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ITT: Post the Most Reddit Opinions that You Actually Have Anonymous 03/22/2024 (Fri) 22:12:57 No. 695 [Reply] [Last]
>Ocarina of Time is legitimately the best 3D Zelda game and possibly the best 3D action game ever >JRPGs have generally been better than western RPGs since the early 90's >Crash 3 > Crash 2 >BioWare in their prime was better than Obsidian in their prime >depending on the genre, story and presentation can be just as important as gameplay >censorship is bad but it doesn't automatically make a game unplayable
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>>3211 >Why are you getting so defensive?
>>2514 This
>>1252 Minesweeper's got a learning curve, if you play enough you get fast.

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Tierlists Anonymous 06/09/2024 (Sun) 02:48:23 No. 3287 [Reply]
Post tierlists about anything vidya related.
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I have friends.
>>3388 Anon Posts "Worst Taste Ever" - Asked To Leave /vb/ Thread
>>3388 You play FMV games with your friends?

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Why even play video games anymore? Anonymous 06/08/2024 (Sat) 14:46:30 No. 3272 [Reply]
>playing games is a complete and utter waste of time. you could have learnt a new hobby or skill, or read a book in the time that you wasted >women don't like video games, even if they don't say it (this is because the average woman is a lying whore and is looking to gain social capital in any community) so if you tell them you play games they will not have sex with you and will call you an incel >hundreds of youtubers are uploading gameplay videos of both popular and obscure games trying to make it big there. you don't even have to play the game to experience it. you can just watch it like tv while you go on about your other work >AAA slop now requires half a hard drive and a gaming rig that costs an arm and a leg to play >microtransactions and attention milking >indie slop is pixel shit, shovelware, or has gay or trannies in it >most indie game devs rhemaselves are either gay or trannies or mentally ill >phone shit is designed from the get go to milk the maximum amount of attention and money from you. entire generations of children are being raised as ipad babies >old games are increasingly getting incompatible with modern systems and corpos are cracking down on anyone trying to play them. they'd rather sit on the ips and do nothing with them >entire industry is boiling the frog to get you to accept even more slop and consoom why play games, /vb/?
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>>3350 >12 years old mentality
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>>3350 >12 years old mentality
>>3278 Looks like Gypsy Crusader

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Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 22:00:50 No. 3382 [Reply]
there was this mobile game i used to play when i was a kid the game had a bunch of tribe niggas living on top of a mountain the game stule was 2D chibi basically there is the main hall that you upgrade just like other village based games upgrading it unlocks more slots for villagers and new buildings + upgrades the villagers can breed with each other to make babies the villagers also have traits they get from breeding the villagers age by time and they die so you have ti replace them by breeding you can asign tasks to your villagers like collecting berries from bushes on the mountain there is also a building that lets you send some of you villagers to random people online for rewards and people can also send villagers to you the villagers wear tribe masks like these

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The Tribez?

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Oldschool Minecraft /vb/ edition Anonymous 06/11/2024 (Tue) 18:00:59 No. 3343 [Reply]
Alpha / early Beta Minecraft thread.
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I talked with a moderator and they said that it takes 1 to 3 days to possibly get whitelisted. --I don't think you have to give a phone number to use Discord to get whitelisted, so it is possible to make a throwaway email with Tuta Mail / Tutanota & then a throwaway Discord without using any phone numbers. --BUT you will have to get the email verified + skip the Discord tutorial. ... The error I was having with "you have enough accounts 3/3" the moderator said was because you can only have so many accounts per IP or something like that -- and the test account I made apparently the name I chose was already a registered name on Alpha Place, so you might have to talk with the mods to find the right name.
First you use that Betacraft launcher. ... You can use Tuta Mail to make a disposable email: https://tuta.com/ Verify the email + skip the Discord tips / tutorial by dismissing the orange glowing exclamation points... ... I don't think you have to download Disc0rd to use Dis0ord, but you can use Disc0rd on your browser. Make a throwaway Disc0rd with that Tuta Mail and join the Alpha Place server discord under v General Chats & #cracked-user-whitelist. ... Submit a name from namemc.com https://namemc.com/ The name you submit under the Whitelist -might- already be taken, so you might have to check with a mod like GG (gavin) or Windows7Ultimate or Noggisoggi later to get whitelisted. Whitelisting could take 1 or 3 days, so be patient. ... Voilà, you can play Minecraft Alpha without giving a phone number!
>>3370 How can i Trust this?? WWRSD?

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Jew or not Jew Anonymous 04/07/2024 (Sun) 23:45:15 No. 1219 [Reply]
Post your favorite kind of developer or vidya character you suspect of being one of the tribe. I'll start, david wise reminds me of an english larry david, he might be a jew, use your intuition and see who ticks your jewdar. http://www.jewornotjew.com/
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>>3323 Man Woody Harrelson really hit the skids.

shit that aged poorly Anonymous 06/12/2024 (Wed) 00:05:46 No. 3349 [Reply]
I'll start
>>3349 The well got poisoned.

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Black Souls bread Anonymous 03/12/2024 (Tue) 01:03:19 No. 85 [Reply] [Last]
Black Souls bread
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>>3181 Tiktokers? Idk, but Xitter and Discords users? Definitely. The current fanbase have has nothing to do with the 2020-22 era.

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Console-tans Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 19:05:13 No. 2115 [Reply]
Post any you got, and explain to me the meaning of this image. Are they fucking the coat hanger?
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>>3270 Didn't Europe and Japan get different button colors?

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Anonymous 03/19/2024 (Tue) 02:31:21 No. 565 [Reply] [Last]
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The other blue one.
>>3201 Chris-chan is a real motherfucker

Clown GF Anonymous 04/25/2024 (Thu) 23:50:19 No. 1927 [Reply]
Serious question, where/how would you actually find a clown girl to date?
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>>3274 That's just what they want you to think.
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>>3274 *clown emoji*
>Find gf >Put clown makeup on her >Profit

It's over chuds Anonymous 04/29/2024 (Mon) 22:43:44 No. 2027 [Reply] [Last]
Nintendo has fallen https://archive.ph/7ASdr
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>I jack off to literal gay porn but still don't support LGBT shit
>>3000 The undead tranny is so ebbin hawt
>>3298 Chibi is fucking trannies now?

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Vimm's Lair is kill Anonymous 06/08/2024 (Sat) 11:30:38 No. 3268 [Reply]
<June 6, 2024 >Vimm's Lair has been asked to remove many games from The Vault on behalf of Nintendo, Sega, Lego, and the ESA. While most of these games (and the hardware to play them) haven't been sold in decades, ultimately it's their prerogative so these games are now gone for good.
>>3268 It's also likely copyright trolls by the methodology of the takedown requests.

Anonymous 06/03/2024 (Mon) 16:38:44 No. 3180 [Reply]
There are a lot of stardew valley/cozy life clones out there, why isn't there a sims clone? It can have all the non-pg stuff in it plus women will buy it in droves. Easy money
I've never actually understood why not. My best guess is because The Sims has already cornered the market (and possibly threatened legal action on companies that did try to compete). There are a ton of civ/base sims that let you customize and focus on individual people and characters but that's not exactly the same thing.
It's because if they named it OpenSim(s) no one would find it on Google
>>3193 So name it something different, duh.

Anonymous 04/13/2024 (Sat) 15:41:54 No. 1405 [Reply]
What's your favorite videogame, Anon? Mine might be Ratchet and Clank 2. It's got a ton of great levels, weapons, replayability, lots of great humor and always brings back good memories of playing it years ago.
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>>1405 I wanna fuck that idort
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>>1405 DMC1 and Ninja Gaiden Black are tied for number 1. Depending on my mood right now, I think DMC1 inch's just a bit higher. I truly love everything about that game.
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Opinion on league of legends? Anonymous 05/31/2024 (Fri) 19:27:11 No. 3108 [Reply]
Besides it being a terrible game (not really even a game at all i say as a lol player) I hate the chinese pandering with constant pretty boy characters. I wish they would make ugly bastards like sion and urgot again.
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>>3118 >I'm unfamiliar with this Get Your Yordles Off.
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Here's my honest opinion of it!
>>3116 Was about to post in the thread just to say this. I find LOL to be a terrible game that should never be played, but the shortstack porn is a worthy payout for that shit game's continued existence. That and the space dragon is pretty neat, but mostly the Yordle porn.

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