>media reservation
I will assume you meant media
>i loath the amount of knowledge, nerd knowledge, that will forever be lost in the vowels of discord
Imageboards aren't all that much better, considering how they are designed to remove the old posts and replace it with new posts. The only way of preserving data, is either by making a screencap and sharing with as many anons as possible thought the years or acrhiving the page, but have fun searching for information through archived pages. As an example, here are two screencaps from an old Overwatch thread on 8chan, the jist is that someone got called out for shilling the game, had a massive spergout, and then smugly claimed that nobody will remember him, because of "muh anonymity", only for anons to screencap it and post them whenever they could. Well, seven years later, and to some extent he was right, most
people anons will not be able to look up on the internet for what the fuck happened in that thread, not even know to ask to be spoonfed, the only reason why I am even posting these, is because I just remembered I had them.
Discord on the other hand, has the problem of gatekeeping the information, at least with an imageboard, anyone could lurk and screencap my post, for whatever reason, whereas to do that on Discord you would need both an account and to be accepted in the group. For all it's faults
Reddit is quite good at it, as there have been plenty of instances where I had a problem with a game, or with programming something, or with some other stuff, and one of the first results when searching the topic, was some faggot who asked the same thing 7 years ago and got a reply with a fix that still works even today. Thankfully they are not the only platform, as there are other alternatives like quora, stackoverflow, random forums and so on.
Now don't get me wrong, I am not saying "imageboards bad" or some shit like that, only that the preservation of information is similar to oral tradition, you need an anon to post the epic screencaps, and the user saves them, who in turn will post them for someone else to learn about the Overwatch shill, otherwise the information will get lost, unless you want to go dumpster diving through archive. is or thewaybackmachine.