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Minor News Thread Anonymous 08/23/2021 (Mon) 22:32:02 Id: 9cb4c9 No. 396559 [Reply] [Last]
Basically this is a thread for those minor news articles that are interesting but not necessary big enough to have their own thread. We will be taking the bigger stories from these threads and making them into their own threads, Anons are welcome to do the same. We will NOT be heavily enforcing these threads, so please keep that in mind. Basically things like game announcements, live stream events, new gaming hardware, etc. should have their own threads while shit like NEW GUILTY GEAR DLC 3 "SLAYER" or something like that should be posted in this thread. While we won't ban anyone for doing the former, we encourage anons to use their best judgement when posting news content.
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>>985030 >Prequel
>>985030 Does anyone remember a competitive online shooter set in the legacy of kain universe? It was early access and probably lasted 6 months
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>>985037 Nevermind. I suddenly remembered the name. What a mess this franchise has become. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=JSWA1JpCpBo

PC Hardware & News Thread: CPU Edition Anonymous 06/09/2024 (Sun) 01:08:07 Id: 9d4be8 No. 977640 [Reply] [Last]
>Discuss PC Hardware & News >Share Specs & Pics Current News >Ryzen 9000 series out next month >Snapdragon elite X chips use 65% less battery then AMD and Intel chips >Intel runs hot Last thread >>870915
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>>984969 Ah, that makes sense then
>>984893 >>984961 thanks guys. I did some investigation myself and came to the same conclusions. might just have to go with intel this time.
>>984996 Changing platforms will be ridiculously expensive. If you have a dud CPU it should get replaced by AMD.

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The Elder Scrolls thread Anonymous 09/11/2023 (Mon) 11:59:18 Id: a3df2a No. 884310 [Reply] [Last]
We have furries and they're all addicted to crack. Covering the basic news. >The Elder Scrolls VI is officially in early development, all eagerly await its 2065 release to play a TES game with even fewer RPG mechanics. >Daggerfall Unity is leaving Beta and considering a full 1.0 release, the in-dev 0.16 release being the earliest candidate. This would mark the completion of its 9-year development and the first major TES engine port to be finished. The project will enter a stage of "post-release support" likely involving bug fixes and further modding improvements. >Skyblivion posted a new status report, showing major progress. There's too much to cover, I recommend watching their 2023 roadmap if interested https://yewtu.be/watch?v=H1q1nXLDjB8
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>>979410 They were absolutely retarded for going through with starfield. Everything about starfield was retarded. Not saying Elder Scrolls VI wouldn't be shit if they did it instead
The Wayward Realms campaign has ended, with over $700,000 from 7000 backers. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/oncelostgames/the-wayward-realms/posts/4137491
>>984947 Good for them. I'm excited for the game, but I'm not going to financially back them until I see an actual finished product.

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Good games fucked by their makers Anonymous 06/24/2024 (Mon) 19:40:22 Id: d35d0e No. 983301 [Reply]
>List games you wanted to love and play, but got fucked by some meta element. >StarCraft II. Had good fucking gameplay, a decent campign (WoL) and some great custom maps. Always online was bad enough from the get go, but the constant large updates meant whenever I logged on to play with a friend, one of us had to wait 20ish minutes to play, so we just stopped. Blizzard progressively circlejerking itself into the ground didn't help. Damn shame. >World of Warcraft I had fun in vanilla wow. Less so in outlands. WotL was pretty good because a friend dragged me into it after deplayment, and we games all day every day for months. But blizzard just fucking fell off a cliff. >Star Wars: The Old Republic Great story, atmosphere and voice acting. Also scratching my Star Wars itch. Fucking UI. It's constantly spamming some add for an offer, suggestion PVP or shilling Cartel Coins, and you cannot disable all of it. The gameplay outside dialogues is mostly shit and we end up with a game that lives by it's immersion yet constantly does everything to break it. BioWare joining in on the Circlejerking didn't help and requiring admin priv to launch made me drop it. >Surviving Mars Pretty chill builder sim that got sold until it had udeless DLCs (I'm looking at you Above and Below) as well as built in spyware.

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>>983338 >Crash 4 >Default playstyle is modern where the character has no life counter however one of the relics for each level is no deaths >Levels are 5+ minutes long, I think one of the levels has 18 minutes for the blue time trial relic >Besides Time Trial, introduces a inverted level gimmick and a graphical gimmick per level for extra relics >Tawna, Cortex and even Dingodile have their own levels with the same relic requirements >There's also flashback levels which are all breakable boxes only It's that rare case that the game dumped so much content that I just wanted it to be over when I got to the halfway point.
>>983301 Tribes, then and now it's still getting fucked over
Mass Effect series. The first game was not amazing or very original but was a good setup for a series that had a lot of potential. I liked the sci-fi stew settings where they were ripping off everyone but managed to make it fit in nicely. Gameplay mechanics they used were interesting as well and sort of forced you to pay attention to gear and making sure that your shots count. Then ME2 came out, and was a big success despite being clearly rushed out, with a simplified GOW game play, stupid story, and nearly every companion's character arch boiling down to daddy issues. And it only got worse in games that followed. >>983332 Only good things about DA:O were interplay between different abilities, some quest resolutions, and the unintentional comedy. Bioware kept insisting that they are trying to make a mature game with mature themes handled in a mature way. Instead, they made game with a Saturday morning cartoon plot. It's funny how their impression of mature means PG13 sex scenes where everyone has underwear on and everything being doused in buckets of blood almost constantly. >>984238 >The best part is that they genuinely believe Hideo Kojima was a (((genius))), I guess bitching and nagging to the wagecucks while regurgitating marxism on social media puts you on the spotlight. Parts of Kojima's legend are only due to his relation with the western gaming media. Right now Geoff is the most prominent one.

IT'S FRIDAY NIGHT MUTHAFUCKA #232 Anonymous 05/11/2024 (Sat) 01:04:54 Id: d5fb1e No. 967606 [Reply] [Last]
The previous thread is now anchored so it's time for a new thread all about Friday Nights and: WHATCHA' >PLAYAN >WATCHAN >LISTENAN >READAN >EATAN >DRINKAN >FAPPAN >FEELAN
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>>984872 >Christ I'm old. Tell me about it.
>>984872 >Christ I'm old. Same, but all the more reason to focus on things that make the happy hormone flow. Beyblade's been going on for just over twenty-five years now. The new marketing, along with remakes of the first gen beyblades, really hammers home that they're aiming for that nostalgia on purpose, too. The "beyblade day" this year had a trailer showing everyone from kids to an old chef playing beyblade.
>>984840 I've seen almost everything except Akito, and will see everything soon, that even remotely has Code Geass jammed in it like Super Robot Wars. I actually like the look of the spinoff so far. People are bitching and moaning about it not being Code Geass but that's what this new canon is for. The writers took the best possible approach to keep the integrity of the original show and it's proper decisive ending while still managing to make CG relevant with new shit coming out again. Lelouch my nigga but his story is over and I can deal with that, just interest is peaked on what this spinoff on Fagney is all about. And how exactly Lelouch doesn't just end whatever shit is happening there as well.

Rank the Games in a Series that You've Played Anonymous 06/22/2024 (Sat) 06:43:11 Id: 6fbb5d No. 982576 [Reply] [Last]
Phantasy Star IV>I>II>III >Phantasy Star IV One of the best JRPGs ever made and possibly the best RPG ever released on a Sega console. The gameplay is lightyears ahead of its time. In some ways, it's still ahead of what most JRPGs are doing today. The only thing aspects that might feel slightly dated to modern players are the random encounters and the item management. The story, pacing, presentation, and music are very well done too. It really captures the feeling of an epic space adventure. >Phantasy Star I A very unique RPG that I'm disappointed more games haven't ripped off. It may be the only time I've ever really felt immersed in a game, which is odd considering how old it is. Maybe all of the grinding just hypnotized me or something. There's isn't much story, even with the retranslation patch, but that doesn't detract from the adventure at all. Many have called this the best 8-bit RPG of all time, but I don't know if I'd go that far. Dragon Quest III may be a little better. Still, it's a game that everyone into older RPGs should experience at least once. >Phantasy Star II Lots of great ideas, but haphazard execution. It's one of those cases where there's a great game there buried under a lot of frustrating tedium. Everything about the gameplay is worse than the first and it doesn't look as good either despite being on a 16-bit system. There's more of a story here, but not much. Most of the party members say something the first time you meet them and then remain silent for the rest of the game. I understand that there were adventure games meant to flesh out all of the characters, but I wish they could incorporated at least some of that into the main game. As bad as I'm making it sound, it's still fun. It managed to keep my attention until the end which is more than I can say for most JRPGs. I'm just disappointed with it because it had the potential to be so much better. >Phantasy Star III Not much to say about this one. It barely has anything to do with the rest of the series. The story takes place across several generations, which is the only thing it really has going for it. Everything else is kind of bland. It might be fun if you're in the mood for a standard 16-bit JRPG. I'm certain that if this game was not part of the Phantasy Star series, and was only released in Japan, retro weebs online would be hyping it up as a "lost classic" that the west was robbed of. It's not necessary to have played all the games in a series to rank them. Just what you've played.
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>>983582 This thread inspired me to put my nose to the grindstone and get really good at Game & Watch games so I could finally unlock the Zelda Game & Watch in Game & Watch Gallery 4. I thought Zelda had a Modern remake and not just Classic Mode in G&W Gallery 4, but I was wrong. A bit disappointing, since some of those remakes are really good, and actually do change things somewhat significantly (which I like, since the originals are still on there). Good game either way though. Glad I beat it. And yes, you can beat it. You might think it's repetitive, since you're going through the same labyrinth each time you beat the boss, but you do get a piece of the triforce every time, and if you complete the triforce you do get a small cutscene. It also gets harder each time you get a piece of the triforce, and by the end you are playing very differently than at the beginning. Also, one of the few (or maybe only) Game & Watch games with infinite continues. You'll lose your points and not get a high score, but you can continue until you either quit or win. And yes, I did continue many times. My highest score was like 2000 points, from getting many triforce pieces without dying, but there were certain rooms I was stuck in and had to continue many times. All in all, the Zelda Game & Watch is an excellent Game & Watch game, but it's still the worst Zelda game I've played, except for Rosy Rupeeland, which I played but didn't beat because the core mechanic of gambling was so incredibly unfun. I'm still gonna go beat that one soon, but I'll probably just use a guide (which I definitely consider cheating), because I know I hate having to guess how much money to give everybody. And yes, I'm including Faces of Evil and Wand of Gamelon. Are they way worse than the G&W in context of their hardware and time? Yes. But which one did I have less fun with? The G&W. Still did have quite a bit of fun though, once I finally unlocked the damn thing. Now I have to look for a way to play "The Legend of Zelda Game Watch." This is different than the Game & Watch. It's an actual wristwatch LCD game. Came out the same year, 1989, and is not by Nintendo themselves, so people say it's not as good. I still wanna try, though. It's based on Zelda 1, while the G&W is based on Zelda II. Both technically have original stories, though. So as far as I'm concerned, the Game & Watch and Game Watch (in that order) are the last entries in the timeline until Breath of the Wild. >>984543 He called it Advance. Evidently he doesn't think highly of it.
Ace Combat 5>4>0>7>6 I refuse to elaborate.
>Fallout 2 Like Fallout, but more. There's some stuff that feels out of place, like mobster town, talking deathclaws, talking plant, etc, but the Vault City/Redding/New Reno/NCR environment is well done. >Fallout More consistent than Fallout 2, and the only reason it's not first is because I prefer Fallout 2 due to it being simply more of everything. The Boneyard stuff is great, the Brotherhood of Steel are assholes who tell you to go kill yourself when you ask to join, the Water Traders are a neat group, and the Military Base is a great region on the world map. >Fallout 4 The environment is shit, the setting is absolutely braindead, the characters are retarded, the base building easily the worst part of the gameplay. Only reason it's above Fallout: Tactics is because of titty mods. >Fallout: Tactics Good tactics version of Fallout, but I don't really like tactics games. >Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel It's Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance, but terribly done in the Fallout setting. >Fallout 3 >Fallout: New Vegas

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/v/ specific gamenight servers Anonymous 07/15/2023 (Sat) 10:44:29 Id: 6dca4e No. 858461 [Reply] [Last]
In light of the fun TF2 gamenight, I wish to start some sort of collaborative effort to maintain a list of active /v/ servers, so that our gamenights can be easier to organize. If you have any specific server you're hosting, or know that the people hosting are old 8chan anons or otherwise cool guys, let me know and I'll add them to the pile. REDCHANNIT OFFICIAL SITE: https://redchanit.xyz/ Half-Life 2 Deathmatch (Courtesy of zombie9143): Minecraft Mikecraft 1.20.1 (Courtesy of segamastersystem): Matchaland 1.20.1: Boba changed Matchaland Minceraft to 1.20.2 vanilla https://matchaland.net/minecraft and here's its dynmap: Minecraft Beta 1.7.3 (zombie9143): /v/craft IP: mc.chimpout.club:25600 Open Fortress

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Edited last time by Zoom on 11/16/2023 (Thu) 10:23:32.
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>>982735 At least those features weren’t shit.
For anyone here who's a mega purist about TF2 I made a server for the OG TF2 in the off-chance anybody ever plays it. I put RCbot on it so that you can have bots to play with since almost no one, if anyone, plays this version. You can download it here: https://github.com/NicknineTheEagle/TF2-Base/releases/tag/v1.03 https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ If you want a server without bots and actually hosting the other default maps there's one other server in this whole mod that's 100% vanilla, mine only runs 2fort and 2fort classic because these bots crash on capture point maps, which is all seven of the other maps which come with this lol

Perfect Games Anonymous 06/25/2024 (Tue) 05:54:37 Id: 60379a No. 983419 [Reply] [Last]
Are there any games which you consider to be perfect vidya? Just pure distilled quality. Here are two games I consider to be near-perfect (they have their glitches and exploits like any other piece of software).
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>>983472 >personally I consider DMC3:SE to be the perfect game This
>>984770 No, the hitboxes plus lag compensation are just aids

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NIHON FALCOM THREAD: Forward Relentlessly Edition Anonymous 11/18/2023 (Sat) 02:48:20 Id: 3d9289 No. 908347 [Reply] [Last]
I was hoping to make it to the shareholders meeting before the old thread got bumped off but it looks like we'll miss it by a couple of weeks. >Latest News -Falcom's 2024 title is all but confirmed to be Kuro No Kiseki 3. We don't have a title or any details yet, though, and likely won't until the shareholder's meeting in December. -Ys X released on Playstation systems and Switch. As of now, no PC announcement has been made. CLE likely will make one going by their track record, but who's to say when. Durante and his team will eventually make one too, as the norm is now for them to release the Japanese PC version and patch in the localization later. Either way, we likely won't see fan translation efforts until a PC version materializes. Thankfully, the Switch version will at least mean easy access to the Japanese script, which was a major problem when trying to translate Kuro 2. Speaking of... -Kuro no Kiseki 2 has had it's main and sub scenarios translated. That is to say, main quest, side quests, events noted on the map and connect events. Most NPCs are still machine translated. This is following Kuro no Kiseki 1 which was completely translated down to the last NPC. This was all done before NISA even officially announced their Kuro localization. As long as they remain three years behind, this should stay the norm. >Fan-translations Kuro no Kiseki 1 Translation: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1nN-39bcBkES4Wg-3-rGlRqTARuQhGybB?usp=sharing Kuro no Kiseki 2 Translation: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/120XMXZinIOWUvzyFZj4bZRYBSoZGMChO?usp=drive_link Hajimari no Kiseki Translation (NPCs incomplete. You might also have to use the CLE PC version and not Durante's. Not sure.): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1WpcNwWXIAdrEitf7z0nIM6sZF7t3pQmw Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana English patch: https://files.catbox.moe/f9gv0g.zip >Undubs Mega of every undub: https://mega.nz/#F!k5ZjwTCD!A4Uyb67OpQQ_qCoB-zvx0g Merge the JP voices and Dummy files into one folder and dump that folder into the voice folder.

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>>984768 >By "gameplay" I don't just mean combat, I mean everything that's not watching cutscenes. I mean it's structured like your average Trails game. I'd say the tone is at least different from some of the earlier ones at least in superficial ways. You could always pirate it, plug in the fan translation and see what you think.
>>984772 I should also say the gameplay is also somewhat different as there's a pseudo action battle system in addition to turn based. It's not that a deep and is mostly just used to kill weak enemies and get an advantage in turn based battles but it does change up the flow. It's much less about turn order manipulation.
>>984768 >I'm playing through Reverie right now and it's such a slog. It's just more of Cold Steel with even worse pacing and less tension. Trails of Cold Steel honestly killed the franchise for me. Wasn't particularly invested in the franchise anyhow, having only played Trails in the Sky on PSP - which I enjoyed - but Cold Steel was such a poor showing that I never went back to finish the Liberl arc.

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Fan Mods, fangames, fan continuations Anonymous 06/19/2024 (Wed) 14:52:38 Id: 860051 No. 981896 [Reply]
Let's have a thread about fangames, fanmods, and fan continuation of video game series. Bonus points if they ignore an entry in an attempt to fix a garbage story or breathe life into a series again. But games that expand onto what is already there are fine too. What are your favourites? Are there any fangames you hate? Any that you would want to recommend? Any mods that either continue or change the story of the original?
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>>983029 to be fair OP didn't
>>981948 >OFF has some really good fangames Do you have any examples?
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>>981908 >I believe some of them were hired by New Blood to make their own CRPG. Still untitled

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Zelda/Link OR Zelink Thread Anonymous 01/04/2024 (Thu) 03:13:51 Id: 76a974 No. 924272 [Reply] [Last]
This thread is dedicated to the most prolific and wholesome videogame pairing ever, Zelda and Link! Discussion about the Zelda series itself and other girls is completely welcome here, as are other pairings and stuff. Share your cute art, doujins, and other things! The Zelink MEGA (3000+ images of Zelink organized by game) https://mega.nz/file/UUAiVILT#qrE4vrrk8iGRv-JjkTBF4tgyXCUJMFXOglD3g_jMnnA The mega will be updated once per month Rules: 1. Keep it civil. 2. No NTR/cuckold/demoralization culture.

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>>981688 >sjws want to make zeldo a carbon copy of link Most boring route possible. This game took a far more interesting route with her explicitly not being a real combatant and using her wisdom (i see what you did there Aonuma you fuck) to fight instead. I would've liked there to be a more magicky element because Zelda typically has access to "fuck you" levels of light magic but Aonuma does retarded things like that all the time. Game looks very fun. Won't buy because its Nintendo but I am curious on how it will play. One thing I'm seeing of more modern Zelda titles is the tendency to introduce sandbox elements as the titles' gimmick. I am not against this. We'll see if dungeon design improves here or stays retarded. (ALBW had some good dungeons.)
>>967695 >doom slayer freaking out over samus It should be crocomire.

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Ourobooru Rescue Anonymous 11/01/2022 (Tue) 00:14:12 Id: 3e9b8b No. 724311 [Reply] [Last]
it seems the booru project is seeking to get rid of ourobooru, help archiving the booru would be welcome https://ourobooru.booru.org/index.php and so would help in migrating its contents, perhaps something like this https://code.shishnet.org/shimmie2/ ? does anyone know if acid has been looking into booru alternatives for if the situation arises?(which apparently it did)
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>>957510 It's dead Jimbo Thotkins.
>>956665 booru.org has basically been soft abandoned and it slowly falling apart. anyone smart is making plans to jump ship or already have it was a good run
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Emulation Megathread Anonymous 12/16/2023 (Sat) 12:47:26 Id: 712182 No. 919281 [Reply] [Last]
Dead of Winter edition (previous thread: https://archive.fo/oAqCK) What are you guys emulating right now, and on what platforms? What's the best emulators and romsites? Any good romhacks you would recommend? Emulation wiki https://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/Main_Page In other news... The pedofurs at romhacking.net have finally fucked up badly enough to convince the guy who runs CDromance to shit out his own. Their latest crimes include closing the homebrew section to new submissions and disabling all downloads for a week because of "scraping". Please remember to submit all of your own romhacks and mods to https://baddesthacks.net/ https://archive.fo/NjzO2 https://gbatemp.net/threads/new-romhack-website-romhacks-org-is-now-open-for-public-hack-submissions.642988/
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>>984435 >>984436 >RTX 3060 >Intel >no NVME drives >MSI BOW DOWN BEFORE A TRUE WARRIOR
>>984441 I bought what was cheap that anons said could emulate PS3 games. I am completely tech illiterate.
>>984520 Ah, that's fair.

Screenshot sharing thread Anonymous 05/17/2024 (Fri) 22:02:34 Id: ccebf7 No. 969504 [Reply] [Last]
A thread about posting screenshots from games you played recently, or any other screenshots you have in your disposal. If you also like you can also write a bit of the experiences you had with the game >Screenshot 1 and 2 Unreal RPG mod for GZDoom. I played a lot of this and I had a blast with it, a bit janky experience but otherwise I liked it. Basically it's a mod where it uses a lot of Unreal Gold assets and turning it into a semi open world RPG game, there isn't really that much content to explorer or stuff to grind for but i still enjoyed playing it. >Screenshot 3 Sun Haven. I played it for over 400 hours and it was pretty nice, it's basically a 2D farming rpg game with combat. The main appeal is to do chores such as farming, mining, wood cutting and animal tending in order to make a buck out of it, it has a RPG system for non combat and combat so you get rewarded with more abilities the more you grind for it. >Screenshot 4 and 5 Modded GMod autism. I installed dozens of mods for it and one of them was which lets you craft beverage and another mod for selling items, I would pick a map which have houses on them and setting up my brewery there and buying ingredients from the merchant and then selling the crafted beverage back for profit, had to customize myself some stuff for it in order to make multiple mods work together but it was nice for what it was. It sucked though that the models they used were either vanilla models or some really poorly done models. I haven't played GMod in ages though because I tried paying for pirated mods (got money back though) and now my GMod installation is fucked so I could either try unfucking shit by figuring out which fucking lua mods fucks up my stuff or I go the noooook route and reinstall GMod whole which means I would also lose all the edits I have done of those mods. I am pretty mixed about GMod, in one way it is interesting to play with but only because there is tons of mods for it available but on other hand trying to make for example a DarkRP solo experience is quite janky since there is not many good mods for that. Well in worst case I could make my own GMod mods as soon I figured out how it works but I am not really in the mood for that.
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>>984126 >>984128 >>984129 Vile disgusting homos
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>>984254 No dick ergo: female

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Tribes 3: Rivals go into maintenance mode before even getting out of Early Access Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 04:35:28 Id: acd1e7 No. 984322 [Reply]
https://www.tribes3rivals.com/news/tribes-3-player-update Lmao, there are people that actually thought this was going to work, even though the devs hated vehicles, and wanted to make such a niche series into a pay to play game with a cash shop. God, this is such a shitshow. VGTW Will tribes ever get a nice release with actually passionate devs?
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>>984322 (checked) wew >Will tribes ever get a nice release with actually passionate devs? It would have to be a fan project. Too niche of a game to get any big name support.
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>If you made any purchases in Starsiege: Deadzone or TRIBES 3 before June 27, 2024, you’ll receive credits towards our new game, Ultra Strikers.
Never paying for early access games continues to pay off for me RIP Tribes

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Webm Thread - Gwimbly Edition Anonymous 04/07/2024 (Sun) 04:01:02 Id: 82ba24 No. 955993 [Reply] [Last]
You know the drill. Previous thread >>909361
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>>984368 Have they tried turning it off and turning it back on again?
Vic Tyler, half the Filk musician on Carmen Miranda died sometime Nov 2023. I'm posting his songs from the album.
>>984394 He had a band camp, I'll post the two albums here. Even 30 years later, he can still belt it out. https://victyler.bandcamp.com/ >In 2022, we started a space shanty album with Vic Tyler (Carmen Miranda's Ghost), produced by Ben Lange. Midway through that project, Vic unexpectedly died in November 2023. >While most of the work on that album is a complete loss, Ben and I have decided to release two of Vic's in-progress tracks posthumously for his fans. https://files.catbox.moe/u9j51i.zip https://files.catbox.moe/g34ppg.zip

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