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QTDDTOT + Lounge Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 13:07:12 No. 789 [Reply] [Last]
Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread thread combined with the vidya lounge Might as well copy these from /v/ and merge them. A thread for your shitposts and barely vidya related questions, free from the tyranny of cake.
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>>2963 He's a lot hotter, but I don't think that was the point of Pyramid Head. Hasn't his creator expressed regret at having made the character?
>>3042 Yes, the entire point of his character was to represent the penance and punishment James felt he deserved for lusting after other women while his wife suffered. Just like the bobblehead nurses, the character had his symbolism completely destroyed by getting reused time and time again.
>>2963 They should just give him large tits.

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Anonymous 03/23/2024 (Sat) 15:23:11 No. 711 [Reply]
>should be working on my small dev project >my fucking obsession with getting a large tittied gf is getting in the way what do I do /vb/? How do I cleanse this fucking annoyance that is wanting to hold breasts larger than your fucking head? I've bitten the apple from the tree once and now I can't stop
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>>3033 >The odds of finding a GF who likes gamedev are very, very slim. Unlike most women.
>>3033 I definitely know of women in gamedev. I don't mean writing roles either, I knew a woman who did some really technical backend stuff with shaders. I haven't heard of many women in design roles though, there's some at Blizzard I think. >>3036 What are you suggesting, Billy? That he ♂ forgo ♂ getting a GF entirely?
>>3037 >I knew a woman who did some really technical backend stuff with shaders. How long's he been on hormones?

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Bad/heavily flawed games you enjoy Anonymous 03/21/2024 (Thu) 08:58:00 No. 658 [Reply]
Post your worst and most normalfag tastes I stand by Borderlands not being so hated if it didn't have the franchise didn't contain some of the most unfunny writing you'll ever experience
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>>2813 I specifically mentioned Project '06. It's grossly unfinished, and even with the "fixes," I don't think it's nearly enough to say the game goes from bad to good. Most of the fixes are just bugfixes and stuff, which is good and all, but people exaggerate when talking about the glitches in the game. You can beat the game no problem and not really think about the glitches. The most noticeable problems are some gems Sonic can get for superpowers, but his superpower meter wasn't programmed correctly so you can use them infinitely and it makes you totally overpowered. Also the ideas clearly weren't far enough in development to actually be implemented in the game, so they aren't needed anywhere. Project '06 doesn't have these gems, as far as I know, because it doesn't have anything except the action stages for Sonic and Shadow, it doesn't have the hubworlds (where you'd get upgrades like this), and it also doesn't have Silver yet. Or the Last Story. Project '06 fixes a few technical problems, but Sonic '06s problems went far beyond technical. It's an alpha prototype of a game, and to fix it would be to finish it, and for a fan to finish it would just be to make a new game, because it's clearly nothing like what it would have been if it was actually finished. Though the loading screens were fucking terrible in the original, and Project '06 does improve that. I'm sure a lot of that is simply the fact that it's on better hardware now. >>2815 Sonic '06 was supposed to be the big next-gen HD debut of Sonic. It was marketed like Sonic's big comeback after the Dreamcast era. Heroes and Shadow were practically spinoffs, but this was Sonic Adventure 3. Or Sonic Adventure 2, really, because it actually has Adventure Fields. (Sonic Unleashed is called Sonic World Adventure in Japan, so Heroes, '06, and Unleashed are all candidates for Sonic Adventure 3.) Sonic Boom was a spinoff that was only released on weaker hardware and was said from the start to not be canon and to really be a tie-in to a TV show. It's easier to overlook it like something akin to Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine. >>2832 >I've heard some Sonic fans consider Forces to be the worst game but I know almost nothing about that one. Anyone who says this is bullshitting. Forces at least feels a lot more finished. I know some people say it feels unfinished because of things like not actually having a Chaos boss fight despite Chaos appearing in cutscenes, but Sonic '06 straight up has mechanics that were only half-implemented, not even dummied out, and thus just break the game unless you just decide to ignore them. (Those gems I mentioned.) Sonic Boom at least has things like that infinite jump trick with Knuckles. Sonic Forces isn't even close to those. And if we're gonna be honest, the worst Sonic game is probably Sonic Blast on Master System. It's not a good game on Game Gear, either, they tried to do pre-rendered 3D on an 8-bit handheld, and it did not work. Even though Donkey Kong Land already had two entries on the monochrome Game Boy, and those are excellent. But anyway it didn't work for Sonic Blast. Sprites are too large so you can't see shit. Movement is far too sluggish for Sonic (and it isn't an-alt genre spinoff like Labyrinth, so it doesn't even have that excuse). And then there was the Master System version released only in Brazil. The Master System versions of Sonic 1 and 2 are arguably better than the Game Gear versions, with higher resolution allowing for more viewing area, but Sonic Blast on Master System sucks so bad it just has enormous borders around the screen, and even those don't work correctly. Is it as unfinished as Sonic '06? No. But is it just a way less fun game? Yes. >>2849

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homestuck is called homestuck because only autists stuck at home ever read it
>>2872 For some reason the games media reported on this game a lot back then, even though there were a million other third-person shooters. That really was the era of gimmick shooters. The only other games I know of with a similar premise to Mindjack are Messiah and Driver: San Francisco. Both much better games.

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Anonymous 05/09/2024 (Thu) 10:55:04 No. 2296 [Reply]
What's your score, /v/? I got 45. The games are mostly casual tier, if you have eclectic preferences the final score might not represent your actual variety of tastes.
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>>2388 It's missing prominent JRPGs, so I would say no, but bias that's not blatant can be hard to determine since the method to determine bias can be biased.
>>2774 Which JRPGs is it missing?
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Full circles are cases where I beat at least one game. Empty circles are ones where I played the games pretty substantially but not enough to say I beat them. I mean I beat Tekken with a few characters, a few different games, but never sat down and beat Arcade mode on at least normal with all characters, which is how I'd count beating most fighting games, unless they have more substantial single player, like earlier Soul Caliburs or later Mortal Kombat. I 100%ed the hell out of Soul Calibur 1-4. I also said I beat The Last of Us. I'm very ashamed, but I was having a hard time admitting the team that made Crash and Jak was really dead. I was in denial through four whole Uncharted games (the Vita one, not Uncharted 4), but The Last of Us broke me. I beat it, but it was a massive redpill. I should also note that I'm autistic as fuck and love beating every game in very long running series, and I have to get 100% almost every time. I've beat all but three or four Sonic games (and I mean I'm counting all the spinoffs). I've beaten every Zelda game except for Tears of The Kingdom, which I'm playing now and just getting all the Koroks and stuff before I go off to fight Ganon. (Yes, I got all the Koroks in Breath of the Wild. Yes I beat the CDi games and the Satellaview games and the Tingle games.) I've beaten all the Mega Man games from the 20th century, up to Legends, but I have to continue from Tron Bonne and Legends 2. I've beaten all the Metroids up to Prime 2, but do still have to beat Prime 3 and the ones after that. Beat all the Crash games up to the ugly redesign era, including all platinum relics in the originals and the remakes (the platinum relics in Crash 1 are great), and Oxide's ghosts in CTR. Beat every Jak and Ratchet & Clank game, except for Rift Apart, because fuck modern Insomniac. I've beaten every Castlevania game up to the second PS2 and DS games. The first DS game was excellent, but the first PS2 game sucked and killed my run. I'll get back and finish the last couple games eventually. I beat all the GTAs on PS2 and PSP, but GTA IV and V lost me for different reasons.

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Anonymous 05/05/2024 (Sun) 19:29:25 No. 2200 [Reply] [Last]
I'm not a furry... but
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>>2957 Would it make you more comfortable if I pretended I was an animal in here first?
>>2957 not like you gotta live there
>>2959 Ok but then I'll be a rape ape.

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Anonymous 05/24/2024 (Fri) 03:56:49 No. 2644 [Reply]
how am i supposed to fill the timegap where I do nothing at all? I'm fucking tired of the gay ass shit on social media, but I can't tolerate the batshit insanity on imageboards either. Discord is filled with underage faggots, I just really wish i could punch something right now but i'm sure that is not the appropiate way of dealing with things why the fuck did I drink that fucking beer. It always fucking happens.
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>>2647 This.
>>2926 When I binge on energy drinks I get sick in the stomach, buh. I like drinking coffee and spezi though. Fuck the kikes for making non water drinks expensive.
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Branch out and try something new. In terms of keeping this vidya related, try a genre you've never tried before, or go looking on itch.io or myabandonware for a game you've never tried or wouldn't normally play. Expanding your horizons and trying new things is something that can always help kick you out of a slump and feel better about life in general. That goes for non-vidya stuff too. Also drink responsibly.

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Videogames Anonymous 05/26/2024 (Sun) 05:16:05 No. 2803 [Reply]
Bring it on. you can import images in the okekaki tool too
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>>2971 >too complicated Pfft, we haven't even covered the Brave New World expansion pack yet.
>>2978 if tic tac toe came out tomorrow you'd need microtransactions to buy an x
Come at me. _ _ X _ _ _ _ _ _

Anonymous 03/27/2024 (Wed) 16:19:12 No. 839 [Reply]
What is a decent controller for the Switch?
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>>840 I heard that 8BitDo Pro 2 has a shitty Dpad, but Switch doesn't use the Dpad much.
>>2915 hall effect sticks though, no drift
>>839 Suck the octopussy. Squirt ink in it. Splat that toon. Swim in her river. Role play the Nintendo "D/S."

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Anonymous 05/24/2024 (Fri) 22:36:36 Id: 1717b4 No. 2685 [Reply]
Enjoying his being retconned into a gay Jew? >that plain white logo when the 90s version had detail Bethesda can go out of business for all I care.
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>>2778 Tate was once a successful kickboxer, so he turned his chinlessness to his advantage since there was nothing to punch.
would you be a nigger for millions of dollars /vb/
I would fuck a nigger for free dollars. With a condom, I don't want her crime hole to make more crimers.

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Anonymous 05/10/2024 (Fri) 09:28:04 No. 2331 [Reply]
Has any game surprised you like PvZ garden warfare? Everyone expected it to suck ass lame game filled with microtransactions and touchscreen gameplay, but it was genuinely better than most shooters even now with defined class based roles and balanced matches.
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>>2770 I played a version of Bejeweled with a puzzle mode, which I preferred to the normal Bejeweled. Did anyone else play that?
>>2814 no just you
>>2492 Pollenate the sunflower. Pump her full of Vitamin "D." Become a zombie then take her by force.

Vidya Cosplays Anonymous 04/10/2024 (Wed) 02:52:27 No. 1315 [Reply] [Last]
The good, the bad, the ugly and everything in-between. Show me what you've got: ones you love, ones you hate, ones that just make you scratch your head. Starting off with Sonic because of course Sonic is going to be a conduit for autism both good and bad.
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>>2975 That's usually how it is with Asians.
>>2979 works for final fantasies they have androgynous faces
>>2985 I want to nut in Final Fant-ASS-y girlboy ass. Ass-ass-inate that ass. Nut in Cloud in the Honey Bee Inn. It's not gay if you think he's a girl.

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Oppai Loli Anonymous 05/13/2024 (Mon) 03:44:20 No. 2397 [Reply]
Recommend me games with big tiddie lolis
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>>2577 He's into oppai loli?
>big tiddie >loli recommend me rectangular triangles
>>2578 Fuck memes. I meme it literally. Fuck the memes. Plap plap plap the memes. Get memes pregnant so they give birth to more memes then fuck those memes too.

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Best open source games Anonymous 04/16/2024 (Tue) 10:09:35 No. 1520 [Reply] [Last]
What are the best open source games?
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Thought this would have got posted by now
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>>2850 >>2909 are they better than sonic & sega all-stars racing

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Anonymous 03/31/2024 (Sun) 09:32:20 No. 917 [Reply]
Is Birdo the Queen of Fellatio? How long do you think you'd last? Is she trans? All important questions.
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sounds like english got a girl birdo and japanese got fucked up birdo
>>2878 She could deepthroat an elephant cock with that eggsucker
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>>2895 he's ready

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Anon's wild and wacky adventures in Japan Anonymous 04/28/2024 (Sun) 11:51:20 Id: 89de81 No. 1984 [Reply]
Thought I might chronicle my vacation in Japan as I've talked about in the Friday night thread. I was however a fucking idiot, not knowing that I had to retransfer my bag after the first step of the journey (different airline company), thus I only have my carry-on. I have managed to get my hands on an EU to Japanese outlet adapter, toiletries and underwear. It was TOUGH when I first arrived having stayed awake for over 24 hours, not having my briefcase, unsure if I'd be able to charge my phone; it was NOT fun then and there. After sleeping and getting control over my situation I went out to eat. I ate the "meme-dish", beef gyudon with cheese. The room isn't particularly big, but it's fine.
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you must be fun at parties
>>2730 >>2749 OP abandoned this thread after it was moved from /v/ to /vb/, don't expect a reply.
>>2753 As said by someone else, the board's getting an influx of 4meme refugees who have brainrot and don't know what's going on, though it's free advertisement for /vb/.

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COINEE! Anonymous 03/11/2024 (Mon) 16:43:53 No. 70 [Reply]
Cotton bread motherfuckers >Favorite game in the series? >Hopes for RnR 2? >Who's best girl and why is it Cotton herself? By the way, here's a bunch of shit I scanned from the Reboot CE, it doesn't include the actual art book yet since I don't know how to scan one lmao. https://mega.nz/folder/nXozgS7D#YPWKes9y5i1kWHuxRhs95A
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>>2762 If you're mad at loli you're in the wrong place, newfag.
>>2764 The board's getting an influx of 4meme refugees, they have brainrot please be patient. They'll either adapt or get bored and leave.

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