/vb/ - /b/ but with video games

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Anonymous 03/28/2024 (Thu) 14:20:39 No. 862 [Reply]
is nanako a good girl?
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She's cute
What's she from?
>>3419 my cock and balls persona 4

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Anonymous 03/10/2024 (Sun) 20:26:43 No. 19 [Reply] [Last]
Play Onirism, /vb/
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>>3699 I'll even throw in a third-round draft pick.
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>>3716 Look at 'em bounce!

Anonymous 05/08/2024 (Wed) 14:49:45 No. 2276 [Reply] [Last]
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>>3726 If anything it's not trying to make things look positive for MS, it's trying to remind people who very likely are still using products from this shitty company to stop.
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>>3743 Everything Microsoft makes is fucking terrible, it's insane. Even normalfags seem aware of this. I think MS is only popular out of people's inertia to change.
>>3744 Microsoft has not made a decent operating system since Windows 2000 Pro. The big trick is that people do not actually buy their products. Companies do. Windows gets packaged with company computers, and built into the computers that computer-illiterate people like >>3723 buy from retailers who get them from manufacturers in bulk. And since chip manufacturers like Intel design their chips to benchmark the best while running Microsoft software, the game studios in turn design their games to run the best with Microsoft software. This builds a big three-way co-dependency between Microsoft, chip manufacturers, and game studios where, no matter how poor each of their products are, they keep working together, because that is how their businesses are designed to run. Then you have Apple OS, which is largely self-contained and thus an afterthought to chip manufacturers and game studios. You have Linux distros, but the new Red Hat is turning every OS that they control into Microsoft-style dogshit. You can break out of it with some of the non-Red Hat OSs like Void, but you had better know your way around a command prompt and be able to compile software. Not many people can do that, largely because they have been using godawful operating systems their whole lives that assume that their users are retards, so they become a vanishingly small demographic that no company trying to sell games or computer parts targets. Thus Microsoft rules gaming and computer manufacturing despite making nothing but absolute shit for the past quarter century.

Nortubel had an update Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 15:20:56 No. 3710 [Reply]
My game had an update. https://eyeballtank.itch.io/project-nortubel/devlog/758202/1jul2024-nortubel-part-5brinkaedea >What is Nortubel You play as the older siblings and command the younger ones, as the 2 go around in levels but you can also directly play as the little ones just in case. Whole game is an excuse for me to show off different kinds of characters and ideas. My first game and somehow, I managed to do a lot with it. You can play it on NG or itch, with the ladder having browser, Windows and Linux builds. Do give me feedback, because there's always going to be some issues (Whether or not I can fix them also depends).
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>>3742 Well, I'll say this: Katrin is blatantly flipped because of the blue spots of her hair. Also, I have another image like that but yuri focused and I've also done porn edits of it.
>>3745 don't know why I thought I could outdo you in autism. good job

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GIVE ME A FUCKING (YOU) Anonymous 06/16/2024 (Sun) 17:49:07 No. 3445 [Reply]
What do you want to talk about, huh? What? Why don't you talk to me about it? Videogames? Yeah I like video games. I play video games everyday. What do you like? Fighting games? Racing games? RPGs? MMORPGS? Gatcha? Do you like this Gatcha? I love Gatcha. Phone games? What about Phone Games? Let's play some phone games. Come on, what do you like? Don't be shy. Come. ON. How hard is it for you to fucking speak up? Be a fucking man for once. Do you like RTSes? Map Games? Hm? How about some Factorio? Minecraft? Terraria? snaps fingers Helloooooo? conks your head anybody in there?????? FUCKING TALK TO ME GIVE ME ATTENTION YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT TALK TO ME NOOOOOW!!!!!!!!
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>>3735 how come?
>>3737 I can't even. God. Why do you moids have to be so fucking difficult?
crystal tranny on suicide watch

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Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 23:13:33 No. 3728 [Reply]
>2nd disk to fail me in the year
but bro physical media bro I'm assuming you're talking about game discs and not hard discs Disc rot is very real, DVDs and CDs only last about 30 years. A lot of my teenage albums don't work anymore, but I keep them as a memento. Blu-rays are believed to fair better but they haven't been around long enough to know, their estimated lifespan is around a century.
>>3729 No it's my HDDs that just keep fucking up. Right now I ended up changing some wires that go to the PSU, and it is working alright now, but it's only a matter of time until it starts fucking up again
I was told teh internetz never forgetz, How come?

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Gaming Anonymous 04/01/2024 (Mon) 14:20:34 No. 964 [Reply] [Last]
Please talk about this Okekaki I made I spent a lot of time on it
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>>3544 Good news, I have figured out a way to show her in the ~700 millisecond window she can stay in her big titty form (BTF) with her glasses on.
>>3551 I don't think Paps has posted or wants to post on 8chan in years, he got a lot of shit for being active on /leftypol/ and eventually he left 8chan altogether. He's not the only artist who was harassed of the site, I can think of at least two others. One was shit on literally for being a woman, nothing else
>>3712 >spoiler good have any art from her saved tho?

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Vinesauce Joel Anonymous 06/08/2024 (Sat) 05:07:00 No. 3263 [Reply]
The comment section of this video is so funny: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-x4zur30tc It is literally Joel 4chan fanbase vs his pronoun fanbase going at it because his Lucidid gameplay. Clash of worlds
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>>3265 >>3267 >>3694 They have both said they don't want children Most people here won't have kids, either
>>3695 true
>>3695 That's because they're the children, playing video games and shit

Knight in Satan's Service discussion thread Anonymous 06/30/2024 (Sun) 23:17:47 No. 3701 [Reply]
For the upcoming righty-triggering game that is long overdue. "Satan punishes evil. God enables it". No sissy QTE or gimmick kill shit, real time combat like a game should be. Play as a satanic soldier who serves social justice & sends the sinners to their eternal punishment in real first person action. Take one of many options to complete your task as thinking is better than being led by the nose in a linear fashion. Mission 1- Steven G. QuarterManLives is a right-wing video personality who cries about "woke" things & spits blatant lies in his service to Christian Nationalism. He's also made a lot of money by suing anyone who calls him a racist, thanks largely to the judges in his pocket. This week it has come out that his pregnant wife has left him claiming mental & physical abuse, of which he denies, yet his fans are secretly proud he beats a woman. Enter his home at night. Deal with him. Be stealthy or loud, whichever you prefer. Bonus points will be earned if his computer is left undamaged in the mission as the police will find his cp collection. Mission 2- Furry artist Andrew Wong is a notorious rapist & pedophile- which is why furries think he's great. His victims have been attacked & shamed, his crimes protected & buried. He will never see a courtroom. Social Justice will have to suffice. End him in front of witnesses & make a run for it? Use a stolen fursuit with a gun mounted inside for a stealth option? Take your pick. Mission 3- Matt Welsh, another Christifascist asshole, has called for racial genocide, forcing people to attend church & now in his sickest moment has said that the age of consent should be lowered to 13 because "they're more fertile". As it turns out he & several of his buddies like to indoctrinate & groom teenage girls into his Christian group for very bad things(along with dosing them secretly with birth control meds). Get out to that remote farmhouse, free his victims & deal with these sickos. A quick shot to the head or perhaps one to the gut so they fade slowly & painfully? Future missions- Deal with Muslim terrorists planning to kill thousands. Deal with a deranged Jew who kidnaps innocent Arabs to torture them because he is loyal to Israel & maybe you can also talk his victims into abandoning the god that doesn't love them. If the Amish are so peaceful why are so many of them abusing their families? Don't forget the local Catholic church & its gaggle of pedo priests! Remember, they all serve the same deity in the end & they all use that deity to justify their evil. If the satanic soldier is after you, you are not innocent.

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>>3705 This is no copypasta I'm afraid, just the unhinged ramblings of a schizophrenic furry with a hateboner for right-wingers. I say you should post lolis and midgets to piss him off further, assuming this is the same schizo I'm thinking of.
>>3701 I'm gonna improve on your concept. First, scrap everything. Next, add futuristic female super soldiers in tacticool nanosuits and bodysuits (like the Haven troopers from MGS4) Then, turn the game into a dating sim/meet and fuck game where you can get yourself one or several girls, appreciate the design of their suits that look like military grade bondage gear, slowly rub, massage and undress them, revealing their athletic body, and fucking them silly You can always make it hotter and fuck them while wearing their suit, and hear their muffled panting and moaning because of their gas mask.
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>>3708 To give an example, here's a Haven trooper.

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Anonymous 06/24/2024 (Mon) 17:09:56 No. 3608 [Reply]
Meanwhile, in /ara/-/v/...
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>>3617 He just wants to spend time with you, darling!~ Most mothers could only be so lucky, some children don't even call once they leave the nest! >>3624 I hope they tone down all the horrible swearing. "D*rn" this and "h*ck" that, so vulgar...
>>3608 >Blows 50 dollars for some whore to say "Ara~ara" in Valorant
>>3718 I'm confused. Why would you do that? You could go on microphone and say it yourself..

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Bots account for 78% of TF2's playercount Anonymous 05/01/2024 (Wed) 09:42:27 No. 2064 [Reply]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2stmQfv93oQ >off the total concurrent daily players over 75% are massive botnets, hugely inflating numbers >majority are idlers/giftapult/cases collectors, running game on text-mode, never going beyond main menu >peak daily players are around 25k on a good day. Mostly hovers on 18k average >HUMAN PLAYERCOUNT REMAINS LARGELY UNCHANGED DURING SEASONAL UPDATES so that 200k peak players last year was also entirely bots >cheater/active bots are small number of around 700-1000 yet completely shut down entire regions its over, tf2 is dead, dead internet theory, zesty wins again, who cares, traders crash, etc etc whatever buzzwords
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>>2121 >Knowing the artist Advanced coomology.
>>3717 >giving trolls attention >obscure trolls nobody knows about, at that Also this thread is about Pyro porn now, try to catch up.

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unofficial official /vb/ meta thread Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 13:52:36 No. 3709 [Reply]
This is where we discuss important things like >how /vb/ is kept up on life support >what did he mean by that >gacha >blogposting >ecelebs >oc >how to stop a meme board from dying >new banners prob >videogames maybe

4AM thread - /vbfeels/ edition #1 Anonymous 06/27/2024 (Thu) 14:33:55 No. 3646 [Reply]
Excuse me for not having the OG 4AM image, couldn't jewgle it What are you... -Feeling? -Playing?
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>>3662 Have sex with her. Pound and smash her sweet jackal pussy.
>>3663 I can't WAIT for VR porn and FEEL-O-VISION stuff to take off I want to FUCK her I WANT TO impregnate her WOMB
Just fuck my shit up

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Anonymous 03/12/2024 (Tue) 06:34:41 No. 102 [Reply]
Will the roaring 20s be the decade of incest?
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>>3691 How much they succeeded?
>>3697 Not really at all. The game is still being developed and is up on steam. It did cause the dev to lock down everything and go into silent running mode though. Now she is using a middleman to do all communication with the community.
>>3698 Scared them would be enough I guess.

Anonymous 06/25/2024 (Tue) 14:22:57 No. 3623 [Reply]
Technically speaking, which is the vidya character with the largest tits?
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>>3685 is there a difference? both are fat washed out losers
>>3686 Movieblob is more useless because he can't even draw or illustrate.
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does anybody have a afk farm design thats easy to build and gives alot of gold in babft? Anonymous 06/29/2024 (Sat) 20:10:55 No. 3689 [Reply]
i have been searching them for a while but they all cost a ton of materials or take 5 years to build

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