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Meta + Cyoa creation help Adventurer Board owner 12/05/2020 (Sat) 02:24:48 No. 3 [Reply] [Last]
Accepting Banners 4chan's pastebin: https://pastebin.com/vrqYhnpu Allsync archive: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3 Rules 1. Multiple page CYOAs can have their own thread or be posted into a themed thread, Single CYOAs are likewise the same but if they don't have much content they can go in a general. 2. NSFW should be noted in the thread title but it's not going to be majorly enforced. You can tell from the first page or the description. 3. NSFW content can be unspoiled. We're all adults here, or at least pretending to be adults. 4. No spamming, flamming or other distractions from CYOAs in general. You're here to escape the real world, not drag politics into it. 5. Shitposting is fine within reason. Alternatively, use an RNG such as https://random.org/ for RYOAs. So BO hasn't logged in on 8kun for awhile but people want a community for CYOA that's not 4chan, reddit or discord. So here I am, I'll step up for the mean time and see if this community can grow or at least get comfy again.
Edited last time by Deepsea on 02/03/2021 (Wed) 17:33:34.
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>>1766 Well that's stupid. Can't archive via internet archive sites. There is still imgchest and /cyoag/ on 4chan but I would like a way to archive threads here.
>>1768 Exactly my point

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Waifu General Thread Adventurer Board owner 12/05/2020 (Sat) 02:38:29 No. 8 [Reply] [Last]
For Waifu CYOAs that don't deserve their own thread, post em here.
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>>1748 This is part of the Cruxia series by Velthrow. I'll make a thread for it.
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Prisoner Transfer CYOA Adventurer 08/20/2023 (Sun) 06:40:02 No. 1493 [Reply]
We got some magical girls and some that are brilliant with tech and we can't keep them here. Luckily, your universe is so mundane that it's perfect for a parole program.
>>1493 >Jazmin >Ris >Miyake >Theokleia >Purnima >Berry >Riley >Mara >Ceren >Nsia >Nijole Fug the lewd, I want to open a parole program just to get these girls to live again. They don't deserve to be locked up. Firmly "I can fix them" territory.
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I really think the best option here would be to use the 20 credits to get three extra girls and a seed, then take Jazmín, Marco, Hu Ying, and Zaneta. Jazmín could potentially help Marco build another vehicle capable of busting through reality and into the void, while Zaneta has the most in-depth knowledge of the CIA and would be valuable in orchestrating another overthrow attempt. With luck, their forces combined could re-enter the Waystation, free some of the more powerful, influential, and reasonable prisoners like General Shanthi to further lead the charge in freeing more allies. Hu Ying could take her revenge on Skála, then perhaps Jazmín could be put in charge of the facility alongside Zaneta. If all goes well, it just becomes a matter of returning harmless/innocent prisoners like Mikaye Aiko to their home dimensions, using Jazmín's superintelligence to locate other mundane dimensions to house them in, and killing or permanently containing the genuine threats like Nethraxis, and then also those like Dr. Travis and Karina Serrano. Who knows, certain prisoners might actually be able to be successfully rehabilitated before being returned home. TL;DR Overthrow and destroy/reform the Agency, rehabilitate everyone possible and kill the rest, send reformed prisoners home/to a dimension they won't be killed in.
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Update and an addon

League of Legends Isekai CYOA Adventurer 06/21/2024 (Fri) 15:30:14 No. 1773 [Reply]
A team of five is needed for a game.

Elder Scrolls Archaeologist Guild CYOA Adventurer 06/21/2024 (Fri) 15:25:32 No. 1772 [Reply]
Maybe you can dig up a vampire waifu too.

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General Thread Adventurer Board owner 12/05/2020 (Sat) 02:49:19 No. 12 [Reply] [Last]
For any and all CYOAs.
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Cruxia Series Adventurer 04/23/2024 (Tue) 02:06:34 No. 1750 [Reply]
Seems to be a connected series of CYOA. First one is: A Harem At What Cost CYOA
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>>1752 Demi-Eldritch Dating CYOA
>>1754 Serene Slice of Life Story CYOA
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>>1759 Fidelity Before The Fall CYOA, last one.

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Xenomorph CYOA Adventurer 12/22/2020 (Tue) 06:38:18 No. 90 [Reply]
Dark and scaly with no face but into you. Lucky.
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>>1679 >>1681 Changing and Adding Drawbacks Sticks and Stone: During the mission in which you were captured by the queen, you were injured... and a limb was injured, breaking bone. You've made a makeshift splint, but it will take a while to heal. +1 point for each limb chosen, limited to two at a time. Lost Limbs: Rather than just breaking one of your bones, a limb got taken clean off below the joint. The wound was sealed with sticky resin, so you're in no danger of bleeding out but you're still a cripple. +2 points per limb, limited to two limbs at a time. Deaf or Dumb: During the mission you lost the ability to hear/speak. Now your only method of communication is through physical gestures and wordless noises. At least you're not blind too. +1 points for Speech or Hearing loss each. Hunger Pangs: A freak accident has caused the facility's meat reconstitution systems to break down. The repairs will take weeks of hard work to get up running again so you're stuck with a dwindling supply of rations shared with the rest of the hungry hive. Time to tighten your belt soldier! +1 points >>1696 >>1693 Additional ideas - If intelligence level is +2 then the Weapons Usage Perk is Free (the logic being that they're so intelligent that it would be unlikely for them to NOT know or learn how to use Weapons.
>>1763 Fixing a syntax error and adding one more Drawback >Sticks and Stone: During the mission in which you were captured by the Queen, you were injured... and a limb was injured, breaking bone. You've made a makeshift splint, but it will take a while to heal. +1 point for each limb chosen, limited to two at a time. - Sticks and Stone: During the mission in which you were captured by the Queen, you think you might have broken a limb or two. You've been made a makeshift splint, but it will still take a while to heal. +1 point for each limb chosen. - Confused Communication: Intelligent or not, their thought processes are as alien as they are, so you have trouble understanding them, and they you. You're going to have to figure out how to bridge that barrier... somehow.
>>1764 >- Confused Communication: Intelligent or not, their thought processes are as alien as they are, so you have trouble understanding them, and they you. You're going to have to figure out how to bridge that barrier... somehow. LOL forgot to give it points - +1 pts

The Lost Continent CYOA Adventurer 04/23/2024 (Tue) 02:37:22 No. 1756 [Reply]
Could be Lemuria for all you know but is probably somewhere else forgotten.

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Interactive CYOAs General Adventurer 03/13/2022 (Sun) 22:50:55 No. 920 [Reply]
A general thread for any online interactive cyoas. Be aware you can't save these offline and there are also no images to save, which is stupid because it doesn't take that long to create something that'll last after your link goes dead. To start with, Forbidden Caravan. https://forbiddencaravan.neocities.org/ and from the meta thread, Be the Maid! https://nonamondnar.neocities.org/ https://nonamondnar-censored.neocities.org/
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Just a reminder that https://chyoa.com/ exists
Succubus Café is nice.

Church of the Divine Rod CYOA Adventurer 03/28/2024 (Thu) 16:52:11 No. 1734 [Reply]
By your gaggle of anointed busty biblical nuns, you're now the leader of a most glorious sect. Go forth and spread the warning of the impending Budget Cuts.
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My Body Is Not A Temple CYOA Adventurer 03/28/2024 (Thu) 15:08:50 No. 1733 [Reply]
What has been broken, can be remade.

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Kill The Heavens CYOA Adventurer 03/28/2024 (Thu) 15:01:16 No. 1731 [Reply]
The Way of the Immortals is to battle in three thousand plus chapters in a Chinese web novel.
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Like a Rising Dragon CYOA Adventurer 03/28/2024 (Thu) 14:31:36 No. 1730 [Reply]
Change is coming to the city, are you prepared for it?

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Coterie CYOA Adventurer 03/27/2024 (Wed) 13:34:52 No. 1729 [Reply]
A group of of friends and a goal to achieve.

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Dragonfall CYOA Adventurer 12/31/2021 (Fri) 00:01:18 No. 772 [Reply]
A non-lewd from Tokhaar Gol, create your lizard and conquer a continent.
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Didn't an interactive version of this exist?
>>1721 Interactive https://hikawasisters.neocities.org/Dragonfall/en-us/ It has some errors, such as not listing arcane for Elemental Resistance, and not handling legendary traits properly. It can help keep track of Ur Embers, at least.
>>1721 >>1722 To clarify about legendary traits: if you have any at all, then one of them must be for a feature gotten for free from your species. Features gotten using the bonus points some species give count for this, but nothing bought using your general pool of 300 + drawbacks does. The rules are clear that the first legendary trait you get has this restriction, not just one of your two free ones. You can only get the unrestricted free one after buying the more restrictive first one.

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