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/t/ - Technology Codexx Board owner 04/25/2020 (Sat) 07:10:33 No. 2 [Reply]
Welcome to /tech/ - ∞chan's technology board. Please check the rules before you post: https://8chan.moe/t/rules.html Looking for hardware or software recommendations? Check out the InstallGentoo Wiki: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/ /tech/ is for the discussion of technology and related topics. /tech/ is NOT your personal tech support team or personal consumer review site. We have stickies for that. Keep those kinds of posts in there. For tech support, software recommendations, and other questions that don't warrant their own thread, please use the '/tech/ Questions and Support' sticky. For consumer advice, please use the consumer advice sticky located below. For tech support/issues with computers: https://startpage.com/ or https://ixquick.com (i.e., fucking Google it) https://stackexchange.com/

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Edited last time by codexx on 12/10/2022 (Sat) 10:42:16.

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/t/ech Questions and Support Anonymous 04/25/2020 (Sat) 07:16:43 No. 3 [Reply] [Last]
Bring all your hardware, software and other troubles here.
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I need to scrape something off a site but the easiest way I've found to do it is to do the fetching through a regular web browser to avoid having to bother with the web app state. The request/responses are simple but I'm having trouble finding a way to automate them in Firefox. Is there any tool I could use for this? I've looked into greasemonkey but it doesn't look to be quite what I need. I basically just need curl in the browser. Dumping cookies from the browser and using them in curl doesn't work for this.

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Consumer Advice Anonymous 04/25/2020 (Sat) 07:18:24 No. 4 [Reply] [Last]
Looking to buy something but aren't sure what to get? Ask here.
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My Toshiba X300 has too many reallocated bad sectors for comfort. Any recommendations for hard drive replacements? The drive's capacity is 3.6tb. The other two are an 18tb Seagate Exos, that's good right now, and a 4tb Micron SSD on an PCI NVME with 100% health.
>>9044 Who would blast a perfectly good dive watch with cum like that?

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Hydrus Network General #9 Anonymous Board volunteer 01/03/2024 (Wed) 19:10:11 No. 14270 [Reply] [Last]
This is a thread for releases, bug reports, and other discussion for the hydrus network software. The hydrus network client is an application written for Anon and other internet-fluent media nerds who have large image/swf/webm collections. It browses with tags instead of folders, a little like a booru on your desktop. Users can choose to download and share tags through a Public Tag Repository that now has more than 2 billion tag mappings, and advanced users may set up their own repositories just for themselves and friends. Everything is free and privacy is the first concern. Releases are available for Windows, Linux, and macOS, and it is now easy to run the program straight from source. I am the hydrus developer. I am continually working on the software and try to put out a new release every Wednesday by 8pm EST. Past hydrus imageboard discussion, and these generals as they hit the post limit, are being archived at >>>/hydrus/ . Hydrus is a powerful and complicated program, and it is not for everyone. If you would like to learn more, please check out the extensive help and getting started guide here: https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/ Previous thread >>>/hydrus/20352
Edited last time by hydrus_dev on 01/20/2024 (Sat) 18:36:21.
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>>15484 >Tell me why converting all my pngs to lossless webp is a bad idea. because the disk space savings are so tiny it's literally not worth your time. you'd have to export all the images, convert them, and then reimport and have to go through the duplicate filter or whatever to copy all your shit over to the new one.
>>15482 Depends on your level of autism. If you like it clean, take the one without dpi metadata. If you ever plan to print something, or do something with that file outside of hydrus, that relies on dpi, then you can keep the one with dpi. It's not like an image needs that value and it can be changed/set with programs like irfanview in case you ever need it. Since you cant search for dpi values with a search predicate within hydrus, it doesnt matter. Maybe it will support dpi search in the future? In your second pic, it says 73 tags > 7 tags. Wouldn't it be better to take the 73 tags one? I know you can merge them, but regarding PTR, isn't it like the ones which have more tags, will get updated more likely in the future too? Because that is a file/hash more people have and so the chances are higher? Just like >>15486 said. I'd take the 73 tags one therefore. >>15487 Correct me if im wrong, but as far i remember testing, restarting does trigger some maintenance jobs immediately and therefore you see that behavior. If you let the client idle for some time, maybe not using the computer at all (while it is still on obviously), those jobs start also and you will eventually see them deleted just like after restarting. It's on purpose because hydrus doesn't want to take resources away while you might need them or to stay snappy. Probably you can even force some maintenance jobs like this without restarting. Hydev might answer this. >You can see this when using the "all known files with tags" view where confirming a permanent deletion will remove the image from view but refreshing the page will bring it back. Keep in mind that even when deleting a file permanently and not leaving a deletion record, the file will still be in the 'all know files with tags' location, when the files had tags. Even after restart. The thumbnail might get blurry (-> space saving blurhash) after restart directly, but that will happen also after you leave the client idle for some time as i said before, at least im really sure about that. The permanent deletion doesn't wipe the records completely, even when not leaving a deletion record. For reference: https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/faq.html#does_the_metadata_for_files_i_deleted_mean_there_is_some_kind_of_a_permanent_record_of_which_files_my_client_has_heard_about_andor_seen_directly_even_if_i_purge_the_deletion_record "Yes. I am working on updating the database infrastructure to allow a full purge, but the structure is complicated, so it will take some time. If you are afraid of someone stealing your hard drive and matriculating your sordid MLP collection (or, in this case, the historical log of horrors that you rejected), do some research into drive encryption. Hydrus runs fine off an encrypted disk."

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I had a great week working on some new janitor tech that makes it easy to thoroughly delete tags from a repository. I also cleaned a bunch of code and, for normal users, improved some quality of life. The release should be as normal tomorrow. >>15461 Please hit the 'Linux' tab here https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/getting_started_installing.html#installing and ctrl+f for that 'g_module' string. There are a couple of ways to fix this, I understand, but I am no Linux expert so I cannot talk too cleverly.

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Tor Discussion Anonymous 06/15/2020 (Mon) 04:52:53 No. 449 [Reply] [Last]
So, what's so bad about Tor? >it's a honeypot Not really, I have done extensive research into this and the only people caught on it were dumb fucks who made OpSec mistakes. Plus, the only people championing this point are schizos who use VPN services or set up their own VPN, or even just use their plain ISP-given IP address, all of which are way riskier than using Tor. If you're concerned about onion links being honeypots, then set up your own. It's one of the easiest things in the world to do. >it's slow Fair enough. >a lot of sites block it Yeah, and a lot of sites are fags anyways, a lot of sites are also using ReCatapha and require phone verification and use Cloudflare or AWS. Sites have been against privacy for a long time and are banning VPNs too. >it's operated by sjws&trannies Literally everything is now, including VPN services and ISPs, there is no escape unless you want to fully disconnect from the internet and live in a cabin in the woods, which considering people are still using this site, I don't see happening. Also, the directors are known privacy-advocates. >firefox Firefox is rapidly becoming a shit browser for privacy, yes, Chromium is worse, "Ungoogled" Chromium is still Chrome garbage, same with Brave, alternative Firefox builds are usually outdated, and Opera is blatantly spyware. Meanwhile, Tor usually strips out all the tracking that Firefox tries to push in new releases. >relays and nodes operated by governments Which is more of a reason to get more people using Tor so more people can set up nodes and relays aside from government interference. Not opening this to start an argument or a bash on how bad Tor is or just to simply praise Tor, I want a discussion, because most points about Tor being bad for privacy are easily debunked and usually only used by schizos and I want to ensure my personal privacy.
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>>450 what would be the point? What would you put in your fork? >it's the exact same project but I'm not a tranny
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>>14817 Well, there's still VPNs, proxies, as well as I2P and the Freenet. >>516 Fuck off with that over a decade-old chart, Doomer I'd rather die trying. >Trannies and SJW are the root cause of the woke cancer. NOPE, you are aiming too damn low. The root cause comes from the same people who own Most about 94-96% of this world's media, both print and broadcast, in one form or another. Pics related.

Poz in Tech Anonymous 10/18/2020 (Sun) 10:22:27 No. 1631 [Reply] [Last]
General thread for discussing Codes of Conduct and other attempts to take over technology with political aims and enforce behavioral constraints. Point out languages and products that try to force politics on their users. It's become commonplace for tech startups to virtue signal, and for large open source projects to attract users who contribute little in terms of code but demand favorable treatment. Additionally, some have started including political messages in the software itself, or naming releases after issues the developer cares about. Some argue that such constraints and impositions violate the spirit of free software by requiring an agreeable political alignment between developer and user.
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>>14012 You are retarded.
>>1826 He became woke.
>>15395 True, indeed. However, Linus used to be better and not a woke cucklord. He's gotten his brain fried substantially by his daughter's influence and clownery. However, As much of a fool he has become, he's no resetera retard levels of hypocrisy. Also, so what if he's an atheist, how is that wokeness in and of itself? The part women's right to "choose" aka an abortion is best left to the states, not the federal government. Has he forgotten how many people died in countries that got under (((communist))) rule!?

Vintage/retro/old computing and retro computer emulation and gaming Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 17:06:03 No. 15472 [Reply]
I mostly wanted to make this ask if there is a good internet database for old computer hardware. But also to genuinely know if you anons would ne intrested in this thread added on emulation too because that's one of the few experiences with older computers Do you also anons have any old or even retro to vintage computers?
I've been meaning to see what I can get out of 86Box. I installed Win95 in it the other week, but haven't messed with it since. I should see if I can play some of my old games: it will play SimCity 2000 (for best results, screen is in 256 color mode). However, I don't think it supports how I have Civ 2 ripped: CUE with ISO/FLAC (also as OGG because DOSBox). Why do all the detail-oriented autists troon out? 86Box is forked from a troon's life work, who apparently had a drama melt-down when someone *gasp* forked their open source project.Then there's Roger Wilson, who I have to call Sophie because we have always been at war with East Asia. Didn't Byuu troon out before an hero-ing, too?
>>15478 >Why do all the detail-oriented autists troon out? Getting "groomed" into believing they are or just generic autogynophilia. Can't say much more >86Box is forked from a troon's life work, who apparently had a drama melt-down when someone *gasp* forked their open source project. Really? Lol

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Anonymous 03/16/2021 (Tue) 11:31:58 No. 2967 [Reply]
Why Windows sucks so much?
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After going through https://unknown.spam/ltsc on and off all day in a vain attempt to get a debloated Windows, only to have made essentially zero progress because the guide is some months out of date about the tools it requires for an early step now missing parts that I can only identify and attempt to hunt down one at a time as each attempt to install a language pack tells me one more file is missing, I've come to personally understand that this task is just as obtuse and as much a waste of time as dealing with installing a GNU/Linux distro and virtual machines and trying to play obscure Japanese games that I already had to fight to get to work on Wangblows in the first place. Privacy and peak processing efficiency just aren't worth anyone's time unless you have severe autism and find joy in the process of tinkering more than you do whatever end goal it is you're tinkering to achieve. I've resigned myself to using Wangblows 10 on my new computer, and eventually Wangblows 11 when 10 support fades away. Microcock can rape my asshole, force me to buy unnecessary RAM and blackmail me for all I'm worth. I don't care anymore. Just fuck my shit up.
>>15312 You're one stupid faggot.
>>15312 >installing Japanese Wangblows 10 for 超寝取られ in a VM running inside Wangblows 10+1 instead of putting LANG=ja_JP.utf8 in front of wine gemu.exe on Gentoo Sodomy defenda.

Good Microphone for VA? Anonymous 05/28/2020 (Thu) 22:07:57 No. 272 [Reply]
Hey guys, I'm starting to get into voice-acting, and it's honestly something that I've been wanting to do for a long, long time, so now that I have the money and the time, I wanted to really dive into it. Problem is, I am very inept when it comes to audio technology. I'm doing my best to try and learn about the different kinds of mics, and how to hook them all up, i.e. XLR vs. USB, audio interfaces, etc., and it's SORT OF making sense, but really, there's just a kind of overload of information online. Can you guys just help me decide on a good microphone for voice-acting, even entry-level? I have a Blue Snowball iCE right now, but I'd really like something more professional, even if I have to spend a couple hundred. Thoughts? Recommendations? Two that've caught my attention so far are the Shure Beta 58a and the MXL 990, but I don't want to make a shitty purchase and regret it.
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i have never used these mics but I hear they're good Shure SM57 SM58 SM58 SM58 SM58 AT4040 AT2035 AKG P220
>>471 These plus SM58 Beta and Rode NT1 is good entry level
<How good is this video?

What Program is Best for Decrypting Opera Login Data Files? Anonymous 10/18/2023 (Wed) 17:02:45 No. 13390 [Reply]
So at the beginning of this year my laptop started to fail and I had to send it into PC world for repair. Not long before I did so I was made to change the password for my Google account. I have always relied on web browsers to remember my passwords for some stupid reason. I was able to copy the contents of my C Drive before I did so and so I thought that I would be able to recover my passwords and such easily. Yet I found that opera now encrypts you passwords based on you dapai code and login details. This was never the case before and it seems stupidly paranoid that go to such lengths. I know them all except the one that has been changed yet that password is pretty vital. So I have spent months looking into this, first I thought that the keys hadn’t copied over but they were hidden and I do have the DPAPI master keys and CREDHIST, I also have found a way to view the encrypted passwords and the ones that are the same are encrypted in similar way so that should also make the password easier to find. Yet I still have not found a program that I could use. Windows password recovery program tells me that I entered my password wrong even though I entered it in right, DataProtectionDecryptor gives me “Failed to extract the encryption key” and mimikatz gives me Error kull_m_dpapi_unprotect_blob ; CryptDecrypt(0x80090005), I also found a bunch of linux and python troon programs that claim to be able to do what I am looking for but they require so many addon programs to be installed that you loose track. What am I doing wrong here? What is the best program that can do what I am looking for?
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I absolutely hate the state of online accounts now, this two factor bullshit is going to lock me out of every account I've had for years. I'm already permanently locked out of several yahoo accounts because I never even knew they were implementing 2FA, now that they have I have no way back in without paying for premium support, they paywalled my fucking accounts. Worse yet is how many accounts on other websites I used those addresses for. All gone. Because of automatic opt-out enforcement of 2FA bullshit. And can we talk about how much of a fucking joke 2FA is? All it does is protect accounts from the fucking owner, the majority of security breaches are always because of exploits and flawed setups on the SERVER side, nothing to do with bad opsec of the end users. so these services continue to build a personally identifiable profile on the user by grabbing your phone number or forcing you to use proprietary phone apps or hardware keys that I'm convinced can be used to de-anonymize since now you have a trail from the key back to whatever company you bought the hardware key from. The fucking irony is that years ago it was always consider poor security to write down a password instead of using one you could just remember, now with hardware keys you have to create a backup of the secret code in case your key breaks or you lose it so you can recover with a second hardware key, which I've heard several "security tubers" advocate for writing down. In spite of the known security issues with SMS for 2FA, businesses like banks continue to only offer SMS, and google makes sure to block virtual numbers. We live in a fucking INSANE ASYLUM. >>15200 it wouldn't be hard to write a python script that takes things you know are in your password and shuffle them around while also adding numbers/special characters, even without threading you could end up generating a thousand possible combinations within a few seconds
>>15309 There's a bit of a problem with that idea, at least if you're talking about an automated I-forgot-my-password-but-I-think-it-contained-this-string bot. If it doesn't guess right in the first three tries, your account is locked for one hour. Set up a bot to do this. It will not achieve one thousand iterations/sec. It will be limited to 72 iterations/day. Bring a lunch.
>>15359 yeah, to actually try each password will take literally forever because websites block you after so many failed attempts, but if all you wanted was to get every possible combination and hand pick the ones you think might be right, that process alone wouldn't take hardly any time

Any hope for getting a disabled Discord account back? Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 23:55:45 No. 14719 [Reply]
Recently had a discord account with a bunch of photos and conversation histories get disabled, is there any hope for getting the account back if the appeals keep getting ignored?
That or if any relevant Discord employees lurk here and are willing to unban an account I'd be willing to pay if that happens.
Sorry chud racism is not welcome on shitcord.
> Any hope for getting a disabled Discord account back? You need to be disabled to use Discord

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Connect to Tor Anonymous 05/10/2022 (Tue) 14:22:14 No. 8395 [Reply] [Last]
What is the safest way to connect to the Tor-Network? Is this the safest possible way: Tails (VM) -> VPN -> Bridge -> Tor-Network
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>>14659 Hyper political and they oust people they don't like, same with their email service.
>>14660 Scatternet is the new hotness
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Here's an invite code. https://t.ly/OV04N

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Fuck LynxChan Anonymous 03/16/2024 (Sat) 20:05:08 No. 14808 [Reply]
I'm back after an 8 year hiatus and what do I see 8chan running on some MongoDB/nodeJS meme software Joshua Moon taught you better than this. infinity-next was the future and you all chose the wrong timeline. Disgusting.
>>14808 Fuck that image format.
>vichan Somehow even worse. Tor can't upload the video or screenshot so read the source: https://boards.guro.cx/dis/res/5538.html#5568

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P2P Imageboard Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 02:50:00 No. 14729 [Reply]
Sup /t/ I've been working on getting a p2p imageboard functioning for a while and I decided to start fresh more recently with a new project. It's still not fully featured per se, but I feel like releasing it in it's current form since it's still functional and I want to see if it works in the wild. Hopefully you'll be able to see the existing boards and start posting. https://gitgud.io/threshold862543/gladden To install: >install node and yarn (or npm instead of yarn) >run "yarn build" to get the dependencies >run "yarn start" to start the server And you can add whatever boards you like. This basically works like a torrent. Moderation is local, so you can delete files and posts that you don't like, but it won't be deleted for others necessarily (unless everyone else blocks them and there are no more seeders). "Subscribing" to others as moderators so you can trust them to delete for you is also possible I just haven't hooked it all up yet.
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This already existed in a way via Millchan on Zeronet. >>15280 An idea that I had to fix this was to split every file into two parts, a "file" and a "key", with checks on both sender and recipient to make sure that no user ever possessed both the key and file for the same object at the same time, and that when a file was browsed by a user only then would the network also seek out the key and decode it. But it had to be implemented in a particular way. You can't just encrypt a file because possessing "encrypted CP" is still CP, so the idea was that the file would actually be split somehow, like a pattern of alternating bytes, such that the "file" and "key" were each half of the completed object and not merely an encoding scheme applied to the whole.
>>15298 What about a setting (perhaps on by default) for holding images in RAM only, and only while you have the thread open? Is it still a problem since you technically download and upload the data despite not having it on hard drive?
>>15335 Yeah, exactly. If you had the file, and you browsed the site and it tried to load that file, then your system would request the key from someone and then hold it and the resulting completed object in memory only.

Made my own custom browser configured for maximum privacy and security. Anonymous 07/27/2023 (Thu) 20:43:13 No. 12607 [Reply]
If some of you could please try this out and offer some feedback that would be rad! Basically a Firefox fork that is like if you combined LibreWolf with Arkenfox and gave it a 12 inch cock. Over 400 Settings changed with extensions pre-installed and all documentation included. Link is 100% safe, I wouldn't stooge fellow Anons that way. Please let me know what you think! Cheers :) https://mega.nz/file/jUl0ARbK#sbe8_4H6kGXMDpPyX3NNzbpDgS3TzsvcxiTCKXdauv8
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>Uses Windows >No sources >"Just trust me bro it's safe" Are you retarded or a glowie?
bro, just use incognito mode, i'm a hacker and i hacked valve and got hl3 early with cmd, i know what i;m doing. /j
>>12607 >like if you combined LibreWolf with Arkenfox and gave it a 12 inch cock. That's super gay. Call me when you give your browser huge saggy tits and wide birthing hips

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Structure and interpreation of computer programmes 2022 Anonymous 05/25/2022 (Wed) 19:18:43 No. 8522 [Reply]
Found out theres an javascript version of this book i havent read it yet but iam sure its cool.Its kinda wierd they didnt use a programming language like c or c++
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>js How do they deal with such gems?
Fuck that faggot language and fuck the kike authors and publishers for using that faggot language. It's all gone to shit.
>>15208 >>15236 I shouldn't have to explain this, but .... Javascript was originally intended to be "Scheme in the browser", and, as such, it shares far more features with Scheme than C or C++ or Jabba. Of those, modern Jabba is probably the most "functional". Eichmann wrote the original in a week, and then his boss came in and said: "we're going to mooch the publicity of Java, make it look like C, we're calling it Javascript." It is a piece of shit that was written in two weeks. One sprint. I bet the agile fags are sperging.

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