but firmware for video and audio doesn't work the same as windows manufacture firmware drivers they restrict capacity for linux drivers, now only use windows but with opensource programs
>>12748 >it might be better to wait until Daedalus is released as stable It just did.

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