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Coop Games Anonymous 06/10/2024 (Mon) 10:55:21 Id: 8fc188 No. 978686 [Reply]
Rat shilling Rat killing game, one loved by its studio unlike MTX-tide. Discuss coop games
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>>978733 don't know why but my friends loved the shit out of 7 days to die. Never saw such stiffed animations
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what if you wanted to have fun with infinite crits but Fatshark said : flying skulls on every map. At this point just put blood tornados
>>979207 extremely fun run. The secret is taking sister of the thorns because you can spread poison with crits and bleed everyone like a fucking pig

Summer of Love 2024: Steve Jobs died for this. Anonymous 06/01/2024 (Sat) 22:50:15 Id: 470a76 No. 974559 [Reply] [Last]
LIVE NOW Apple WWDC 2024 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXeOiIDNNek IT'S TIME FOR THE SUMMER OF LOVE ARE YOU READY TO SEE EVERYTHING YOU LOVE BURN TO FLAMES? This thread will be pinned for when events are live, but will be cycled until around the 14th or so when the Nintendo Direct is over and done with. There is a possibility of this thread being extended due to sudden event pop ups and what not, however the 14-16th should be a good ending point. CYCLE ENDS TOMORROW Will restream as requested here: https://8chan.tv/view/6dbc0998-9fc7-4e1d-b9ee-896ec089d04c/ Schedule: Ubisoft Forward 2024 June 10 at 11:30 p.m. PT / 2:30 p.m. ET twitch.tv/ubisoft
Edited last time by Mark on 06/10/2024 (Mon) 16:49:27.
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>>979092 >Women love strong dictators
So is it all over now? Is there anything left? Nintendo hasn't gone yet but they always go by their own rules and just announce something the day before it happens. All we know is it won't be the 11th now.
>>978249 Piracy and emulation is the only good thing about PC.

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Vidya Enhacements: Mods, Romhacks, Remasters, Texture Packs, Undubs, ReShade, etc Anonymous 07/19/2023 (Wed) 23:58:07 Id: b26773 No. 860195 [Reply] [Last]
Do you like to garnish your vidya experiences? Whenever I play a videogame, I like to see if there are enhanced fan made versions of them, and if there are I will play those instead of anything official, not that official is bad ofc but fans tend to make the better creative decisions. The most common mods are used in BOTW and minecrank, but it should be our duty to share the more obscure or newer mods to give anons a nice feeling of catharsis. That's what I'm doing. Check these two mods out, feel free to share your favorites too! Sonic Free Riders: Controller Patch https://yewtu.be/watch?v=VmK3rCxL4mE Paper Mario: Originality King https://yewtu.be/watch?v=blmnHQnVZTk
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>>939809 https://moddinghaven.com/mediawiki/index.php/Pacific_Drive_mods/Stickers_Remover >>860596 Love this post but how do you feel about mods like this? (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/7159/) Technically a QoL upgrade for Road Rash 2 but it does affect the gameplay. I'm still unsure about it. I'm assuming the developers took into account the low FPS so this feels "unnatural".
>>978761 sage for double posting like a nigger, link doesn't work it's a frame rate increase for road rash 2

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Tomb Raider Remastered Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 18:49:28 Id: 28a751 No. 936237 [Reply] [Last]
The Lara we all know and love is finally getting a new release, you guys giving it a try? The modern visuals are hit or miss but there's still a classic visuals mode with no texture filtering, thank fucking christ.
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>>936237 Tomb Raider confirmed to be TruthSeeker. >>939010 There's Last of Us, where you can play as a little girl :^)
So for some reason this game is getting two different physical releases? One from Limited Run Games (I know anons I know) and also another one not from them? Can someone fill me in? Seems worth getting if the other one is done well.
>>962833 >Why should they be invested in a series when the people in charge of said series are going to change at a moment's notice? Because when the previous guys for the past 20 years have been the worst, "ever-changing" at least means incompetent/woke can be transient. The fact this patch being announced to be undone is legitimately a sign of optimism which, in fairness to you, I refuse to believe in until it physically happens

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Loli games Anonymous 03/09/2024 (Sat) 06:58:14 Id: 123632 No. 944197 [Reply]
With the demo confirming Dragon's Dogma 2 is shit, even beyond lack of loli MC, let's talk about games that do let you play as a loli. Any recommendations for games not on this chart? With mods Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord lets you play as a loli using base game assets. It's a pretty fun experience. During Early Access they actually had nipples and a barbie doll lower half, but this was changed near the final version. Since the same update made everyone's underwear part of their body, it's likely due to consoles than specifically anti-loli. Anyone know if there's a mod to restore these bodies? I haven't played in a year and I'm hoping for a new land mod to release in a playable state before giving another go with my new GPU. Fallout 3, New Vegas, Skyrim and Fallout 4 all let you play as a loli with mods (3 also makes you play as a loli during a brief tutorial section). Unfortunately most clothing/armor doesn't really fit your character (at best she'll grow boobs) and only Fallout 4 has a mostly complete set of alternate models for clothing (I think there was also a mod for Skyrim to dynamically resize things but I have no idea what it was). Otherwise it works pretty well and is pretty fun. Only reason to play Fallout 4. The demo for the new Alone in the Dark is a short prologue starring a little girl in a dress. Has anyone ripped the model/used cheat engine freecam/etc. to see if she's properly modeled or if the devs took the cowardly way out?
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>>952376 The head looks too different and the loli is from Onirism so I think it's a play on words about her riding a cock.
Any new ones coming out?

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Vimm's Lair is kill Anonymous 06/08/2024 (Sat) 11:26:15 Id: d1540f No. 977113 [Reply]
<June 6, 2024 >Vimm's Lair has been asked to remove many games from The Vault on behalf of Nintendo, Sega, Lego, and the ESA. While most of these games (and the hardware to play them) haven't been sold in decades, ultimately it's their prerogative so these games are now gone for good.
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>>977578 I suppose you're right. This won't seriously hurt anything, but there are three issues. >it's very frustrating to have such a useful resource for games damaged >this is a part of a wider pattern recently of ROM hosts being hit with legal letters >it's nice being a lazy fuck I already have romsets I collected over 15 years ago, this is of no issue to me personally. I just really hate this. If any of my PS2 dumps didn't work, which sometimes happened, I'd use Vimm as my go-to replacement.
>>977618 Except it's stupid that people are exposing themselves to litigation by directly hosting these files to begin with. One onion domain with a magnet link to a romset and it's literally invincible. It's the same sickness that resulted in yuzu getting ass raped. Constantly pushing the bounds of what you can get away with while completely disregarding basic opsec. We have every possible solution to these problems already, just fucking use them.
>>977623 Torrenting over I2P is good option.

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8moe Sonic 1 Anonymous 05/31/2024 (Fri) 02:19:43 Id: 85143f No. 973770 [Reply] [Last]
Community project for Sonic 1.
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damn, hate the sprite limitations actually. even when i want low frame rate lazy shit, i can't push poses as hard as i'd like to compensate for lazy animating, but that's what i get for not sticking to the classic Sonic/1930s wheelrun
>>973871 That hack has actual original levels. OP wants a spriteswap.
>>974840 >>975042 Nice teamwork. That's definitely an improvement.

Touhou thread Anonymous 11/28/2022 (Mon) 19:25:06 Id: 86eef2 No. 743550 [Reply] [Last]
GATHER ROUND YEE OTAKU AS I TELL YEE WHY CIRNO IS THE BEST 2HU 1. She's the STRONGEST 2. She's the SMARTEST 3. She's the CUTEST All you fags who waifu over tengu or okuu, you'll never have true bliss unless you abandon all yokai and mortal tendencies and bow down to THE STRONGEST FAIRY With that autism out of the way, I've been playing a bit of Touhouvania game and I'm kinda hoping we get a third one since Touhouvania 2 is also coming to Steam next year, which I'm quite looking forward too. What's your favorite Touhou mainline and fangames /v/?
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VR Games Anonymous 12/09/2023 (Sat) 22:17:21 Id: 4c0939 No. 917459 [Reply] [Last]
VR has been around for around ten years at this point, and personally while I think overall there's not a single game that I'd suggest is a "system seller" for any headset, I'm a bit curious to see if there's anything that has captured anyone's interest for more than a couple hours. I'll list a few of mine in the thread.
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>>977269 >generic If it was generic, it wouldn't have been raping the shit out of Comiket for the past year with endless new doujins
>>977406 Why its the shittiest games getting the most fancontent?
>>977543 The most average person has terrible taste in general.

Wanted:Dead Anonymous 02/24/2024 (Sat) 21:54:56 Id: 889628 No. 939234 [Reply]
Not sure if a lot of people have played it due to the bad steam reviews, but the game is surprisingly good. I played a few hours the other day, and I had a pleasant time with it. It's not a masterpiece like Ninja Gaiden 2 or Devil May Cry 3, but it's a solid action game like you would see in the PS2 era. I got it on sale after a friend recommended it to me, and I'm surprised more people here aren't talking about it. It's not the best game I've ever played, but its far from the worst. The voice acting and loading screens are terrible, yes. Although there's a solid gameplay system here that some people might enjoy. I'd recommend pirating first to get a feel for it, but I really encourage /v/ to give it a shot if some anons here have the time.
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I played it, I didn't like it. It was too simplistic, with basic combo strings that you repeat ad nauseam interspersed between mashing the handgun so as to interrupt enemies that want to use priority attacks against you. The gunplay feels "plastic" for lack of a better word; there's no weight behind the guns, and the sound effects make it all the more artificial. For all the shit TLOU gets, and rightfully so, at least it's got some impeccable sound design, and the weapons sound authentic. It really goes toward making a more palatable experience. Anyway, I liked the aesthetic of this game, and I found the mini games and voice acting to be quite charming, it's just that there's not much to the combat at all, and honestly I couldn't bring myself to finish the game. Maybe I'll go back in due time and play it again, but I doubt it. 6/10 I'm glad that Joosten is getting work after kojima/konami dumped her.
https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=xH3xxSQnZXg Apparentlÿ this is how you're meant to play the game.

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Snoot Game/Wani Thread Anonymous 03/29/2024 (Fri) 10:40:36 Id: 77673c No. 952574 [Reply] [Last]
Haven't seen a proper discussion here since I Wani Hug That Gator released and the old thread's dead, so I thought I'd make a new one >What's Snoot Game? It's a visual novel made by a bunch of people from 4chan originally intended as a parody of Goodbye Volcano High. Over time it became its own thing and it stands on its own as one of the few actually good, sincere western VNs. It's got surprisingly good writing and story telling. >What's Wani? It's the second game and the first official commercial game by the same team (Cavemanon). The cast is completely original, unlike Snoot Game's. Has a much higher production value, with most of it visible in the original music and the animations. Most people say that the story is more or less on par with Snoot Game's. >Snoot Game: https://snootgame.xyz/ (Download Included) >Wani: https://hugthegator.xyz Download (Full Version): https://www.mediafire.com/file/vxelirqzk636db0/I_Wani_Hug_that_Gator%2521_-_Copy.rar/file

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

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>>976754 I guess they just didn't want to make mention of E1 anywhere else. Speaking of E1, did you like it? I bet you did!
>>977103 I already gave my opinion on E1 >>974894 The only thing more I have to add was I incredibly pissed when Inco let them take Guts.
>>953954 I want to impregnate Mia so fucking badly!

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UMPC/Handheld thread Anonymous 06/03/2023 (Sat) 18:44:40 Id: 6d9cdb No. 837183 [Reply] [Last]
Old thread: >>608298 News >The Rog Ally has released, and it's.. fine. The claimed 2-3x performance boost was closer to 5%-30% and the custom GUI isn't anywhere near the level of the Deck >The Edion in Osaka talked about last thread has set up a longer-term or possibly permanent Steam Deck display following a presumably successful 'trial market', Japan is now one of the few, if not only, countries to sell the Steam Deck at major retailers >Computer and hardware manufacturer Orange Pi has soft-announced their first handheld after a leak. It reportedly accommodates both Linux/Windows, the device will either use a 7800U or a RK3588S processor for the higher-end model and will launch in October with three models costing between an estimated 1500元 ($220) and 3500元 ($500), though prices are not final. There is no publicly known name for the device yet >Gaming analyst firm Omdia estimates Steam Deck has sold over 2,000,000 units so far, having sold 1,600,000 in 2021 alone, and will likely surpass 3,000,000 this year. This makes the SD not just the bestselling UMPC in history, but possibly majority of UMPC sales ever. The firm believes the device "will open the door to a new PC gaming product category" Thread questions >What do you own? >What are you playing on it? >Anybody gotten involved in the scary world of hardmodding yet, and how did it go? >Anything you're excited for?
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>>975771 > Granted just about everyone treats games on the phone like flash games and refuses to pay money for them. Why would I pay for games I only play when I'm taking a shit?
>>976368 >Why would I pay for games I only play when I'm taking a shit? You're just proving my devil's advocate point here, you'll always have your phone, you might not bring a psp with you since you don't want to lose something that costs $250. That said people did apparently, at least when smart phones first came out. Then it was a race to the bottom with ad ridden games or f2p shit as the end result. So the rumors go.
>>976373 I found the devil you advocate for. Some say ,that to this day, his spirit still wanders the earth in search of someone with a phone.

Let's play a game Anonymous 06/05/2024 (Wed) 02:21:31 Id: c64ef1 No. 975565 [Reply]
Someone posts a mundane or prosaic activity and then anon has to come up with a way to make an engaging video game around it. I'll start: >operating a soundboard during concerts
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>>975567 >Meal prepping for the week >Picking your nose Combine these two. Make the Booger Man-Cooking Mama crossover game we've always wanted.
>Vacuuming different rooms of the house Simple, you vaccum over an area to change its status from "dirty" to "clean." Hazards can dirty the rooms again after you've been through them. Kids watching TV drop cheerios on the rug and you have to wait until they are gone (or turn off the TV to make them go away) to clean up after them. Your cat sheds all over the place. Or maybe you are the cat, and you have to avoid being eaten by the robo-vacuum. Similar concept, different game. >Picking your nose Pick your nose without killing yourself! If your finger is still in your nose when something surprises you, you are so shocked that you shove you finger through your brain and out your eyeball.
>>975617 >cordless vacuum Now I'm thinking of a Snake or Tron clone where the vacuum is cordmore and the game is over if you suck the cord. You could add simple string physics to it for spicier gameplay.

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Sexy Sprites (part 2) Anonymous 08/24/2022 (Wed) 10:00:42 Id: 349da7 No. 675497 [Reply] [Last]
Continuing from the old one >>516987 Here's what i spent working ALL DAY.
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I made it to room 94 in Gauntlet NES today.
>>953054 T-too lewd
I don't have anything to add but I'm saving this thread from being pruned just in case OP's still here.

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Anonymous 05/05/2024 (Sun) 16:30:51 Id: c0f7fe No. 965638 [Reply]
I'm writing a chronicle of the creation of Snoot Game for its 3rd anniversary in one month. It is practically finished already, but I still haven't been able to find the full outcome of 2 events: 1. Why exactly did Kate Gray leave the GVH dev team? I have only ever read rumours that she was fired after being cancelled the day it was revealed, but I wish I had actual concrete confirmation of the real reason and circumstance. I know she was already out by July, but was she really fired (and was it really due to the twitter drama) or quit on her own or something else entirely? I can't find solid proof on anything. 2. What happened during workanon's marriage counseling? I was able to find his posts up to the point his wife finds his fang stash and they talk it out and decide to go to counseling. As far as I can tell, they were still married in 2022, so there's this gap in his story. Though I do admit that I might be getting a bit lazy here, this is one of the last topics I'm writing and I don't have as much patience to dive in several archived threads to look for info these days as I had a few months ago, so maybe someone can point me directly to where his later posts are. I prefer links and sources that I can check myself rather than just being told what happened, but any information that helps me keep digging is appreciated.
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Even if Sweet Baby was all talk (I'm not making that argument), crucifying them can still deter people who aren't all talk from ruining games.
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I didn't find answer to those questions I posted on the OP, so I left them unsolved. http://c5dr3kuaz2b4cwi5buojic6xftwipyhou6a3keyvdp22hdq3zbha7tid.onion/archive/texts/snoot.xhtml
>>965648 >>965654 This needs to be updated.

Console-tan thread: Having fun with cuties edition Anonymous 01/22/2022 (Sat) 20:30:20 Id: f0e4f4 No. 518787 [Reply] [Last]
I can't remember the last time we had one of these, figured I might as well make one without the baggage of a gay console-tan like the steam deck thread was, plus that wasn't a general console-tan thread since everybody likes em, plus we could pool together >our collective creative juices for fun /ctt/ ideas, and hopefully fun things come out of it. Post your: >Favorite console-tan designs and artworks >ideas for new console-tans >why you like/dislike any particular ones >scenario/comic Ideas, requests, greentexts and drawings >OC >any related content (i.e. artist-specific consoletans) And really anything interesting you find or feel like posting about. Sites: http://consoletan.booru.org/ (general consoletan booru) http://ourobooru.booru.org/ (webring+8moe-specific booru)
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New Brick. >>951597 Appreciated. >>951579 >Damn i need to search for my brick and cum on it now She's waiting for you.
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>>956411 I WILL play with her, and not only because of nostalgia.

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