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The Great Genre Convergence Anonymous 06/27/2024 (Thu) 08:09:21 Id: 075f36 No. 984096 [Reply]
Whatever happened to genre purity anons? It seems like games are becoming a grey goo amalgamated mess. Shooters and action games now have RPG elements, RPGs have shooter/action elements. Open world everything even when it doesn't suit. Is gaming moving toward a great genre convergence with some uber ultimate game that's an open-world battle royale action RPG with survival craft elements as a live service game hero shooter? I can't be the only one noticing everything blurring and melding together in the mainstream sphere. Some games, usually indie, stick to their genre and polish it until it shines, but most everything else is turning into the brown mess you get when you mix all the paint colours together as a kid thinking you'll get a rainbow but ending up with literal shit.
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>>984216 Which is really weird in my opinion since japan is well known for making glorified COYA games you think it would be natural for them to have stat based COYA games like Disco Elysium would be a standard for them by now. Seems like a natural evolution really.
>>984103 We're we here fuck we're shit queer up?
>>984318 We're here We fuck We're shit Queer up

Video Game Waifu Thread: Haydee Edition Anonymous 07/27/2023 (Thu) 06:32:23 Id: 32c405 No. 863424 [Reply] [Last]
/v/, who is your video game waifu? Mine is definitely Haydee. I love her curvy body and thick round ass. I believe she would make a submissive loyal house wife. I know some may call me a nigger lover but when served properly, chocolate is delicious dish.
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>AI slop
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>>981984 Eh, AI generation isn't all bad. Not as good as actual art mind you but it's not awful. Especially if artists put in the effort to actually polish their works like image 3 in >>953859 is. I'd still prefer actual fanart, though AI art does give chars some interesting derivative outfits if you let it.
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>>983846 I really don't like AI. Because it kinda sucks at drawing my waif.

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Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/ Anonymous 12/28/2020 (Mon) 09:59:00 Id: 15e119 No. 191653 [Reply] [Last]
Touch the Cow Edition Crews 1.Infinity - 692908 2.Kihou - 740471 3.Sky Lords - 733000 4.Raven Nest (Dead) - 1024216 5.Heaven&Hel (Dead) - 933194 Guides and info https://gbf.wiki/ >How do I even play this shit? You can play it from your browser by going to http://game.granbluefantasy.jp/ >I'm not going to use google botnet to play this.

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Another one
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I heard you guys liked Korone
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Dragon's Dogma 2: CapJews Anonymous 03/31/2024 (Sun) 21:26:06 Id: b4efaa No. 953404 [Reply] [Last]
So it seems that the launch of this game was piss poor due to the bad performance issues and normalfags waking up to the DRM/Microtransactions shit. Still there's a good game to be found, and I hope everyone is enjoying the game as much as I am. Just recently capcom released a new patch where they added a New Game function in addition to a FPS Lock for console fags. In addition to being able to get your own house earlier in the game, and changing Art of Metamorphosis to 99 instead of 2 in the Pawn Guild, thus eliminating the need for microtransactions altogether. Sadly it seems the performance issues won't be release until later this year since it seems capcom needs some more time to cook the game and have it working with DLSS3 and other techniques to make the game actually run at a bearable framerate. Still with all of the complaints they got, hopefully they can have some options to fix the performance issues by using the GPU a bit more in towns. Still, have you been enjoying the game /v/?
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DD2 is a total fucking mess and is given way too much slack for things other games would be hung for. This game manages to be several steps backwards compared to the original DD. They had 10 years to do this right and fucked it up.
>>984138 B-but Itsuno told me this was his dream game!
>>984155 He was forced into saying that most likely.

Hentai/Porn games (especially local multiplayer action) Anonymous 04/28/2023 (Fri) 16:14:25 Id: 1592a9 No. 819339 [Reply] [Last]
I'm a novice to the genre, but it seems most of what I find when I look is just VNs and (mostly turn based) RPGs, as well as nude mods for regular games. Are there any good action based porn games? I've found Project X: Love Potion Disaster - Mod Edition (apparently someone else continuing development after the original dev abandoned it, but they call it a mod out of honor among degenerates or something). It's a pretty decent beat em up, honestly. Quite simple gameplay, not the best of the genre, but like other beat em ups, local multiplayer helps immensely. I am now in desperate need of other action-based games with local multiplayer. They don't have to be beat em ups, but taking turns somewhat defeats the point of getting your heart pumping. Are there any fighting game porn games? Making attacks sexy and rapey seems like something that would fit easily into that genre, and it's a genre where one of two players is always getting hit all the time, so getting hit to see the porn doesn't feel like a lose condition (it just means the other player is doing well) and it can be mixed in with the gameplay and not just between matches. I did find one or two fighting hentai games from the '90s or something, but it looks like the porn was all between matches. Someone needs to make one where it's the same genre but the attacks are raping instead of (just) punching. But I'll take recommendations in any genre. The more explicit (ie: not just nude mods where no fucking takes place), the better. More detailed/not pixel art seems obviously better. I see a lot that are pixel art, including the one I mentioned, but I don't get the appeal of pixelated pussy. Wouldn't you want to see more detail and not less? And also important, the more the porn is actually tied to the gameplay (the less it is like just cutscenes between normal gameplay sections), the better. Do any good porn games exist where the porn isn't just effectively a cutscene attached to a lose condition? Even Love Potion Disaster, which I just complimented, basically saves the porn for when you get hit, essentially making it a bunch of short cutscenes activated by small losses, but that's better than cutscenes between levels or turns, at least. It gets closer to integrating it with action gameplay than anything else I've found with a little bit of looking. But you people might know something better. Honestly I was surprised to find any porn games with local multiplayer, on account of how it really seems like a genre that would mostly be played in private. However, this one game with local multiplayer has really worked out for me, so I need more local multiplayer. No, it's not gay. Nobody here should believe me, but it was my gf that found this one game and wanted to try it together while she sits/bounces on my lap. It's my new fetish and I need as many games as possible that will facilitate this, so I can keep it going before she gets bored of the one game we have for it so far. Pic 2 is sort of the position but she is leaning forward and playing too. Of course feel free to mention any games beyond what I am more specifically looking for. Any recommendations are helpful, including good nude mods (most give you nude characters but games rarely give camera angles to actually let you enjoy the goods), or good turn based ones. But I can find plenty of turn based ones and few that really stand out. Even ones that aren't multiplayer, especially if they make for good "pass the controller" arcade style action. But local multiplayer action is what I'm really looking for. But whatever. Hentai Games General, I guess. Even though generals are cancer.
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>>984206 have you turned on the nvidia driver FPS limit? i always cap it a little bit above my monitor's refresh rate. unless your game has vsync on this may help with your temps.
>>984247 You should be fine leaving it around 80c for several hours, going past that might lower its overall lifespan by a bit
>>984249 >>984248 That seems to have done the trick. Doesn't even break 60C now at max graphics settings. Danke. Unless it came with some sneaky shitcoin miner that isn't detected by anti-virus and only activates some of the time to hide its presence by lulling you into a false sense of security.

Old 8/v/ Nostalgia Thread Anonymous 05/11/2024 (Sat) 03:02:00 Id: 0df5d6 No. 967631 [Reply] [Last]
Post what you've got. I have more stuff on my computer but it's going to take some time find it all.
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>>983046 real OGs remember the original booru and the fact that so many images were not saved on it sadly
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Remember when VR was going to be the future?
>>984170 ARE YA WINNIN' SON?

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QTDDTOT Anonymous 02/04/2021 (Thu) 22:52:46 Id: 700bb9 No. 228459 [Reply] [Last]
you know the script, niggers for any 8/16bit and certain ps1 games, i've been using the 6 btn megadrive/genesis controller, love the d-pad and clicky buttons, so my question is, should i re-order another 6btn megadrive, or is there a better alternative?
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>>983989 >>983995 Sorry I'm fucking retarded.
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>>983995 >>984009 Gear REX looks weird but I like it.

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Dragon Age: The Veilguard/Bioware Thread Anonymous 06/19/2024 (Wed) 02:32:14 Id: 403eac No. 981786 [Reply] [Last]
I wanna talk about the new Dragon Age. It's uh... it looks rough. It's been 10 years since Inquisition but Bioware has finally revealed the next game. Featuring... prosthetics, SEA elves, black elves, & a cartoony Fortnite hero shooter looking aesthetic. Yay...
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>>983646 of course it is, though she probably has a penis too
>>983547 And what matters the most in a choices matter game? The answer is the story and your choices having an impact on the game. >They've repeatedly shown that they have no problems burning their company to the ground in the name of current year propoganda and then blame their customers. Then don't buy the fucking game then lol. I'm certainly not going to, but I might play it. I'm also sure that a place such as 4chan will have an all white mod for humans in case it really does turn out to be good
>>983743 > The answer is the story and your choices having an impact on the game. Yes which is why we've had RGB endings and Bioware not allow us to do anything real meaningful since DA: Origins or ME2.

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STOP KILLING GAMES CAMPAIGN Anonymous 04/03/2024 (Wed) 10:24:44 Id: dc9eb5 No. 954406 [Reply] [Last]
TO EUROBROS AND STRAYAN ANONS: YOU CAN DO YOUR PART AND TAKE ACTION TO MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD, AS A CONSUMER, TO STOP GAMES AS A SERVICE. https://www.stopkillinggames.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w70Xc9CStoE >An increasing number of videogames are sold as goods, but designed to be completely unplayable for everyone as soon as support ends. The legality of this practice is untested worldwide, and many governments do not have clear laws regarding these actions. It is our goal to have authorities examine this behavior and hopefully end it, as it is an assault on both consumer rights and preservation of media. This campaign originally started from some youtuber who hated the fact that The Crew, an Ubishit racing game, would close their online services and making the game he purchased basically unplayable. Even if it would technically be possible to run the game offline, it's unfortunately prevented by DRM and other jewish nonsense plaguing modern gaming today. He is making a rallying campaign, asking for the 12 million people who effectively got scammed after buying The Crew to make their voice heard and complain about this, so that governments can take action and hopefully set a precedent to destroy GAAS as we know it in an effort to preserve videogames. Any step taken towards making publishers and greedy kike game companies release offline versions of multiplayer-only games is a win. Any effort contributing to popularizing the now lost practice of giving server tools to gamers for them to make their own community servers is a good thing in my eyes. If you care about vidya, it's in your best interest to spread awareness of this campaign and do as much as you possibly can, even if you don't like the EU. Sign petitions, screech about it, etc. They've shown that they can seriously cripple anti-consumer practices, as seen with Apple.
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>>983802 >I want every Always Online game to end with the user being able to play it single player or emulate the server code if he wants to play with friends. Okay. Are you supporting and buying the games from companies that do this to show that there is a market for that kind of business model? For example, did you buy Redfall or something similar (Because who honestly willingly gives their money to M$ anymore?) in response to such announcements being made? > That's not enough Why? You go into the game knowing that it will become unavailable as soon as 30 days from now. > Do what? See: >>965728 > I am not playing nor buying such games. I have also never owned a copy of the Crew. So there's nothing to complain about, and you're a smarter individual than Ross and half the people in this thread. >can companies write anything they want on their EULA, even if it breaks country law? Yes, they can write whatever they want. Is it actionable/enforceable? No, it is not. > Can they or can they not write anything they want and be legally binding? No
>>983808 >Are you supporting and buying the games from companies that do this to show that there is a market for that kind of business model? This is the same argument I heard for EA's Star Wars "Oh you must buy this single player game even if you don't like it, to show EA we want single player games." My answer is NO! I buy good games AND games that are not Always Online. I will not buy a shit single player game. This isn't about showing interest that you want such games, especially since single player games with multiplayer you can self hose ,were the norm and Always Online were the exception, companies know that they just want more money, no this is about not allowing them to sell games that intentionally will break down at an unidentified date. Same thing for printers, computers, tractors, and whatever else. Planned Obsolesce is shit. >You go into the game knowing that it will become unavailable as soon as 30 days from now Because the consumer is not properly informed if the game will become unavailable in 30 days, 1 year, 10 years or 50 years. Also even if it says that the company will announce you in 30 days, when they sell such a product they usually say something to the effect of "we plan to support this game for years to come, don't worry", then they go bankrupt in one year and shut everything down. >So there's nothing to complain about I do care about the industry and even if I have no interest in playing The Crew or Dark Spore, that doesn't mean that I want them to be destroyed. I am all for media preservation, even shit media as you can learn a lot from a bad game, book or movie. >Is it actionable/enforceable? No, it is not. >No Glad we can agree on this point. So if Ross and the gang were to manage to change the law in a few key countries like the UK and Australia, then it won't matter what they write in the EULA, they would still have to provide an offline version of the game. Now is this just a very small chance of happening? Yes, Ross said so himself, I am even more pessimistic, as lootboxes got hit hard by Belgium(I think) with FIFA, yet that barely stopped EA and other companies to still sell games with lootboxes. I admit it's a very low chance, but it is a chance at game preservation.
>>983812 >This is the same argument I heard for EA's Star Wars "Oh you must buy this single player game even if you don't like it, to show EA we want single player games." My answer is NO! I agree. Ultimatums like that are bullshit because it's the company feebly attempting to guilt customers for their inaction. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about companies that do such practices in earnest. I just threw Redfall out there as an example because it's the most recent instance that I know if, and why I threw in "or something similar" because you may not support M$ for perfectly legitimate reasons not related to their GaaS model but what about companies and developers who are honest and earnest? > Because the consumer is not properly informed if the game will become unavailable in 30 days How? It's listed on the box. > even if I have no interest in playing The Crew or Dark Spore, that doesn't mean that I want them to be destroyed. I am all for media preservation, even shit media as you can learn a lot from a bad game, book or movie. I agree, and that would be an ideal situation for an ideal world. However we don't live there. So the next best option is to preserve what you can (Legitimately or through piracy, doesn't matter), and not sweating about the stuff that you cannot preserve for whatever reason. >I admit it's a very low chance, but it is a chance at game preservation. Is game preservation the goal or is attacking these companies the goal? Take for instance something like Call of Duty or FIFA EA FC. All M$/EA have to do to kill Ross' entire argument is announce that the game will be playable until, say, two years from now and it will shut off, and that you can only continue playing your "content" (That they can change at any moment) if you buy next year's game that has the same restriction applied. Or Ubisoft can come out and say that players can still play The Crew after the official shutdown so long as you pay a monthly fee to Ubisoft in order to access their special server software that they retain the sole ownership and control over. See, the games are still "preserved" in the same way that World of Warcraft is still "preserved" despite being an entirely different game from when it launched in 2004, or have an expiration date blatant explaining that you're only granted a limited time access to said content before you have to pay for it again. Is that what you want?

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GOOD games where you are the villain Anonymous 06/03/2024 (Mon) 14:45:44 Id: ac0bc1 No. 974994 [Reply] [Last]
I not talking about games where you're a misunderstood "villain" who turns out to be the "good guy" only because of plot reasons. I mean games where you're an unapologetic evil person and the game doesn't try to shy away or ridicule the player for it. The reason I bring this up is beause I've been recently thinking about the games released during the late seventh gen, like Spec Ops: The Line and Bioshock Infinite, where the games outright ridicule the player for having played the game all the way to the end with a message that the player needs to "kill himself" in order to "atone" for the "sin" of having played a violent video game where you kill NPCs, and just how disgusting the entire concept of. Why make a game where you "trick" the player into playing the game the way you wanted them to play it, and then ridicule the player for having played the game exactly the way you wanted them to play it? So how about listing off some games where you are the villain, the game doesn't feel guilty over that fact, and the developers have fun with the player taking on the role of being a bad person doing bad things?
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>>983435 There was the rumored "evil farm" game that everyone seems to remember differently but can never find a copy of it. But that game seems to be just a mandela effect caused by joel from vinesauce Idea Guying a farm game where you commited manslaughter on your wife so you buried the body and shit.
>>983435 Cult of the Lamb? Also the No Heroes Allowed series.
>>983435 The closest I can think of is a Harvest Moon clone I came across on rpgmaker.net once that warped the concept into a horror premise where you are on a space station and the "plants" you farm are Lovecraftian meatforms. Unfortunately I can't find it right now.

Game of the Month #9 (June Edition): No One Can Stop Mr. Domino! (PS1) Anonymous 06/02/2024 (Sun) 10:45:24 Id: 4c8b46 No. 974706 [Reply] [Last]
>What is this? This is exactly how it sounds: A game is chosen each month (which will be relatively or totally obscure on purpose) with hopes of bringing new avenues of playing potential to anons with narrow video game perspectives. The goal isn't necessarily to pick bad games, but obscure ones nobody, or as few people as possible, have played. You can play the game and then use that fact as bragging rights to others! You can use it to broaden your backlog horizons! or you can forget about it. It's up to you. THIS MONTH: No One Can Stop Mr. Domino!, a quirky action-puzzle game from a time where developers would throw anything at the wall and see what stuck. Help the titular Mr. Domino make a mess out of a series of fun levels, make a huge chain of blocks and see them all fall in a spectacular fashion. >Where do I get this? https://cdromance.org/psx-iso/no-one-can-stop-mr-domino-europe/ >How does it play? Mr. Domino is, as the game suggests, unstoppable. He will not yield or even slow down, at best you can go from a jog to a full on run. Place domino pieces over the course, which loops on itself, then hit one of your previously placed pieces to start a chain reaction! All levels have both context-sensitive buttons you need to press by letting a domino piece fall on them or some other criteria to award bonus points. GUIDELINES FOR FUTURE GotMs: Poll for MONTH YEAR: https://poal.me/9n6r8r If you do not like any of the games in the poll, you can either add a new entry manually, or reply to the OP with a different suggestion. Don't come crying to me if you don't like the game, blame democracy. If you DO suggest a game though, please, report all relevant information on the game (magnet/dl link, interesting mods, guides, tutorials on tech, speedrun etc.).

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>>980420 The menace has finally been stopped, peace has been restored.
>>980420 That's not Mr. Domino. That's an imposter. Mr. Domino cannot be stopped.
I, for one, don't want Mr. Domino to stop.

Blue Archive Thread Anonymous 03/05/2023 (Sun) 02:41:17 Id: 3bd2b7 No. 793596 [Reply] [Last]
Making a thread for the hit new(ish) game taking the mobile gaming world by storm! Would like to see if anyone else here plays this. >What is Blue Archive? A mobile game on iOS and Android, you play as a male teacher in a world where the only other humans are all female. Command your students as you take down enemies and learn about the world you've been thrust into. You're sure to find a favorite among the many students available to you. >It's P2W garbage! Can't get the student I want! Answering the first part, it is relatively P2W since it's a mobage, but F2P users are capable of winning as well, and in the late-game, the gap between F2P and P2W is very small indeed - perhaps even nonexistent. Many of the students in this game are available for free without even rolling once in the gacha system (Over time you have a chance at unlocking students by beating the hard mode levels) >Are the girls cute? Yes For the loli fan out there, sate your thirsts on this game with the most lolis per capita out of every mobage out there. For the hagfan or oppailoli fan, this game can cater to your needs as well. >Isn't this game censored? Since China doesn't like nudity in any fashion, the game was split so that the chinks have their own censored version. The NA and JP versions are unaffected and the lolis untouched. >How do I play? Here are some useful links

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>>984477 No, let it die as there is nothing substantial worth discussing in a second thread.
>>984790 If you want an image dump, just go to a booru.

Nintendo Direct: LIVE NOW Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 14:26:34 Id: be545e No. 981242 [Reply] [Last]
Nintendo will host a Nintendo Direct on June 18 at 7:00 a.m. PT / 10:00 a.m. ET. There will be no mention of the successor to the Nintendo Switch. Here are the links to the stream as I will NOT be able to restream it at the current time. Please understand. USA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kX3BkD5PVUM EUR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HorTUKvj0K8 JPN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFlgSkZPycw
Edited last time by Mark on 06/18/2024 (Tue) 14:43:57.
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>>981590 >TF2 would be called woke if released today Why, the demo? That’s one black guy out of six straight white males.
>>983123 i think you confused him and then misunderstood him, he though that "or do you not recognize these characters?" meant the fallout characters, not the resident evil characters
>>983132 >new tower defense game It's is actually a remake of a mobile game from ages ago, they probably were like "yep guess we can just reuse all these assets." It was actually pretty alright but that's not a high bar for mobage

DOOM/Retro FPS: Everyone is here Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 20:03:59 Id: b04abb No. 937850 [Reply] [Last]
Has anyone ever got a gamenight of Samsara going on? I know we had one for Christmas of 2018, but I'm surprised we haven't got one going since then. Here's a link to the updated mod if you guys wanna get a gamenight going on. https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=74652 That being said: Post anything relating to >DOOM >its wads >its sequels >its community >its copycats >all 90s FPS related accessories
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Talking about skelegtons, apparently there are friendly "revenants" in Strange Aeons. That's really nice but it took me a dozen maps to notice.

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Japanese learning thread Anonymous 11/07/2022 (Mon) 17:21:19 Id: 595618 No. 729151 [Reply] [Last]
I have no idea how to bake this thread I'm just copying from zchan thread pls help me. Archive of previous thread - https://archive.is/rJ3Wh Step 0. Resource Acquisition Go here to get Anki, a flash card program: http://ankisrs.net/ Here are some suggested decks: Core2k/6k: https://mega.nz/#!QIQywAAZ!g6wRM6KvDVmLxq7X5xLrvaw7HZGyYULUkT_YDtQdgfU KanjiDamage: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/748570187 Kana: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1632090287 Tae Kim's grammar: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/242060646 Other Resources RealKana: http://realkana.com/ (alternate version) https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/learn/kana.html Click the column of characters you want to study and type the corresponding romaji into the box as they appear

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>>938941 If you're not a citizen you should know your name in katakana in case you need to put it on forms or something. If you get citizenship you make whatever name for yourself that you want with kanji from approved name kanji list or use kana.
I was thinking maybe some of the people ITT can help out with this project and it could be good practice too: >>962257 >>965245 Basically more eyes could be useful to proof read an AI translation, compare it to the Japanese original and do some fixes.
Never really wrote anything of real length outside of English before. Please tell me all the ways I screwed up before I submit this response to Capcom's Dragon's Dogma 2 survey. >僕は米人。日本語が不得意(勉強にも関わらず)です。 前のアンケートたちに記入しました, でもカプコムの「糞設計」が止まらない。 だからぼくの印象は, 僕のフィードバックが「localizer」によりが防止される。 >「ボディタイプ」(body type)は女を卑しめての悪口。それのCharacter Editの用は不名誉! 直してください!\ >なぜ 身長の最小値は 160cmのか?! バストボリュームの最小値は C Cupのか?! なぜあなたはそれをするんですか?ドラゴンズドグマのセールスポイントは「ロリのポーン」だよ! こんなことは許されない! >「Official Pawn」のためにおかまのAV男優(「The Sphere Hunter」)の雇い入れる=[vomit emoji]。「デビルメイクライピークオブコンバット」のために再び雇い入れる=[string of vomit emoji] >最適化不足はまだ直っていません! Gamers Nexus博士のYouTubeビデオ「Dragon's Dogma 2 is a Mess: GPU & CPU Benchmarks, Bottlenecks, & Crashes」は私よりも上手に釈明する。「Denuvo」と「Engima Protector」と マルウェアとは同じもの。 取ってください! >70 USD/9000円の値段とマイクロトランザクションは相いれない. 妥協できない.

Favourite gay character. Anonymous 06/11/2024 (Tue) 22:48:03 Id: a012b4 No. 979412 [Reply] [Last]
I am going to start with my 2 favourite homos. Takatoshi Hijiyama and Tsukasa Okino. I find their relationship really cute. How Hijiyama will spend a good chunk of his story wondering if he is gay while Okino teases him.
176 posts and 160 images omitted.
(474.51 KB 825x1069 ScarryBusiestpeopleeverP7.jpg)

>>983213 Soon japan is going to have enough mascots like this to populate a busytown of gay furry traps.
>>983353 Don't threaten me with a good time, anon!

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