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top 10 childhood vidya Anonymous 04/18/2024 (Thu) 15:01:03 No. 1620 [Reply]
Post your top 10 childhood games + 3 honorable mentions + 2 dishonorable mentions
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>>1645 Not a fan of harem shit most of the time, but holyfuck do I love this image.
Have some more.
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>>1653 >papa's pizzeria mah nigga you described my fondest memories of having a family computer and shitty internet

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Anonymous 04/18/2024 (Thu) 18:28:46 No. 1647 [Reply]
it is time to confess
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One time I played fortnite.
>>1674 yeah i've been soloing every game since i was a kid cause i don't have friends
i still play Skyrim

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Anonymous 04/16/2024 (Tue) 17:18:41 No. 1539 [Reply]
What games can make me feel like Aaron Lawson?
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>>1543 Wish someone archived the thread his bot got fucked
>>1548 It seems like a really major fuck-up for a program like that. I've always figured it was just someone pretending to be him, or if it really was him he did it on purpose to make something memorable out of his failed attempts at spam.
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>>1638 Are you the doxer? Kiwi Farms is a loser convention full of internet retards but most dig up real dirt. Cody's worst crime is... writing with a platform bias when he was a teenager? The rest is even tamer. Whining and doxing over nothing isn't newsworthy or interesting, it's just gay and retarded. NYPA.

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YOU DIED Anonymous 04/12/2024 (Fri) 08:25:41 No. 1387 [Reply]
Thread for Dark Souls and Japanese Dark Souls and sundry related games.
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>>1392 If you're not particularly a fan of Souls then DS3 is probably the "best" of the 4 Souls games in that it has the most modernized features although it lacks or has degraded mechanics in some places from the previous 3 Souls. Maybe even Elden Ring too since in a lot of ways ER is just DS3 but more bloated but faster and with jumping. Or to put a nicer spin on it, ER is a better version of Skyrim or the Switch Zeldas. Bloodborne and Sekiro are totally different animals though. They're very much their own things and I would generally rate them higher than the 4 Souls games and likely Elden Ring too. Bloodborne takes a quality over quantity approach. Every single melee weapon is distinct from the other. Combat is different from all the other Souls games (and different from Sekiro, the Niohs, an Lies as well) in that it prioritizes pure aggression over dodging or blocking. Sekiro on the other hand is what you would get if you took DS3 (or possible Bloodborne) and made a full conversion mod that transformed it into an action game. It's the fastest of all the Souls. Faster than Nioh as well. As far as Nioh goes, it's really fun. The game progress route is linear but individual stages can be extremely non linear. It's not just dexfagging with katana either. You can do strength builds with Odachi or great axes. Ninjutsu is easy modo. Nioh 2 is the same as before but with a character creator and devil trigger mode. Wo Long is also a game that exists.
My history with the Souls series goes as follows: >Play DeS on PS3, enjoy it but get turned off by how janky it is >Play DS on release, love the game immensely and replay it a few times >Play DS2 on release >Annoyance turns to frustration turns to outright despise >Drop the series at that point and don't bother keeping up >Don't bother with Bloodborne because it's on PS4 and there's no way I'm dishing out the dosh for one >Don't play DS3 because I expect it to not be as good as DS >Not interested in Sekiro >Very nearly play ER but don't have the money or the time at release I get that other games are good, but I really felt shafted over the shitshow that was DS2. The fact that DS3 even tries to rectify the issues DS2 made really sours my mood for the series too, like FROM know they fucked up and they're trying to make up for it. I still like the series but outside of getting rich and having infinite free time I'm probably never going to play the other games.
>>1410 Funny, I'm nearly the opposite. DS2 is my favorite and it's the one I started with. Loved DS1 when I played it afterward and loved Demons when I emulated it years later. Absolutely fucking hated DS3 for going back on all the cool shit DS2 did (like powerstancing, near-full offhand movesets, good armor variety, much more spell variety than DS1 had, and every weapon being able to be made useful in some way) and being a shitty sequel to DS1 including all its poor balancing decisions on weapons and spells, with bloodborne-ified world, massive nerfs to magic, most of the lore just being shitty DS1 nostalgiabait, and enemies and everything being put through a shitty brown-gray filter. Loved ER when I played it because it's DS3 but with (almost) all the good shit from DS2 and the enemies neutered a bit, so the playing field ain't so bullshit. Also fixes DS3's stupid brown-gray-ugly problem.

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Steam deck Anonymous 04/17/2024 (Wed) 17:18:03 No. 1576 [Reply]
What could've they done to make it actually viable? Bigger screen? Cheaper? Release it in stores?
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>>1602 >valve is known to inflate numbers citation fucking needed
>>1576 A Wii deeldo controller.
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>>1576 The oled model is still too expensive at $550/650. Even if it arrived on stores it will be overshadowed by switch, normalfags dont know valve as a brand and $200 higher price just makes switch a safer option. On the other hand, if steam console ever gets conceived it'll easily outsell xbox and maybe touch ps5. People are desperate for an actual 9th gen console with games. Even without VR shit

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Based Dad? Anonymous 04/04/2024 (Thu) 15:25:34 No. 1104 [Reply]
>go to family reunion >meet people I haven't seen in years >see my parents again >Dad is busy talking to my uncle >Dad is talking to him about GamerGate >Go home because Im bored >"Realize" >"'MY DAD WAS TALKING ABOUT GAMERGATE"'
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>>1104 They were talking about GG Allin, don't lie.
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>>1111 >Fully behind it a whole decade after the fact Wonderful
>>1136 Technically they could be considered trips as well as quads.

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 16:58:57 No. 794 [Reply]
How is it /v/ros...
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>>1430 Oh, right. I just pretended that movie didn't exist. The movie version doesn't even match her previous characterization though, does it? It's like two different characters.
>>1431 Right, her characterization in the movie is a girlboss. She's nothing like that in the games, but does have movie-face on the box art for Showtime.
>>861 Peach 2 doing the karate kick has the most abhorrent expression. That's the face of a ragemaxxed middle-aged woman hoarsely screaming at a manager.

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Anonymous 04/06/2024 (Sat) 15:03:53 No. 1160 [Reply]
it happened again
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>>1197 Most anons just don't find that worth their time. Not unless they can get a funny ban message out of it, and the tranny jannies hand them out so lightly that it's highly unlikely.
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>>1191 Just say you're a straight white male on Twatter, you'll shatter shitters instantly.

Anonymous 04/10/2024 (Wed) 23:26:11 No. 1353 [Reply]
Episodes for the Fallout TV show release later tonight. Thinking of streaming some time tomorrow or on Saturday. Sound off ITT if you'd join the stream
>>1353 Meh, only if you post Todd Howard's nudes
>>1353 No thank you. That sounds awful.

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Anonymous 04/07/2024 (Sun) 21:20:49 No. 1215 [Reply]
What are some gaymes?
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If token gays count as in the OP and first post, then Black Souls 2.
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>>1311 >..or robots Don't act like them being robots discounts anything. If you're counting Veronica as "gay" then you also have to count Rose.
>>1379 Cass is a wreck of a human being, i wouldnt really count her as a lesbian, maybe a bi if shes drunk enough. Its a shame we never got the planned quest of the Courier and Cass getting drunk in Freeside and drunkenly getting wed by The King, that would have been a hilarius quest.

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Anonymous 03/31/2024 (Sun) 23:26:31 No. 935 [Reply]
yuzu devs fear her
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>>1266 I thought that was Johnny Klebitz
>>996 There must be some free VPN that works on cuckchan, no? Or is it really that cucked?
>>1287 He refereed himself as "white trash", therefore he's a jew.

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Genesis Model 1 vs Genesis Model 2 Anonymous 04/10/2024 (Wed) 13:01:33 No. 1332 [Reply]
Which ones better /vb/
mega drive
>>1333 (checked) Trips confirm, burgers BTFO

Anonymous 03/31/2024 (Sun) 22:19:23 No. 933 [Reply]
Well, /vb/? What's your gamer pose?
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>>1277 I have a question Assuming she's proportioned similarly to the original couch, wouldn't that make her like 10 feet tall?
>>1277 More cushion for the pushin.
>>1286 Only if she's standing. Wink wink.

Anonymous 04/06/2024 (Sat) 22:54:57 No. 1167 [Reply]
What did she mean by this?
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>>1167 She is establishing her status relative to you as a form of enticement.
She wants that Kokiri Sword.

Gabe Newell Appreciation thread Anonymous 03/10/2024 (Sun) 23:56:28 No. 25 [Reply]
>Does nothing >Wins How does he do it?
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He looked better when he was fat
>>1052 He looks better that he's gonna live 30 more years and not die from extra calories
>>25 The competition are quite retarded, but that doesn't mean Steam is the best platform to bing your wahoo's, they tend to get really fucking incompetent specially dealing with bots from both trading and first party online multiplayer games. But hey, in one of their leaked e-mails they told the mentally challenged white monkey at EPIC: >Don't care, cry about it, L+ratio They're still the good guys. >>64 Not really, you have to move on, remember Saturo Iwata? From one day to the other: he's forgotten, specially in the many iterations of /v/.

Big Bellied Video Game Thread - Yoshi Is Number One! Edition Anonymous 03/11/2024 (Mon) 03:11:02 No. 35 [Reply]
Post any video game characters showing off their big cute bellies! No breast because chicken breast. No butts because chicken butts. Only big bellies allowed! The bigger the better! Vore should go in https://8chan.moe/vore1/ tho, but I'm not a janny
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>>1178 Not fatso, but here are some canon oversized bellies. There's also the Fat Princess from the eponymous Vita game but I'm not gonna post her because I don't like her as much.
what the fuck
>>1206 HAWT

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