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How old are you niggers? Anonymous 04/11/2024 (Thu) 05:06:43 No. 1366 [Reply] [Last]
How old are you niggers? 42 for me. Age ranges acceptable for schizos, just curious about the average age of gamers here. Also drop one of your earliest gaming memories if you want. Mine's getting a NES. Box was fucking huge compared to tiny me, made it more exciting.
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>>3337 Didn't know Switch got an exclusive 2hu spinoff.
>>3520 It's pretty weird having a console exclusive 2hu at all really. Maybe a result of how TAITO does things, idk. VS Puzzle Bobble with a rhythm component. Too expensive and has a ton of dlc over the years, but I guess that level of support means it sold decently
>>3535 Puzzle Bobble's not bad, knew it as Bust-A-Move. Bubble Bobble too, still play it on MAME.

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Anonymous 05/01/2024 (Wed) 23:45:49 No. 2093 [Reply]
Which one /vb/ros?
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>>3436 For a second I misread it as: >Wire wiggers lovers
Who are they?

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Anonymous 03/17/2024 (Sun) 09:30:15 No. 450 [Reply]
i'm a straight white male, what game should i play that caters to me and respects me as a customer
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Astro Boy - Omega Factor You play as Astro Boy and explore a good chunk of Osamu Tezuka's universe. It's a very well-made beat-em-up with a deceptively simple plotline. It had a fantastic soundtrack, tight controls, and is brutally unforgiving in any difficulty other than Easy. It's also developed by Treasure. You also get to fight an artificial sun.
Puzzle games.
Non-white males do hate puzzle games since they're reminded they're retarded.

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Anonymous 06/21/2024 (Fri) 18:39:06 No. 3528 [Reply]
What does /vb/ think of /v/3?
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>>3532 In 2020 4chan's /v/ started doing their own "E3 replacement" called /v/3. I don't blame you if you've never heard of it, it started long after the 8chan exoduses happened.
>>3528 >>3532 >>3534 IT'S STARTING YOU NIGGERS
>>3542 What makes it worth watching?

Black Vidya Characters Anonymous 03/26/2024 (Tue) 20:38:28 No. 824 [Reply] [Last]
(Unironically) Who's your favorite black character in Vidya? Some memorable characters I can think of: >Barret (FF7) >Garcian Smith (Killer7) >Big Bo (Binary Domain)
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Oiled black girl butt
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>>3511 *Smashes his face with a sledgehammer*

Anonymous 03/11/2024 (Mon) 05:14:45 No. 50 [Reply]
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>>2559 It's like a watered down Encyclopedia Dramatica, some articles really need heavy redactions such as Richard Spencer's, however they nailed it on why huenegresses want to fuck foreigners just to leave their failed shithole country.

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Anonymous 06/16/2024 (Sun) 08:21:22 No. 3442 [Reply]
>close to being more than 10 years since I finished high school >got nothing to show for it, no job, no career, nothing Videogames
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>>3442 It do be like that. I'm in the same boat. I don't know what the fuck to do with my life. The best times were the years when I thought I could watch the world crumble in chaos around me but now things are getting mostly better so I don't even have that.
The video games distract from how shitty everything is.
>>3477 I didn't live that, so I empathize with you if you did.

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Anonymous 05/06/2024 (Mon) 16:48:46 No. 2218 [Reply]
What is the worst game with microtransactions? Which games fill each level?
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>>2218 This could be an interesting project. We can better define the tiers so as to clearly know how predatory the game is The topmost tier would be games that are fully functional at launch, has no microtransactions at all, has DLC with well-sized content as expansion packs, no preorder or 4 different editions with content removed, just like the good ol' days. This is above the pyramid. eg. Elden ring, baldur's gate, most indie games Below that will be minor infractions that needs to be discouraged but isn't as egregious - cosmetic only microtransactions, content that can be obtained by playing with minimal grinding(stuff which you already do in rpgs) so even if you don't pay you can get skins at a slower pace, every currency can be obtained in-game, maybe DLCs that eventually gets packed into special editions, and subscription-only games(though there is no game with subscription that doesnt have microtransactions as well). These games should be waited until this special edition that comes along a few years later. Eg helldiver 2 (im not familiar with how egregious their battlepass is) Below that would be where main offenders start cropping up. Microtransactions for both cosmetics and guns, locked items behind a paywall/battlepass that cannot be obtained otherwise, fast XP pass/ XP booster packs, special currency that can only be purchased and items behind that currency. Here I can add heavily pushing their daily challenges and monetizing the fuck out of game's main menu. Eg. Fortnite, halo infinite Tier 3 is pure greed + gambling, full microtransaction in a paid game, lootboxes and all kinds of crate random drop system, gambling basically, which you have to pay cash to unlock them. Doesn't matter if its cosmetic only or not. This is where most of the microtransaction games endup eg. Team Fortress 2, Overwatch 2, CoD warzone, moba garbage etc. And bottom most is all of the above plus zero gameplay so gacha shit
>>2292 TF2 and its competition would fall on the second slot, the main reason why most of them are dead or clogged up the ass with bots.
GTA Online.

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Take a gameplay gif, leave a gameplay gif Anonymous 04/20/2024 (Sat) 22:51:32 No. 1726 [Reply] [Last]
Share one or more gifs featuring interesting gameplay, and save one or more gifs someone else has shared. >> the post(s) with the gif(s) you saved. I'll start with a rare gif, which isn't what you think it is.
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>>3360 What are Johnny Cage's famous red glitches?
>>3428 On the original MK Johnny's shadow kick can pull from the wrong pallet (or something) and will be red instead of greenish. I think by MKII it was turned into an intentional easter egg and it's become a regular super move by the times of the 3D games.
>>2977 Soul.

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Distracting shit that piss me off Anonymous 06/20/2024 (Thu) 13:46:22 No. 3488 [Reply]
Look at this dumb bitch. This fucking slut distracts me from playing video games. Everytime I want to take a whiff out of the window at the Mexican border during loading screens, I see her Porky Pig-lookin’ assballs cheeks shakin’ it like it’s 1945 like “Dude. I’m fucking playing Fatal Fury.” Fucking slut, I wish I can buy a fucking dynamite and chuck it over dat bitch and say “Ching Chong Tu Chingada Buttas” and see her boom boom boom so I can get back to playing video games in peace.
>>3488 Anon no This is not a rock Do not throw dynamite at her
Drum set of a butt.

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Anonymous 04/15/2024 (Mon) 13:30:22 No. 1463 [Reply]
Why are modern developers like this?
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>>2088 wrong mark, the guy running 8ch moe is mark karpeles
>>1463 >Yikes shitlord <Don't you see the hard working developers are doing their best?
It hides worse detail on distant objects.

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Workout is actually fun when you're having fun Anonymous 06/21/2024 (Fri) 05:43:26 No. 3506 [Reply]
>just finished a 10 minute Moonrider workout Can literally feel the kilograms dripping off. My body is gonna hurt like hell tomorrow lol

/vb/ Blogposting Anonymous 03/14/2024 (Thu) 07:06:17 No. 244 [Reply] [Last]
Post your feelings, thoughts, quasi-normalfag opinions and musings about videogames here. >Halo 3 This may come as a shock to some of you older anons out there but I was just a little too young to really experience the hype around a lot of big events, like WoW getting big, or the sixth and seventh gen console launches, or the excitement surrounding the Halo franchise. I loved Halo and was really invested in it as a wee lad, playing all the games and reading all the books in my free time, but even by the time the ads surrounding Halo 3 came out I knew I was missing the biggest part of the hype. The collectible 7-11 cups, mail-in rewards, E3 previews and playing the game online when it first came out... A lot of that I had to live vicariously through watching my older brother playing the game with his friends. It's not the only thing I wish I experienced but it's one of those things I wish I was there to live through first-hand, to be the right audience, age, and interest for, instead of just watching it happen from a distance. I feel that way about a lot of 90's/00's games, but especially Halo and other big franchises like Doom and Half-Life 2 too. In my eyes the original Halo trilogy was one of the last real videogame-y series to get hyped up to the right degree, it was massive and it was popular, and wasn't just some astroturfed campaign to make it seem that way. It's something I wish I could have better experienced, along with a lot of 360 games that come out around that time. The Chief was a role model to little me, and I wanted to help him finish the fight.
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>>3444 >Playing live service F2P shit Your own fault, I'm playing Armored Core 6 and having fun.
I miss the 360 era. Mainly because I was a teenager and spent days at a time during summer break gaming but also because I have a very high opinion of many of those games and that time. Dead Space and Lost Planet still live rent free in my mind even a decade after their respective series both died a quick death.
>>3478 Yeah i know the steam jew yadda yadda

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Anonymous 05/26/2024 (Sun) 22:57:51 No. 2840 [Reply] [Last]
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>>3362 >Sonic Diffusion. >https://civitai.com/models/1493 Didn't know Sonic specific models existed
>>3390 If it's useful to a big porn community, you bet it exists.

Last Game You Played Anonymous 04/19/2024 (Fri) 13:55:05 No. 1675 [Reply] [Last]
Hey you. Yeah, you. What was the last game you played? I just played some Noita last night.
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>>3340 >>3347 jacked off 2 times in a row now
Amateurs. I'm always jacking off
Portal 2.

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Anonymous 03/17/2024 (Sun) 19:37:41 No. 481 [Reply] [Last]
What is the worst game you've played? Unironically
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>>3300 Grim
>>3231 >>3253 His head looks fatter than his body, like what he did still left it fat.

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