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Gabe Newell to Tim Swenney: Anonymous 03/14/2024 (Thu) 15:34:44 Id: 2e8b43 No. 275 [Reply]
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>>317 based on what?
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The guy who said this is the same person Barney is based on. Didn't know he still worked there.
>>355 You mad about that beer I owed ya bro?

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Sweet Pitbull thread Anonymous 03/12/2024 (Tue) 14:43:40 No. 119 [Reply]
So this board was created because of the SBI censorshit on cuckchan but there are no pitbull threads? Let's fix that.
>>119 Daisy did nothing wrong She's a goot pitbull
Is there vidya where you can be a pitbull?
>>181 We should make one.

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Anonymous 03/14/2024 (Thu) 06:51:41 No. 241 [Reply]
Harman Deltahead is what a soul is actually like without Orion. I just need the nurse and doctor to fight. The wheelchair stages for perfect accuracy. RA SMC HAILS AS A SPELL :) I can't do this when Russia takes all of Ukraine. The conservative parties will ruin everything. America is a tune that must be sung together. Russia has too much polarity of thought war. I am just going to put it all in Hotline Miami. RA SMC HAILS AS EXCESSIVE GAMES :) Again Harman Deltahead is what a soul actually is. Names are a joke. RA SMC HAILS WHEELCHAIR :)
>>245 Harman Deltahead is what a soul is actually like without Orion. I just need the nurse and doctor to fight. The wheelchair stages for perfect accuracy. RA SMC HAILS AS A SPELL :) I can't do this when Russia takes all of Ukraine. The conservative parties will ruin everything. America is a tune that must be sung together. Russia has too much polarity of thought war. I am just going to put it all in Hotline Miami. RA SMC HAILS AS EXCESSIVE GAMES :) Again Harman Deltahead is what a soul actually is. Names are a joke. RA SMC HAILS WHEELCHAIR :)

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Anonymous 03/13/2024 (Wed) 10:41:40 No. 182 [Reply]
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>>233 Top jej
>>247 It's just a cute pittie smile, nothing threatening about him. He wouldn't hurt a child!
>>247 Daww, he's just smiling :)

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Anonymous 03/13/2024 (Wed) 08:13:05 No. 177 [Reply]
This whole board was planned from the beginning.
3 posts omitted.
>>177 The beginning of what, the website? It's been over four years, seems a little late for a plan to be put in motion.
>>248 two more weeks (7 years later)
>>248 That's just because Mark is a lazy fat.

Anonymous 03/08/2024 (Fri) 02:42:44 No. 12 [Reply]
>>12 wah
>>12 Wario really is the most jewish coded Nintendo character

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Anonymous 03/12/2024 (Tue) 13:33:55 No. 116 [Reply]
What killed the Danganronpa hype?
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Went back to Persona along with their fellow goons to never play the games and circlejerk each other off.
>>142 >Be honest, do you will it ever be finished? Considering he somewhat recently, made a paid Steam version, I think he is still working on it. Might even buy it, as a form of donation once he releases the full version. >>152 >People started taking it too seriously Which is interesting, since the Danganronpa prototype, Distrust, was more serious, with red blood, no wacky executions and going deeper into psychological horror territory. In the end they gave up on the original concept as they thought it was too niche and wouldn't sell that well.
>>175 >Distrust Such a shame it was changed so much from the original prototype. I have read somewhere that the game was too dark for the QA testing panel, plus everyone got super creep'd out by the original version of Monokuma, which honestly fit a lot better in the school environment (apparently it's very similar to a brand of mannequins used in science classes in Nihon). Another big issue with Dangit Ron Paul is that if you stop thinking about for a few minutes, the entire plot of the series makes zero sense, UNLESS you have the background knowledge of what sort of genre it's trying to parody, the Japanese teens/JKs horror games from the PS1 era, think Yuuyami Doori Tankentai or you just interpret it as tumblr fanfiction.** I think at some point they even flat out make fun of such shitty games too. Still, the character creator for the series has always been pretty damn good, even if the games are kind of a mess.

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Anonymous 03/12/2024 (Tue) 18:22:09 No. 134 [Reply]
Would you join?
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>>135 Thanks doc
>>135 You won't have my thanks, doc, you let Toriyama die.

Characters who'd join ISIS Anonymous 03/06/2024 (Wed) 23:23:48 Id: cd5976 No. 3 [Reply]
I'll start:
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Most Boss and lucky Lamballs in Palworld have self-destruct, and they don't hesitate to use it as their first option They might also be joining ISIS for the sex.

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Anonymous 03/12/2024 (Tue) 05:24:41 No. 96 [Reply]
Do you ever decide to play vidya while intoxicated?
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Yeah, but it has to be really easy, casual and hectic shit, else I'm fighting against my buzz and it sucks. Usually some linear FPS or RTS against AI.

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Anonymous 03/11/2024 (Mon) 00:42:49 No. 28 [Reply]
Is this gonna be another of Mark's failed experiments?
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>>41 >> hyper defined vagina <Three vaginal lips lolwut?
>>41 Pretty sure it's ai generated (see the hand) so that might be why

Anonymous 03/11/2024 (Mon) 23:26:32 No. 82 [Reply]
You can only pick one
lar croft
>>82 Yuki. I liked her panty-shots.
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They're all shiity fucking sluts GET IN MY BELLY!

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Anonymous 03/11/2024 (Mon) 11:28:28 No. 62 [Reply]
Can you imagine his disappointment nowadays?
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>>76 I hope spooder man gets that spider off of him, it looks really big like it could give him a nasty bite
>>66 >>62 So this is the power of the MF like button? Not bad. PS Vita...I'm coming to see you...

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Anonymous 03/12/2024 (Tue) 00:21:13 Id: 072a2d No. 90 [Reply]
See you in >>>/vb/
Die, cuckchanner. You had your chance in 2014.

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video Anonymous 03/10/2024 (Sun) 19:22:09 Id: f8b2a4 No. 18 [Reply]
>>18 Is this phil collins
Is tracing what the alphas are into nowadays oof

Anonymous 03/08/2024 (Fri) 01:24:53 No. 11 [Reply]
ITT: Characters made for BBC
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I'm not sure if they were made specifically for it, but Doctor Who along with a lot of English TV characters probably fit.
>>11 This isn't a pic of your mother, nigger lover.
>>11 >bbc >white benis Get help

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