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Switch Successor Confirmed Anonymous 05/07/2024 (Tue) 07:06:49 Id: b05455 No. 966175 [Reply] [Last]
https://twitter.com/NintendoCoLtd/status/1787736518762881197 It's being annonced within this financial year, so January. Gives the Switch one more holiday period to sell like hotcakes and hopefully break the PS2's 160M record.
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>>968778 >Vanillaware trifecta of Muramasa, Dragon's Crown, or Odin Sphere Leifthraisir >Trillion: God of Destruction >the best version of Steins;Gate >Deception IV Kinda forgot those so that's a whoopsie from me. I still somewhat expect the other Vanillaware games to come out on Nintendo even it's just a sorta mess between their respective publishers (GrimGrimoire was under Nippon Ichi Software so it easily came out remastered, Muramasa is from Marvelous and the rest is tied to Atlus). I could have listed the Senran Kagura/Valkyrie Drive too but Takakaki moved on and work for Cygames these days, while Marvelous doesn't seem to involve itself with these franchises any longer. However I wouldn't go back to the Vita as the Switch received the rest of the Japanese game franchises I liked on Playstation back there (such as Atelier, Disgaea and other NIS titles, EDF, Touhou fangames, Ys, Legend of Heroes, Akiba's Trip 2, Memories Off, Samurai Warriors 4, One Piece PW3, Superbeat Xonic) in addition to the new stuff. Nevermind the hybrid format where you can alternate between portable and home uses instead of having two separate dedicated machines like in the past. imo it's the combination between the old spirit of Playstation + the usual Nintendo library that makes the Switch and its game catalog appealing. I do hope again that certain businessmen in the Japanese vidya industry will get over their old preconceptions from the 1990's and 2000's once the Switch successor is out. Masayoshi (the head executive of RGG studio) not wanting to port the Yakuza games because the console doesn't "feel underground enough" was peak Sony fanboyism for instance. >>968996 I wouldn't say "never" considering the PSVita was believed to be an impenetrable fortress until far late into its life. But yeah, do not expect an easy hardware exploit like it happened for the v1 Switch. That said modern pirates absolutely lack of subtlety and self-discipline these days, especially when it comes to anything Nintendo. And autism within the homebrew community can be a double-edged sword.
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>>969076 Don't respond to Willy, you fucking newfag.
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>>969076 Contributing pirates are people who have paid for things in order to share anyway, so this whole "piratefag vs buyfag" slapfight feels frankly silly. My comment on Internet pirates (including emufags to an extent) being not subtle and disciplined was more about their Robin Hood attitude in broad daylight (in social media, websites frequented by normalfags and such). Like actively begging for trouble and ruining things for everyone in the end, but I sorta assume they're third-worlders and massive autists with zero regard to consequences in potentially attracting unwanted attention.

PlayStation names Hermen Hulst and Hideaki Nishino as its new CEOs Anonymous 05/13/2024 (Mon) 23:42:48 Id: b943b0 No. 968434 [Reply]
Hermen Hulst and Hideaki Nishino will jointly succeed Jim Ryan as the CEOs of Sony Interactive Entertainment. Hulst is CEO of the newly named Studio Business Group, which includes all of PlayStation’s first-party teams, plus covers the development of PlayStation IP onto other mediums, such as TV and film. Hulst was already head of PlayStation Studios. He was previously the co-founder of Horizon and Killzone developer Guerrilla Games, which was acquired by Sony in 2005. Hideaki Nishino will lead the Platform Business Group, which includes console hardware, technology, accessories, PlayStation Network and third-party relations (covering major publishers and indie studios). He was already SVP of Platform Experiences. He’s been part of the Sony business since 2006, holding numerous roles at Sony Network Entertainment, Sony Corporation and SIE. Both leaders will report to Sony Interactive Entertainment chairman Hiroki Totoki, who has been acting CEO of the division since Jim Ryan stepped down from the role at the end of March. Totoki is also president, COO and CFO of Sony Group Corporation. The latest changes will take effect from June 1st. https://archive.ph/v5Ueg
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>>968776 Did somebody say Grandmaster B?!?
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>>968776 It's right there you..you.. Double nigger!

Helldivers will require a PSN account going forward because of ///toxic gamers\\\ Anonymous 05/03/2024 (Fri) 11:14:54 Id: ec24e2 No. 964915 [Reply] [Last]
I don't know if this is worth its own thread but because of how crazy it is, I'm making it anyway. Sony is forcing a bait and switch with Helldivers 2. Basically as of May 6th, people who purchase the game will be required to connect their Steam and PSN accounts with everyone else being forced to do it on May 30th. The reason they're doing this is because of ///toxic gamers\\\ as seen in the announcement here >Account linking plays a critical role in protecting our players and upholding the values of safety and security provided on PlayStation and PlayStation Studios games. This is our main way to protect players from griefing and abuse by enabling the banning of players that engage in that type of behaviour. It also allows those players that have been banned the right to appeal. Personally I find it hilarious that Sony is basically trying to kill one of their most popular games considering that all they had to do was update the game, and people would continue playing for more MGSV style action. Instead Sony is forcing gamers to create and link a PSN account effectively blocking people who may not want a PSN account, out of the game.
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>>968534 It's early access and people got through the content that was there. It's pretty simple. Anyone left is either new or grinding 'mons extremely high. As new content arrives, it'll bump back up.
>>968559 There was that pokemon mmo, every content update people would get on, catch everything in under 5 hours, and quit. Pokemon has a more ubiquitous playerbase among local kids and enough content churn for people to rebuy the game every few years.
>>968514 It looks like the controversy did temper weekend bumps but yeah, looks it didn't have a huuuge effect. Honestly those numbers are still pretty good, using 80/20 rule you could conservatively estimate that maybe a couple hundred thousand people still play the game regularly. Not going like "guize the gaem is so popular look!!!" but I dunno anything over 1000 seems healthy and active to me.

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Payday 3 is "massively underperforming" with less than 300 average players Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 14:06:12 Id: 88dc2d No. 936508 [Reply] [Last]
https://archive.is/V0Pku >Payday 3 maker Starbreeze has explained the co-op shooter is currently performing at "significantly lower levels" than it would like. The developer explained sales and player activity are way below expectations, and said rehabilitating the title remains its "biggest focus and absolute priority." >Payday 3 launched for Windows PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X | S in September 2023 but has seemingly struggled to win over players. The title currently has a 'mixed' rating on Steam with over 36,000 user reviews, although the vast majority of recent reviews have been 'mostly negative.' >In January, Starbreeze said it had formed a "strike team of veteran developers" to help reshape the game in the short and long term. In its year-end report for 2023, the company reiterated that plan and suggested that by incorporating player feedback and working closely with co-publishing partner Plaion it can weather the storm. >"There are many examples from the game industry, where a problematic initial time on the market is turned into long-term success. There is no simple recipe available, but a common thread from the positive examples is to take players' criticism to heart, dare to support your game and keeping an open and honest dialogue with your stakeholders," wrote the company. >"That is exactly what we are now doing with Payday 3. Few companies are blessed with a brand as strong as Payday. At a time when our most recent game is lagging, Payday 2 has fared slightly better than expected financially and with more than 400,000 active players in single months during the quarter. It shows the strength of the brand, and our potential to convert these to Payday 3 as we deliver on our commitments." I remember all interest around the game dying as more and more bad news came out approaching launch. Do you think they can recover? Everybody has forgotten the game even released and it was meant to be one of the biggest coop titles of the decade.
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>>964582 It's entire P2P from my understanding, though they recently changed it to use fucking EOS instead of Steamworks for that. The game also has a somewhat robust singleplayer mode with customizable teammate bots.
>>964586 Great, I guess I'll end up checking it out then
>>936529 >Sadly yes. The brand alone will keep it going long enough until they get it into a passable enough state for the gay niggers who will then forgive all this behavior and shill it to their butt buddies. Faggots need a police crackdown on their asses for ruining what should be such a simple fucking concept. Nah Not even BattleFailed 2042 stoop this low >>947744 I'm not sure that counts when Hyenas was literally never released because of how much of a liability it was

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Your biggest letdowns Anonymous 11/19/2023 (Sun) 01:14:39 Id: cab90b No. 908694 [Reply] [Last]
Post about games that aren't irredeemable garbage, but had great potential and were ultimately fucked by unfulfilled promises or other circumstances. Kenshi. It's very cool conceptually, I can only describe it as an open world RTS RPG. The mechanics are interesting, the factions are interesting, but the game engine is such a disaster that it makes the game nigh unplayable. Has to pause to load every 5 seconds when traveling on 3x speed, constant bugs, lag and visual glitches, and eventually crashing. I had over a dozen hours invested into a run, I started my own outpost and was actually able to defend it, but lo and behold the game started crashing nonstop and my willingness to play it just died. Devs can't or won't fix it and decided to make a sequel instead.
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>>967775 The wiping out factions stage is boring and unceremonious. And for some reason they decided to make the ragtag group of hobos hiding out on a mountain by far the most powerful faction in the game.
After Sengoku Rance (some of the best gameplay in the series) and Rance Quest(one of the funniest game in the series) Rance IX is offensive in how generic the story and gameplay are. Maybe if you're really into tile-based SRPGs you'll love it, but it's pretty bare bones. The "multiple endings" it has all branch from the second to last chapter in the game, giving no time for individual sense of development for characters and I could probably only remark on two alternate endings out of seven feeling "unique" in a substantial way. Really only gets props for introducing one of the best girls in the series and Butler Rance.
>>908694 Going into Kenshi expecting anything is doing it wrong, I found it a nice surprise when I came across it, yes there's jank and it's a bit trial and error to get moving but persist till you've got a crew of 50 lunatics tooled up you're virtually unstoppable.

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Grunge, grime and horror 2000s core Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 17:41:01 Id: 0fd24b No. 951131 [Reply] [Last]
I need games with this aesthetic >Killing Floor >Bloodrayne >Backyard Wrestling >Tony Hawk Pro Skater >True Crime >Obscure >The Suffering Anything else?
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Prince of Persia: Warrior Within third pic was my first erection. for a long time my mind thought of her as some personification of raw lust or something i remember having to furiously alt-tab on my computer to hide her big tits from my parrents
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>>968023 >spoiler My first fap was Angel from Total Overdose
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While DMC2 isn't easily the weakest DMC game, it has cool atmosphere. >>968023 >>968066 I think my first Vida fap was Soul Caliber 4 Ivy. Not hard to understand why I'm sure.

Microsoft closes Arkane Austin, Tango Gameworks, Alpha Dog Studios and more cuts at Bethesda Anonymous 05/07/2024 (Tue) 14:17:09 Id: 5b7fb5 No. 966290 [Reply] [Last]
Breaking news: Xbox has just closed a number of Bethesda studios including Arkane and Tango Gameworks. This comes after Starfield failed to deliver on expectations, and Microsoft will be cutting down on Bethesda owned studios. Arkane Lyon, Bethesda Game studios, Machine Games, and id Software survived the cull. The full email is as below: >Today I’m sharing changes we are making to our Bethesda and ZeniMax teams. These changes are grounded in prioritizing high-impact titles and further investing in Bethesda’s portfolio of blockbuster games and beloved worlds which you have nurtured over many decades. >To double down on these franchises and invest to build new ones requires us to look across the business to identify the opportunities that are best positioned for success. This reprioritization of titles and resources means a few teams will be realigned to others and that some of our colleagues will be leaving us. >Here are the changes going into effect: >Arkane Austin – This studio will close with some members of the team joining other studios to work on projects across Bethesda. Arkane Austin has a history of making impactful and innovative games and it is a pedigree that >everyone should be proud of. Redfall’s previous update will be its last as we end all development on the game. The game and its servers will remain online for players to enjoy and we will provide make-good offers to players who purchased the Hero DLC. >Alpha Dog Studios – This studio will also close. We appreciate the team’s creativity in bringing Doom to new players. Mighty Doom will be sunset on August 7 and we will be turning off the ability for players to make any purchases in the game. >Tango Gameworks – Tango Gameworks will also close. We are thankful for their contributions to Bethesda and players around the world. Hi-Fi Rush will continue to be available to players on the platforms it is today. >Roundhouse Games – The team at Roundhouse Games will be joining ZeniMax Online Studios (ZOS). Roundhouse has played a key role in many of our recent game launches and bringing them into ZOS to work on The Elder Scrolls Online will mean we can do even more to grow the world that millions of players call home. >With this consolidation of our Bethesda studio teams, so that we can invest more deeply in our portfolio of games and new IP, a small number of roles across select Bethesda publishing and corporate teams will also be eliminated. >Those whose roles will be impacted will be notified today, and we ask that you please treat your departing colleagues with respect and compassion. We will provide our full support to those who are impacted in today’s notifications and through their transitions, including severance benefits informed by local laws.

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

Edited last time by Mark on 05/07/2024 (Tue) 14:18:33.
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>>967801 I wanna try Dream Team but I also don't wanna give up an entire GPU to my VM for the sake of playing Sanic
>>967795 >what games do they have to show to entice the normalfags to add that to the pile of streaming services that already have them by the balls Nothing, and that's the thing, mutts will buy that Apple box because it has a Little Apple logo and that's it, that's why their shitty phones still sell to this day
>>966886 >Microsoft don't have the money Good. The sooner this cancer dies, the better.

LET IT DIE Sequel Anonymous 05/07/2024 (Tue) 07:41:16 Id: 226590 No. 966184 [Reply]
( youtube com/watch?v=hUSLVF2zelY ) New dev log vid just dropped about 11 hours ago, in which they confirm the project is going well. (In other words, it's not vapourware, thank God.) They didn't show much, but we do get to see a screenshot for the very first time. First thing I immediately noticed: Red blood confirmed! Much to my relief, it looks like they're not trying to keep it PG like they did with Deathverse. There's also a character that can be seen in the distance, scaling a wall with a rope. To sum it up: The new game is being designed with the formula of the original LID mostly, and Deathverse to a lesser extent. It's going to be a roguelite that focuses on action and exploration. There will be some multiplayer co-op and PvP content. Maybe it's still a bit too early for this thread, but fuck it. It's been too long since we last had one. Let's discuss all things LID ITT. What do you expect or hope to see in the sequel? What did you like and/or dislike in the original LID and/or Deathverse? Should the new game focus more on melee or ranged combat? Should they abandon the live service model? Do you think they'll show a trailer next month at Summer Game Fest? Will there be last-gen console support and/or crossplay? Will they finally improve their enemy AI?
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Here's the same screenshot in 2160p, a.k.a. 4K resolution. >>966256 OP here. I stopped playing the original LID about 2 years ago, but I had a lot of fun with it while it lasted. I loved the game for its satisfying action gameplay. The weapon variety is one of the greatest in any action game ever, and the highly addictive decal equipment system gives the player a lot of freedom to experiment. Suda is credited as "Executive Director" for LID, and sure enough, his distinctly quirky punk-westaboo style is immediately visible in the game. However, the gameplay is lightyears above NMH in quality, so I think it's safe to say Shin is the real hero of the project. Now, as for the cons... LID's biggest flaws, in my opinion, are as follows: -Lots of microtransactions (all optional, but still a lame practice) -Retarded enemy AI -Some combat balance issues (especially in endgame) -The game somewhat reduced its roguelite design philosophy over the years, in favour of more gacha farming The "live service" model can be kind of a double-edged sword. There's no denying there are some innately cancerous things about it, of course, but sometimes it can also help the game grow in good ways, and bring the devs and the community closer together. And that's what happened in LID's case, IMO.
>>966256 I really liked LET IT DIE, I just hated the GaaS and always online aspect. I'd enjoy if it were a paid offline game instead.
>>966184 I posted it in the minor news thread earlier, but I'm happy for you OP

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IT'S FRIDAY NIGHT MUTHAFUCKA Anonymous 10/14/2023 (Sat) 01:24:13 Id: 4475fb No. 896443 [Reply] [Last]
Last thread is on bumplock and you know what that means: WHATCHA' >PLAYAN >WATCHAN >LISTENAN >READAN >EATAN >DRINKAN >FAPPAN >FEELAN
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>PLAYAN Pokerogue, very addicting numbers go up game. Otherwise I've been trying to go through AC4 >WATCHAN >LISTENAN Random youtube vids >READAN This board >EATAN Chocolate >DRINKAN Water >FAPPAN Not feeling like it at the moment >FEELAN Somewhat content, waiting for what the future has to offer.
>PLAYAN Turtle WoW, gonna clean up some lowbie quests due to capping on what I intend to be my main >WATCHAN/LISTENAN A lot of my go-tos are exhausted. Fortunately isn't going to be a long night. Maybe I'll jump down an Odysee rabbit hole or something? >READAN Probably mostly just this board. >EATAN Leftover barbecue wings and rice. >DRINKAN Water. >FAPPAN Nah. >FEELAN It's complicated. My GF and I split up some time ago, but we're on good terms, though it took a while to reach that point. Things are largely back to how they were prior, minus a lot of affection. I still worry about how she's holding up, even if she seems to more or less be fine now. >>967581 Decided to look that game up, might fuck around with it at some point. Sounds fun
>>967565 >>READAN >The last guardian, Warcraft I know Warcraft has a lot of fantasy books, but The Last Guardian? Was there a light novel I'm unaware of? >>967598 I'm surprised how many people still play WoW, hasn't the game been having somewhat of a comeback playerbase wise? >spoiler I'm sorry to hear that anon. Hopefully you two are alright, love is a very messy thing.

Design Trends Over the Years Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 15:21:18 Id: fe8074 No. 940674 [Reply] [Last]
Which era had the best designs for consoles? Were there any consoles released in any of these eras which did NOT display the design trends of the time? Not pictured, but I actually liked the aged "wood" design of consoles like the Atari 2600, the Odyssey, Coleco Vision, etc. I miss the boxy, utilitarian/practical designs of most things from that era, actually. And I hope that isnt just my rose tinted glasses talking again.
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>>967198 Apple minimalism is the biggest cancer, it not only affected tech hardware and software but interior design as well.
>>967405 >it's all Apple's fault! Okay, XP fanboy.
>>967415 He's not wrong. Apple's design literally changed everything.

comfy switch thread Anonymous 08/07/2023 (Mon) 02:04:10 Id: d54af5 No. 868355 [Reply] [Last]
talk switch whatever, games, homebrew, whatever. >playan >waitan >hopan looking for some ind*e or more niche games to try on my recently modchipped switch lite™. any recommendations?
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Hey niggers. Just finished unicorn overlord. It was a pretty good game but now i am looking for something new. Something that is either really long or really replayable. A fighting game would be nice but i didn’t see any that interested me.
>>966880 Try the new Teggen.
>>966880 >Something that is either really long Any Xenoblade >or really replayable Super Mario Maker 2 >A fighting game would be nice but i didn’t see any that interested me. ARMS

PC Hardware & News Thread: dystopia Edition Anonymous 08/11/2023 (Fri) 18:45:51 Id: 6abb7d No. 870915 [Reply] [Last]
>Discuss PC Hardware & News >Share Specs & Pics Current News RTX 4060 Ti 16GB launches July 18 amid desperate price cuts and What’s Up With The Missing NVIDIA DLSS Support In AMD Sponsored FSR Titles? https://archive.ph/JlKXS#selection-1997.3-1997.62 https://archive.ph/yN4Yy#selection-441.0-441.75 Previous Thread >>854898
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>>966781 Those would work too, though mounting them might be a bigger pair (studs will naturally line up with studs the display is mounted on so I can mount a bar over the display. Can't go under due to monitor's power button access). Anyone have recommendations for speakers and mounting hardware?
>>966788 Soundbar over top a display sounds rather odd. I'd lean towards bookshelf speakers instead if an under TV bar is not possible. The speakers I was considering were stuff from edifier with a line out for a sub that you can add in the future. But obviously do your own research etc etc. amazon.com/Edifier-R1280DBs-Bluetooth-Bookshelf-Speakers/dp/B08869TSQ4/ >mounting hardware? Any generic shit I'd imagine is for for some speakers as long as they aren't too big and heavy. You could potentially even get away with dry wall anchors I'd guess, if the speaker is light enough and you use a copious amount of anchors to distribute the weight.
>>966779 >If I'm not going to spend big bucks on speakers how's fiddy bucks sound? <Microlab B77 Breddy gud budget speakers

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Vidya Oekaki Art Thread! Anonymous 04/01/2024 (Mon) 09:08:39 Id: 65f44e No. 953679 [Reply] [Last]
Thread for sharing your Oekaki art of vidya characters/Locales I present you all with Smaus, the bunty hunty
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>>966044 Yeah. Pen pressure may or may not function though depending on what you're using.
>>966049 Damn, what an upgrade.

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Persona Thread: (BDSMM) Bald Dirty Semite Masturbates to Morgana Edition Anonymous 08/24/2022 (Wed) 09:17:46 Id: 59493b No. 675484 [Reply] [Last]
Getting the ball rolling with games 2 through 5, and sharing mods I've acquired to enhance your arcanus. Open wide anon, you and I, we are going to increase our friendship rank. It's time to increase that skill. Persona 2 Eternal Punishment Translation You can decide to play it with duckstation or PPSSPP, both are really good. https://cdromance.com/psx2psp-eboots/persona-2-eternal-punishment-localized-undub-usa/ https://www.romhacking.net/translations/1249/ Persona 3 FES Gaem 🇺🇲 https://vimm.net/vault/?p=details&id=9235 My favorite mods Install the first before any others, it's a community pack, which means there are several essential mods here, if you're starting from scratch, use this. It includes a pre-configured PCSX2 build https://gamebanana.com/mods/50322 The next one is an HD pack https://gamebanana.com/wips/63624 This is a balance patch. https://gamebanana.com/mods/50307

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>>963049 Is there a compelling reason to?
>>963104 This is obviously fake. Kojima is a gay.
>>963122 It depends. If you like Persona, then yes. P5X is more Persona (5). Looks like Persona 5 and plays like Post-P2 Persona.

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JRPG/RPG recommendation thread Anonymous 03/08/2024 (Fri) 13:47:38 Id: e5941b No. 943592 [Reply] [Last]
I'm still new (;^ω^)!
Edited last time by Mark on 03/08/2024 (Fri) 16:48:57.
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>>965666 >They'd be better off doing a remake of Xenogears Fuck off Satan, XG would be butchered beyond belief if SE and their Ethics department got their hands on it. You can cry that the OG version was fucked with what with the -lambs- and -ethos- over the original script but just imagine how fucked a SE version will be in comparison. Just let dead IPs lie, no need to drag a corpse around for good consumer points. We don't need a them/they Emeralda in current year Xenogears.
>>957699 And bid farewell to Momo pantsu? I would sooner emulate. >>957684 Sounds like Super Robot Wars, but more refined.
>>944290 Would you beat her to death after?

Gmod Anonymous 01/20/2024 (Sat) 03:20:44 Id: 680555 No. 928541 [Reply] [Last]
Lately I've noticed that, no matter how much time passes, the average age of players on Garry's Mod multiplayer servers tend to remain overwhelmingly little kids or young teens. It got me thinking: What exactly is it that keeps new young players coming to Gmod? It's not like it's a particularly popular game compared to most flavor of the month or meme games that kids tend to gravitate towards, like Minecraft or Fortnite. And the Gmod machinima craze has been dead for nearly a decade now. In my mind, if the same players were playing the game constantly, there would eventually be fewer kids. What is it about the game that causes it to attract a seemingly constant stream of new players? Also, Gmod autism thread, I guess.
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>>964766 That's incredibly tame as far as "racism" go. If that's what he's deleted he's a serious pussy
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>>962538 So I was wondering who the fuck was the V logo guy and MsBreezy and I found this: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=92UioY4_CtE >Venturian guy who treated his sisters like shit due to his christian doctrines <Terminal online faggots didn't take it lightly and started cancelling him >Breezy was a Minecraft tranny and a horsefucker whose contributions was trying his hardest to boycott MeatCanyon after being fired due to his incompetence at video editing <The terminal online kind are checking if he's doing alright in his Instagram, he dindu noffin' it's transphobic if you point out his bullshit But hey at least they didn't create Skibidi Toilet, despite bringing nothing on the table but retarded humor.
>>964682 >Skibidi Toilet is Gen Alpha territory queer The man who made that is in his late 30's.

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