/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

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Before and After pics? 09/22/2022 (Thu) 23:47:14 No. 17228 [Reply]
I love seeing pictures of both men and women before and after getting babyifed. Pictures of happy successful adults followed by them turned into pouty little toddlers is the very best I think. Does anyone have a bunch of these? Does anyone wanna make some cute photos like this?

Abdl games Baby 09/14/2022 (Wed) 01:32:01 No. 16957 [Reply]
There was a thread on abdl.kun.top about talking about abdl video games and sharing the files to them this is a 8chan.moe version because the original thread seem to be taken down
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Not really an ABDL game but still kind of fun... Basically it was Angry Birds with diapers and was released by Luvs / P&G. The game was called "Poopdeck" and the premise was to use rolled up diapers and a slingshot to take out pirate ships. I kind of enjoyed it when it was still around.
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thread to share your best attempts at image modification Baby 09/18/2022 (Sun) 04:14:57 No. 17063 [Reply]
as the name of the thread indicates this is only for sharing modifications of images and photographs that you have made in some free time you have had, no matter the tool you have used for such modification.

Baby 08/01/2021 (Sun) 11:45:07 No. 4270 [Reply]
Anyone else have a "Mommy Waifu"?
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Oh heck, most of them.
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Do they have to be cartoons/animated? If humans are allowed, then Sofia Vergara for me all the way. I love latinas.
>not having at least a momfu (ara ara), a nannyfu (maid), a babysitterfu (teen girl) and a bigsisfu (loli)

Messy/Wet Pics/Vids Baby 09/15/2022 (Thu) 16:48:39 No. 16984 [Reply]
2 great pics
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>>16998 man Nikki is so adorable, defintally in my top 5 girls from diaper along with Katrina, summer, sunshine,and Bella

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Post your diaper pic anon 09/14/2022 (Wed) 00:37:57 No. 16953 [Reply]
This is me, any takers?
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>>16953 >He gets his diapers at Walmart >Omg seriously
>>16953 So cringe... Why would you even bother posting pics if you're not even going to bother trying...? I've tried most brands you probably can only fantasize about, Megamax, Rearz, BetterDry, Tena, Tykables, Bambino, Molicare, Abena, you name it... I mean, if you're going to go with store-bought shit, go with Tena, at the very least. Whatever the fuck you were wearing in those pictures looks like it would leak just by looking at it. Also, SHAVE, babies don't have hair, facial or otherwise. The only thing you got right is the baby fat, but I doubt that's what you were going for... Fuck me for gatekeeping ABDLs, you do you, ignore me.
come back one year!

Baby 09/13/2022 (Tue) 02:45:57 No. 16909 [Reply]
Does anyone know what going on with 8kun.top when ever I try to go there it doesn’t work so I was wondering what was going on with it https://8kun.top/abdl/index.html
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>>16924 this
>>16924 >>16927 I've been checking it once or twice a week for a while now to see if it ever goes somewhat back to normal. Also, it looks like it's back up now.
The fact that a few dozen billionaires seem to now have the power to essentially decide which site stays ON or not is worrisome. Also, I wouldn't be surprise if the billionaires themselves are the ones DDOs-ing pages to create the demand for their protection, mafia style. Also, you have retards saying "Oh, it's a private company, they can do whatever they want" (it's worth to highlight that these are the same people who argue that a small baker – which producers a service where you can hundreds of thousands doing the same thing – living somewhere in shitville should be forced to bake a custom cake for a gay couple or a transgender). Like, the hypocrisy is blatantly. I think the bigger the company, the less discretionary power it has to simply deny service to a paying customer.

Degenerate/18+ stories thread Baby 03/18/2021 (Thu) 12:35:34 No. 2956 [Reply]
Every thread I've seen has had mostly dull stories about the "fantasy" of being in diapers or just sfw went down to shop with a diaper on story. There's better stories than that: Sarah's New Life Anything made by DS: https://www.asstr.org/files/Authors/DS/www/index.html
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This is a story thread. If you want to argue on definition of rape, make a thread to b.
>>14910 Yeah that just sounds like you need your diaper changed to me. Come over here, Crumple Bunny, let's check your baby britches for leaks! Let's get you cleaned up and ready for beddy bye and then you can have a story! Oh, did you think I was joking? I'm not. Go and get your diaper bag. I'm waiting. *spreads out the changing mat* Lay down over here, Crinkle Cake. Let's see about getting your bottom powdered properly. Can you put your hands up over your head? Such a good baby!

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Anyone have a back up of stories by DS? Don’t think he/she’s on ASSTR anymore

I hate IG girls who do this, they tell you to DM but when you DM them, they don’t answer and block you for no reason. Don’t settle for bitches like these, just go for a diaper dick.
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>>16850 How tho? Explain. I ain’t in love with the guy. So it ain’t gay.
>>16798 nice b8
>>16881 You're talking about sex with a man. Not love. Bisexuals exist, and you're probably one of them. Welcome to the club. You can experience different types of attraction, it's okay

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Aduly baby lover Andy 09/07/2022 (Wed) 22:10:06 No. 16682 [Reply]
I just shit my self and grandma came in to the basement.. Pretty hot not going to lie!

Game Baby 09/03/2022 (Sat) 03:57:31 No. 16524 [Reply]
Does anyone have robo nanny by baby bunch https://babybunch.itch.io/robonanny
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Thanks for that I really wanted to play it
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uh the robo nanny one (the second link https://mega.nz/folder/swBUFTJT#XUkJ7EtvwVUI1CH9rIS0_w ) is the demo do you have the paid verison
Ah. Been a few years since I bought robo nursery, and I couldn't remember if I bought robo nanny too. I saw both files next to each other in my ABDL game folder, and just assumed it was the full versions of both. So no, I don't have the full version of robo nanny unfortunately :(

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Baby 07/11/2022 (Mon) 16:15:53 No. 14202 [Reply]
There's a popular new video chat app I found that lets you filter by gender and age. I know some of you are into exhibitionism. If I were to put on a onesie and pacifier and only show myself from the neck to waist (not showing diaper at all), what is the legality of that? Just to get reactions from of-age women.
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>>14276 those videos are still up in thisvid.com although to be honest that site is literal SHIT.

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Abdl audios 09/01/2022 (Thu) 09:54:44 No. 16433 [Reply]
A thread where everyone can post and share different abdl audio files these could be ones like ASMR, more custom specific audios and everything in between related to abdl.
My personal favorite are a lot of the ones made by diaperperv though they are usually hidden by paywalls. This one in concept sounds really good and if anyone has it and can add it to the thread it would be much appreciated https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/8256/26336715/abdl-audio-teacher-agatha-removes-adult-abilities-diapers

Old Diaper Art Thread Baby 08/13/2022 (Sat) 05:36:14 No. 15667 [Reply]
Thread for posting old diaper art from the years 2014 and below.
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anyone have his art on your computer, specifically his art from 2010-2014? He deleted them years ago and almost no one has them

Baby 07/15/2022 (Fri) 04:25:17 No. 14314 [Reply] [Last]
WE’RE MAINSTREAM What colors will they add to the flag to represent us?? https://archive.ph/JjoAC
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>>15598 I am a Simp owo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4H9kDL-WmU I'm actually happy with how this went. Gives me hope for the future of ABDL.
>>16349 This has to be the most neutral coverage of the community I've ever seen. Well done vice

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Pokemon/Trainer ABDL Thread muslim-kun 05/26/2022 (Thu) 03:24:42 No. 12444 [Reply]
this site hasn't been taken down already, so it might as well be the right time to make a new thread
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Does anyone have that one of Selene and her mom running after her on a beach?

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