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Bizarro /v/ Anonymous 04/28/2024 (Sun) 05:37:23 No. 1964 [Reply]
Meanwhile, on Bizarro /v/... Damn, did you guys see the newest deal on EA's new NeuralNet™ plan? I can't wait to resubscribe to Bobby Kotick's General Audience-friendly Gender Non-conforming Politically Conscientious channel for only $999.99/mo! My Amazon lifetime employment membership wouldn't be worth a penny if 60% of it wasn't towards that. Say, has anyone heard anything about the new rewards that platinum tier RedditStation PRO members get this month? I've been meaning to catch up on my Rick & Morty and Last Week Tonight but you know how the podgrind is, it's either entertainment or starve your family another night (like my mom always used to say). Nah, I'm kidding, I'm just joshing you guys. I'm already signed up for RedditStation PRO. Do you think I'd ever want to miss out on that late Black History Month Fortnite swag? You bet your ass you're gonna see George Floyd dropping hot and downing chug jugs whenever I'm in town, amirite guys?
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You guys probably don't recognize him, but this guy was one of the main developers for Half Life (that old poorly received fps about a scientist guy in a lab or something). Apparently my uncle worked with him. Really sad that he died of SARS back in '03, sometimes I wonder what gaming would look like if they ended up making a sequel.
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>>2154 You jest, but on a serious note Mike Harington was also the founder of valve just like gaben. He left right after half life's success

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Visual basic games Anonymous 04/10/2024 (Wed) 09:58:25 No. 1326 [Reply]
Hello is this the board for Visual Basic games :DDD
It's over for Human. He failed to control the center.
homeless gaming
>playing visual basic games pfft, I already play visual advanced games, tyvm

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Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 18:09:43 No. 1806 [Reply]
In this thread: homosexual/queerbait characters
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Now if you actually want a couple ACTUAL Fromsoft examples then behold
>>2059 no, but the japanese artists follow a traditional oriental principal called "beauty" and this applies to most, even mundane generic stuff they create. So a character, no matter male or female, has inherent "beauty" in it without any thought about sex-appeal/lust/horny. And thus, it is beautiful.
>>2078 Man, watching the woke monster devour that island will be such a experience, I can't wait.

Problems with "tactical" shooters Anonymous 04/28/2024 (Sun) 13:45:29 No. 1971 [Reply]
He isnt wrong /vb/. Every tactical shooter in recent years is a glorified tech demo for weapon models or straight up arma clone to roleplay with their buddies. Nothing beyond a shooting gallery to test out those weapons, no actual game to speak of. A somewhat vague idea of "shoot the jihadis with various weapons" that doesn't have good movement, AI, or level design to speak of. There's already a dearth of good shooters apart from battle royales and microtransaction filled crap. And all these games are technical impressive, clearly have work put onto them. With just a clear direction put towards them they can easily succeed in a market that wants a good fps with some amount of realism
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>>1971 There hasn't been a good tactical shooter since Red Orchestra 2 and that game was only sightly popular. Face it, tactical shooters are autism fest and those who are wanna go full autistic about it. Its only fair that ruskies take advantage of such players with broken half baked games
>>2036 RO2 was a piece of shit, RO1 but 10 times worses >t.bought it at launch >physical AKA a fucking Steam key Fuck you for even reminding me it exists

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Incest Game/Media Thread #2 Anonymous 04/30/2024 (Tue) 17:48:15 No. 2049 [Reply]
In a bid to increase the board's activity, I've decided to bring back everyone's favourite fetish: Incest! I've done extensive amounts of google and vndb searches to bring you the best motherfucking and sisterfucking experiences available in the world. Here's the haul: >Town of Passion https://sirensdomain.itch.io/townofpassion Harem RPGmaker game with a protagonist that's totally 18 years old and has a character that's absolutely his "maid" and not his mom. Art seems alright compared to the rest of the crap out there. At the start of the game, name the woman "Mom", and set the relation as "Mother". It'll change the dialogue. >Dandy Boy Adventures https://dandyboyoni.itch.io/dandyboyadventures Another RPG game but this one's made on its own engine. Protag has a ""landlady"" and a ""roommate"" living with him. You can set their relationships with you. >Snow Daze https://outbreakgames.itch.io/snow-daze-special-edition

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What's allowed >Any media (preferably a game) with unambiguous incest (no light hinting or teasing or blueballing) >Non-H Manga/Comics with incest as a main plot point What's not allowed <straight up 3dpd fake pornos <Explicit hentai anime/manga that's not a series
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Japanese Stuff: I tried looking for more imouto stuff but they seem to be really long and present as subplots in the larger story. mom-son and nee-chans were easier to find. >Mamagoto ~Mama to Naisho no Ecchi Shimasho~ https://vndb.org/v26530 This one has some of the best art you can get for something like this. The girls are pretty great too. You can fug both the mom and the imouto. Too bad the translation sucks ass. Download (also sucks ass but I couldn't find anything better): https://www.anime-sharing.com/threads/191129-%E3%82%A2%E3%83%88%E3%83%AA%E3%82%A8%E3%81%8B%E3%81%90%E3%82%84-bare%EF%BC%86bunny-%E3%81%BE%E3%81%BE%E3%81%94%E3%81%A8-%EF%BD%9E%E3%81%BE%E3%81%BE%E3%81%A8%E3%81%AA%E3%81%84%E3%81%97%E3%82%87%E3%81%AE%E3%81%88%E3%81%A3%E3%81%A1%E3%81%97%E3%81%BE%E3%81%97%E3%82%87%EF%BD%9E-dl%E7%89%88.1263783/ Translation patch (google translate): https://sugoivisualnovel.up.railway.app/vns/26530 >Itsu made mo Musuko no Mama ja Irarenai! https://vndb.org/v17427 There's like 6 fucking sequels to this one. All about fucking your mom (different ones). Download: https://f95zone.to.it/musumama-final-anim-mother-wife/ Holy fucking shit everytime these games have a blowjob scene all of them sound like they're aggressively slurping noodles or whatever

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Chris-Chan General :*)

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The pixel game Anonymous 04/25/2024 (Thu) 08:31:10 No. 1906 [Reply]
Post a cropped pic of any game screen and anons try to guess where it's from.
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>>2043 He's implying they would want the Pokédick. Unless you exclusively want sapphic femanons?
>>2044 No, I want a femanon with large fertile hips and a cute nose who will want to come live with me and raise many children.
>>2040 They aren't femanons on /vb/, they're thotting up Instagram and Snapchat. 8chan's mostly Hispanic males, game boards are even more male.

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Checkem Anonymous 04/28/2024 (Sun) 21:36:37 No. 2000 [Reply]
000 games in this post
Oh yeah? Check my singles.

Anonymous 03/14/2024 (Thu) 03:25:46 No. 234 [Reply]
Vibri a cute!
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Did you know it's not entirely known what most of the lyrics actually are? There are no official lyric sheets, between that and the broken English everything has been guesswork.
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>>1105 humiliating

Anonymous 03/28/2024 (Thu) 00:04:49 No. 845 [Reply]
Fuck niggers and fuck your reddit camp picnic nigger lovergan
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>>994 Fuck niggers, I fucking mate niggers. Wait, fuck.
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>>845 >Can't name your horse: Nigger <Cuckstar DID bend over to their liberal overlords Red Dead Redemption 2 is so thought provoking and ahead of its time, like shoveling pig shit with a spade but at the end it doesn't matter because you'll end up breaking its pacing and unintentionally cancelling the side quest.
>>845 Oh I'm not anonymous, I'm the incognizant I just came here from SIRIUS and let me tell you this. You're the same disgusting as reddit.

Bayonetta Anonymous 04/09/2024 (Tue) 14:55:54 No. 1283 [Reply]
I just love her. Has there ever been a better character with both femininity and coolness so perfectly balanced? No wonder feminists try to "claim" her now
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Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 17:14:02 No. 1798 [Reply]
Should I?
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>I'm a fan of a video game based on a Tarkovsky movie based on the final chapter of a Strugatsky story. You should totally get that tattoo. You'll never regret it.
>>1898 >I've never done anything worth risky in life out of fear of being judged and potential regret and justify myself as being calculated and smart Its such an insignificant and small tattoo why bother making a thread for it
>>1898 but it's kino

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Welcome, Brigador! Anonymous 04/16/2024 (Tue) 22:23:48 No. 1555 [Reply]
Great Leader is dead Solo Nobre must fall
This game looks really cool and I still want to give it a try.

Anonymous 04/23/2024 (Tue) 00:45:18 Id: 950876 No. 1821 [Reply]
>Todd Always Wins Todd haters on suicide watch
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>>1824 >>1821 I'm much more impressed by the numbers of baldurs gate 3, elden ring, They are still getting massive numbers despite year old and no tv show to boost them. Meanwhile dogma 2 has respectable numbers but nowhere near the hype was.
>>1821 Man I just fucking wish modern Fallout was good. I don't care if it's an FPS now or set in the East Coast. Being good is all I desire. >imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-3TtAiOLcnhr That is a weird filename, where did you get that?
>>1838 It's owned by Bethesda and Microsoft now It won't be good ever again

Which is better on female game characters, boobs or asses? Anonymous 04/19/2024 (Fri) 17:06:45 No. 1681 [Reply]
As a boobsman, remember: if you're an assman, you're a nigger.
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>>1681 >that chart That explains why there's been this psyop against tits. Ever notice how so many women with huge tits have been getting reduction surgery and how they've been stigmatizing people who prefer them over asses? It's a way of turning people into niggers.
>>1727 How do you walk with a flaccid 10 meter cock? Do you just tie it up on your body?
>>1790 You tie it around your waist like a saiyan's tail.

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Anonymous 04/15/2024 (Mon) 13:55:03 No. 1464 [Reply]
Here, your guy said its a good show. Don't forget to say how bethesda ruined it ;-)
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>>1755 I like the 1995 Mortal Kombat movie. The first Tomb Raider was alright, too. But I admit I never really got into the Tomb Raider games.
>>1755 >>1717 oh yeah people are more surprised that it somewhat passable knowing the history of video game adaptation. Witcher series is forgotten when cavill left. Fun fact, witcher series was very popular with women, precisely between geralt, ciri and yennefer. Now same women have no reason to watch it.
>>1783 Why does that picture look like a recolored old timey photograph?

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Helldivers 2 Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 11:43:06 No. 1786 [Reply]
anyone playing it here? Can there be coop nights?

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