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masturbation is technology Anonymous 12/20/2021 (Mon) 16:57:08 No. 6781 [Reply]
Okay, so this is going to be short and weird. I live on the 5 floor, and as spring came I keep having a little ant problem. They just keep showing up. I keep finiding 1 or 2 all around my place searching for food and cannot get rid of them. Yesterday I came back home after a long and tiring day and decided to masturbate. I was lazy and out of paper tissues so I decided to use a towel that was sitting in my dirty laundry basket. I thought to myself Im going to wash it tomorrow so who cares, go for it. I did my thing and threw the cum towel on the bathroom floor. Got showered and went to sleep. I woke up today, and went to the bathroom to do my morning routine just to find the towel infested with ants. I shit you not there were 500 of them collecting my sperm. It was just disgusting. So yeah, today I had to sterilize my bathroom and also learned that ants will eat your semen because it has sugar and they don't care about anything else. TL;DR A swarm of ants infested my cum soaked towel after some bad decisions while being horny, making me disgusted by ants and, to be honest, by myself.
don't leave your cumrags on the floor then dumbass
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>>6781 May be related...
Yes, masturbation is technology: http://verisimilitudes.net/2017-02-02

Arch User Repository Anonymous 10/05/2021 (Tue) 06:19:45 No. 5597 [Reply]
Is it just me or does the fact the AUR is shilled so hard kind of retarded? It seems like an insanely insecure method of distributing software. Any random fuck being able to upload shit. Sure some of the packages are managed by the official developers, most most are just binaries packaged by random dipshits. All it takes is one popular package to get orphaned and a malicious actor to take over and you suddenly can distribute malware to fucktons of people. It seems like such a bizarre thing that everyone has accepted and even actively pushes as a "noob" friendly method to get any and all software they want easily on Linux. Now with the Steam Dick around the corner the platform will be a much greater target for attacks. I suspect all these previously unexploited vectors to get much more sketchy in the coming years. Linux security has been entirely dependent on the competency of the individual user and that's a recipe for disaster in the hands of the average consumer. But I also find it very irresponsible that the discussion around Linux hasn't really highlighted how fucking insecure the AUR really is, but instead highlights the convenience of it.
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>>5764 I would love to agree with you but then we would be both wrong.
>>5597 True, an effort should be made to extend the community repo with more software
>>5597 >how fucking insecure the AUR really is >Linux security has been entirely dependent on the competency of the individual user AUR is not insecure by itself as long as you know how to use it securely. I wouldn't recommend this method for newcommers for sure. AUR is good for people who have the time and the understanding to dig in the source code, review the shit in detail... For sure not for your average user. I, myself use Linux distros since some years and cannot pretend to use AUR and being absolutely secure minded because I have simply NOT the time to mess around and constantly watching if a new update will not fuck my config, if the source code is clean... But hey it just werks frendos!

e Anonymous 12/15/2021 (Wed) 11:12:34 No. 6708 [Reply]
Now I finally can say to my friends that I hacked the government to enter in the deep web LOL

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UNBLOAT THE INTERNET Anonymous 05/17/2020 (Sun) 18:26:32 No. 105 [Reply]
here is some GOPHER tools https://bitbucket.org/SSS8555/ G6 documentation: https://bitbucket.org/SSS8555/acid/downloads/G6_project.7z Link for normies: https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=85198 ------------ plans to implement on G6 protocol: 1. requests for line ranges (DONE) 2. CRC32 in requests to prevent sending filest in cache http://mdfs.net/Info/Comp/Comms/CRC32.htm 3. bookmarks for specific lines and link to them 4. requests for line ranges relative a bookmark (DONE) 5. user filling forms (DONE) 6. LOW-END G6-BROWSER FOR COMPUTERS WITH 15KB MEMORY (DONE) 105. server side text formating for different video modes/devices 106. PICTURES IN TEXT?

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>>2690 When webdevs realized they could use javascript to make your computer display their websites any way they wanted without using up their own server resources, efficiency went out the fucking window. Webdevs treat your PC the way the government treats your tax money. "NOT USING 100% OF THE RESOURCES IS WASTEFUL!" Then people get used to websites looking "nice" and having lots of "features" and that creates demand to make even more bloat. Everywhere. It's AIDS.
>>6656 >It's AIDS. Amen to that
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>>2713 >>2690 Yeah, I'm fine with adds but I'm not okay with them eating up over 90000 Nigabytes of RAM just to look up new stir fry recipe. Imagine if websites just made one small banner to display various adds that changes every time you refresh the website and was just merely a JPG or PNG rather than something your afraid to click. That would be much nicer. That or maybe just do what Jewoogle does/used? to do before they became cancer, I dunno been a while since I've used their search engine but there's a reason everyone ditched Yahoo. At this point half the internet is unusable without at least 64 Gigs of RAM. Imagine how bad those sites will be when they realize they can try and shove some crypto miners on their cooking recipe websites...

Session Messaging App Anonymous 11/22/2021 (Mon) 06:21:18 No. 6320 [Reply]
What are you guy's opinion on Session? Does it look secure?
>>6320 I'm worried the Aus gov will force them to put in a backdoor.
>>6320 I used it on and off for a few weeks. It seems to work ok, but I feel like the devs are more focused on promoting the Oxen coin than they are about privacy and security. Also, they have some random and annoying moderation. They are quick to delete posts that they deem are off topic while not clearly defining what the topic is. I was called out several times for making posts that questioned or criticized certain aspects of the app. I was told that the chat was for dev discussion only. A few days later while lurking others were told that the chat was for Session related questions only, while others were told to post their ideas/comments to the Github page. If you can get someone to link you to the other public groups, there are some pretty smart people on there and some good discussions. In this case I am referring to their privacy group. TLDR - It seems like a good idea without good management or direction. There are a number of aspects that make me question the actual amount of privacy provided.
Session has quite a few open groups to choose from. Some of them are completely dead and/or worthless, but I found some good discussion on the privacy channel. https://www.sessiongroups.com/ http://lokilocker.com/Mods/Session-Groups/wiki/Session-Closed-Groups#paranormal

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Anonymous 06/30/2021 (Wed) 00:36:50 No. 4658 [Reply]
Red pill me on Trusted Platform Modules.
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>>4658 Crypographically secure hardware attestation that your computer is running what it says it's running plus a unique hardware ID you can't change. It will be trivial for anyone to track your computer around the web with 100% accuracy, if you catch a bullshit cheating ban they will ban your mobo permanently from whatever service it is, and you will be required to run unmodified windows 11 to access several services (bank websites, online multiplayer, etc.). Basically unbreakable android safteynet (phones already have hardware attestation, once every phone does it will be enforced everywhere with the same consequences). Everything shitty about computers will get 10x worse because no one will be able to do anything about it (you WILL run chrome with no ad blocking and you WILL be happy). Buy an fx-8350 and a newer mobo with solid state caps and hold on to your butt.
>>4658 >Red pill me on Trusted Platform Modules. Install Gentoo
>>6597 and then have a sex with it

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Anonymous 12/04/2021 (Sat) 18:06:43 No. 6561 [Reply]

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Anonymous 12/04/2021 (Sat) 18:05:54 No. 6560 [Reply]

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How Apple is looking for CP Anonymous 08/19/2021 (Thu) 04:10:10 No. 5172 [Reply]
3 posts omitted.
Apple soyboys deserve it all... even getting arrested over hash collisions.
>>6103 Almost as if nefarious activities are behind those hashes.

Infinitely zoomable world of pixels Anonymous 10/26/2021 (Tue) 18:21:39 No. 5914 [Reply]
Is this idea possible, /t/echnerds? You would have a publically accessible canvas like https://ourworldofpixels.com/ or https://pxls.space/, but you could zoom out as far as you want (given memory limitations) and zoom in as far as you want (given memory limitations). Would this be possible with infinite precision arithmetic / bignums? I feel like I'm just being dumb here but I want to put the idea out there and ask just in case.
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>>5933 no, svg are just drawing instructions, theres no pixel data, the pixel array gets calculated on render thats what makes it scalable, you can have subpixel preservation this way, you can zoom out until everything is merged into a single pixel and still be able to zoom back in without a difference this file has 1/2 pixel width and height, if you scale it you will get the exact same image as before even though it should technically only be a single pixel if it was a raster file put this in css and expand the thumbnail to see the image zoomed .imgExpanded, video { animation: zoom 25s ease alternate infinite; } @keyframes zoom { 0% { transform: scale(1.0); } 100% { transform: scale(441.0); } }

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>>5935 I know that. That's why I put 'pixelated' in 'scare quotes'. Without infinite precision as you zoom in there will be gaps between least significant figures where you can't put any lines. That being said, I assume numbers in SVGs already have infinite precision and size due to being written in text (you can write as many digits as you want before and after the decimal point) unless there is for some reason some arbitrary limitation that I don't know about. However, decimal in ASCII is an inefficient format and the canvas area can become indefinitely large and complex so maybe it's worth creating a new binary SVG, possibly with EBML or something, that uses the entire 8 bits of each byte, or as much as you can get.

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anon Anonymous 10/23/2021 (Sat) 00:10:25 No. 5846 [Reply]
Gud morning/after/nights guys! Where I can learn about making a DOXX and DDOS? in the sense of only get objective's data.

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Can someone help me compile a list of trusted onion sites? Anonymous 10/22/2021 (Fri) 20:00:26 No. 5842 [Reply]
I don't really trust published onion site lists, so I wanted to ask you, kind stranger, to help me build a solid one myself. List so far: http://4usoivrpy52lmc4mgn2h34cmfiltslesthr56yttv2pxudd3dapqciyd.onion Nanochan http://nanochanqzaytwlydykbg5nxkgyjxk3zsrctxuoxdmbx5jbh2ydyprid.onion
I can recommend one: Darknet Hacking http://fgwjqgbde2ogmqy74oi744w5dpa63zj6x6b3xyioiqo7nzpkruirt3yd.onion (Trusted by me, some random internet dude)

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Looking for chart of all imageboard software Anonymous 10/07/2021 (Thu) 20:33:14 No. 5626 [Reply]
Hello friends and family! I am looking for an image of a diagram/chart of all the imageboard software. It was originally posted on 8chan's tech board in 2019: http://web.archive.org/web/20190622041930/https://8ch.net/tech/res/1059807.html Sadly archive.org has blacklisted the media files domain for 8chan and it's not on archive.today either. So if any oldfag here has the image, it would be much appreciated.

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Grammarly Anonymous 01/01/2021 (Fri) 18:24:33 No. 2102 [Reply]
Should I use Grammarly? I just need to use a grammar checker whenever I become retarded especially when I am writing papers.
1 post omitted.
>>2105 >Ask another person to look over it. Make sure that person is not just a yes-man That's the problem I don't have friends, asking randoms is a bad idea. Writing long and tedious papers is a pain in the ass. I just need a service that would check my writing personality and my grammar. For example my personality involves the usage of unpopular words and simplifying the definition of it.
>>2119 The guy who ran that newspaper around the webring self-hosted some kind of spellchecker software. I believe it was this https://grammark.org/dist/#/
do you happen to know any good online dictionary site? i'm not trusting wordreference or similars.

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