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WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO "LEVELS" IN VIDYA?! Anonymous 06/23/2024 (Sun) 11:52:15 Id: 3fcfa0 No. 982928 [Reply]
When was the last time you played a game that had levels in it? I'm playing the nunuTomb Raiders and not enjoying the open world shit at all. I miss the old days of just having a large level, kinda sandbox-y, but you finish it and move on to the next with a nice clean level break in between, like in the originals or the first reboot. Is open-world the new vidya dev meta? Are we ever gonna get back to comfy levels?
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>>982938 You will never escape the cycle of samsara if you enjoy survival crafting basebuilding sandbox games.
>>982928 Wo Long Gay Bowser had levels. So did the 2 Niohs.
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Arcade games Anonymous 06/16/2024 (Sun) 22:07:24 Id: 82905f No. 981044 [Reply]
>favorite game? >favorite genre? >favorite developer? >any games you feel never got the recognition they deserve because they never had a home console port? >any arcade games from the past 10-15 years you enjoyed? >do you actually go for high scores when you play? >have you ever 1cc a game? I've been getting back into these sorts of games lately and trying to beat them with as few credits as possible, but it hasn't happened yet. As fun as they are, they get boring if you use credits to give yourself unlimited lives. It takes all the tension out of the gameplay, sort of like when you turn off permadeath in Fire Emblem.
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>>981209 >bribing your game overs to go away >not just accepting them and starting over again and again until you can 1cc the game
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>>981264 How do you explain SmashTV?
>favorite game? Cotton 2 >favorite genre? Shmups >favorite developer? That's a good question, I guess Amusement Vision for their work on Super Monkey Ball. >any games you feel never got the recognition they deserve because they never had a home console port? Planet Harriers, admittedly I've never played it but I want to give it a try eventually >any arcade games from the past 10-15 years you enjoyed? Cotton Rock 'n Roll >do you actually go for high scores when you play? Not really, unless I've already cleared the game >have you ever 1cc a game? Just a handful, it's mainly entry level stuff like Fantasy Zone and Space Harrier. I'm aiming at clearing the entire Cotton series one day.

Sonic thread - Frontiers Final Horizon & Superstars Anonymous 09/30/2023 (Sat) 06:36:30 Id: e0e298 No. 891978 [Reply] [Last]
Sonic Superstars will be coming out in a few weeks but for now the final update for Sonic Frontiers is out, and people are bitching it's too hard, so I guess that means it's a good update, if you felt the game was too easy before the new story content can get plenty challenging. Haven't beat it yet, but the Final Horizon content is basically a redo of the ending level in terms of story, Amy, Knuckles, and Tails are tasked with finding the Chaos Emeralds, where Sonic undergoes trials to turn the cyber corruption into power. The new characters have their own skill trees. Amy is a Magical girl now, Knuckles has the drill that will pierce the heavens, Tails has his mega buster again. When they get max rings, Amy rides her hammer like a broom, Knuckles glide no longer descends, and Tails can enter the Cyclone and fly without much limits, you can also use the Cyclone canon special attack. The new characters are mostly focused around having aerial movement, Kncukles obviously glides, Tails can fly around intended challenges as usual, and the cyclone makes him extra busted, Amy has a triple jump and can slow her decent. I haven't played the game since release, so looking at it now there is actually the amount of content it should have released with. You can collect music from previous game, so you're not always listening to the a "atmospheric" songs. The map didn't have this completion list before. The stopwatches are challenges were the game has you interact with the environment as much as possible, building up score and combo, now all the randomly placed springs, rails and such have a use beyond reaching collectables. Battlerush tasks you with fighting all types of enemies from an island as fast as possible. "I forgot how combat worked in this game for a bit so I got a bad rank" Cyber Space Challenge is the same as battlerush just with the Stages. The game was pretty good on release, but clearly lacking extra features. Now it's a full package. Remember to visit our friends over at >>>/fast/ !
Edited last time by Zoom on 11/07/2023 (Tue) 11:52:35.
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>>982966 Irony and sarcasm are two seperate things.
>>982835 >best shot you have at that is Sonic Colors, but it's only more recent that a section of the Sonic fanbase started disliking the game since that's where the writing took a nose dive, but most people aren't going to call the gameplay itself all that bad. I've always thought Sonic Colors was very disappointing, not just because of the story, but because of the gameplay. I've never been a huge fan of the Boost gameplay, and while Unleashed started it, Colors simplified it even more, minimized its importance even more, and replaced it with very mediocre 2D sections which didn't even feel like Classic Sonic at all. I mean, it has a double jump, which alone makes it very different from any of the old Sonic games, and even very different from stuff like Rush. Due to this, Colors has always been my least favorite Sonic game. It took the formula from Unleashed and made it worse, then Generations made it better. Lost World feels a bit like Colors 2, but at least it's a lot more ambitious and actually tried to do something with its 3D. People complain about Forces but while it's basically a worse version of Generations, that still leaves it better than Colors. Colors was just liked because of critics and casuals saying "at least this doesn't have the werehog or any of Sonic's stupid friends!" Plus "Wow you finally just go fast!" (Because the 3D sections are essentially just holding B to make a cutscene play, even more than any of the other Boost games.) I also bet it helped that it was on Wii, so casuals had more access to it, whereas they only got the gimped version of Unleashed, plus the storybook games, which were essentially the gimped version of Sonic '06. Yeah, Secret Rings sucks balls, too, even compared to Sonic '06. There I said it. I still beat Sonic Colors Ultimate 100% last week after someone got it for me as a gift. >Also the Sonic Adventure 1&2 being viewed negatively is wasn't the case at launch, that only became a thing around the 2010 when hating on Sonic was the trend, and youtubers were finding any reason to shit on any Sonic game for any reason. Adventure 1 and 2 had good reviews in their original launches. The Negativity came much later when they got held to standards no other older game gets held to. Naw. I was on the internet. I remember. They got good reviews when they released on Dreamcast, and then when they came out on Gamecube, reception was very different. They sold very well, so clearly the casualist of casuals liked the games, but the ones who were casual but still nerdy enough to be on the internet were complaining. Ever since those games released on Gamecube, there were tons of complaints about "Sonic's stupid friends," and the "edgy story," meanwhile the same people usually wanted things to "be like they used to be" and feature Princess Sally and the Freedom Fighters, which they loved because they claimed it was dark (which wasn't just hypocritical, but also wrong). Sonic Heroes then was more lighthearted, which is what they were saying they wanted, and maybe it placated some, but not many, especially since it was the epitome of Sonic's friends. Then Shadow the Hedgehog came around and we all know how that went. As far as they were concerned it was proving all the things they had been saying. And finally Sonic '06 came out, and it was basically Adventure but unfinished, so they got Sega to throw the baby out with the bathwater and ditch everything the series was up to that point, to replace it with "Gotta go fast" boost gameplay. But even that wasn't enough, because Sonic Team tried to keep just a tiny bit of the tone and the experimental nature and thus let Unleashed have a bit of a story (even if much less than before) and a second gameplay style. So the same people kept bitching like nothing changed, even though everything had changed. So we got Colors. The dumbed down casualized version of Sonic. And they loved it, finally. And they said it was "like the old games" even though really it was the biggest break from the old games yet. And now every main game in the series since has essentially kept using Colors' main gameplay style (originated with Unleashed, but now simplified even further). And it's only now with Frontiers that they're changing it a little with the open world stuff, but the main levels are still boost stuff, because that's what found success with Colors.
>>983174 >there were tons of complaints about "Sonic's stupid friends," and the "edgy story," meanwhile the same people usually wanted things to "be like they used to be" and feature Princess Sally and the Freedom Fighters, which they loved because they claimed it was dark (which wasn't just hypocritical, but also wrong). Sonic criticism has always been a mess because the fanbase has always been a mess, due to the fact the franchise is a mess. There were 4 years between Sonic & Knuckles, and Sonic Adventure 1, and the biggest Sonic products filling that time were the Comics, which were connected to the SatAM style lore. To me, it feels weird to even call Sally & Freedom Fighters fans, Fans of the games. Since those characters have never actually been in the games, (yes they cameo in Spin Ball but that wasn't a Sonic Team game, it was developed by a western studio) It's all a by product of an entirely different interpretation. American Sonic Lore for all intents and purposes was an entirely different franchise, only sharing a name and appearance with the games. So the games focusing on Japanese created characters and lore, instead of the American created characters was pretty much always fated to happen and so were the complaints. Sega of Japan didn't care enough about brand synergy, and arguably still don't at all give a fuck about it, because there has never been a single American produced Sonic product that is actually fateful to the true Japanese idea of Sonic's character. All the American Sonic's share more similarities with each other than any of them do with the Japanese one. The main thing that had people react positively to Sonic Colors is that it's story and gameplay was all so safe that it was finally something everyone could agree was inoffensive no matter what kind of Sonic fan you were. The actual quality of the game didn't matter, just that it wasn't doing anything weird. There was also the fact it was a Wii game, so that already lowered expectations compared to Unleashed, and it didn't have odd gameplay like the story book games.

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cRPG Thread Anonymous 07/24/2023 (Mon) 03:25:19 Id: 70b2e1 No. 862140 [Reply] [Last]
It's funny how the late 90's-early 2000's have come to be regarded as this golden age of 2D isometric RPGs when there were only a handful of games like that released during that period. Fallout 1&2 Baldur's Gate 1&2 Icewind Dale 1&2 Planescape Torment Arcanum Temple of the Elemental Evil That's basically it, right? These are the only ones I ever see people talk about at least. That's 9 games. The legacy of an entire genre, one which has a rabid cult following to this day, rests on 9 games. Baldur's Gate II is the best one because it lets you impregnate a cute elf. Anyway, what cRPG's have you been playing lately, /v/? Are there any more modern games like these worth playing or are they all boring/pozzed?
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>>983184 >Lan stuffs his face with food. >Regill checks up on security. >Sosiel talks about wine with this gnome and his crazy effects. >Get Aivu to play with kids and scoff down an entire cake. >Ember helps some kids into the party. If you played the game before, do you remember Seelah's second quest with the wedding? It's like that, the festival is the rebuilt square and each companion has a small quest interacting with it. Haven't even gotten to Cami or Arue yet just cause I'm having so much fun interacting with everything.
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>>983509 >Go to load up my save to continue. >Gets to 50% then returns to main menu. >All my saves of my character do this, including ones made at Threshold or Drezen. Thing is it was working yesterday. It just doesn't want to start now. A full reinstall should fix it. Hopefully.
>>983698 >Lost my 150 hour save. Can't even load a save with the character after I got mythic powers. It's a mod I think. I'll probably do another playthrough in 6 months or so, just to be completionist.

Cuhrayzee Vidya Anonymous 10/20/2023 (Fri) 20:33:11 Id: 9acf2a No. 898293 [Reply] [Last]
I haven't seen a thread discussing stylish action for a while, let's change that. Honestly I was kinda disappointed with Bayonetta 3, it wasn't nearly as good as the previous two games and I feel basically killed the series seeing as Kamiya left Platinum in order to work at Hamster probably. Still, it's kinda sad that Bayonetta was destined to die a mediocre death. That said as for Bayonetta's twin IP Astral Chain, apparently Nintendo completely owns the rights to that IP now, so hopefully we can see them develop the sequel in house since I would love to see how Nintendo tackles these kinds of games. Other than a few indie games, there's not really much going on with the genre. The Genokids demo was top notch and I highly recommend everyone here give it a chance, but other than that I'm waiting to hear about some surprise hits like Hi-Fi Rush since that was an extremely pleasant surprise and was actually did better than both Microsoft and Bethesda expected it to be. So hopefully we'll see a new Hi-Fi Rush in the future. Other than that, I'm sure Capcom is gonna remake DMC1 or DMC3 at some point in the near future, and like I said before Hi-Fi Rush did surprisingly well. So I strongly doubt the genre is dead, but that it usually takes a bit to get one of these games off the ground since Souls is the hot sauce these days. Still, what cuhrayzee games are you playing right now /v/? I'm going through Ninja Gaiden and God Hand myself, enjoying them as always.
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Any new cuhrayzee games on the radar?
>>976485 >>976503 >>975555 >DMC 1 and 3 >Hard Nigger what?
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>>982984 Phantom Blade Zero might be worth keeping an eye on, The combat looks like it might be interesting, the game looks like a bend of Action and Souls. From what i'v heard the director is apparently a big fan of games like MGR and Ninja Gaiden, but he's wanted to get that fast action combat, but give it the thoughtful level design, Souls game. >>982985 It's easy to think they're not that bad on lower difficulties when you have a lot of experience with them now, but it's important to understand everyone starts somewhere with action games, and if DMC 1 or DMC3 are the first games in the gerne you play then it's going to be very likely you'll have your ass kicked. When I first played DMC1 and Vanilla DMC3 on PS2 I died tons of times, they are quite challenging games if it's your first time playing them and aren't used to them, once you Git Gud then anything blow Dante Must Die isn't that bad sure, but it takes time and pratice to reach the level of taking on DMD. If you take any just about any random person who's never played a DMC game before and give them DMC1 or that vanilla DMC3 game before, they're going to get their ass kicked, the difference between a more casual player and a hardcore player is Whether they enjoy that they are being challenged at all. I'v seen a lot of cases where people want to give up on DMC1 because it's way harder than they're expecting it to be, and they might blame the fact the game is old and janky rather then the fact it's actually that challenging on intentionally.

Video game spinoff media Anonymous 06/05/2024 (Wed) 03:02:05 Id: 94fea3 No. 975569 [Reply] [Last]
What are some actually good video game spinoff media? Or at least ones worth looking into? I hate games that focus too much on story, but I love when games I like get cool spinoff media. Let the games focus on gameplay and have stories that further the gameplay, but if your world and characters are cool enough to do spinoffs that might be a bit more about the story? Then I might be into that. I'm gonna autistically rant about ones I know, but I know there are many more that I haven't seen or will forget to talk about. I want recommendations of ones I haven't seen and discussion of ones I have. I just finished reading (almost) every Sonic comic/manga (I'm missing some chapters of the second Sonic manga that seem to be lost media) and watching every TV show/movie. I used to think these were fucking stupid, and don't get me wrong, many of them are, but when each is viewed as a whole series, they become pretty awesome. The very first Sonic manga, "Sonic the Hedgehog Story Comic," is perhaps the only accurate adaptation of the series, but it's only a couple chapters covering the first game. Sonic has a band in it though, based on the scrapped Sound Test image from the original game. Also, Eggman wants to use the Chaos Emeralds to boil a giant egg, which is pretty much the biggest departure from canon, but really, it doesn't clash that hard. He can do that and also take over the world, maybe. The second Sonic manga is longer and is actually the first appearance of Amy and Charmy. But everything including these characters is very different. Sonic is a nerdy kid named Nicky who, when pressed into situations that require courage he doesn't have, turns into Sonic. Amy is Nicky's girlfriend but likes Sonic better, like with Lois Lane trying to cuck Clark Kent with Superman, only here Nicky doesn't know he's Sonic, and it's unclear if Sonic knows he's Nicky, since Sonic is so nonchalant that he would never talk about it anyway. This series is split into seven different ones aimed at different age levels, so the first-grade ones are pretty simple, but the sixth-grade ones and the ones made for the non-age-specific magazine are a little more complex. The last story arc was a Sonic CD adaptation, which was pretty cool. Only a couple chapters have translations, and I had to use Google Translate to read the rest of the ones I could find, but unfortunately there are a bunch of chapters I can't find at all, including the one where Amy discovers Nicky is Sonic, which must happen in one of the very last stories. Still, a cool series which I hope gets found and translated eventually. Almost 1/6 of the material is text stories, though, (from the Fourth Grade magazine) and I bet those will be the last things to ever get translated. The first appearance of Charmy is in one of those text stories. There is also some weird lore with Nicky's dad, Paulie, saying that Sonic appeared to him as a spirit and saved his life, which lead to him meeting Nicky's mother. I wonder if one of the chapters I'm missing makes sense of that. It leaves Sonic very mysterious. Nicky never learns he's Sonic, and as far as I know, Sonic is never explained, which I like. But is he like a spirit that possesses Nicky? Does Nicky go back in time in the future and set up his own parents? Idk, but I would certainly read more of this series. Many chapters are just quick gags, but some of the stories were interesting. Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog was my less-preferred Sonic cartoon as a kid, I thought it looked ugly, I liked the clean lines of SatAM, but now I appreciate the fluid animation, and the official uploads of the series on Youtube look excellent. The characters are funny and everyone seems to like this series now. I don't have much else to say other than that I agree. SatAM is barely a Sonic show at all. You could remove Sonic and Tails entirely and the rest of the characters and plots would function just fine. The villain was already redesigned and renamed, so if you didn't already understand Eggman and Robotnik were the same guy, you wouldn't bat an eye. Still, I do like how the show looks. Sally is a fucking bitch, but watching it now, I appreciate that the animators clearly made her sexy on purpose. She's sticking her ass out in every damn shot. My favorite characters are Antoine and Snivley, though. Those guys are funny. It's also funny how certain fans get autistic for this series as if its story is such a draw, but the story is actually only important in like five episodes, and a couple of those aren't even that good. Still, some are very good. The two-parter where they go back in time and see Robotnik take over is really cool. Sonic the Comic (the UK one) begins with absolutely terrible art, but both the art and writing become excellent over time. I was surprised at how well it fit with the games, relative to the American comics and cartoons. There are definitely weird things, like Sonic and Robotnik's origins, but they don't come up that much, and the stories where those things are important are actually really goddamn good, so I can overlook how weird they are in context of the games. I can't recommend this series enough. I know fewer people have read it than the American comics, and that's a damn shame. There was actually a Sonic newspaper strip in the UK. It seems loosely related to Sonic the Comic, but I want to mention it individually because I kind of liked it. It's a newspaper strip so the stories aren't super complex, but there are a few ongoing stories, and the gags are alright. For some reason, Sonic has a catchphrase here that isn't used anywhere else. "It's sore dome time." He threatens to hit Robotnik in the head a lot, and he also gets hit in the head a lot. It is very often Sore Dome Time.
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>>982597 No. How would you adapt Metal Slug to comics anyway?
>>982766 Wacky sci-fi military stuff. Could go in many directions with that.
>>982597 >>982766 >>982812 Would have made a good 90s ova.

jackbox Anonymous 04/30/2022 (Sat) 19:57:19 Id: 72b533 No. 590825 [Reply] [Last]
>ctrl + f "jackbox" <no results What's /v/'s stance on jackbox? Would anyone be willing to join if I hosted? Also /v/ackbox thread
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Junktopia is coming next
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Last Jackbox game for June will end with Dictionarium
That's all for tonight. Catch us for the next stream on July 6th, 2 weeks from now.

Anonymous 04/20/2024 (Sat) 16:30:55 Id: 50aba0 No. 960479 [Reply]
Does this ever actually get fun? I don't mind the shitty shooting mechanics since it's an RPG, but I just killed the Shitskin leader in the first section of the game and I went to Taipei, and the gameplay is starting to show its ass. Mechanics feel really arcadey, and the levels are super linear with only 1 or 2 ways of completing each goal. I've also heard a lot about how dialogue choices matter but I'm not encountering a lot of dialogue outside of the "hub" sections between missions. Kinda just makes me want to replay Dudesex tbh
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>>982411 >ridicule mod Truly the only way to enjoy the game is to get Tang to engage in small penis humiliation with the MC.
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>>960479 >Does this ever actually get fun? Yes. Finished it three times.
>>976392 So it’s like Deus Ex?

==Black Myth: Wukong dev claims Sweet Baby Inc. tried to extort 7 million dollars from them== Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 19:22:24 Id: 3e257f No. 980704 [Reply]
>Chinese media: 'Black Myth: Wukong' refused to be extorted $7 million by SweetBaby. >English: >The reason why the team behind "Black Myth: Wukong" has been subjected to persistent sexist attacks and slander since their first promotional video is because they have consistently refused political correctness guidance and rejected the extortionate guidance fees of millions of dollars demanded by these political correctness teams. >Actually, such teams are quite common in Europe and America. They interfere with works like "Assassin's Creed" "Dying Light 2 Stay Human" and "God of War" by pushing for politically correct female protagonists. These changes are the direct result of the interference and guidance of such teams. >Game science teams refuse to communicate with these groups and reject their interference. Most importantly, they refuse to pay the exorbitant $7 million in guidance fees. This is the direct reason why they are being attacked and slandered. Some justifications are based on the team's lack of diversity or representation, which doesn't align with the political correctness standards. >A typical example is an article by a major IGN writer criticizing "Hogwarts Legacy" and refusing to evaluate or promote it due to its alleged lack of political correctness. SAUCE: https://archive.ph/YszIB
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>>981858 His skin is pink.
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>>981858 It has been foretold.
I'm kinda torn on this. One the one hand, I don't like all these chinese and korean games coming out lately, on the other hand the usual suspects don't like them either.

Super Mecha Thread: Year of the Mecha Anonymous 08/16/2023 (Wed) 00:52:35 Id: 765c55 No. 872571 [Reply] [Last]
Man, we've got a LOT to go over since the last thread. >Armored Core 6 is finally coming out >Daemon X Machina: Titanic Scion announced >Mecha Knights: Nightmare is getting a new update >Gundam Evolution is shutting down after a year of service >UFO ROBOT GRENDIZER coming to Steam on November 13th 2023 ...and a LOT more that I haven't been able to cover. We probably won't be getting as many mecha games after 2023/2024 due to the mecha curse, however it's great that this year we're getting a ton of mecha themed video games that we can play together or alone like true /v/irgins. Which mecha games are you looking forward to /v/?
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>>982107 >People were filtered by the first boss who gets half his health cut off by the OP as fuck blade Jesus Christ
>>981983 Speaking of optimized builds, what's something good for AC1? I've played the game a few times but always get my ass kicked at Nine Ball Also, are those spider legs even viable? I've never made a build with them that worked well.
>>982166 Spider legs are good when you want to use the heavy back weapons without having to crouch. >Nine Balls Just so you know, you are not forced to fight him, you can finish the game by running away from him. As for how to beat him easily, I used a cheese strategy, by using the spider legs and the best back weapon, I think pic related was what I used. After the platforming section, you are in a corridor, and when you drop down you spawn Nine Balls. When he does that, you immediately fly back to the upper corridor and wait for him to reach you. The moment he enters the narrow corridor, all of his maneuverability becomes moot as he can no longer dodge you, and you fire at him until he dies. Then you reach another corridor and if you jump up, the second Nine Balls spawn, well you go back to the lower corridor, and wait for the second one to drop down, and that's when you fire at him with all the remaining ammo you still have. Remember to keep something for the main computer as well.

NuDoom: The Dark Ages Anonymous 06/11/2024 (Tue) 02:04:19 Id: 27ab34 No. 979111 [Reply] [Last]
Rather than have this discussion in the DOOM/Retro FPS: thread, We can talk about NuDoom here. I understand that attempting to talk about NuDoom in a positive light is probably going to be a fruitless effort here, but this Interview with Hugo Martin has piqued my interest at the very least. https://www.gamesradar.com/games/fps/doom-the-dark-ages-is-introducing-big-changes-to-combat-because-id-software-came-to-one-core-realization-every-projectile-mattered-in-the-original-doom/ Since it honestly sounds like they're finally learning some of the right lessons from classic Doom to a degree. The interview states there will be a much greater focus on dodging enemy projectiles, and far larger enemy counts. They're ditching the verticality, and hopefully have far less platforming crap, and focusing allot more on the horizontal gameplay having been inspired by the original game. Turning the Razor wind form Turok 2 into a Shield with more utility seems like a decent idea. I wasn't at all a fan of how NuDoom Eternal felt like it wanted you to be ADHD with switching to every weapon, but if they are intentionally trying to distance themselves from repeating that gameplay style and trying to have this game stand on it's own, then maybe this game will be more enjoyable. And hopefully if it's set in the past, there won't be any stupid ass Funko pop nerd shit. It's setting is going along with the dumb trying too hard to be cool lore they created, and it's probably closer to Quake's setting than it is Doom, but eh, it's to be expected at this point. All I'm saying is if they are going for Wider open areas, not closed off arenas, and higher enemy counts instead of having few total enemies that keep spawning in one at a time. Then maybe this game will be decent.
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>>980538 >It got a fucking movie for christ's sake. there was a second movie, nobody watched it
>>981823 I deliberately didn't mention that one since, there is something that smells very Uwe Boll Tax Write-Off about the whole thing.
>>981823 i watched it. hated all the "I recognize that" cameos they threw out all willy nilly. "Wow, Sgt BJ Blazkowitz, dead! Wow, Doctor Carmack, dead! Wow, Bertruger from Doom 3, definitely the evil mastermind! Wow, he ''is"' the ULTRA-NIGHTMARE, motherfucker!" it's kind of a silly movie, but like, boring as shit demons, which is what you don't want out of life. it's Alien but shit all just shambler zombies/posessed and like, imps are the endgame guys.

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Shin Megami Tensei Thread Anonymous 04/05/2024 (Fri) 17:51:48 Id: 5537e6 No. 955259 [Reply] [Last]
Just an SMT General thread since the previous one's now gone and I wanted to post some news in regards to SMT V. There's a trailer for the new SMT V: Vengeance and there's been some new content reveals so far for both the English & Japanese versions of Both Trailers. >Protags friends can be used as extra party members as previously revealed but they take up a slot in your combat party. >Introduction of teleporters that function similarly to leylines without loading transitions within the overworld. >Azazel and Mastema are confirmed with the former revealed as an obtainable demon fusion. >You fight all four of the Qadištu at some point and the fight has up to five press turn actions. >They have an AOE Alimighty magatsuhi skill called Qadištu's Entropy that fully heals all of the Qadištu and deals damage on all targets with heavy damage. >Lilith's Skill Earth Mother can nullify physical attacks and remove Debuffs. >Naamah's Capitulate to pleasure removes all stat buffs. >Could be a scripted boss fight considering the cutscene that follows it up has Nahobino Acquiring a new ninja-esque form. > A New Area known as the Shakan that relates to the transformation and the form has a 4x hit Hama skill called Paraselene Blur. >More scenes involving Khonsu implying greater plot relevance this time. >You can play as Nahoheeho in the overworld after encountering him at some point. >Confirmed New demons in the trailer are Amabie, Gurr/Gurulu, Azazel, Mastema, and Kinmamon.
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>Hydra on hard >die like 30 times >cusp of finally beating it with a full ice team with Mermaid doing most of the work >keep dying either from poison wearing me down or critical frenzy after doing too much damage >notice that I was "Weak" to the poison attack despite having no poison weakness >realize it's a fucking dark attack >use a Dark Dampener before the attack >piss all over him in return Man, I haven't enjoyed a SMT game like this in a long time.
>>981854 I enjoyed the fakeout during the Lahmu arc if you'd played the original story first.
>>981855 I have not but I did spoil myself when I finally lost hope on it being ported.

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Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 23:25:45 Id: 3636ac No. 981325 [Reply]
As we all known, LRG are a scummy company who does artificial scarcity, snitches ROM archives and dumps of their exclusives and are pro cancel culture, now they are raping Clock Tower with another Scam. And from what i understand, the people behind MikeZ's cancellation are working on this too, but also, looking at some of the trailer and gampelya graphics, looks like they just stole the Deluxe romhack.
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>>981742 Damn, that's amateur hour shit. You'd be better off just using your own CD printer at that point.
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>>981478 I was more reminding the thread that you should always archive your games. >>981742
>>981742 If Plumbers Don't Wear Ties fall into obscurity, their problem, besides it's not even worth archiving considering it's literally an interactive movie before Metal Gear Solid and Half Life 2

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Dragon Quest General Anonymous 07/20/2023 (Thu) 15:41:20 Id: e996ed No. 860430 [Reply] [Last]
Do you like playing Dragon Quest, anon? Are you looking forward to Dragon Quest XII or the new Monster spinoff? Which girl is the best girl? Which monster is the best monster?
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>>972676 Can't wait to play as Ortega's Type B Child with all the girls covered up and sexual references neutered.
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Metaphor: ReFantazio Brand new gameplay stream Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 22:40:42 Id: b3c5be No. 961200 [Reply] [Last]
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>>961891 So Metaphor is going to have social bonds with light to mild romance but nothing like Persona's waifu dating sim? I'm perfectly fine with that being the case for this.
>>981296 Seems to be the case.

Valve's next game leaked - Deadlock Anonymous 05/17/2024 (Fri) 11:11:06 Id: 976c04 No. 969360 [Reply] [Last]
Formerly known as Neon Prime, even more formerly known as Citadel. The screenshots we have aren't great, but it shows the previous rumors were true. >what is it? A third-person MOBA, basically. Two teams of six fight for control over a large map. PvPvE. The maps are huge and you travel around them on skyhooks similar to Bioshock Infinite. Previously it was a sci-fi game loosely based in the Half-Life universe as the Combine, but was reportedly reworked after negative feedback. Now it's.. I don't even know what it's going for, it looks extremely generic. The rework was recent, they filed a trademark for Neon Prime not that long ago. It supposedly has a bunch of references to Valve's other games, but is entirely non-canon to their other franchises.
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>>981159 Tribes was before my time, so no fucking clue. All I've heard is everybody on /v/ that posts about it hates Hi-Rez exclusively because they killed Tribes. >outlived the Counter Strike-like game Oh yeah, Rogue Company, I forgot that one. Yeah just have TWO mediocre hero shooters running at the same time to offset the failures of your first one, SUCH A WONDERFUL IDEA! Like I said they're a one trick pony: copy popular multiplayer games and add Hi-Rez jank! They're lucky they're not AAA or at least in the limelight (outside of EXTREMELY dumb shit like adding ads to Smite or teasing AI voice lines), their reputation can also be summarized as "they exist and they're not Blizz/Epic/Valve" but they easily have controversies of their own once people start digging.
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>>981161 There was also the Fortnite spinoff borrowing shit from Paladins and the Paladins phone game. ALMOST FIVE OF 'UM Leaving the original Paladins as the only live game that still has some traffic due to hackers raping TF2 and Blizzard being total cancer. They conceived Smite 2 because fuck you for being loyal, will be the same shit, not sure if they're going to replace the first one or leave it there to rot.
Gay-sports slop

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