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Cryptocurrency based on {image,text}board principles Anonymous 03/26/2023 (Sun) 07:41:27 No. 11869 [Reply]
Thinking about blockchain tech made me realise how it couldn't have been created by anyone who browses boards like these. 1: ephemerality) Blockchain by design has none. It stores everything forever. 2: anonymity) Most cryptocurrencies are pseudonymous, due to the use of cryptographic signatures. Monero comes close to this, however. Anything else? Can anyone think of a cryptotoken that has these properties? Probably something like Chaumian eCash or similar, like the SAFE Network token (https://primer.safenetwork.org/#ch8) SNT would also solve the problem in https://lukesmith.xyz/articles/obvious-technical-solutions/

Anonymous 11/05/2022 (Sat) 10:35:30 No. 10509 [Reply]
I am thinking about building a new computer. I could not find any benchmarks. Should I buy stuff from this company? https://www.raptorcs.com/ I think this deserves its own thread.
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>>10535 >Raspberry Raspberry is backdoored shit, it uses ARM cpu with (((Trustzone))) backdoor which is like Intel ME and AMD PSP.
>>10561 I've seen people argue that Americnas should use Russian or Chinese products and services, because American law enforcement won't have backdoors there. Maybe true, but Elbrus, Zhaoxin, etc probably still have Israeli backdoors.
>>10561 Then get an ancient thinkpad you can disable ME on and fuck off. All modern hardware have those "backdoors".

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https://usesthis.com/ Anonymous 05/23/2020 (Sat) 16:12:52 No. 186 [Reply]
I found an interesting look site which interviews people asking them what hardware/software they use for their life/work/projects. There are some interesting people on there like Bram Moolenaar (https://usesthis.com/interviews/bram.moolenaar/), this lady who has some godtier taste (https://usesthis.com/interviews/alice.maz/), and plenty of faggots. Maybe you'll find some interesting work setups or you can share your Windows 10 + Beats by Dre. setup.
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> this lady who has some godtier taste https://usesthis.com/interviews/alice.maz/ That's a man, baby austinpowers.jpg
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>>11750 >lowest Erdos number of any sex educator That's great but ultimately meaningless outside of math and physics researchers (and maybe a handful of other related disciplines).

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Where can I download red hat 3.0.3? Anonymous 11/10/2022 (Thu) 18:39:18 No. 10592 [Reply]
I've been searching on google but I haven't found anything I hope you can help me
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>>10593 i want to see that os in virtualbox
>>10592 (OP) You can't just "download" it OP, that would be illegal and dangerous. More importantly, you are harming the poor employees of Red Hat who depend on software sales to feed their families. Please negotiate a purchase of this software through the proper channel: https://www.redhat.com/en/contact#section-local-sales-contacts

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State of D? Anonymous 03/01/2023 (Wed) 10:06:35 No. 11701 [Reply]
Well D is one of the languages that was killers of C/C++, but for now it's dead? I know that core problem was in dual core library and including of GC was a mistake. But with some manual work, several small tweaks and we got fully working, no libc language that is currently dead. Why and maybe I'm wrong?

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radio Anonymous 11/24/2022 (Thu) 19:17:08 No. 10756 [Reply]
Radio is the most cucked hobby right now, I am sad
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>>11515 only boomer qtards use ham radio
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>>11591 you forgot "wealthy"

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ChannelChanger Development & Support Anonymous 09/06/2020 (Sun) 18:37:48 No. 1257 [Reply] [Last]
This is the official development and support thread for ChannelChanger. Please request help, post bugs, or offer suggestions here. What is ChannelChanger? A cross-platform, multi-site scraper and importer. It allows anyone to back up a board and then import it to their own website. https://gitgud.io/Codexx/channel_changer What do I need to run this? Python 3.8+ and most of the dependencies listed in requirements.txt. A basic set-up guide is provided in the readme. This software was developed and tested exclusively on Linux. I intend to support both OSX and WIndows. If you use either of these platforms and encounter any issues, please let me know. Can I scrape a board from [site] with this? Probably. There is explicit support for LynxChan, Vichan, and JSChan websites. Some vichan sites may have issues with thumbnails because their APIs do not expose thumbnail extensions; I have added an override but you may need to run two scrapes of boards on some sites to get all of the thumbnails. Vichan's API matches 4chan's with some extensions, so the scraper might work on other sites which clone the 4chan API, but this is untested. Many vichan sites have customized frontends, such as OpenIB, Lainchan, or Kissue. I've tested and confirmed these work, but can't always guarantee full compatibility with each of these, especially if they decide to alter the API or where files are stored. LynxChan sites should work fine, since the direct path for both the thumbnail and the file are in the JSON.

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>>11612 Please do. I've been trying to figure things out on my own and made minor progress, but jschan seems to have a lot of moving parts when it comes to importing data. If any experts here want to chime in with advice on taking scraped data and shoving it deep down inside jschan, the advice wouldn't go unappreciated.
>>11585 Email me at codexx at cock.li and we can talk. If you have a jschan instance already running then I can help you probe and explain some if the holdups. >>11612 You're probably going to need manual tweaks based on the DB structure. Chatgpt is going to struggle with logic problems and undocumented data structures.
>>11634 Sent ;)

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DWeb board Anonymous 03/04/2022 (Fri) 20:17:53 No. 7678 [Reply] [Last]
How hard would it be to make a functioning imageboard (or textboard) using IPFS and OrbitDB/GUN, or Hypercore/Dat? It would be immune to deplatforming by hosting providers (and DNS providers depending on how it's addressed). https://ipfs.io/ https://orbitdb.org/ https://github.com/amark/gun / https://gun.eco/ https://hypercore-protocol.org/ (formally https://www.datprotocol.com/) There's two chans on zeronet but you have to make an ID to use them
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>>9828 Got images to load over IPFS. Here's how the two catalogs compare now. The difference in background color is just because I scrolled down to get things to line up. Right is obtained over IPFS (except for the board name and description which are obtained over HTTP for now) and the left is the traditionally served HTML page from the central server. As I'm doing this a lot of the quality-of-life stuff that should be handled is becoming more clear.
>>9903 Making a bit of progress on this, mainly fixing up a lot of the functionality that broke porting the database. The most recent thing I did was having the central-servers "classic view" also get post files via an proxy to the ipfs gateway on the backend, so that the static file delivery as such can be replaced (right now there is redundancy with a "static" and "ipfs" copy of each file on the mediator server, which isn't ideal, but this can now be dealt with) Here's a checklist of stuff to do before I would consider it viable to use/test on a publicly-accessible server: https://gitgud.io/threshold862543/orbitchan/-/issues/9
Locutus might be a good platform to build this on. It's basically a continuation of Freenet that supports more dynamic websites. It can be thought of as Ethereum for non-financial uses and without a blockchain, due to it's use of "cryptographic contracts" that govern each site. https://freenet.org/

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retarded haskell Anonymous 02/12/2023 (Sun) 21:01:30 No. 11555 [Reply]
tried to search this up but all the retards keep on going about on some other shit, heres my code and the fucking retarded error that explains nothing doubleMe x = x + x doubleUs x y = doubleMe x + doubleMe y doubleSmallNumber x { if x < 100 then doubleMe x else x*2 } baby.hs:6:9: error: parse error on input ‘if’ | 6 | if x < 100 | ^^

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replace { with = dedent the else remove } doubleSmallNumber x = if x < 100 then doubleMe x else x*2
go to the help thread for this next time >>3
aight thanks

AI Art Anonymous 02/06/2023 (Mon) 16:18:36 No. 11514 [Reply]
Some thoughts on artists making a fuss
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>>11552 why should we respect the legal system which says crossdressing men with big dicks belong in a womens prison?
>>11565 Because the legal system says that this content has no protection?
>>11582 >this content has no protection I was talking about Mickey, not AI art. The Mickey Mouse IP absolutely does have legal protections. https://screenrant.com/mickey-mouse-copyright-expiration-explained/ https://archive.is/e18QP

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Unmanned Balloon UAVs Anonymous 02/10/2023 (Fri) 04:31:55 No. 11538 [Reply]
Has anyone built one or know of one being built? Legal aspects aside, but could a home built UAV bring down a foreign spy balloon in theory? Flying unmanned balloons is legal even if using it to bring down another balloon is certainly not, but curious as to the tech. People have been flying weather balloons well into the stratosphere for years.
With all the balloons, alien space ships and whatever else your president has been shooting down lately, please go ahead and put up your uas balloon. It will be a free fireworks show. Better yet, launch it near the Whitehouse and film it, please.

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Search for an APi or website selling USDT TR20 Anonymous 02/14/2023 (Tue) 13:58:17 No. 11568 [Reply]
Hello, I am looking for a site / or API allowing to buy USDT massively with several credit cards per day, and which does not block the account after some refused payment.

finding some good deepfake nude apps/online Anonymous 02/08/2023 (Wed) 04:16:10 No. 11526 [Reply]
finding some good deepfake nude apps/online, anyone know about it?
>>11526 porno dot com

Stable Diffusion Anonymous 09/11/2022 (Sun) 03:16:04 No. 9692 [Reply]
Now that even the normies have heard of Stable Diffusion, it's time for us to talk about our thoughts on this thing.
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>>11340 The video games board is more active, and has had a few threads on this. >>>/v/765010
>>11340 Nice ones. >i just discovered this site How did you get here?
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Censorship-free game server Anonymous 08/24/2021 (Tue) 16:47:11 No. 5237 [Reply]
Is it possible to make a free speech friendly game server (say, Minetest) that is resistant to being shut down by restrictive governments, hosting companies and ICANN. Possibility 1: Anonymity networks. How feasible is it to connect to a game server running on, say, a Tor hidden service? How about a Lokinet SNapp? I2P? Possibility 2: Blockchain domains. These are very straightforward from what I've heard. Cons: only defends against ICANN but not gov or provider. Possibility 3: Peer-to-peer. How hard is this? Cons: no privacy (by default) These possibilities are not necessarily mutually exclusive. E.g. The P2P network could be run over an anon network to improve privacy.
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>>5336 yea you're a nigger
>>5237 Just host your own LAN and lay down some long fiber optic runs. Otherwise your best bet is taking a page out of normalnigger books and using a site or chat to keep vps hopping, added bonus of not having to get a domain, just post the ip. I use mullvad while gaming and the latency isn't that bad, if you get a vps in the same datacenter then it might be a negligible cost for masking the ip.
>>5238 Watchlists are just fed hate game bullshit. I was on the no-fly as a kid, flew anyway, learned it was all total BS from that. They also use it to harass dissidents or extrajudicially deprive them of rights.

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I sell aged PayPal account 500-2k $ amount Anonymous 02/05/2023 (Sun) 17:46:24 No. 11508 [Reply]
If you want to buy Aged PayPal accounts , contact me at : joker_hat@mail2tor.com wickr : tkotko96

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