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Baby 06/28/2022 (Tue) 22:26:27 No. 13617 [Reply]
It appears wangxiangbaby is probably about to be nuked. If u know, it’s probably one of the best azn amateur accounts n the girl is super cute. Looks like boyfriend is losing his shit right now. Did he just doxx her with that picture? Could we archive any photos/videos, or post in thread? I would but I’m wagecucking rn If anyone can speak ccp moon runes and translate for entertainment that would be great
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>>13642 Just use google translate, nobodys gonna translate fucking twitter drama. For archival of content on twitter, you can use gallery-dl which supports a plethora of other sites too https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl/blob/master/docs/supportedsites.md For pornsites you can use youtube-dl https://ytdl-org.github.io/youtube-dl/supportedsites.html Oh, and stop speaking like a faggot if you want better reception next time
>>13618 Even if it is a false alarm her content is good and it should be saved. I saw this movie way too many times: people who are into abdl, for some reason, eventually delete their whole content online.
>>16287 The coomer fog lifts faster when you are a girl because the more attention you draw to yourself faster you get more and more viral, chances of being outed to family and friends increases EXPONENTIALLY and AAAAAAALSO lots and lots of more creepy guys will start harrasing you, that is a FACT. EVERYONE in this kink has some baggage behind them, in order to pull this off you would need to be surrounded by an extremely enabling circle that will be ok with interacting with you as you pull this kind of shit 24/7 in front of the public. ABDLEmma from Amsterdam apparently pulls it off, but I dont know how """"""advanced""""" the Netherlands are in that regard, also probably she pulls it off because as a woman it comes off more adorable and less creepy/disgusting than as a dude. Still though, going out in the street or public parks with little/ABDL attire seems a little bit disrespectful to innocent bystanders and also borderline abusive in the off chance of you encountering a family simply enjoying the public park... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2IUzW0s0J4 I saw a tumblr user, jellybean-bby she kept talking about diaper training, hypno regressing, very bold claims the way she was phrasing it, proper coomer material bait you would expect from an extremely horny guy (I think she was not a tranny although had some odd features). May be she was trying to get more followers at the beginning or may be truly she was committed to training lost in the coombrain fog thing. She also appeared briefly in clips4sale as ABDL Pixel. https://paddy1231986.tumblr.com/post/629327127243898880 https://paddy1231986.tumblr.com/post/628167328866205696/jellybean-bby-you-know-where-to-find-the-full The she completely disappeared, sadly did not manage to get any of her premium videos or more of her posts saved.

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Baby 08/10/2022 (Wed) 19:48:49 No. 15474 [Reply] [Last]
Whats with it and tbdls participating in incest?
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>>16217 Im the same way with my tastes and I had a good childhood. We were poor but my parents were and are still good people still going strong in marriage almost 40 years. In my case I think its just a factor of a few embarrassing accidents at 3-5 and the fact that I had several younger siblings who got a lot of attention.
>>16205 >Has anyone ever gotten to know an AB or DL who had a healthy childhood? I had a healthy childhood. I was picked on in school and cried a lot, but I still had friends and a healthy homelife, never spanked or slapped, I'd get "time out". When I look back at the ages of 5-12 it's happy memories. I had a good childhood, frankly I'm grateful for my parents. My adolescence was a little rocky, but I never got into too much trouble or anything. Just normal teen angst. I can only speak for myself, of course. I enjoy being the sub more than being the dom. From 18-20 I dated a girl a bit older than me and I was the dom. She really liked being choked in bed, and it made me very uncomfortable, it felt wrong to do, but she said it helped her "get off." I never requested any fetish or sub stuff I liked with her, since I knew she'd be turned off. My last ex was a switch so I was much more open about liking light bondage, AB/DL and other stuff. It helped some of my fetish's were also hers ( sadly not ab/dl) I didn't mind spanking, but I I also know what my own tolerance for pain is. The girl who I dated first was a bad communicator, so I never knew her limits. My last ex told me her limits if I spanked her. I was trusted I wasn't going to spank too hard, and while I did trust her I was never concerned she could spank me hard enough to really hurt me, but I guess that's the difference in genders. I also said no sticks or whips since it felt too "mean" to do. I trusted she wouldn't abuse the power I gave her when doming. Likewise she trusted me when it was my turn to be the dom. I know I rambled a bit.
>>16223 You and me both on the good childhood thing, I lived with my grandparents who took care of me. I was just picked on aswell in elementary and middle school like you

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Tato 08/18/2022 (Thu) 19:38:42 No. 15924 [Reply]
Post some of Tato's art :>
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ABDL set up Baby 06/07/2022 (Tue) 01:45:33 No. 12754 [Reply]
So how do you guys set stuff up for when you pad up? Personally, all I've been doing is just get a pack of Abenas and use a "VR nursery" I made on Dreams for PS4. Doing another ABDL session this weekend, but adding a few things like a onesie and a charity cage.
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>>12754 shit I wish I could afford one of those VR set ups. How long did it take to create that nursery in the Dreams app/game?
>>16028 All I did is take an already existing room or location. I did make stuff like cribs and playpen/toys, and that was relatively simple.
>>12754 >Dreams for PS4. Why the fuck is this thing still PS4 only?

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Diaper Cherry Cherry English 08/16/2022 (Tue) 16:23:24 No. 15816 [Reply]
Hello, I am nearly grown with my cherry buds turning into website blossoms soon!
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>>15816 GTFO you sick fuck
>>15875 >simp detected she will not fuck you retard
>>15899 >retard detected <replying to OP marks the first post

Frilly Socks 05/21/2022 (Sat) 19:58:29 No. 12327 [Reply]
There's something special about them.
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>>12328 Boy, this second photo is just spot on!

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Tsundere Diaper Babes Baby 03/17/2022 (Thu) 22:13:57 No. 10226 [Reply]
I really love forced babying. I have so little interest in abdl stuff for guys that like it. I only like boy that fuss and blush about getting dress in diapers and baby clothes. Guy that like it aren't hot at all I think. Is there a good why to find guy like this or stories ect.?
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>>15837 Yes yes yes. Hand me those brats. I want them all!
>>10226 I-I might be able to help
>>15857 Do you have a discord to share little bud?

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Baby 05/24/2022 (Tue) 17:16:12 No. 12410 [Reply]
I've been thinking about hiring a back-page escort to baby me. Do you think this is a good idea?
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>>12473 In what shithole country is consensual sex not legal?!
>>15813 I am intrigued about the fully AB part to be honest, I have never found myself comfortable enough to let my baby persona fully out in front of anyone so that I something I am interested in trying. Stupid money I am talking 1000-1500usd-ish. So yeah, a lot. >>15817 Healthy envy here babyanon, this is what I have been after for a while now. It is fucking exhausting to be walking on fucking eggshells when talking to escorts, they say "kink" or "fetish" friendly but when I explain to them what ABDL is most of them simply stop replying, I am not even overly sexual in my descriptions, but I tell them I am looking for a nurturing domination with a bit of teasing but mostly sweet and innocent. She does not even have to be a bombshell tbh, either a bit pretty or kind of hot will do just fine as long as she has a maternal instinct, I am more than willing to settle for that. I go through the same cycle over and over again and the ones that seem to be ok with it ask bold claims like "if you have a list of things or a fantasy text you need to pay me for the time I will spend reading it" or "you will need to arrange for a dinner date in a fancy restaurant where I will be able to order whatever I want and we will discuss your fantasy".... WTF I remember reaching out to two different escorts a few years back, super straight forward, friendly, understanding and patient, I fucking miss them both honestly, one overly hot but a bit cruel and the other really gentle and loving although her dungeon was kind of crap.
>>15818 in quite a lot of muslim countries sex is illegal outside of marriage

Vidya 10/04/2021 (Mon) 18:15:00 No. 4931 [Reply] [Last]

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Does somebody here has Soap's new update on the new game?
bump lol
>>8885 >>8884 >Lost/Unknown >Second Chance Academy you can find updated download links for Second Chance Academy in their discord. https://discord.gg/KMXqSB9 or their ftt thread https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/foxtalestimes/second-chance-academy-new-game-demo-version-0-5-up-t932.html

New ABU Diaper, boner raised Baby 12/15/2021 (Wed) 03:50:22 No. 7576 [Reply] [Last]
ABU is an annoying company with an insufferable fanbase of furfags, but holy shit, shut up and take my money on this. Japan exclusive at the moment. https://jp.abuniverse.com/%E8%A3%BD%E5%93%81/lkg/
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>>15074 That's pretty cool. May have to talk my CG into getting it haha. But it'd be a dumb purchase like you said since we already have a changing table, she'll probably tell me no.
>>15012 Woooooooo my order of a case of those has shipped! Can't wait!
>>15014 It's not positional print but looks pretty nice, I like how large the print is

Looking for a watamoto fanfic made by YC3 Ultimate supreme leader 08/08/2022 (Mon) 00:43:42 No. 15340 [Reply]
There was a watamoto fanfiction called “it’s your fault I’m not poopular” it was written by yc3 here a broken link to what was archive of it https://forums.abdlstoryforum.info/t/its-your-fault-im-not-poopular-by-yc3/8970 If you know where to find this fanfic that would be amazing
I have it saved as a text file. The pastebin links are apparently: [part 1] https://pastebin.com/fC1hKqyA [Alternate Fan Story] https://pastebin.com/rRcgq9Hh [part 2] https://pastebin.com/TKYQZb6B
>>15366 Links lead to private/banned pastes- do you have the other files saved?
>>15633 Sadly the one I attached to that post is the only one I have saved.

Good Discord Servers Baby 08/07/2022 (Sun) 18:48:10 No. 15329 [Reply]
Hey, do you guys know any non-cringe discord servers? Maybe some that are focused on a specific topic like sharing content, hanging out in voice or talking about new diapers. The servers i visited so far are kinda cringe. They allow minors and split everything in <18 and >18 (FUCK TBs). They just try to fit any possible sub topic of ABDL and have tons of channels, most dead. Begging for inviting new users/boosting the server/donating on patreon. It also feels like they are either too big, so you turn on notifs and only look when you remember, or mostly dead.
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>>15351 It's sad isn't it?
>>15464 langauge?
>>15618 DEUTSCH

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Nudity/nudism Baby 09/06/2020 (Sun) 09:15:16 No. 1065 [Reply]
How many of you ABDLs lounge around the house naked? Any nudists here? >been a nudist (AKA naturist) since before i knew the word >makes me feel happy and carefree, like how i felt when i was a kid and was told to not be concerned with my body >in most places, as one becomes older, nudity on the beach becomes more stigmatized, which is sad
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>>1065 At a clothing optional beach right now. Just came for the first time this summer and its fucking choice. Naked is my favorite outfit next to diapers. People selling booze and weed just walking up and down the shoreline naked. Highly recommend.
>>15585 Why the hell would you want street vendors peddling you stuff every 10 minutes when you're trying to relax on a beach?
>>15615 Very common in poor countries where people struggle to make ends meet, you sell people a service out of comfort. You can remain chilling, sunbathing while someone charges you extra for handing you a fresh can of coca-cola

Good Abld Sites for Creators Baby 08/11/2022 (Thu) 14:18:59 No. 15552 [Reply]
I'm torn between Adisc, Zity and Abdlstories, they all seem to have positive things about them but also negative ones so I don't know for sure in which one to post my work, I would particularly like one where people usually leave their feedback.
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>>15578 Oops I meant to refer to this story thread. >>2956
>>15578 Abdlstoryfrum allows sexual stuff with tweenager as far as I know like a weekend for babysitting, DeviantArt is good too but it's a bit hard to find stories in there from my experience trying to find stuff in there
Pixiv also has a "novels" section and pretty much anything is permitted there.

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Non-ABDL Artists Baby 06/23/2022 (Thu) 19:41:42 No. 13377 [Reply]
Thread for ABDL-related works made by non-ABDLs. Kind of a weird "sub-genre," but I find it to be a treat at times. Somewhat fascinating, actually.
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I don't want to be that guy, but can an image really be considered as ABDL content if the characters aren't adults? I mean, some of these images are just babies wearing diapers. >>14257 Really nice.
>>14257 >>15436 thanks, there is so much I like, the dialogue, the expressions, how sudden Morgan messes herself, how big the mess is that she makes, how she just shrugs it off, also I do like that Ashley says "new Year was like 10 days ago." meaning that Morgan is either monstrously late or better, that Morgan has been dressed this way for 10 days and Ashley has just come around now to see her. the only thing I would say is I wished on the last panel, the diaper was sagging more or had stink lines.
>>15436 I think it applies in the sense that ABDL spans infantilism more generally. Just because the ABDL is an adult who partakes in infantile behavior, it doesn't necessarily mean that they self-image as an adult doing that. Idk, there's definitely a line between normies making baby art and ABDLs doing so.

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Disposable Diapers are Decadent Baby 11/22/2021 (Mon) 15:29:39 No. 7157 [Reply] [Last]
If you ever want a greater symbol of the downfall of the West look no further than disposable diapers and the absolute waste they cause. Billions of diapers end up in landfills each year which is causing humanity to literally drown the world in shit. If you ever want to do your bit for the planet reject the disposables and return to cloth. They don't even have truly great colorful designs anyway.
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>>15330 In my area they literally hand out tested drugs (actual cocaine, crack, meth, etc.) for free so that people don't do shit laced with fent. >Many addicts How many? Alcoholics Anonymous (a literal for-profit addictions counseling service) claims 13% of long-term addicts actually recover. The real number is probably much fucking lower. You're clearly repeating feel-good bullshit you've been conditioned to believe and have no actual experience dealing with homeless people or addicts.
>>15322 >And what peercentage of homeless people would that be? You're correct, the percentage is likely incredibly low, but enough people manage to do it that you see feel good stories. > I was almost homeless from drug addiction, and many of my closest friends are now homless or dead. FUCK THEM. They made themselves into wild animals and no amount of sympathy or enabling will reverse that process (even if it does for like 0.0000000004% of people who end up bouncing back). Yeah, homeless drug addiction is going to be quite high. But what about the people who are homeless due to non-drug (or alcohol)related reasons. People that: Were given predatory loans in the lead up to the 2008 bubble Were hit with a sudden death of the breadwinner of the family Were gambling addicts Didn't have home owner's insurance and lost a home due to fire Had a disagreement with a family member and got thrown out Were once married and ruined by divorce courts/child support/alimony

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You ever think about what happens to your diapers? They don't make it to landfill or the incinerator the same size as when they were thrown out. They get mushed up and squished to a third of their size, so the space they take up isn't alot.

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