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Do you own any vidya merchandise? Anonymous 11/07/2023 (Tue) 13:12:57 Id: 4afb10 No. 903943 [Reply] [Last]
Toys, t-shirts, kitchenware, statues, etc. If not, Is there any you would like to own but is too expensive/not worth it? If you don't know, Resaurus is a toy company from the late 90s which made toys from vidya franchises at from the time. They went bankrupt shortly after due to how high detailed these figures were compared to their prices, making them unprofitable. Because of this they will fetch very high prices in today's market.
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I only own this figure and a couple of artbooks. Sold all my vidya shit 5 years ago.
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I have a bunch of old vidya bullshit stored away. Off the top of my head I have the disgaea 4 figures that came with the deluxe version, dead rising 2's special edition with the case added zombix flyers, persona Q 3ds and game, and the lunar 2's trinkets and CD. I think about selling them but I never really get around to it when I have some spare time.
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>>963033 I'm sure your ritual sacrifice of cheap plastic figures will have a grand impact on society.

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Blizzcon 2024 cancelled Anonymous 04/25/2024 (Thu) 19:55:02 Id: 4bc353 No. 962275 [Reply]
https://blizzcon.com/en-gb/news/24072107 Probably because they don't have any fucking games to show lmao
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>>962275 Oh no. Say it ain't so.
>>962451 Wonder if they'll merge Quakecon and BlizzCon into one now that they own the hosts of both
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>>962451 >Hires freeloading activists for good goy points <They don't have the makings of a videogame developer <All because of school programs that reward the retard Math is too ableist.

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8chan Project: Genre Intelligence x Difficulty Chart Anonymous 04/18/2024 (Thu) 01:03:25 Id: 5508c6 No. 959529 [Reply] [Last]
Continuing from the bait posted here >>959452 This inspired me to get us started on a fixed graph which properly catalogues all video game genres. I took the liberty of listing them out myself and making this image you see here. Let me know if I'm missing any genres or if you think one genre should go somewhere else. Plead your case for each change you wish to make, every opinion should be considered. Also feel free to remake the image to your liking, I put this together pretty quickly and lazily.
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Mobile games are pretty difficult, Anon. Wouldn't you say so?
>>962958 Absolutely, playing games with a touch screen? Truly hardcore.

Kingdom Come Deliverance II Anonymous 04/18/2024 (Thu) 18:35:16 Id: 4621f9 No. 959792 [Reply] [Last]
Warhorse Studios just revealed Kingdom Come: Deliverance II I am interested in finally getting around to playing the original game, I was initially put off because the game was extremely buggy, as I'm sure many here will recall the memes surrounding it. Not as bad as Andromeda or Cyberpunk but in no means an acceptable way to launch a product. I have to wonder if the sequel will release with similar troubles? Let's make this a Kingdom Come thread to discuss the first game as well as the next one. If anyone would be so kind, let me know if this game is worth a play.
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>>961863 mod the lock on.
>>961863 Crosshair for archery.
Still playing the first game for the first time and I hope they'll improve the crime/stealth system in the second game a little bit. But they probably won't or they will, but not by much. A system where clothing plays a big role in the way you are recognized instead of the entire region instantly knowing it's you when you got spotted for a millisecond trying to open a chest would be cool. Getting a bunch of ideas of how it would work in my head now. Throwing rocks to distract people when sneaking would be nice too.

Vidya Entertainment and Canerous E-Celebs Thread #2 Worlds Collide Edition Anonymous 11/26/2023 (Sun) 12:20:42 Id: 11ed2d No. 911139 [Reply] [Last]
I find myself increasingly enjoying more other people suffering through games I dislike than actually bothering pirating then playing them. What are you currently watching? What's your opinion on breadtubers and assorted internet personalities talking about vidya? Any good shit you found online? Previous threads (merged by jannies): https://archive.fo/5n4Ui
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James did a 20th Anniversary AVGN Episode. Where he just does it with his voice, like in the first Simon's Quest Episode, and he discusses what he thinks is the best Classic Castlevania game. Not that i'v watched the more recent episodes, but I'm sure this is one of the better ones, since James has always been more interesting when he's just discussing his own thoughts and opinions.
>>963800 He's an anarcho commie faggot that hates his own country. What did you expect? >>967517 Yeah, I liked the Doom episode as well. He can put good stuff when it's something he actually likes.
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>thread got detailed and ended up hitting bumlock because of endless political shitflinging I know few people will see this, but pannenkoek (>>958419) released another video on a shorter subject just yesterday. And another one like two weeks ago but it was only a couple minutes long. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=EmqFoojMeD8

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Card games Anonymous 02/03/2024 (Sat) 15:08:21 Id: 43018b No. 932929 [Reply] [Last]
I like card games but I have none to play. I used to play a lot of hearthstone but then I stopped after the Hong Kong debacle. I played eternal but I kinda just got bored with it and stopped after they told me to vote in the American election and "save democracy" (I am not American). Recently I got really into Kards but the recently released winter war expansion introduced one of the most aids fucking cards I have ever had to play against. What fucking moron though it was a good idea to just have a unit that can silence literally any card on the field twice in a turn. It can do that without even risking itself. It also has 4 health which means you have to play Germany and put all copies of a specific card they have to deal 4 damage to it. If you dont do that then you will have to spend at least 2 cards getting rid of this fucking thing. And its a common card so your opponent is going to have 4 copies of it. Fuck I hate the sWG. The game was so fucking perfect for me before the winter war why did they add this piece of shit card?! They could just reduce its life by 1 and suddenly it would be fine since everyone faction has a way to deal 3 damage to the back row. Or they could remove the fury so it can't attack twice in a turn and snowball out of control with the pincer. Or they could remove the silence and not have it completely shut down anything and everything you throw at it. They did none of these things and just raised the kost of the card from 3 to 4. This does nothing since every deck that runs this abomination also runs ramp cards that let you gain extra kredits. I hate this fucking thing. Please recommend me better card games.
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>>952706 Vanilla because it's the assumed default. And objectively the best flavor of ice cream.
>>962167 Wrong, that goes to chocolate
>>962167 Truth >>962241 Ok scatman

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A "new" Timesplitters game may come out after all. POTENTIAL TIMESPLITTERS 4 LEAK THREAD Anonymous 03/02/2024 (Sat) 05:51:17 Id: 99f10a No. 941171 [Reply]
Apparently some Retardittors CAN learn from history. Apologies for phone pics, but Retarddit. https://archive.ph/0EYWq https://archive.ph/GqYkm >I bought a ps3 dev test kit with a timesplitters 4 prototype apparently on it. >I asked the seller a lot of probing questions without giving it away, they indeed had a friend who worked at free radical until november 2008 a month before the studio shut down. They are going to boot the game up at the weekend to see what it is and send me a video, if it's legit I'll buy it and if someone who knows hdd dumping helps me I'll upload the drive If this really is real and not some bullshit ARG at work here, then somebody on Retarddit bought a dev kit with lost media on it and didn't wipe and destroy it to make a shitty tacky mod. Timesplitters 4 discussion? This could be completely fake but if not then there might be a god after all watching over us. Fuck Blizzard garbage anyways.
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https://archive.org/details/time-splitters-4-nov-7-2008-prototype.-7z And that's that, full HDD dump is not until much latter since the guy has potato internet and the HDD is over 10x the size.
>>942076 I have a very hard time believing that's not an elaborate shitpost, because most of the footage is literally Fortnite Creative. It makes zero sense to retain the Goldeneye UI and yet also have a stock UI in the top left corner. What I think happened is that Plaion wanted to rip off Fortnite using Timesplitters and Free Radical initially complied, even using Creative Mode in their pitches, while trying to gradually reach their original vision in secret (there's concept art of a no-no-ESG barmaid in there).
>>941171 Is TimeSplitters viable for a game night?

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Game of the Month #7 (April 2024) - Maximo: Ghosts to Glory (PS2) Anonymous 03/31/2024 (Sun) 10:54:36 Id: 8a8304 No. 953269 [Reply] [Last]
>What is this? This is exactly how it sounds: A game is chosen each month (which will be relatively or totally obscure on purpose) with hopes of bringing new avenues of playing potential to anons with narrow video game perspectives. The goal isn't necessarily to pick bad games, but obscure ones nobody, or as few people as possible, have played. You can play the game and then use that fact as bragging rights to others! You can use it to broaden your backlog horizons! or you can forget about it. It's up to you. THIS MONTH: Maximo: Ghosts to Glory, a 3D Hack and Slash game for the PS2, alongside its undub patch. >Where do I get this? https://cdromance.org/ps2-iso/maximo-ghosts-to-glory-usa/ Guide in previous GotM Or find it in a redump, I am not your nanny >How does it play? Standard 3D floaty adventure game with light combos and platformer elements. It certainly has its charm. GUIDELINES FOR FUTURE GotMs: Poll for May 2024: https://poal.me/utyvxu If you do not like any of the games in the poll, you can either add a new entry manually, or reply to the OP with a different suggestion. Don't come crying to me if you don't like the game, blame democracy. If you DO suggest a game though, please, report all relevant information on the game (magnet/dl link, interesting mods, guides, tutorials on tech, speedrun etc.).

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Edited last time by Zoom on 04/05/2024 (Fri) 13:23:14.
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>>958853 >IMDB Review Well there's your problem, you're listening to cinephiles not gamers.
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I wasn't expecting the final boss to be that freaky, she successfully spooked me. Total tonal shift from anything else in the game. I'm not sure what my final judgement on the game is, there are so many games of more or less the same quality that I can't really recommend Maximo over anything else on the PS2. It's a perfectly OK game with some awkward controls and a couple of annoyances. The combat basically never evolves and you're fighting the same few enemies for most of the game. The bosses are a joke, the level design is all over the place and lot of the abilities either feel like things you should have from the start or are borderline useless. It was really frustrating not having my health refilled between levels, doubly so as you can only buy items once. On that note, what is the point of money here? I finished the game with over 3000 gold, not as a result of being a hoarder but because there really isn't anything to spent money on and what little you can buy are once-time purchases. I think the game intended you to save a lot more often than I did what with charging 100 gold per save.
Very happy with the choice for the next game. I recall EA even released the OST for free at some point.

mandatory / game fixing mods Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 14:20:56 Id: 258953 No. 938044 [Reply] [Last]
Some games have 1 or 2 huge flaws that make them unplayable. This would mean that with the simple modification, they would be great. DK64 has a "switch monkeys anywhere" mod and when using this mod, the game went from one of the worst video games of all time to an instant top 10 for me, not joking. Also, Breath Of The Wild has an "important weapons and shields don't break" mod that has turned this game from annoying and mediocre to a near perfect experience. What are other mods like this?
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>>938495 As a got-gud Zelda II gamerbro, haters are reliably filtered shitters who either don't back up their hate or hide behind meme complaints, but it is top 10% hardest for NES, like the Castlevanias at least. Maybe harder. So they won't like it which is OK, it's not for them. There is a singular event that's too cryptic, a StarTropics situation: the manual reveals the hammer cuts trees. If you emulate with no manual this is counterintuitive but needed to find New Kasuto. The game hint's vague: "THE TOWN IS DEAD. LOOK EAST IN WOODS." You're conditioned from earlier exploration, like finding Bagu, to think "LOOK IN WOODS" means moving over tiles. Death Mountain's tough and it gets harder, the Great Palace is the peak. If you want to pull off a pro gamer move, try doing Death Mountain without the candle.
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>>961708 >that spoiler
>>961708 >spoiler I've done that! You can see enemy feet on the darkened ground tiles so you aren't completely blind. Bats remain a nuisance, however.

Six years Anonymous 03/02/2024 (Sat) 14:23:17 Id: aa6d11 No. 941241 [Reply] [Last]
You didn't forget, did you anon?
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>>961365 Don't we all...
This meme should've stayed in the hands of japs and never reached the ears of unfunny twitchfags.
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Found this while searching for some other vid. I really need to continue sorting stuff with hydrus

Embracer Group split into three different companies Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 14:16:55 Id: a9e001 No. 961025 [Reply]
Good morning /v/, so in case you haven't heard the implosion of the Embracer Group continues since they just announced that they will be splitting into three different companies. Asmodee Group, Coffee Stain & Friends, and.Middle-earth Enterprises & Friends Coffee Stain & Friends The Coffee Stain company will operate under two segments: premium and free-to-play. The premium division will encompass Coffee Stain, THQ Nordic, Amplifier Game Invest, Ghost Ship, Tarsier, Tuxedo Labs, and more. It will control more than 200 IPs, including Deep Rock Galactic, Goat Simulator, Satisfactory, Wreckfest, Teardown, Valheim. Meanwhile, the free-to-play segment will include Easybrain, Deca, CrazyLabs and Cryptic, handing games such as Sudoku.com, Blockudoku, Jigsaw Puzzle, and more. This will also handle current licensed free-to-play games such as Star Trek Online and D&D Neverwinter Online. The Middle-Earth group will include Crystal Dynamics, Dambuster Studios, Eidos-Montréal, Flying Wild Hog Studios, Tripwire, Vertigo Games, Warhorse Studios, and 4A Games among many others. Embracer-owned businesses such as Metro publisher Plaion, Dark Horse Comics, Freemode will also be part of this entity. In addition to The Lord of the Rings and Tomb Raider, Middle-Earth Enterprises & Friends will be responsible for Dead Island, Killing Floor, Kingdom Come Deliverance, and Metro, among others. Asmondee will just be tabletop autism, so go to >>>/tg/ for that shit. Personally I can't say I'm surprised since the Saudi's really did a number on Embracer, and that their games haven't been selling like gangbusters either. Alone in the Dark and Saints Row particularly being an outlier on how the publishers under Embracer have failed to bring back these games in a matter that matches expectations from the rest of the industry. Personally I'm looking forward to see what Coffee Stain can come up with in since I think Middle Earth is bloated as is. Regardless I would like to hear what you faggots think of this.
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>Flying Wild Hog These retards are still around? I thought they would be one of the casualties of this whole fiasco seeing as they have done nothing of note since they completely shit the bed with Shadow Warrior 3.
>>961058 Fucking Whole Hog's other recent games have been decently received, though. I personally liked Trek to Yomi even though it felt like it should have released 15 years ago.
>>961071 >Trek to Yomi They were the ones who made that? Never knew that. The last game I played from them was Evil West and I found it incredibly boring which is a shame as supernatural western games are a untapped goldmine I reckon.

Infini/v/ the Musical: Moe Edition Anonymous 08/03/2023 (Thu) 02:07:34 Id: 6f0736 No. 866641 [Reply] [Last]
Picking up where we left off from the vent thread since I feel bad about derailing it any further >Context This is a general thread for other /v/ the musical activity but firstly it's to finish what was started rather organically in the vent thread. The song being parodied is Dire Straits' Money for Nothing with the parody itself being "Pirate for Nothing" and the twist is the song being from the perspective of a physical game collector/normalfag/reddit user who is commenting on how the life of a pirate is free whereas the normalfag needs to pay through the nose and via outrageous methods to play their desired vidya. Picking up from the last thread, I'm making some adjustments to the lyrics as we have them currently. What really needs fixing are some of the chorus portions so that the meter lines up and the rhymes remain consistent (relatively) with how they are in the original song. <Chorus 4 >We've got to inflate the vidya game market >Report ev'ry ROM si~te >We've got to hoard these, and scalp 'em later > and get it graded from a CGC~ Now with the whole lyrics: >Intro

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>>942144 My first thought is a parody of Misery by Soul Asylum. >They say misery loves company >We could start a company and make misery Frankly, looking at the full lyrics right now, they already apply completely, and I wouldn't know how to change it to make it more about our topic.
>>933365 I'm ashamed to say I have no idea if my previous suggestion was ever accepted, sung, or published, so I don't want to republish it. It was the parody of Through Heaven's Eyes from Joseph: King of Dreams.
>>866641 >>889137 >>889233 >>889234 Think we could get one of the AI tools to assist us?

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What are your most autistic opinions about video games? Anonymous 02/22/2024 (Thu) 02:47:00 Id: da842d No. 938602 [Reply] [Last]
Not necessarily unpopular opinions, but rather strange ones, be they positive or negative, you have regarding very specific aspects of games that most people wouldn't even think about, let alone have an opinion on. I think the diagonal movement that was added to the remakes of Ys I & II made the combat less interesting. In the older version, you had to line Adol up right and actually aim for an enemy's flanks to not get killed but with the diagonal movement of the remakes, all you have to do is run into them at an angle. Dawn of Ys had the same problem. And before you say I'm just blinded by nostalgia for the Turbografx/PC Engine CD version, I played the remakes on PSP long before I ever touched the older version.
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RNG mechanics are a genuine skill (risk management) and people who are vehemently against RNG in a competitive environment are dumbfuck determinism dickriding dogs who couldn't properly manage their risks.
>>938605 hey, you take the mancubus off your shitlist, he's a great infight battery >:(
>>960363 You're just saying that because you want to fuck them you horrible pervert, you vile creature.

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Wurm, Brorrowind: 6 months nearly over Anonymous 11/26/2023 (Sun) 21:35:18 Id: a1d0db No. 911283 [Reply] [Last]
At long last, its time for some real autism and grindan. The return of Wurm is here, and this time, we'll be exploring the lost lands of Brorrowind! We're glad to announce that the stress test for this years server will be Dec 29th at 7pm cst. The census and excise office of Seyda Neen will officially open for business shortly afterwards (Jan 5th is the current plan, subject to general feedback. keep an eye on the thread and the website: https://wurmbadmin.wixsite.com/brorrowind) >What is Wurm Unlimited? Wurm is an mmo from 2006 that focuses on sandbox elements. Instead of just killing goblins for exp, its a fully terraformable world. Build a comfy cottage or a massive castle. Have a small herb garden or sprawling wheat fields. Master a craft or mine deep into the earth. Go fishing, breed horses, brew potions, even make your own cheese. >What is Brorrowind Every 6 months anons get together and host our own Wurm server. This time we're taking the heightmap from Morrowind and slapping it into the server. Build your own Balmora, visit Red Mountain with friends, and enjoy events like the farmers festival in Vivec. We've even got custom items and weapons this time, including craftable Daedric weapons. >Ok sounds cool, how do I join? Get a copy from steam, a steam key from someplace cheap, or find yourself the yarhar friendly version thats floating around (I'm sure someone with better opsec than me will post a link). Once you have a client, click connect by IP and use the settings provided later in the thread as launch date approaches (will also be available on the website) >But how do I actually play Wurm? Wurm does have a slight learning curve to it, but if you can read you can figure it out. I've got info for both the server and how to play on our site here: https://wurmbadmin.wixsite.com/brorrowind/new-to-wurm >General Settings We're keeping most of the settings from last time: >Everyone in freedom kingdom(all gods enabled) with full pvp enabled(set up a deed and kill the n'wahs next door)

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>>934933 >server still going Wow, consider me impressed. Thanks for keeping it going, lads.
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>>958794 >thread getting bumped Guess I should take some responsibility here. I took the server down a while ago. I really hope everyone got everything they wanted out of it this time, but I once again burned out on the project like a faggot. I'm actually knee deep in another project right now, but I can get the db scrubbed and post it in a few days for anyone who wants to local host and get screenshots or rehost it themselves. >custom content For anyone interested, I've got the full mod posted on github. It includes the models, items, and sounds. https://github.com/ImhereforWurm/Brorrowind As a side note, if you want to host yourself, some of the mod makers have moved from github to gitlab. If you go looking for mods and find dead links, try searching gitlab. >will this ever happen again Seeing as I let it die worse than last time, I'd offer my services to any brave anon that wants to spearhead it, but its unlikely (not impossible) that I do this a third time. I'd much rather help out with config/settings/mod making, but the actual event planning and daily maintenance are a bit much for me. If there is any interest in 6 months, I can spin up something small scale for everyone with clearer expectations that I wouldn't be building events and host it on a local pc I want to be clear, I don't have a really great excuse for ghosting this in the end, and if you're pissed, I get it. That's justified. I will say though, that playing and hosting Wurm with you lads has been the best experience I've had in online gaming. Maybe keep your eye on the agdg threads though God save the Wurm.
>>959975 You did a cracking job and the theme was cool, don't worry about ghosting it I think most were gone a while back anyway. Generally speaking I fear for the future of our Wurmin given the pop numbers, if we can't field or find a second and indeed third team we're in trouble, the 'tis only holds for so long without a viable threat, hope I'm wrong.

Battletoads Anonymous 04/07/2024 (Sun) 22:42:53 Id: b26bdc No. 956181 [Reply] [Last]
Did anyone here actually play that new battletoads game? Seems like its been completely forgotten already. Not that I was expecting much of it. On a more interesting note though, Has anyone here actually beaten battletoads (nes)?
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>>958697 >At least I have principles and know that I wont shapeshift for money. The bigger problem is less "making it sell" and more the "being able to meet living needs". You need to prepare yourself for (((payment processor))) fuckery, not mean words and optics.
>>958715 Fucking WORDS WORDS WORDS even in the video game
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>>958793 And it's all: <They're doing better than I ever will <self-pity self-pity self-pity self-pity

Does ridiculing the state of the modern industry really add or change anything? Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 03:30:35 Id: 79f51e No. 940352 [Reply]
A few months ago, I played through and finished the game Epic Mickey on the Wii. This had nothing to do with the recently announced remaster of the game in case you're asking. I wasn't too impressed with the game (Simplistic gameplay, lacking story, gimmicks done better elsewhere), but the part that really drew my attention was how the game portrayed characters like Mickey Mouse, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, and Walt Disney (Though only referentially). I found myself perplexed by the game's intention, and it resulted in my spending the time since starting and long after having finished the game wanting to make a video essay ridiculing the game's narrative and the history behind it. The short is that, from all the information that I have dug up, the Oswald acquisition in 2006 was nothing more than Bob Iger trying to get on the good side of all the Disney shareholders and leaders in the company to sharply contrast him to Michael Eisner, who was leaving the company shamed and humiliated at the time. However, tonight, I get the impression that doing such a video does absolutely nothing except inflate my own ego by piling another bundle of criticism onto a guy who everyone in the media already hates (And with good reason, mind you). In addition to that, I just realized that my own researching the history of these characters actually made me more interested in watching classic cartoons. Looking up the histories of Walt's earliest works, it lead me to look up characters and series (Such as Mutt & Jeff, Felix the Cat, Dinkle Doodle) who's material I'm now very interested in watching sometime. Jumping off of that, I'm wondering if anyone else has done the same thing, or something similar, with video games. As much as people bemoan the modern state the industry, it feels like there's very little talk or interest regarding (Good) games that came out before. And the talk that does exist solely surrounds the announcements of new entries in legacy series, or the remake/remaster/rerelease of something from decades prior. What do you guys think?
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>>959015 I'll believe it when it isn't a headline written like the onion made it up in a no name site.
>>959599 No name site or not, US states are telling Blackrock to fuck off. Not to mention Fink is actually going nuclear saying "online lies" this and "political slander" that. Pretty funny all things considered, lol. This is for you Bundy autist. God bless you.
>>959599 Do you expect Blackrock-owned news organisations to report that Blackrock sucks anon?

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