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Anonymous 03/15/2024 (Fri) 17:06:49 No. 329 [Reply]
>Empress aka: the tranny cracker is MIA and hates anime games. >Everyone else either retired or switched sides working for corpo. >Nintendo just took a big shit on the bing piracy scene. forcing everyone underground to make gay forks. >Steam popular as ever. Is it unironically over? Pic related used to be cracked by now.
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>>329 does snega ever remove denuvo? i think late 10s Warhammer games still have it wtf they're crazy
Why aren't there more people trying to crack games? Is it like a personal grudge sort of thing and most of the older ones just don't care anymore?
>>867 Irdeto is hands on with that shit and is either paying off or doxing them. It's why there's so much drama in the scene with Denuvo, 3DM were blatantly paid off for example.

Does anyone remember the name of this game Anonymous 03/24/2024 (Sun) 20:30:37 No. 753 [Reply]
There was a game on the M.A.M.E emulator on the PS2 that i used to play with my dad watching of a chopper gunning down sandniggers in the desert, it had an isometric view and it was the biggest sandbox my 5 yo ass could play at the time (my dad didn't let me play GTA) I got a nostalgia surge from it and i wanna play it, but i dont remember the name, does anyone know about this game?
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>>812 Im pretty sure it was the second and third pic of >>812 doe
>>813 second quote meant for >>758
>>761 >Finally found the source of that 8chan war webbum music Neat!

Anonymous 03/23/2024 (Sat) 00:34:26 No. 699 [Reply]
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This isnt true, i asked my pozpartner about it. ps. i love bibisi
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Anonymous 03/16/2024 (Sat) 10:31:14 No. 368 [Reply]
It's good and I'm tired of pretending it wasn't
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>>435 Halo is kind of like Fallout where you have to ignore certain entries contribution to the canon. It's easier to do this for Halo because there's a linear sequence of games you start and stop with rather than the checkered entries Fallout has.
The weirdest thing about the later Halo games is their crosshair. Why is it two thirds down the screen? I don't think I've ever seen another game do that.
>>788 More of the screen is occupied by the skybox and less by the floor.

Anonymous 03/17/2024 (Sun) 01:08:28 No. 443 [Reply]
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Kill Chaos... or fuck Chaos? Which will it be, oh wise anon?
>>742 Can't we just fuck and then kill CHAOS
>>742 This is a very wise question. What does Chaos look like?

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Vidya Gaem Companion Thread Anonymous 03/20/2024 (Wed) 02:20:02 No. 633 [Reply]
Who do you always roll with, /v/? ED-E is a given for me, plus I don't often bother to do Rex's quest. Raul is cool but he's a ghoul, Lily sucks and is annoying, and when it comes to the humans it's a choice among dyke, fag, depressed, or coal burner. At least you can bully Veronica. Victor, Benny, Vulpes and Ulysses were all cut from being companions, which sucks because there's practically zero variety for Legion-focused characters. Any game goes, I just figured NV would be a good starting point.
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Garrus is my friend, I like him :)
>>641 Shit, I guess I did make that up. In one of her endings it's implied she cheats on the courier and I thought I read a post years ago saying the soldier she cheats on the Courier with is black. Still, possibly unfaithful.
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>>647 Mass Effect gained a lot of controversy and praise for its homosexual relationships, but surprisingly Garrus wasn't one of them. He truly is just a friend. >>676 >Still, possibly unfaithful. This is why you only choose the Stealth Suit Mk II. Best girl, even if she turns you into a heroin addict at the sight of a scorpion.

Living in a Videogame World Anonymous 03/21/2024 (Thu) 23:56:34 No. 679 [Reply]
Do you ever find yourself wishing you lived in a videogame's world? Which one would you want to? Any particular reason why? Here are a couple I've always wanted to live in. The connecting theme being they all have incredibly comfy villages to live in, and it feels like you cpuld just disappear in them and live a quiet, cozy life the rest of your days.
It may be gachashit but it's still vidya. It'd probably have to be the world of Goddess of Victory: Nikke. I could live in the Ark and befriend sexy robot women.
>Do you ever find yourself wishing you lived in a videogame's world? Of course i do, that's why i play games

Anonymous 03/18/2024 (Mon) 18:46:52 No. 530 [Reply]
How do you feel about every vidya antagonist nowadays having to have a le tragic backstory? Why can't antagonists be pure evil.
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>>540 A lot of people who hate tragic backstory villains aren't even pining for the return of hardcore Good Vs Bad, just that authors quit going out of their way to garner sympathy points with every single antagonist no matter how out of place, tone deaf, or last minute just for <what a dramatic and ebin tweeeeest :DDDDD Where are antagonists like God of War's Ares, DMC's Vergil, Tekken's Heihachi, Castlevania's Dracula? They are not 100% "pure villains", they have a reason for what they're doing, yet they don't justify their villainy over significantly to where the audience is demanded to feel sorry for them. Spider Man PS4 had two obnoxious examples of tragic villains with Doc Ock and Mr Negative, but also counterbalanced that with ten or twelve unrepentant assholes who, in spite of having their own justifications for going on "woe is me" tangents, choose not to since they've long since stopped caring about their pasts and Spidey can get some of his trademark quipping in with them while having his dramatic hero complex with the two big bads as well. TLDR: Forced sympathy bad, sympathy not inherently bad
It's cheap writing, but so is having an antagonist or villain being simply pure evil.
Has there ever been a vidya antagonist as evil and sadistic as Judge Holden? AM doesn't count because his vidya is an adaptation from a book.

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>>536 For me it's windows.
Would you sit on a Mr. Dink-seat?

Anonymous 03/17/2024 (Sun) 23:44:03 No. 500 [Reply]
Check THIS out
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>>500 impressive. very nice.
>>500 Sorry mate, don't take checks. WAAAAAAAAH JUST LOADSAMONEY

Anonymous 03/15/2024 (Fri) 23:55:50 No. 351 [Reply]
Those cares are looking at you like this, how do you open /vb/?
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>>351 What why are they looking at me? Those on board cameras aren't emotive. >>384 I AM NOT GOING TO OPEN ON A CARE BEAR
tryna see

Da FBI is cumin' for y'all Anonymous 03/18/2024 (Mon) 21:55:43 Id: 72b244 No. 546 [Reply]
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>>597 I think he bought into fed propaganda, and that the people who worship him are mostly feds.
>>598 he was an ""accelerationist"" which might say he was gone to begin with but Im saying he was a fed plant, american fed plant.
>>597 >"I'm gonna stream my massacre in social media and then mention this specific imageboard, by name, in my manifesto" Still feels suspicious today.

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CHAD WARDEN THREAD Anonymous 03/12/2024 (Tue) 23:47:06 No. 155 [Reply]
I need any and all webms chad warden related.
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>>203 They are the original earthlings Whites, blacks and the rest were brought from other planets by the spae lizards as slaves
>>203 These look more like charapas, that is to say, amazonian people. The guy from OP has the most average face you could find here. >having the same distant ancestors IIRC the Lambayeque culture (preincan people from the north of Perú) had a mythological founder which came from the sea on a boat, which made people think they descent from Polynesian people. Nevertheless I don't think there's solid evidence outside from that, so probably is just convergent evolution.

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OH SHIT! Anonymous 03/17/2024 (Sun) 16:17:01 No. 461 [Reply]
Moot is here, and he's...dancing!!!!! NOW YOUR DAYS IS RUINED!!!
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>>473 O RLY?! I HEARD N8 REVERSE-RAPE MOOT!! >>475 C'mon. Let >us have fun. I don't like discouragement and I had a fucking bad week. Epic Fail Guy and good memes from old 4chan got fun OCs, and it was done by one anon years before it got cucked.
>We never got to see Moot dabbing What a lost oppurtunity!

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Winnie The Pooh's Homerun Derby Anonymous 03/12/2024 (Tue) 21:44:34 No. 145 [Reply]
Can /vb/ defeat God? >English version for casuals https://www.disney--games.com/winnie_the_pooh_s_home_run_derby_338.html >Japanese version for true gaymers https://game-ac.com/free/sports/pooh-home-run-derby/ (actually, there are no gameplay differences between the two)
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>>145 I only ever got to Tigger, but he kept faking me out and I lost interest in the game. One day I will win it.
can't get past stage 1
>>145 >I got cockblocked by Piglet

Anonymous 03/17/2024 (Sun) 23:41:28 No. 497 [Reply]
What did he mean by this?
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>>510 I stopped hearing anything about Starfield two or three weeks after it launched. Not even jeers or mockery like Forspoken got, instead relative silence. People had nothing to say about the game other than complaining about loading screens. The lack of fanworks for Starfield in the 6 or 7 months since it launched is more telling, I trip up over Fallout and TES content without even looking for it while I have never seen so much as a single image for Starfield. Just no interest in the game whatsoever from the internet's creatives.
>>510 >>513 >>516 Answer the fucking question
>>534 No, i'm going to have a serious discussion about why Starfield flopped and why Bethesda is delaying the release of TES 6 on the shitpost board and there's nothing you can about it

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