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News Thread Anonymous 05/06/2020 (Wed) 01:48:07 No. 21 [Reply] [Last]
Post and discuss the latest in technology happenings. t. Brian Fagioli
121 posts and 55 images omitted.
>>4590 Pretty sure waterfox is barely or not at all hardened against telemetry. There's literally no reason to use anything but Librewolf as your browser.
>>3111 Old news I guess but I just came across Debian's stance regarding this. They had a vote on April with 8 options >Choice 1: Call for the FSF board removal, as in rms-open-letter.github.io >Choice 2: Call for Stallman's resignation from all FSF bodies >Choice 3: Discourage collaboration with the FSF while Stallman is in a leading position >Choice 4: Call on the FSF to further its governance processes >Choice 5: Support Stallman's reinstatement, as in rms-support-letter.github.io >Choice 6: Denounce the witch-hunt against RMS and the FSF >Choice 7: Debian will not issue a public statement on this issue >Choice 8: Further Discussion 4 commie options, 2 non subversive options 2 neutral options. The system they use to select the winner seems rather complicated and I don't have the time to go through it but the non subversive options appear to have been eliminated due to not even receiving enough votes to be considered and ultimately option 7 ended up winning. https://www.debian.org/vote/2021/vote_002
>>4591 Or GNU Icecat, though Icecat is just a barebones stripped Firefox anyways.

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Chaosesque anthology deleted from moddb Anonymous 05/04/2021 (Tue) 19:31:48 No. 3921 [Reply] [Last]
>https://www.moddb.com/games/chaosesqueanthology > Game Over >The game you are trying to view has been deleted and is no longer available. This may have occurred at the developers request because it is no longer active and was not released, or it may have occurred because it violated the sites Terms of Use. If this is a mistake and you are a member of this games team and would like it re-activated, please contact us with the details. >Continue browsing the game list, to find the profile you are after. >Account Banned >Your account has been banned. If you believe this is a mistake and want to be unbanned, please contact us. Try searching:
54 posts and 30 images omitted.
It takes me a while to get around to playing new games, but you posting those screenshots here caused me to notice your game, I would never have found it on moddb if it had not been purged by the threats from that rude and silly gynocentric troll. Large-Scale city generation, interesting.
>>5075 // entity 1 { "classname" "info_player_deathmatch" "origin" "-24320.000000 24320.000000 256.000000" } // entity 2 { "classname" "spawnarray" "origin" "-31232.000000 31232.000000 0.000000" "spawnflags" "243" "spawnarray_spawn" "building_sctiles" "spawnarray_row_ioffset" "2048" "spawnarray_col_ioffset" "2048" "spawnarray_lvl_ioffset" "2048" "spawnarray_rows" "67" "spawnarray_cols" "67"

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>>83431300 https://boards.4channel.org/g/thread/83430984/ >I personally took your game down. > https://chaosesqueteam.itch.io/chaosesque-anthology > https://mega.nz/folder/emxnDaxY#MVLFyk9HbfBri8mmDGOZwg > https://libregamewiki.org/Chaos_Esque_Anthology The game is also distributed as physical discs to friends, additionally, including backups of all the git repos, media source, and supporting applications/tools. >>83431093 >Delusional >>83431119 > but where are the afghan child brides They are With their Pashtun Rulers in Afghanistan. (Ruler (ba'al) is what YHWH speaks of: not "dur huuhhsband slave werker" (that's a invention of Jesus the pro-trans pro-castration pro-woman anti-YHWHist))

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Satoshi's Failsafe Anonymous 02/28/2021 (Sun) 00:06:49 No. 2688 [Reply]
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Brainlet here, Is this real? A joke? A scam? I don't understand most of the concepts here but I'm pretty sure that running a hash function over and over again doesn't do anything useful. Or am I wrong? She's asking people to tip BTC to gain COMB so it smells like a scam
>>4892 its a real scam. That people have turned into a joke.

School Thread Anonymous 02/12/2021 (Fri) 00:30:48 No. 2465 [Reply]
Okay retards, what's the best school for computer science? How is the school you went to better than all the others? And what is the objectively best, top-of-the-line "even if I didn't personally make it in" school in your opinion? Or is your knowledge of computers entirely self-study? What was your course of study? And why did you choose that path? And finally, is there anything you wish you would've done differently while studying computer science?
10 posts and 5 images omitted.
>>5311 No, I'm sick of them. At this point I'd rather deal with Discord pedos than the retards, shitskins, and feminists that seem to make up my class servers.
>>5308 This is the smartest path in the long run. If your REALLY want the theoretical foundation, find any of the free online curriculum like https://github.com/ossu/computer-science or https://fullstackopen.com/en/ (much more practical for making projects) and go to town. What is going to get you the job are your projects on your resume, they show you can get things done. Target start ups for your first job since they won't care so much about your degree, but what you can do. Stay for a year or two and apply somewhere else if you so choose. After the first year, experience counts more.
>>5308 >>5337 Full disclosure, I went the university route and only really for a piece of paper and 50k in debt to show for it. It took me 6 months to land my first job, and I ended up getting hired alongside someone who went to a bootcamp at a fraction of the cost of what I paid. All universities and bootcamps give you are a clear path to graduation, but all of this can be learned on your own for free.

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France Decides GPL has Nothing to do with Copyright Anonymous 08/30/2021 (Mon) 12:16:58 No. 5289 [Reply]
https://thehftguy.com/2021/08/30/french-appeal-court-affirms-decision-that-copyright-claims-on-gpl-are-invalid-must-be-enforced-via-contractual-dispute/ >spend 20 years working on open source auth software licensed with gpl >telco grabs it and uses it for most of that 20 years without following the license >eventually sue the telco, lawyers say slam dunk >get rekt, lose once >sue again in next court, lose again >sue again, higher court, lose again, get told GPL is a contract enforcement problem and has nothing to do with copyright One court left.
>>5289 GPL is a copyleft license, retard should be suing the company for not following the GPL terms. the telco company must be bribing his lawyer, and suing european companies in eurpean courts is a low iq move

ThinkPad & Toughbook General Anonymous 04/30/2020 (Thu) 13:10:04 No. 10 [Reply] [Last]
Get any good deals lately? What mods have you done? Do any ricing lately? There is a used buying guide: https://www.bobble.tech/free-stuff/used-thinkpad-buyers-guide You can find information of ThinkPads at the ThinkWiki: https://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/ThinkWiki And ToughBooks at ToughWiki: http://toughwiki.com/index.php?title=Main_Page You may be interested in replacing your bootloader with libre software: https://www.coreboot.org/ https://libreboot.org/ https://1vyra.in/ (x30 Ivy Bridge only) Some Entertainment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fzmm87oVQ6c

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Edited last time by codexx on 05/12/2020 (Tue) 23:21:37.
54 posts and 22 images omitted.
Looking for a Thinkpad, primarily for ease of travel so it needs to be as thin+lightweight as possibl. Will run Linux. Minimum 8GB RAM, if I can install 16GB great. Internet Browsing, 1080p video playback, and i want to play some 3D games if possible like TF2 but not serious stuff unless the laptop can do TB3 eGPU. X240 + IPS is good choice?
>>10 I managed to find my old IBM T42. It powers on, but I only get a black screen from both the monitor, and the VGA output. The battery is dead, but the power cable works fine. Does it need a working battery to show a display? I could have sworn I've unplugged it before without issues. Before I spend money on replacement parts, what should I try troubleshooting? (I'd prefer not to spend too much in case there's more wrong with it than I realize. I just want to use it as a cheap 90s/XP-era gaming machine because it's available.)
Is there anything modern even close to what an old IBM Thinkpad was in terms of durability? Or is everything just cheap chinkshit nowadays? I got one years back used as a gift, but eventually I had to upgrade to something newer for work. I didn't realize how great it was until every laptop I've had since die on me within a couple years. I formatted it with some flavor of Ubuntu and gave it to my grandma at least, so it didn't go to complete waste, but I still wish I could have used it longer. I tried a Lenovo Thinkpad once, but it didn't feel the same.

Anonymous 09/02/2021 (Thu) 11:07:16 No. 5315 [Reply]
chat:anon:?lain wiki https://wiki.biglybt.com/w/Decentralized_Chat it takes a while to load the first time , no servers , no mods , everything is allowed have fun fags
it's an i2p chat on biglybt

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Richard Matthew Stallman Anonymous 05/08/2021 (Sat) 14:23:46 No. 4011 [Reply]
Richard Stallman taught us that: 1. In America "you can get arrested without a reason." 2. Russian spy "Edward Snowden is a Great Hero." 3. HAMAS terrorists are the good guys, while Israel is a fascist state. 4. "The US military" are the "violent white supremacists." "The US owes reparations to Iraq for the damage it has done." 5. "The US military is poisoning [low-income] communities across the US with toxic chemicals." 6. It is wrong that "the US government has persecuted Julian Assange for a decade for Wikileaks' journalism." 7. "Publishing of leaked secret [American] information" is journalism, and not espionage or sabotage. 8. Terrorist Iranian dictatorship, trying to make a nuclear bomb, are the good guys, and America should ally with it. 9. "US today — plutocracy, extractivism and dooH niboR." 10. "US government doesn't try to operate fair taxation." 11. American "democracy is a sham." 12. "We must defeat [American] plutocracy." 13 "War is not the way to deal with" the totalitarian regimes. 14. Pre-teen children can "appear entirely willing." 15. Writing software unpaid makes you "free as in freedom." 16. There is nothing wrong with the Red Star GNU/Linux being used in North Korea as the totalitarian surveillance tool tracking any non approved communication. GNU GPL completely approves such use, because it gives their government users "freedom."

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13 posts omitted.
>>4075 this >>4694 this
>>4737 Yeah I'd like to see Stallman trying to even stop one chud.
>>4011 <30. "A parrot once had sex with me. I did not recognize the act as sex until it was explained to me afterward, but being stroked on the hand by his soft belly feathers was so pleasurable that I yearn for another chance. I have a photo of that act [this is the photo]; should I go to prison for it?"

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Doing all kind of hacking services Anonymous 05/04/2021 (Tue) 17:43:08 No. 3912 [Reply]
Doing all kind of hacking services Contact me for deals Telegram:@hackvolt
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>>3912 Can you find your mom's fb password? I think she is cheating on me with a black dude
Alguien habla español?? Quiero empezar en este mundillo
>>5107 No lo hablo muy bien, pero lo hablo. Que es "este mundillo"?

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Digital Organization for Dummies Anonymous 08/11/2021 (Wed) 21:03:30 No. 5080 [Reply]
Do you have a good method of organizing files and programs on your computer? Is there an efficient way to do it, or is it all just up to personal preference? I feel like I've got far too many random images saved over the years to feasibly go through and put in this folder or that, and I've also got literal thousands of bookmarks that are just getting in the way of me efficiently doing things. Would it be better just to can them all and start fresh? How would I keep things organized from that point on?
1 post omitted.
>Do you have a good method of organizing files Folders >organizing programs What do you mean? >bookmarks Copy the bookmarks you're not visiting to a text file and delete them from browser or whatever you're using >How would I keep things organized from that point on? Don't download / bookmark random garbage
>>5099 >Folders I do but I also have a bad habit of making new folders for stuff, tossing irrelevant things together, not naming them accordingly or usefully... >What do you mean? Yeah, not sure what I was asking with that. Generally I try to keep programs installed normally (Program Files) but some things (art programs, games, more niche utilities) are saved separately from that. Do you organize programs in any way or is that pointless, and better to just have them all in the same folder? >Copy the bookmarks you're not visiting to a text file and delete them from browser or whatever you're using I have actually done this before, they just keep piling up because I'm a neurotic retard. >Don't download / bookmark random garbage But I NEED to! Yeah that's obviously the main issue but then the question becomes what's worth downloading/keeping saved and what's not. That'll just take some introspection and careful thought. My questions are really more just what are good digital organization habits, and how can you organize things more easily?
>> 5173 >Do you organize programs in any way Not really >what's worth downloading/keeping saved and what's not My rule of thumb is "Will I use it?" If yes - save, if not - don't save

bypassing EU vaccination certificates Anonymous 08/18/2021 (Wed) 03:26:50 No. 5156 [Reply]
An italian anon modified the apps used to store and check covid vaccination certificates, verificac19 allows harvesting certificates and immuni allows using one of the harvested certificates. To effectively use them irl you also need a fake id or drivers license with the name and date of birth of the person you're impersonating. The board for discussion (in italian) is >>>/gp/ and here are the apps https://gitgud.io/lupetto/it-dgc-verificaC19-android/-/releases https://gitgud.io/lupetto/immuni-app-android/-/releases

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Anonymous 08/07/2021 (Sat) 20:26:44 No. 5064 [Reply]
tl;dr - ntfs old. paragon (proprietary company) make ntfs3. since it only runs in userspace on linux, performance bad. paragon make in-kernel version. linus happy very cool, paragon. very cool, linus (b~_^)b

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Anonymous 08/04/2021 (Wed) 15:38:39 No. 5038 [Reply]
You know if you just listened to the NSA your kubes wouldn't have been hacked, right?

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Gentoo Thread - Portage 3.0 Edition Anonymous 09/08/2020 (Tue) 00:35:37 No. 1275 [Reply]
Even in the midst of Corona-chan, Gentoo is still alive. Portage is stabilized to 3.0, removing Python 2.7 support for less bloat: https://archive.vn/zFeCV https://archive.vn/Qv34K https://archive.vn/Dw9Bl Discuss anything Gentoo related here.
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Anyone able to have a purely JACK audio setup working? Of what was actually able to use JACK for the audio server it was fantastic, but I always ran into the issue of not enough of what I used would support it. Meanwhile everything adopted pulseaudio in a heartbeat, which I always see errors in dmesg for.
>>3363 I don't think enough software supports jack to get pure only jack setup to work. closest setup I've seen is using alsa loopback devices with apulse.
>>3336 >It seems like gentoo maintainers have been going on a killing spree with anything that goes unupdated for a year. even if it really doesn't need updates. Talking from the future here, but LXDE didn't get removed. That said, being unmaintained upstream isn't just about getting new features, it's about getting support when code eventually rots and becomes unable to compile/function properly on modern systems. LXDE currently requires very few patches, but I'm sure if a bug or two appear that aren't trivial to solve, they'll consider it for removal again. You're usually free to contribute to keeping it alive, if you can fix the issues. Same shit happened with opentmpfiles, as the latest version had significant bugs and had to be masked, nobody stepped up for over a year to either fix those or release a new upstream version, so they decided it wasn't worth keeping around.

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Anonymous 04/21/2021 (Wed) 14:06:06 No. 3637 [Reply]
Been using Linux on the desktop for 20+ years AMA
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>>4875 Do you think they would look better wearing wigs, maternity dresses and bad makeup? Fuck off back to Discord, tranny.
>>3637 Are there any distributions that use a window manager as the default environment, rather than a desktop? I fell in love with fluxbox while trying out slackware, but I'm not smart or patient enough to use slackware to any effective degree. So I switched to fedora, which is very easy to use but is very ugly in my opinion
>>4890 Or you can just look anything other than a total sperg or a tranny

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The future of imageboards: Over 9000 server proxies? Anonymous 08/18/2020 (Tue) 08:16:19 No. 1089 [Reply]
Of the new imageboards that launched recently two of them have something in common: Proxies. The new Zchan launched its server normally and proxies their site through a separate sever. This site has a "back door" to its tor hidden service that runs from a proxy on the clearnet. Much like anons using a proxy to evade a ban from a site, entire sites are now using proxies to avoid being banned from the Internet. The effectiveness of this is apparent at a glance. The servers for the main sites have no public IP to know and a much smaller attack surface, and if a proxy gets shut down another one can be spun up faster than relocating a whole server and all of its data. 8chan goes even further by allowing its server to hide on the onion network in case of a major attack or outage. Deplatforming a proxy that doesn't host content is naturally going to be a bit harder than deplatforming a site that does. My question is, is this going to become the status quo for "controversial" sites going into the future? Even a year ago I would have said this was extreme, but the sheer hostility against non-politically correct sites on the Internet, and the willingness of service providers to cave to an angry mob on the basis of emotion has exceeded my worst fever dreams. This is not how the Internet of my youth was supposed to be.
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>>1106 Whats your opinion on the bot attacks/ddos? The only reason i can imagine someone launching such attacks would be to shut down competition but i doubt thats the case since most of these imageboards are either dead or unprofitable.
>>1170 >proof-of-x to ensure single post history You want to put post history on a blockchain? Say goodbye to ephemerality and hello to massive storage usage when the site gets big
>>4898 cont. Which isn't neccessarily a bad thing imo

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